Marketing Plan For Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

Company and Competitor Analysis

This is a market plan for Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd which was founded in 1998. This is a business which operates within the hotel and restaurant Industry in the market. Is a hotel management where its head office is located in Singapore for the Middle East and the Asia Pacific. The Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is aiming to have a large share in the market through being the producer, distributor, service provider, and hotel, restaurant and bar operator in the market. In this plan of marketing, it will describe the techniques which Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd will develop and implement to be the leading business in the industry and have a strong competitive advantages in the marketplace over the others (Armenia, Pompei, Pupillo and Nonino, 2018).

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In every marketplace, there is the existence of many competition among the business and companies of the same industry. The company with strong competitive strategies always will win large market share. However, this section will help to identify and analyze the current competition of Hilton International Ltd in the market and the potential competitors who might come in the market in the future. Studying all this will make the business to grow and survive in the market even if the competition is high. This analysis will help the company to identify its surrounding competitors, analyze them and being able to develop strategies which will conger them (Armenia, Pompei, Pupillo and Nonino, 2018).

Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is facing competition from the following organizations from the same industry, Mandarin Oriental, Hyatt and Marriott. Each organization here expresses its strength in the market, therefore, becoming competitive to the Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. For example, Marriott has an excellent leadership and balance sheet preparation as its advantage strength in the market. Also, the company is focused on the innovation and commitment which helps in maintaining the value of the money in the organization. The competition strength of Mandarin Oriental is being innovative in the unique company’s design and being available in the global platforms. Also, the business it has many branches over the world almost in 27 countries. The final competitors of the Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd are Hyatt. Hyatt growth is attained by investing in technology. Technology has helped the company to be the most company which offers the highest hospitality brand in the market through global platforms. Other competitors in the market are those businesses which are trying to offer the same services at lower cost in the marketplace (Handayani, Ferdinand and Sugiono, 2018). These small companies also they act as a threat to the organization in the market. Therefore, the company facing strong competition from the market will be very hard for it to grow and survive.

Value Chain analysis tool is very important when organization is aiming to create value for the customers. If the organization creates good and better value towards the product, customers will be ready to pay good prices for the products and service from the organization and they keep for buying more. This tool will help Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd to build value for the clients and find means of maximizing these values. Value Chain Analysis framework will provide two categories of activities which will contribute to the value creation, this is primary and support activities. The figure below describes on how the organization to create value using Value Chain Analysis.

Value Chain Analysis

Figure 1: (Source: Owner created Figure).

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This is a tool used to evaluate the organization’s resources thus the competitive benefits. VRIO in full is Value, Rareness, Imitability and Organization. This tools is used to analyze the situation inside the organization. The figure below will describe more on the resources in the organization whether are Valuable, rare or imitated to the organization and its results towards the strength/weakness to the competitive edges.

Figure 2: VRIO Model (owner created figure)

Is Valuable?

Is Rare?

Is difficult to Imitate?

Is Organization Organized around?

What is the result?


Competitive Disadvantage



Competitive Equality




Temporary Competitive Advantage





Unused Competitive Advantage





Long-Term Competitive Advantage

From the Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd to win the competition in the market, it needs set the goals and objectives to be achieved by the marketing activities. These objectives will be attained by setting out a strong and effective strategy according to the organization and the market surrounding the company in the industry. This practice of formulating strategies will provide the company with the guidelines and techniques to how to achieve marketing goals (Kienzler, 2018). The following are some of the marketing objectives Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is aiming to achieve in the market by inserting strong competition in the marketplace.  

  • To have quality and high standard products which will satisfy customer needs in the entire market.
  • To have digitalized its hospitality services like booking and offering mobile services to the customers.
  • To have privacy and guest experience which is very important to attain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
  • To create and deliver other services which will build loyalty and personalization data which will drive more customers in the organization.

Analyzing and implementing all these marketing strategies first the organizations needs to analyze the market first then implement according to the market influence.

Use of SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) Analysis tool will help the organization have effective strategies in the market. Strength and Weakness will affect the marketing strategies from the internal factors of the company while Opportunity and Threat will be affecting the marketing strategies externally. One of the Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd strength is to have a good reputation in the market. This is will motivate both employees and the management to achieve marketing goals easily. For example, Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd might have to experience management conflicts which reduce the focus towards the performance of the business. Therefore, improving the weakness will help the organization to achieve the formulated strategies and objectives in the market. Opportunities in the marketplace are many (Abdel-Basset, Mohamed and Smarandache, 2018). The organization must identify and utilize the available opportunities in the market since this will make use of the available resource. These opportunities are gaps which the marketing strategies will be going to be implemented and thereafter, resulting in the expansion of the business in the market. Hilton International Asia Ltd is ready to explore the digital and global platforms in proving its services and products to the customer. This is a modern and trending opportunity in the market. Threats are obvious factors in the market, these are after limiting the organization effort in utilizing market opportunity in full, therefore, discouraging in achieving marketing goals and strategies. The most common threat in the market is facing stiff competition and lack of resource to face this competition in the marketplace.



