Marketing Plan For Re-launching Orange Juice By Fresh Juice Pty. Ltd.

1Current Situation

1Current Situation

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a) Background to sustainable offering

Fresh Juice Pty. Ltd. is a well-known manufacturer of various carbonated and healthy drinks in Australia. In order to re-launch the orange juice in the target market along with acquiring the desired targets, marketing plan is going to be discussed further. On the basis of outcomes originated from market research activity, it has been analysed that the demand of healthy drinks and orange juice is increasing day by day.

Thus, organization has decided to re-launch their existing drink by adding certain unique features and elements. According to the research conducted by Australian Bureau of Statistics, people are becoming health conscious and they are switching towards healthier drinks and juices from carbonated drinks. This has increased the demand of orange juices in the target market and for uplifting the performance of the organization as well as to increase their revenues and profitability, organization has decided to develop marketing plan in order to launch the product effectively (Armstrong, et. al., 2012).

b) Environmental analysis 

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This analysis is executed in order to determine the internal and external factors’ impact over the business’ performance and over its products. In order to successful launch the product in the target market, this analysis needs to be executed. With the help of this analysis, organization would be able to develop or mould its strategies on the basis of external and internal environmental factors of the target market (Lombera & Aprea, 2010). This analysis includes the certain techniques such as SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, industry analysis and the competitive analysis.

With the help of outcomes originated from these analyses, organization would be able to set up an effective position in the target market as well as it will also help the organization to make a unique position in the competitive business environment. For analysing the internal business environmental factors, SWOT analysis will be performed under which the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the organization will be analysed (Shirazi, et. al., 2012). Apart from this, for analysing the external business environmental factors, PESTLE analysis will be performed. This will help the organization to develop effective and efficient strategies in relation with acquiring the desired targets along with enhancing the revenues for the organization (Kotler, et. al., 2015).

c) Market and Customer Analysis 

Market and customer analysis is performed with the objective of generating effective outcome in relation with gaining appropriate outcomes. In market analysis, market trends, conditions and the competitors and their strategies are being evaluated while customer analysis includes their perception, demands, preferences, etc. The outcomes originated from these analyses will help the organization to mould its strategies and product on the basis of market’s requirements as well as on the basis of customer’s requirements. Along with this, organization needs to develop a distinctive position in the market as well as in their consumer’s mind-sets, thus, they are required to adopt certain unique strategies through which their products could be segregated from its competitors’ products. Along with this, product’ features should be capable enough describe its significance in order to attract the target audience (Mas, et. al., 2010). 

a) Background to sustainable offering


Objectives are subject to the capability of an organization. These are developed with the view to attain them in the near future or within the given period of time. Objectives are also known as the aim of the organization for which all the strategies, rules, regulations, and the like are being developed considering the capability of the organization and analysing the requirement of the employees with regards to the attainment of those objectives. In relation with Fresh Juice Pty. Ltd.’s scenario, it has been observed that the organization is re-launching its existing product due to its increased demand in the target market. Their primary objectives relates to the sustainable growth and development of the organization along with the enhancement in the demand (Kassim & Asiah Abdullah, 2010). 

a) Marketing objectives

  • Acquiring the customer base and the market share at least by 20%-25% of the target market;
  • Gaining competitive advantage within the 6 months of launching the product; and
  • Uplifting its performance in the target market along with the increase in the demand of their product by 50% marginally (Lee, Kozlenkova & Palmatier, 2011

b) Financial objectives

  • Increasing the profits, sales and revenues by 20%, 35% and 40% respectively;
  • Return over the investment should be increased;
  • Organization should be able to uplift its profitability through which appropriate amendments and modifications could be done or maintaining the same level of demand in the target market.

c) Other stakeholders objectives

  • Development of an effective image in the customer’s mind sets for company;
  • Development of relationships with customers and suppliers for maintaining the effective image; and
  • Effective goodwill should be developed in the target market with the objective of increasing the market share (Pradiptarini, 2011).

3.Target market 

Target market is the term which describes the area selected by the organization for launching the products and services. In relation with the orange juice launched by the Fresh Juice Pty. Ltd. in the Australia market, their target market will be based on the demand. Following are the major target segments for organization:

a) Demographic

This segment of the target market is segregated on the basis of their age, income, sex, and the like. As Fresh Juice Pty. Ltd. is providing healthy and fresh orange juice without any preservatives, thus, they can target all segments of the people irrespective of the above attributes of the target market.  

b) Psychographic

This type of target segmentation is done on the basis of audience’s lifestyle, perceptions and interest. For instance, high income group of people are concerned towards their lifestyle, apparels, living standard, etc. hence, they made their perceptions in the manner that cheap things are not made for them so they consume only expensive products. Thus, to target these types of consumers, organization needs to develop a separate segment of the drink in order to make that bit expensive and attractive in comparison with the other segments of products (Cronin, et. al., 2011).

