Marketing Plan For Tesla Motors In Australia

External analysis (Macro)

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This paper describes the various aspects of the Tesla Motor Inc. The aim is to evaluate the entering strategy of the Tesla Motor in Australia market for 2016-2017. Tesla Motor marketing manager prepares the marketing plan to enter the Australian market for 2016-2017 through  determine the external (macro), SWOT and marketing mix analysis of it. Marketing manager enter the Australina market with the promotional budget of US$1 billion for the estimated sales of 20000 units of Telsa vehicles. Marketing manager tried to fulfil the CEO aim to enter the Australian market for 2016-2017. Indeed, Tesla Motors is an international company that design, produce electronic vehicles and components. Tesla Motor is vehicle manufacturer selling zero-emission sports cars in production. It is also traded in NASDAQ stock exchange under the TSLA symbol. Tesla posted its profit first time in the during the first quarter of 2013. It produces equipment for home and installed a network of high-powered supercharges across America and Asia. Elon Musk said that Tesla Motor is an independent automaker that goal offering electric cars at affordable prices to the consumer. (Birk, 2015).

External analysis (Macro): The uncontrollable and external factor that affected the organization decision making and impact on performance strategies. It is an area, where company don’t have any control that is called macro analysis. These factors involve political, economical, social, technology, environment and legal. It affected the changes in interest rates, competitors, changes in cultural tastes, government regulation and disastrous weather.  Tesla marketing manager determines the macro analysis to enter in Australia for 2016-2017 that is described below:

Political: It is the significant factor when Tesla introduced its vehicle in Australia market for the 2016-2017. Marketing manager of the Tesla Motors have to handle political uncertainity in Australia. They have to aware with the Australian political pattern to influence their business operations. Australia operates with the two party system, there voting is compulsory. A political certainity raises the trust of the consumer that affected the sales of it because it provide proper equipment and assurance about the vehicle part in the market. Malcolm Turnbull is the prime minister of the Australia provides certainity in the political perspective. He has a caliber to handle the all business stability that affected by the political uncertainity of the country. Tesla Motor needs to take permission from the Australian government to sales its vehicle in Australia. It is a crucial factor that affected the sales of it. (Russell, & Cohn, 2012).

SWOT analysis

Economical: Economic condition raises the cost of cars due to rise in fuel prices in the short period. The Australian GDP and inflation rate affected the purchasing power of the country people that is beneficial for the organization growth and development. So, marketing manager of the Tesla Motor should focus on the GDP and inflation that helps to raise the sales of the vehicle. It is the main goal of the Tesla Motor CEO. The purchasing power of the country affected the sales of the vehicle. So, the manager should evaluate it to grow their sales of the organization product. (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2014).

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Social: Social is the significant factor in Tesla Motor that related to environment perspective. Consumers are losing trust in cost in production and gasoline fuel to help the environment. Marketing manager of the Tesla Motor to handle the social factor because it reduce the sales of the organization that would be negative of the initial starting in Australia market to sales the 20000 target unit. Social condition affected the human culture of the Australia because different people have a different idea and opinion about the organization. Society culture affected the buying behavior of the organization because it raises the sales of the Tesla Motor vehicle. (Vance, 2015).

Technology: It is the significant factor that affected the sales of the Tesla Motor in Australia market because it provide advance varieties of vehicles that attract all generations of people. Technology has major effects on the automotive car industries. Technology advancement such as computerization of cars and introduction of fully electric cars allow automotive car driving and avoid accidents. These kinds of feature help to raise the sales of the Tesla Motor that is necessary for the completing the target of 20000 units vehicle. Technology is the necessary because it helps to satisfy the consumer needs or demands. (Williams, 2006).

Environment: Environment changes lead to operations of the Tesla Motor vehicle product. It produces zero emission that attracts customers to become eco-friendly in the market. Australian environment affected the Tesla Motor vehicle sales in 2016-2017. It is challenging for the car producer to generate fuel-efficient and eco-friendly in the market. It is the significant factor of the organization that affected Tesla Motor business direct or indirectly. Country environment affected the buying behavior of the organization because it attracts consumer of it. Australia is fast growing country in the worldwide that have a high emission ratio that affected the sales of the Tesla Motor. (Birk, 2015).

Marketing mix analysis

Legal: Tesla Motor is introducing energy loan programs on producing eco-friendly environment in the market. It is the significant factor of the organization that raise the sales of the Tesla Motor. Marketing manager of the Tesla Motor need to follow legal structure of the Australia government that affected the sales units of the vehicle. Tesla Motor has franchise laws in United States that doesn’t allow the sell their cars to consumers. So, it is a major concern for the Tesla Motor that they have to solve this kind of issue in Australia market because it prohibited the sales of it. (Russell, & Cohn, 2012).

SWOT analysis: It is a technique that identified the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of the Tesla Motor. SWOT is the basic model that helps to evaluate that what organization can or can’t do in the market. It is the technique that takes information from the environment analysis and separate internal issues.

