MBA642 Project Initiation Planning And Execution


The aim of this report is to show that Project management behavior defines the success of the organization (Cox Jr and Nkomo, 2010 p.419). It is through the way the project behavior management is set that defined if it will be a success of a failure. Management behavior involves the ethics that the organization leaders will apply to control all the activities within the organization. It is through the application of the basic management behavior values that the organization will be able to achieve its goals. Management behavior in an organization involves understanding the needs of each individual within the organization and acting upon different characters (Turnipseed, 2012 p.7). It is for the purpose of making sure that each individual culture backgrounds are respected. Some of the things that a leader may do in the organization may be totally against the rules or the organization. Some other things that managers may do in the organization especially to the employees may even be against the rights of employees. Some other managers or management team members manage as per the rights and rules set by the organization and they do nothing against their responsibility (Shenhar, Dvir, Levy, and Maltz, 2011 p.699). In my paper, I will look upon some project management behaviors which are acceptable in the organization as well some of the behavior which is totally bad and unacceptable within the organization. I will use three scenarios that are good, bad and ugly project management behavior scenarios to explain my concern using the organization that I serve.

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The good: exemplary project management behavior observed

Focusing on the company that I work at, I will give a scenario I observed as an example of good management behavior observed. I will use an example when we are recruited for the first time. I was so happy to observe the behavior of the recruiting officer at that time. It is very true that in most parts of the world corruption is practiced. It is characterized by the fact that if you do not have some bribe you cannot get a position in any given organization (Shenhar, 2014 p.569). Yes, what I am trying to say is that in most of the organization giving bribe determines whether you will be employed or not. The amount determines your chances of being selected. Actually, it’s like a race in which the bigger the amount, the high the chances of being selected (Griffin and Lopez, 2015 p.988). It also depends on who you know within the organization and that is how most of the organizations operate in most parts of the world especially when it comes to matters concerning recruitment of the new workers (Higgs, 2009 p.165).

I observed totally a different behavior from the recruiting office, Dr. Magyar (Schein, 2016 p 229). I was so happy by the professional speech that he made before the recruitment process began. He said and I quote “…Hello, gentlemen and young ladies…It is my pleasure to see you turn up for the today’s exercise that we are about to conduct in our organization today. Before I start, some of you may know me, yes…they might even be my relatives, my sisters, my brothers, and my close friends whatsoever. But this is not what will determine whether you will be recruited or not. I am here to express justice….yes justice to all of you. What will talk and enable you be recruited is exactly what makes you qualify for the job”. I was so happy with the speech made by the recruiting officer the first time. This gave me hope that at least justice will be practiced in the process of selecting the employees in the organization. I had observed some sorts of corruption in many of the organizations I had already applied for the job. Since I did not know the person within the organizations I had previously gone for the interview, I had no chance to be selected. It was not a joke and I believed Dr. Magyar when it came to the process of recruitments and interview. He made sure that only the qualified were selected within the organization. There was no chance for anybody having no qualifications be recruited in the name that he or she had some bribe or knows other official members in the organization. I saw many guys with expensive cars get out of the recruitment room without a success. Actually, it is through fairness and justice that Dr. Magyar expressed that enabled I and other young guys in this organization get a chance in this organization after so many failures in many organizations.

The bad: poor project management behavior observed

I will use the same company that I serve to elaborate on poor project management behavior which I observed at one point within our organization. I have observed that the management team shows some bad management behavior. I will direct my observation to way manager respond to different culture values. It is very true that every organization will have different culture diversity (Block and Block, 2014 p. 49). Every employee may have different backgrounds and different cultural setting. Some time I observed organizational manager being so harsh to the employees who are not from his religious cultural setting. Our manager Dr. Khalid Mohamed is a Muslim but I saw him having no sense of caring for a different religion culture in employees. The organization has other religious communities such as Christians, Hindu, traditional religious and those who belong to no religion. I have observed at some point the manager being so unfair to Christian employees within the organization. In fact, he has been treating them ruthless without caring about their religion. It is all know that Christian communities have their worship mostly on Sunday. I was surprised by the policy that manager had imposed that in every Sunday all employees should turn up in the working place for the preparation of the Monday’s program. I was so shocked by this statement that he made as we broke for a weekend one week ago.  Some of the employees approached the manager to have an explanation that it was so impossible for them since on the same day they go for worship (Besner and Hobbs, 2016 p.37).

