Marketing Possibilities For Boost Juice In Australia And United States

Boost Juice Background

Boost Juice is considered to be one of the major beverages company in Australia. The company was founded in 2000 by an enthusiastic entrepreneur Janine Allis in Adelaide, South Australia. Recently, Boost Juice has more than 500 stores surrounded in 13 countries ( 2018). The best part of the Boost Juice is its healthy living beverages and taste. Based on this understanding, this report is going to discuss the marketing possibilities for the Boost Juice in both Australia and Untied States. There are cultural differences and different marketing strategies that are responsible to facilitate a better framework of understanding. In fact, the report also encapsulates various theories and models in order to create a better understanding.

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A different type of marketing techniques can be identified regarding the marketing techniques and segmentation of Boost Juice in Australia. As far as the product specification is concerned, Boost Juice provides health drinks and juices made of fruits and vegetables. As a matter of fact, the purpose of the Boost Juice is to provide healthy food products to the Australian people and encourage them to maintain a better and healthier lifestyle (Adner, Ruiz-Aliseda and Zemsky 2016). This can be identified as a strategic measure for the organisation to maximise its customers as far as possible. In this context, the sustainable missions and vision of providing healthy foods and encouraging healthier lifestyle facilitates the strategic advantages of the organisation and provokes it to expand its market.

The Boost Juice is generally focused on the figure conscious people. Moreover, the issues of obesity are also contributed to take effective market segmentation strategy for Boost Juice. In this context, it can be argued that the Australia ranked second in number of obesity patients and this issue becomes an open threat for the Australian society (Adner Ruiz-Aliseda and Zemsky 2016). In response to this, the Boost Juice products are committed to deal with this ever-escalating issue and foster a healthier lifestyle for the Australian youths as well as the older generation.

Naturally, the target customers of Boost Juice are the health conscious people of the age from 21 to 35. This target strategy is considered to be quite effective in case of the Boost Juice because both the young and adult generations are identified as the target customers of the product. Besides this, the company also keeps focus on the older people and prepared juices that are purely quality product and health conscious (Gengler and Mulvey 2017). Moreover, it can be stated that the around 50% of the customers of Boost Juice are students.

Marketing Techniques and Segmentation in Australia

However, it can be opined that the Australian juice makers are faced severe market competitions due to huge market demands and lucrative market to do business. Therefore, there are Goulburn Valley, Homebrand, Mojo Kombucha, Essentials and Golden Circle who dominate the Australian market robustly. In this context, it is too tough for Boost Juice to maintain its market sustainability so intense (Lei and Moon 2015). Despite of having a number of threat in the Australian market the Boost Juice successfully establish its market here due to quality of products and understanding the consumer behaviour extremely. In fact, manufacturing unique products is also contributed to the organisational strategy.

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In case of United States, the segmentation techniques will be remained same. However, for a better understanding, Boost Juice must focus on the marketing mix strategies.

The healthy Boost Juice products are expected to have a large customer market in United States. In this regard, it can be argued that there are a number of healthy juice products existed in America (Datta, Ailawadi and van Heerde 2017). Therefore, it is important for Boost Juice to ensure product diversification in US. There are wide range of products that Boost Juice can provide in the American market in the form of fruit juice bars, protein and energy juices, energy boosters, calorie counters and boost snacks so that it will generate customer maximisation for the organisation in Untied States. Moreover, it can be argued that the product will be 98% fat free.

There are a number of big beverages organisations already exist in the US market such as Coca cola and Pepsi. Therefore, it will be evident that the Boost Juice will face a huge market competition in the market. In this context, effective pricing strategy is very important for the organisation to sustain a better market expansion. Low cost strategy will be considered to be an important aspect in this regard. According to Bahadir, Bharadwaj and Srivastava (2015) it can be argued that the low pricing provides strategic advantages to the companies because the consumers are very much fond of fond of the low price and high quality of the products.

As per the research carried out by Rallapalli and Montgomery (2015), it is seen that place or location is one of the major factors that can contribute strategic advantages for the customer maximisation of the organisation. In this regard, the Boost Juice Company has to put more emphasis on choosing the perfect location for doing business effectively. The densely populated localities and tourist places can be identified as important business location for Boost Juice in United States. However, there are already a number of non-alcoholic beverages companies in United States that are succeeded to expand their business extensively. Therefore, choosing locations carefully is an essential requirement for Boost Juice in US.

Simultaneously, the promotional strategies are also identified as essential factors regarding the new market entry for Boost Juice in United States. In his study Bahadir, Bharadwaj and Srivastava (2015) stated that the promotional strategies are the ultimate one that differentiate between two organisations. Therefore, traditional advertisements like television, billboards and the social media advertisements can also serve the purpose of Boost Juice.

The Hofstede model of cultural dimension theory is also known as the cross-cultural communication framework that puts emphasis on the cultural values and diversification in a society.



Individualistic/ Collectivistic

The Australian customers are relied on their domestic products and companies where as the US consumers are more receptive to the multinational companies.

Masculine/ Feminine

In case of the gender differences both the countries put less importance to the gender differences. It means both the men and women are eligible to buy products according to their needs and they show respect to opposite gender.

Uncertainty Avoidance

In case of the Australian people, they are more orthodox and try to resemble with the traditional norms. It means the customers are not prone to buy a product that newly entered into the market (Rallapalli and Montgomery 2015). On the contrary, the American people maintains a more relax behaviour and attitude in order to adapt new things. It can be seen in case of the US customers this practice is seen and as a low UA.

Power Distance

In case of the Australian customers, inequality in society influence them to identify the product and buy in accordance with the customs and social hierarchy whereas in United States there was no such inequality exists and as a result of that customer maximisation process becomes easier.

Time Perspective

In both the countries the consumers have both the long term and short terms interests in products. Therefore, it is not possible for the organisation to differentiate between the long term and short term goals of the consumers. However, the private companies tries to segregate the customers on the basis of their behaviour and attitude (Mansson et al. 2016).

Indulgence/ Restraint

As far as indulgence or restraint is concerned, the Australian consumers are more leaned towards the traditional approaches and these can be seen in their choice and product specifications as well. On the other hand, the US customers are more fun loving and enjoy their life. Therefore, more relaxation and indulging towards new products is an essential feature of the US consumers.

The recommendations are as follows,

  • The Boost Juice Company should focus on the product diversification in order to introduce more unique products in the US market.
  • Moreover, it is important for the Boost Juice to open outlets in strategic location where renowned companies are not located.
  • In fact, the Boost Juice should fix its pricing strategy to a moderate one because of the intense competition.


In a conclusion, it can be argued that there are high opportunities for the Boost Juice to expand its business in America. However, for this expansion the organisation must imply some measures like the product diversification, effective pricing strategy and the location are the important factors that can bring strategic advantage for Boost Juice. Moreover, the market segmentation in Australian market helps to understand the different customer behaviour in both the countries. Henceforth, the above mentioned recommendations are very helpful for Boost Juice to make a sustainable business environment in US.


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