– Strong Goodwill

– Strong promotional strategies

– Low cost strategies

– Poor use of digital platforms

– Poor bookkeeping

– Poor customer satsfication



– High Customers power

– High Barging power of the Suppliers

– Use of digital platforms

– Stiff Competition

– Suppliers bargaining power

– Lack of key resources

                                                         Table 1: source (own created)

VRIO Analysis

This is the market which Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is aiming to win in the market. This can be described as a specific group of customers the organization is likely to offer its product and services to them. The target market for Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is all population in Singapore regardless of the age, gender, social economic status, and the region in the country. The organization is aiming to produce high and quality standards products which will meet all needs of the targeted customers. By satisfying targeted customer needs always helps the organization to expand its market share. The organization must establish a clear means of reaching to the target market effectively without facing big challenges. For example, through the use of posting strategies and proving the company’s product directly to the final consumers without the use of intermediaries in the market (Gutierrez-Gutierrez, Barrales-Molina and Kaynak, 2018). This will improve and have loyal customers in the target group.

Product branding is very important to be used as a marketing strategy in winning large market share in the marketplace. Branding of the product will motivate and attract customers to like and accept our services and products (Yu, Asaad, Yen and Gupta, 2018). Branding objectives are marketing strategies which are aiming to improve the Company’s brand in the market. These branding strategies will be an advantage for both customers and organization. This is because branding will help the customer to differentiate the favorite company’s product from those of competitors. The organization will be unique because of having unique branding strategies in the market. Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is supposed to have an effective and perfect branding strategy in the market. This motivates and increases competitive benefits in the market over the company’s competitors. According to the Iyer, Davari and Paswan (2018), the following are tactics can be used in setting the best branding strategies.

  • Identify and image the brand in the market. This will help to get the views from the targeted market about the image of them into the market.  
  • Recognition. This will help the customers to be able to recognize the brand through observation. This is implemented through the use of the company’s logo, brand package, and color.
  • This is the way in which customers can recall the brand name in the market when only remembers the category it belongs.
  • Engagement. The percentage in which customers interact with the company’s product in the market. This can be measured by getting how many times the customers are visiting the organization website, visiting the physical premises of the organization, making orders and viewing the company’s product.
  • Brand loyalty. These are customers which regularly involved in purchasing the company’s product.
  • Brand Advocate and Equity. These are customers which will value and recommend on the products brands in the market.
  • Market share. This is the target market which the organization brand is aiming to cover.

Internal branding is also very important in branding the company’s product. This is dealing with internal management and employees in the organization (Wiederholt, Chapleo and O’Sullivan, 2018). If the organization’s management and employees do not have confidence towards the product it will be very hard for them to convince the customers to like and purchase the Company’s Brand. The Organization must initiate internal programs which will improve the employees’ morale towards the product’s advantage. According to the Varadarajan (2018), these programs include:

  • Educating and training the organization’s employees on the benefits of the brand before they move to the marketing exercise.
  • The organization must initiate programs of encouraging employees through awarding them well according to their efforts.
  • When the organization is making any managerial changes must alert the employees to be aware of what is going on.
  • Establishing good communication channel will improve the confidence of employees on the organization’s products.

Internal branding must be the direct responsibility of the organization and employees in the market. This is very important for the organization to have an internal branding sense, it will help to have a large market share and competitive advantages. This is enhanced since employees and management all will move in the same direction to achieve the marketing goals. In case of any challenge facing the brand, it will easily rectify because every member is aware of what is going on (Müller, 2018). This will improve and have health branding system internally in the organization and externally in the market.

Marketing Objectives and Strategy Formulation

This presents the percentage of the brand to the total market in the industry. The market share is developed by comparing the total sales over period of time with the competitor in the market. The total percentage is comparing Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd which is posing in the market over the Mandarin Oriental, Hyatt and Marriott Companies.