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 The manager was so adamant that he did not care if it will interfere with their worshipping calendar or not. His bad leadership behavior was observed especially when he did not even consult from other members of the organization but made decision alone. It is very important for the manager to consult other management team officers before passing any form of policy within the organization. He wrote an internal memo which sounded so cruel and unethical. Let me quote the message in the memo he wrote “…It has come to your attention that I have observed low activity on Monday every week in the organization. For that matter, it is must for every employee to turn up for the work every Sunday as usual days for the activation of Monday moods. The decision made is final and no one should go against the new policy. It is simply turn up for the job on Sunday or you’re fired. It has come to my attention that some of the employees are complaining about the decision claiming that it is their worship day. This does not matter neither do I care about it but turn up for the job on Sunday every week otherwise be ready to be fired if you go against” (Ghoshal, 2015 p.75). This memo message sounded so rude and it did not pay attention to the religious rights of the employees in the organization (Dunlop and Lee, 2014 p.67). Actually, many of the employees had to quit the job since they could not go against their worship culture while others had to adhere to that simply because they had no hope. This is one of the Bad management behaviors I observed within the organization.

The ugly: unacceptable project management behavior observed

I will discuss the unacceptable management behavior I have observed in the organization. I will direct my argument to the sexual harassment observed within the organization. It has come to our attention that female employees are harassed sexually by some members of the management committee. It has come to the attention of the organization that over a long period of time, women are sexually abused within the organization for them to hold on their positions and for promotion. This has some connection with the organization manager who uses the power to harass female employees. The report shows that some of the female employees have been harassed sexually secretly by the top managing officers following the threat that if they do not respond positively to the sexual demand they will be fire (Globerson and Zwikael, 2012 p.58). Actually, this has been seen in the past that a number of female employees being fired without any reason within the organization. The leaked information states that the organization manager has abused so many female employees sexually threatening that if they do not do as per his wish he will have them fired. The organization has become almost the center of immorality. It has seen that some female employees who do not have enough qualifications be promoted to the highest rank of the job positions (Shenhar, 2011 p.394). This has suggested that those particulars are the ones who cooperate with the manager’s sexual demand. A secret letter written by one of the female employees was sneaked to the organization and seen in the national news stating how the manager of the company has been a threat to female employees.

I understand this is not the only the organization with the same issue but so many of them within the world. Actually, this has been a common thing in most of the organizations across the world (Schein, 2016. p.229). The national organization board has visited our organization to settle this. It has been found that most of the female employees in this organization have been misused sexually for them to remain within their position of work or even achieve the promotions (Feyerherm and Rice, 2002 p.343). Employees do not deserve this kind of treatment from their employers. Some of the ladies who cooperate this do it not because they are interested but only to protect their position simply because that is only the hope they have in their life (Trevino and Youngblood, 2010 p.378). This kind of behavior is totally unaccepted within the organization and whoever found victim of the same should be fired immediately. Sexual harassment behavior ruins the operation of the organization and reverses the goals and strategies set for the organization.  The behavior has got no respect for the gender rights neither does it support the moral values within the organization. The manager should be summoned with immediate effect of the same and right measures be taken over the same. Sexual harassment has led to the loss of the important female employees in our organization leading to a poor performance of the organizations hence no achieved goals and strategies set.  


From the three cases I have discussed above, I have learned that project management behavior contributes much to the success of any given organization. I have learned that through good management behavior, the organization is able to realize its goals and strategies easily. The case studies have taught me that there serious behaviors happening secretly in many organizations. Actually, I have realized that some the bad and unacceptable behaviors contribute much to the failure of the organization. In most cases, there are some behaviors within the organization done by the leaders such as managers and management team which are totally not acceptable. I have learned that there should be a specialized team within any given organization who should be given the responsibility of monitoring what is happening within the organization on a daily basis. The team should be so keen on relationships between the individual management team members and individual employees. This is because some of the employees both male and female may be exploited in silence by their bosses. There should be reports given at least at the end of every week regarding the activities done over the week. The negative behaviors observed should be avoided within the organization so as to make sure that there is smooth running of organizational activities. I have learned that there are some other members within the organization who stand for what is right as seen from the recruiting officer shown a high level of fairness and justice in recruiting exercise he conducted.


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