Maternal Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy: Impacts On Mother And Baby

Causes of Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy

Iron deficiency is basically the low levels of iron in the body, this shortage of iron mostly occur during pregnancy (Goddard, et al., 2011). It can be caused by different reasons like blood loss, choice of nutrient.  It can also be caused by specific health condition; additional iron needs, and a diet containing less iron-rich food. In severe cases, this may cause iron deficiency anaemia and other noticeable consequences. The epidemiological studies revealed that iron deficiency is the international nutritional issues affecting nearly 52 per cent of pregnant women. It has been reaching an epidemic level in several developing nations. Pregnancy is directly linked with the enhanced iron requirement of the body, thus increasing the risk of iron deficiency (Goddard, et al., 2011). In this particular assessment summary the maternal iron deficiency during pregnancy, its impacts on mother and baby, one underlying cause, and nutrition specific intervention will be discussed.

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The iron deficiency during pregnancy not only affects the mother but also affects the health of the baby in many ways (Baker, and Greer, 2010). The iron deficiency early in the pregnancy might have long-lasting and profound impacts on the child’s brain development and even cause anemia. The babies with iron deficiency grow more slowly and display a range of brain abnormalities like poor language learning, and behaviours (Chang, Zeng, Brouwer, Kokand Yan, 2013). The most common health outcomes of iron deficiency in mother include pale skin, feeling tired or dizziness, shortening of breath, rapid heartbeat, and trouble in concentrating. The mother with an iron shortage may also raise the risk of developing perinatal infections, bleeding, and pre-eclampsia. Some of the researchers also found that these issues may also increase the chances of having post-partum cognitive weakening and some behavioural complications (Chang et al., 2013). The effects of this problem on the child are also unsafe and may lead to intrauterine development retardation, prematurity, and low birth mass. It also associated with the significant mortality risks specifically in the developing countries. Lower iron storage among the infants may persist for 12 months and leads to iron insufficiency anemia. Iron is important for the neural metabolism and proper functioning, and the deficiency of this nutrient may lead to changes in the energy metabolism inside the brain with faults in the neurotransmitter functions (Andersson, Hellström-Westas, Andersson, and Domellöf, 2011). The newborn babies are also at risk of developmental difficulties like social-emotional, cognitive, and adaptive functions, delayed language and motor development. In the women with low levels of iron, a higher number of cells are probable to generate placenta lower than the foetus requirement, meaning that the baby begins its life smaller than it should do and this may cause adverse outcomes in later in life. For example, the foetus may adjust its metabolism to handle with undernourishment by decreasing the quantity of insulin and glucose created. This type of adaptation has been presented to forever program the metabolic organization and raise the threat of chronic health disorders later in the lifelike diabetes type 2 (Andersson et al., 2011).

Impacts of Iron Deficiency on the Mother

Iron-deficiency can result from a lack or absence of iron in the daily diet. During pregnancy, for example, females need additional iron to supply it to the foetus. If baby do not consume sufficient iron, this may result in dietary insufficiency anaemia (Lopez, Cacoub, Macdougall, and Peyrin-Biroulet, 2016). Iron-shortage anaemia can disturb a person’s general wellbeing and their capability to work and doing daily routine tasks (Miller, 2013). With respects to undernourishment, it might be the situation that sufficient nourishment may be obtainable, but the insufficient quality might result in solitary or numerous nutrient insufficiencies (Miller, 2013). Additionally, the major infancy sicknesses that are associated with improved mortality and morbidity, it is essential to comprehend the important micronutrient insufficiencies that are observed counting Iron, Iodine, Vitamin A, and Zinc (Lopez et al., 2016).

Iron supplementation is found to be the best mutual approach presently used to deal with iron insufficiency in emerging nations (Pasricha et al., 2013). Iron supplementation may target to extreme-risk groups like pregnant women, but the logistics of delivery and compliance problems are main boundaries. For the oral supplementation, salts of ferrous iron such as ferrous gluconate and ferrous sulphate are favoured due to their little price and great bioavailability (Yakoob, and Bhutta, 2011).

Typical therapy for iron-insufficiency anaemia in grown-ups is a 300-mg pill of ferrous sulphate in three or four times a day (Anand et al., 2014). Though absorption is improved when provided on an unfilled stomach but may cause epigastric pain and nausea (Anand et al., 2014). If these adverse effects happen, minor dosage administer in mealtime recommended to be given or iron can be delivered with daily meals, though food decreases the process of absorption of therapeutic iron by around two thirds.  Otherwise, iron supplements can be delivered orally for some days; this routine might upsurge small iron absorption (Anand, Rahi, Sharma, and Ingle, 2014). In investigations backed by the WHO in South-east Asia, folic acid and iron supplementation each week to females of gestation age enriched iron nourishment and decreased iron-shortage anaemia. Iron supplementation throughout pregnancy is desirable in developing nations, where females frequently enter the prenatal period with little iron supplies (Anand et al., 2014).

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The impacts were greatly similar in females getting recurrent supplementation of iron, or everyday iron, or folic acid and iron supplementation (Mithra, et al., 2013). Though, some investigations propose that adverse-impacts are rarer with recurrent iron treatment in the non-anaemic people, WHO praise everyday iron supplementation throughout the prenatal period as part of the regular care in people at threat of iron insufficiency (Zhu, Kaneshiro, and Kaunitz, 2010). Various iron arrangements are presently obtainable in the Indian marketplace such as ferric, ferrous and other different iron compounds, for the purpose of stoppage and handling of iron-shortage anaemia (Zhu, Kaneshiro, and Kaunitz, 2010). The rudimentary iron dosage compulsory for the management of iron- insufficiency anaemia is 120 mg per day according to the estimation of the WHO. 