$31 Million

$15 Million



$16 Million




$28 Million

$13 Million



$25 Million

$18 Million



$21 Million

$8 Million

Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd must have the product to express in the market and have the techniques which will manage the product development and existence in the market (Kwiatkowski, 2018). The main product of the Company is to offer services, distribution and act as restaurant, hotel and bar operator in the market. Product management aims to create the product’s strategies and vision in the market over its lifetime. This plan of product management will help the organization to produce the product that will satisfy customer needs in the market and is unique from that of the competitors (Hilletofth, Reitsma and Eriksson, 2018). Product management will have layout the products roadmap and how the product will be updated frequently in the market depending on the organization and market changes. This technique of product management will help the company to offer quality services and products in the hotel industry and survive as the best restaurant in the market, Singapore.

Pricing strategy is a very important strategy in the market. This acts as a key factor of attracting more customers in the marketplace. Hilton International Asia Pacific limited is aiming to have a fair and reasonable price according to the product standards (Camilleri, 2018). The pricing strategies will help the organization to have loyal customers which will spread the product advantage in terms of pricing strategies. The price of the product will depend on the production cost and other miscellaneous expenses, therefore the management must balance all these expenses and the price of the product to have maximum revenue in the organization. According to the Zhou and Gupta (2018), following pricing strategies will be used to win the market share:

  • This acts as a very powerful tool in pricing strategies. Offering cash discount will motivate the customer for making large orders at a time. This will increase the company’s profit since many purchases are made with low cost once of the same products.
  • Odd value pricing. This is very important if the price is the determinant factor influencing customers purchasing decision. This is the tactic of selling the product with the less quoted actual price. For example, the price of a product is $100, the Company will quote the price to be $99.
  • Loss lender. This is the processes of selling the company’s products at a loss price even like making losses. This aims to attract more customers but it will be compensated when customers will buy more profitable products from the organization.
  • Skimming. This is the technique which organization will use in offering a unique product in the market. This will attract high price and high profit in the organization it is true the product is unique.

This is the process which the Company will produce its products and the means which will reach the customers. Hilton International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is advanced to choose distribution according to the nature of the products to be provided and it will attract many customers (Zhao and Zhu, 2018). This organization is operating in the hotel Industry and is required to offer hospitality service to the market, therefore, is encouraged to have direct interaction with the customers.  Direct interaction of the organization and customer is very important since the customer will have the first information about the products. Then feedback of any query will have immediate response thus creating trust and good image of the organization’s product. The flow of communication is very important between the customers and the organization, therefore, the use of an effective channel of distribution will provide clear information about the product (Liao and Li 2018). This will improve in case they are defects for corrections and maintain where possible.

SWOT Analysis

Communication is a very important tool in marketing techniques. Communication will help the flow of information about the organization and products advantage in the market (Camilleri, 2018). Therefore, appropriate communication strategies are needed in achieving marketing objectives. The company is supposed to set communication channels between the management, employees, and customers in the marketplace. Communication will make marketing strategies to be achieved well in the market, it will make the company’s brand be familiar in the market. Marketing communications are achieved when there are some events and marketing programs like, sales promotion activities, advertisements, interactive marketing, public relation and performing direct marketing in the marketplace (Blakeman, 2018). Also, only communication all these marketing strategies are discussed and implemented. If the organization explores marketing strategies in those activities it will organize a lot in achieving targeted goals in the market. This will also improve and increase marketing competitive advantage through communication.   

Implementation is the final stage which follows after all marketing strategies are formulated and planned well according to the organization’s and marketing objectives (Tomczak, Reinecke and Kuss, 2018). Implementation involves putting in action what is drafted in the paper. Hilton International Pacific Limited is required to implement all the above strategies accordingly to achieve its marketing objectives and gain competitive edges as required. During implementation, several resources are required to support this process since when these processes are absent nothing with will happen in the implementation stage. Time, staff, funds, physical assets and other resources are required to support the implementation of the generated ideas of marketing strategies.

After implementation is done, control of the strategies is required. This involves setting up measures and assigning staffs’ responsibility to control those strategies implemented (Olson, Slater, Hult and Olson, 2018). This will help in ensuring all developed and implemented strategies have been executed well and will results to the positive outcomes of the organization in marketing.


For an Organization like Hilton International Pacific Limited to survive and grow in the market, it needs strong and effective marketing strategies to be implemented. The above information has outlined what is required in the marketing plans and resources which are needed in setting out marketing strategies. Use of effective strategies, will help the organization to have strong competitive advantages and large market share in the market than other Companies.


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