Apart from the above target segments, it has been recommended to the organization that they should also consider its competitors’ strategies and the effectiveness of their products. This will help the organization to get an idea in relevance with adaptation of the strategies for making their product more attractive and unique from its competitors. With the help of this strategy, organization would easily be able to gain its desired goals and the objectives.

b) Environmental analysis

4.Marketing strategies

These are the techniques through which organization could spread the awareness amongst the target audience in relation with their products and services. Promotional and advertisement strategies are crucial part of marketing strategies. As per the scenario of Fresh Juice Pty. Ltd., extended marketing mix strategy has been for developing an effective position in the competitive business environment.

a) Positioning

Positioning is the strategy under which organization develops an effective position in the target market with the help of providing qualitative products, adopting effective techniques as well as by describing unique features and usefulness of the product. Fresh Juice Pty. Ltd. could also use the positioning statement for describing the uniqueness in their product which helps them to develop a positive and effective image in the competitive business market. Positioning statement used by the company is “taste the real fruits”. This will help the organization attract large segment of the customers through which desired outcomes would be attained easily (Ryan, 2016).

b) Product

The primary features of the re-furbished orange juice are fresh fruits, organic ingredients, no preservatives, etc. The drink has been modified with the objective to attract the all segments of the target market. This has been done on the basis of research conducted which states that people are becoming health conscious and to help them to be healthy, this drink has been modified to fulfil their requirements (Ottman, 2011).

c) Recommendation 

It has been recommended that organization needs to use the attractive packaging and labelling for attracting the target audience. Apart from this, organization could adopt the environmental friendly packaging which will also help them to attract their target audience (Glanz, Bader & Iyer, 2012).

4.2 Additional product-related strategies

4.2.a) People

Fresh Juice Pty. Ltd. has focused over adopting certain strategies through which they provide appropriate training to its staff members in relation with increasing their effectiveness. This will help the organization to develop unique and strong relationship with consumers which will direct them towards attainment of the organizational goals and the objectives (Sah & Fugh?Berman, 2013).

4.2.b) Process

Management of the organization needs to take the responsibility and perform all the functions in hierarchy basis through which it could help them to serve the target audience in an effective manner along with attaining the desired outcomes. This will increase the efficiency of the employees and a level of trust will be build up for organization amongst the employees.

c) Market and Customer Analysis

4.2.c) Physical Evidence 

Physical evidence is the physical presence of the company in the market and in order to increase the approachability to the target audience, it is required to set up their company’s stores and outlets at the centre of the location or at the favourite locations. This will help the organization to increase its profitability as well as it will help the organization to increase its market presence.

4.3 Price

In order to increase the customer base and the market share, it is required to adopt certain crucial strategies through which organization would be able to uplift its performance in the target market. For the same, organization could adopt the unique pricing strategies through which organization could be able to provide their products at affordable prices. Such strategies are cost leadership, penetration, and the like. For setting the base price, organization needs to cut down its unnecessary costs as well as company is also required to perform certain steps regarding adaptation of technology for reducing the costs and uplifting the products’ demand by reducing its price.

4.4 Place

Place for the distribution plays crucial role in the success and failure of an organization. Thus, organization needs to set up its stores at the centralised locations through which the target audiences could be approached easily. The more distribution channels will be, the large customer segment will be attracted (Tuten & Ashley, 2011).

4.5 Promotion

This is another crucial factor which plays crucial role in increasing the effectiveness of the organization in the target market. For promoting the organizational products and services, mixture of print and digital promotional mediums could be used. Along with these techniques, display promotion, sample promotion and the like mediums could be used (Sah & Fugh?Berman, 2013).

5.Marketing Implementation

This operation helps the organization to design the hierarchy of all the functionalities and the processes in order to attain the desired objectives on the basis of expectations. Following is the action plan for implementation of the strategies in order to acquire the large customer base:


Start Date

End Date

Reporting person



Development of objectives



Top level managers



Target market



Marketing manager

Marketing department


Marketing strategies



Marketing managers and team

Marketing department





Marketing Executives

Marketing department


Evaluation and control



All managers of concerned teams

Top level management



Assumed budget for Fresh Orange Juice


Amount ($)

Raw materials






Staff’s training


Management expenses


Marketing and research




7.Evaluation and Control

This technique will be implemented by the management at the end of the marketing plan with the view to determine errors and mistakes in the organizational operations. In order to review this technique, this will help the organization to analyse the effectiveness of the activities performed in the marketing plan. With the help of outcomes originated from this technique, appropriate measure would be applied with the objective to match up with the management’s expectations. Sometimes, advanced measures are also being adopted and implemented with the objective to increase the effectiveness of the organization along with gaining the appropriate competitive advantage in the target market.


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