Marketing Strategy For Environmental Conservation

Background: Country Profiles

Discuss about the Marketing Strategy for Environmental Conservation.

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Environmental conservation is essential for the survival of the living beings. The new product is a product of research over time. The study covered the market needs as well as the opportunities available. Driven by the desire to have a safer environment, the new product will focus on the quality of water which is a basic need of life. The target market is in India and China.

India is a country in the South East of Asia. It is the world’s 7th largest country with a population of about 1.2 Billion people (Kosambi, 1975, p. 25). 90% of the Hindu populations, however, live in India. It boasts as the world’s largest democracy with a history of an old civilization. It is famous for its culture and traditions. Despite having over thirty languages, English is widely used, but the official language is Hindi. Hindus practice religion and it plays a significant role in the society. The people of India also embrace music and movie culture. Bollywood is very popular in the society.

China is the most populous country in the world. It was founded in 1949, but its culture dates back to up to 4000 years ago. With a population of over 1.3 billion people, the Chinese believe that no individual exists but must be in relation with one another (Morton, 2005, p. 85). They believe that relationships form the basis of social capital which ultimately guides their relationships in business. China’s economy is one of the largest in the world (Ray, 2015, p. 45).

The two countries, India and China, have different traditional and business cultures. They have several similarities as well.

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Chinese believe that meetings are a primary platform to create relationships. They observe and listen keenly. The Chinese love to make friends first before they embark on doing business with the other people. They do not say no often because they fear losing face. With the opening up of cultures across the world, Chinese are appreciating the Western ways of doing business. However, the gap is still wide. They believe that everything is possible, but nothing is easy. An important virtue of success is patience. When they agree to sign a contract, they are inviting you to begin the real negotiation. Despite being slow to reach a decision, once they decide, they stick to it (Wachner, 2013, p. 216).

Business Practices

Any business transaction among the Hindu begins with a handshake. Women can shake hands with anyone depending on themselves. The status in a society is determined by the profession one is undertaking. It is also determined by the age and level of university education. They pay attention to the levels of honest and etiquette (Ardichvili, 2012, p. 419). This, they believe, proves that one is motivated by sincere objectives. It is not polite to be aggressive while negotiating a business deal so is refusing to partake a meal or drink offered by the other party. Most Indians strictly adhere to their religions and traditions and hence majority of them do not drink alcohol or smoke. Most of them are also vegetarians (Ray, 2015, p. 46).

Doing business in either of the countries require a good understanding of their cultures. The cost of doing business in both countries varies. Language barrier is a common factor while doing business in China but India has a widespread use of English. The economies of both countries have been on the rise and doing business there promises good returns over time. Based on the firm practices studied above, there is little difference. It is anticipated that the product will sell well once launched.

The new product uses the modern technology to record and transmits information regarding the quality of the water. The product is easy to use and easily portable. The data acquired can be translated in real-time giving access to a new dimension of saving the degrading quality of water.

The target market is the state and private agencies that promote the conservation of the water bodies. The product is an environmental measuring tool which measures and reports on the quality of water in the waterways. The waterways include rivers, lake canals, oceans, and seas. This product is designed to give real-time analysis of the condition of the water. It is an outstanding product to those interested in analyzing the trends of the water bodies. Its quality has been compromised over time, and this can cause a threat to the human population. As the world’s population continues to grow, the water recourses are continuously being populated by people who do not care (Greenstone, 2014, p. 3049). On the other hand, more and more individuals are learning ways of improving the quality of water and eventually enhancing the quality of life (Sauri, 2013, p. 229).

Market Analysis

The product will be made available from different outlets. First, an online shop should be setup, or a well known online store should be outsourced. Secondly, physical stores should be made available throughout both countries to serve the clients on location. Further, the marketing department should always make the product available whenever they are on marketing missions.

The new product will hugely employ the available technology to ensure accurate and reliable information is obtained. It will be a real time device that transmits data instantly. Other qualities of the product include proper labeling according to the client language as well as the use of colors that appeal to saving the environment it will be put to use. The brand name should be attractive and appeal to the target clients (Kotler, 2015, p. 24).

The price of the product should be competitive. In the two cultures, prices play a crucial role as to whether the item will be purchased or not. Once the product has been launched, a discount offer should be given to the clients who buy it in larger volumes (Armstrong et. al, 2014, p. 42). The payment method can be online, cash or through the use of debit or credit card. This encourages the uptake of the product as several clients are using cashless methods to shop. A customer with a good relation with the company can sign a contract to purchase the item on credit.

The product should be launched independently on the countries on focus. This should be followed by direct deliveries’ to the customers. With the rise in the use of online platforms to sell items, the company should take advantage of the online community. A website can be created, but other alternatives are available. The use of well-established online retails should also be employed. However, a physical shop will still be necessary for the product as not every population can access the internet yet (Ferrell and Hartline, 2012, p. 345)

Promoting a product is a challenging aspect yet the most important. First, the company should put up online adverts to capture the attention of potential clients. The use of social media by the societies in the two countries has been on the rise. The internet penetration has also grown steadily. This is attributed to the advancement of Smartphone and its penetration. The Social media, therefore, is a powerful tool to, market the product (Jobber, 2012, p. 214). Despite not reaching all the potential clients, it should be used to target the youthful generation. Facebook and Twitter are the two main focuses for the company.


The second platform to promote the product will be the use of mainstream media. These include newspapers, Television channels, radios, and magazines. The industry has revolutionized over time, and its use has been proven to deliver real results. Despite the costs attributed to it, a well-documented, clever advert should be able to capture a good number of clients to try the new product. Mainstream media commands a huge following from loyal customers. Today, the media has been positioned to a particular group of people. Once the company has recognized the target market, it should appeal to them through the appropriate mainstream media.

Thirdly, billboards and fliers serve to promote the product in a unique way. The advertisements have been used by several organizations over time, and it has also been proved to be able to deliver. The strategy appeals directly to the interested parties hence its effectiveness.

Further, seminars should be organized to meet potential clients. The workshops should involve all the handlers of the product from the design team to the marketing team. The strategy should be to explain the uniqueness of the item and display its abilities ( Seren, 2012, p. 221). The seminar should not primarily focus on the product but should appeal to general conservation of the environment. The objectives of the seminar should, however, be aligned to the ultimate solutions that the product should deliver. All the details of the product should be availed in the symposium. Advertising should be done on the sideshows.


The unique features of the product will quickly capture the market in the chosen countries. The difference in culture is connected by the desire to have the water, and this will drive the product use further. 


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