Strength: The CEO Elon Musk founded organizations such as SpaceX and Paypal. Therefore, it has good track records that would be beneficial for Tesla Motor to grow in the competitive market and raise the sales of it. So, Elon Musk experience is the strength of it. Tesla Motor S model won the 2013 Trend’s car of the year award that is the strength of it. It is the supplier of car parts for Toyota that is the strength of it. It acquired strong investor partners in the current year such as Panasonic, Daimler and Google. It has a solid brand name that attracts the consumer of it. So, it will raise the sales of the Tesla vehicle. Marketing manager of the Tesla created an unique business model and innovative distribution sales that would be beneficial for the Australian market to sell 20000 units vehicle. (Pauline, 2012).

Weakness: Elon Musk is working with SpaceX and Tesla Motor as CTO and CEO post that looks busy schedule that would be negative for the Tesla Motor growth and development. It is selling electric car that people doesn’t trust on it. It launched Model-X that price is expensive as compared to other cars. It has long distribution time because if you order the car. Then, people will get car after one year time period that is not good in the current competitive market. It has the long depth portion in the financial statement that makes it vulnerable. It builds negative image the sales unit in Australian market in 2016-2017. It established in 2003 and he started to sales 20000 units in 2016-2017. Tesla Motor haven’t sufficient experience such as Toyota, Mazda and Fords that would be negative for the sale in Australia market in the 2016-2017. (Vance, 2015).

Opportunity: Demand of this kind of vehicle is increasing day to day in the market that is the strength of it. It will help sales the 20000 units the Australian market. People will prefer electronic car due to short of oil and limited supply of the product that would affect the Australia market sales of the Tesla Motor product. Toyota and Daimler bought electric vehicle technology from Tesla Motor that raise the brand image of the Tesla Motor. It is beneficial for the organization growth and development. Australia is well developed country where people are concerned with the environment pollution of using carbon producing car that prefer environmental friendly cars. (Williams, 2006).

Threat: Tesla Motor vehicles are expensive that would reduce the demand of it. So, it is main threats of Tesla Motor to raise the sales the Australian market. Constantly new auto manufacturer is launching the new product in the market that is harmful for the Tesla sales in Australia to achieve the sales target of 20000 units in 2016-2017. The Australian auto market has a lot of competitors that deliver superior quality as compare to Tesla Motor. Its not prefer by young generation people that is the significant threats of it. It has a lot of the competitors that are producing same kinds of vehicle in Australia that reduce the sales target of the Tesla Motor of 20000 units. (Pauline, 2012).

Marketing mix: It evaluates the product, price, place and promotion strategy of the Tesla Motor in Australia market. It is the significant strategy to achieve the target sales of Tesla Motor in Australia.

Product: It is the significant tools of the marketing mix that affected the consumer of the Australian market. Product features attract the consumer of the Australian market. It is the significant factor of the Tesla Motor that raise the sales of it. Tesla Motor delivers the varieties of the vehicle product in the Australia market to achieve the target sales of it. Different people attract with different features of the product. So, Tesla Motor should provide the products as per consumer needs or demands. Product variety helps to survive in the competitive market. So, marketing manager of the Tesla Motor should focus on it. (Leinwand, & Mainardi, 2016).

Price: Tesla Motor price attracts the customer of it. Tesla Motor price should be reasonable that affordable by the Australian customer. Tesla flagship vehicle price is $109000. It is the significant part of the organization that help to achieve the Tesla sales target in 2016-2017. Tesla Model S is very attractive in Australian markets that raise the sales of the Tesla Motor vehicle. It is the significant factor of the organization that affected the consumer buying interest in Australia. (Howe, 2014).

Place: Marketing manager of the Tesla Motor should predict the regional market in Australia, where is high demand of particular vehicle that helps to achieve the sales of the 20000 units in 2016-2017. Place is the significant factor for the organization growth and development in the auto sector. Different people living in the different place that have different needs or demand that affected the business environment of the Tesla Motor. (Birk, 2015).

Promotion: It is the significant factor that helps to survive in the competitive market of the Australia. Marketing manager of the Tesla Motor started  promotion with US$1 billion estimated budget in Australian market. It is the American based international company that wants to sales 20000 units in 2016-2017 that can achieve by appropriate promotion strategy in Australia market. Promotion strategy is necessary for the Tesla Motor in Australia because they recently want to achieve sales target of 20000 units that is possible by the high promotion in the market because they are new in this market. So, people will notice the newly product of it. (Leinwand, & Mainardi, 2016).


On the basis of above analysis, it can be concluded that clear macro, SWOT and marketing mix analysis as well as high ability to adopt the new approach of the Tesla Motor helps to achieve its competitive position in the market. Due to an unique marketing manager strategy, Tesla Motor is able to achieve its sales target of 20000 units in 2016-2017. Under guidance of experience CEO Elon Musk, marketing manager will achieve its target goal in Australia market with the estimated budget of US$1 billion. Tesla Motor is growing in Australian market due to healthy effort of CEO.


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