Impacts of Iron Deficiency on the Baby

A study conducted by Sutherland and Bishai (2009), to reflect the delivery results of 10000 ladies with the age group of 25 to 35  in rural India.

The study aimed to identify the figure of maternal expiries caused due to the absence of intervention and with parental iron supplementation. They used a baseline model and assigned each theoretical woman randomly. Every female was then casually allocated consistent mortality likelihoods. Haemoglobin quantities from Indian Demographic and Health Survey 1998-99 (DHS) were reviewed to generate a people delivery of Hb in the prenatal period.

 Their result shows that the iron supplementation in the prenatal stage, result in substantial reductions in the overall quantity of maternal expiries attributable to anaemia. Iron supplementation during prenatal phase leads to a 5 per cent reduction in motherly expiries matched with the normal care result and iron supplementation is found to be an evidence-based treatment that increases pregnancy results and can be securely delivered by health workers in a rural region (Sutherland and Bishai, 2009). However according to (Gautam, et al., 2008), the evidence of efficacy and benefits to mother and foetus of this present intervention is not that strong in India.

Another study conducted by Rammohan, Awofeso, and Robitaille (2011), on the iron supplementation strategy for iron deficiency.

Information for this reading was taken from the newest survey of NFHS-3, accompanied in 2005-06, on 81,301 females aged in the middle of 15–49 years old. The NFHS-three was the third most in a sequence of countrywide cross-sectional reviews where discussions were piloted with around 124,385 females 15–49 years old from all the twenty-nine states of Indian. The rural and urban samples from all the state were taken distinctly, and the population sample within every state was allotted regularly to the mass of the state’s rural and urban people. The examination in this review paper was cantered on queries from the women’s interview, where the data was collected on Hb quantity, household-level socioeconomic features, labour market and demographic circumstances, and the nutritional habits of woman participants. 

The outcomes of this study propose that in developing nations, reasonable and handy fortified vegetarian nourishments, like mealtime cereals, decrease the threat of iron-insufficiency. Additionally, iron supplements are cheap in Western countries, and its directed usage for the population at great threat for iron-shortage anaemia, like childbearing females, is well synchronized than particularly in India. Iron supplementation related programs for females and kids in food anxious states may be alongside applied and directed iron supplementation, regulation of malaria and hookworm, and efficacious public teaching related to iron-rich food that are plant-derived and animal-derived foods are actual approaches for decreasing the occurrence and incidence of iron-insufficiency among the Indian females. Rani is government project that currently running in Odisha and other states, according to Sedlander (2018), the project is not beneficial yet as the women are not aware of the benefits of iron supplements, therefore the consumption of iron are very less. 

Iron Supplementation and Nutritional Interventions

Baltussen, Knai, and Sharan (2004), conducted a study on pregnant women. Their main target group of the study was the women of reproductive age leading to sufficient reserves for foetus and mother throughout the prenatal period.

In this particular analysis, the iron supplementation includes the delivery of iron to childbearing females during antenatal appointments. The expected dosage follows WHO recommendations, with everyday supplementation of sixty mg rudimentary iron delivered to childbearing females for six months during the prenatal period, and for three months postpartum (Baltussen, Knai, and Sharan, 2004). The efficiency approximations of iron supplementation assistance as used in their investigation were built on a detailed evaluation of the burden of disorder attributable to the deficiency of iron.

Their results show that supplementation of iron has a greater efficacy on sample population wellbeing than the fortification method. This setting of implementing iron would prevent nearly 12,500 deaths each year in the European states and nearly 2.5 million DALYs in the African and in the Southeast Asian regions (Baltussen, Knai, and Sharan, 2004).

  • It is the most effective plan to deal with iron insufficiency among pregnant women
  • Antenatal iron supplementation delivers neonatal  and maternal health advantages in iron?lacking pregnant females that differ from persons in their iron?full supplements (Szajewska, Ruszczynski, and Chmielewska, 2010)
  • females with an iron shortage in their second prenatal period trimester, antenatal supplementation with iron improves  birth weightiness by 234 grams without indication of an improved threat of malaria (Mwangi, Prentice, and Verhoef, 2017)
  • Iron supplementation throughout the prenatal period is suggested internationally even in nonanemic females (Viteri ET AL., 2012).
  • Antenatal supplementation with iron at an everyday dosage of 60 mg per day results in an improved risk of motherly Plasmodiumcontamination (Bhutta et al., 2013)
  • supplementation with Iron rise the occurrence of malaria (Sangaré, et al., 2014)
  • Iron supplementation encourages the development of possible pathogens in serum (Mwangi, Prentice, and Verhoef, 2017)
  • Costly (Habib, et al., 2009)


Iron deficiency is the shortage of iron molecule in the body. It is considered the most important nutrients required during pregnancy due to the loss of blood. The deficiency of iron can be caused by blood loss, particular health condition, and diet with less iron. Nearly half of the women are affected by this issue. It can cause bleeding, feeling tired, dizziness, rapid breathing and slow brain development of the child. The shortage of iron in daily diet is the major immediate cause of this health condition. Iron supplementation is one of the methods of this type of interventions. Various studies supported the efficacy of this strategy and found that it can reduce the risk of anaemia, iron deficiency, and a number of maternal deaths. The strength of this strategy includes effectiveness, increases birth weight and widely used. The weakness includes; it is not cost effective and can lead to infections.  


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