Marketing Plan For Convince Store
Executive Summary
Describe about the Marketing Plan for Convince Store.
Executive Summary
Social media is a platform where people meet and interact on an online basis. Most of the customers who operate in convince store in most cases meet with business operators through this platform. This platform is therefore vital for the purpose of conducting business since it offers everyone with an equal chance of doing business. Customers are also able to choose effective goods and services that will satisfy their needs.
Brief Overview
Our business store offers convince products like petrol, coffee, sandwiches, cigarettes among other useful products. It is our aim that the management plan that we are developing will positively influence our business. This plan is meant to utilize social media platforms such as face book, LinkedIn and Foursquare to connect to customers of different ages and direct them on how to locate the store and access products for the well being of the store.
Social Media Presence
The presence of social media has led to immense growth in interaction between business owners and potential customers who are online. This is because; it allows consumers to voice their concerns on goods and services. Our convince store is currently owning a face book account with one thousand six hundred followers and likes respectively. Even with the relatively huge following from the subject platform, we have not done well in our output sales. We therefore have to go back to the drawing board and reanalyse our social media presence and fully explore it in order have more customers visiting our store. Social media is used by people globally hence proper choosing of social media platforms will steer the business further (Algesheimer, Utpal, & Andreas, 2005).
This marketing plan is meant to help realize three specific objectives.
- To realize a fifty percent profit increase after 6 months.
- To achieve fifty percent growth in daily customers.
- To a introduce customer feedback means.
The achievement of the above aims will anchor on the following strategies.
We will partner with social media managers like linked it to allow us advertise on their platforms.
Secondly, the adverts for each social medium platform will be tailored for specific age groups associated with them. For instance, cigarette will not be advertised in social media associated with many young people.
Thirdly, there will be frequent meetings to discuss database trends of customers visiting convince store. Poll results will be analysed during meetings. Appropriate changes will be effected in a timely fashion.
Lastly, competent staff will be recruited to attend to different age groups. Our staff will engage in trainings periodically.
Brief Overview
Target market
Products such as coffee, sandwiches, petrol and cigarettes sold in our convince store are consumed by virtually everybody. Retention of consumers requires special treats. Customers have a unique persona which must be taken into account at all times. Customers only buy foodstuff whose hygiene they are sure of. We will therefore heighten the hygiene in the store and its environs. Picture reflecting a clean environment in and out of the store will be on the social media platforms for attraction. Some consumer items such as cigarettes need privacy. The social media platform will stress on this area by showing the private sections where people can smoke. It will also provide a platform for shy customers to order for items like cigarettes so that they find them readily packed.
Further, customers do not want to miss the items they are looking for. The social media platforms will therefore be used to promptly update customers on the day to day changes in the menu and general availability of the items in the store. We are confident that if we explore these options adequately; we will be positioned at a better place in terms of business ranking.
Several customers will be reached in different parts of the world. Videos, pictures and small maps will be used to access the audience. This will help in growing the business brand and improving the image in various social media platforms listed in the subsequent section.
Implementation of the marketing strategy using the platforms will factor in the 8’Cs of social media. Conversation will be highly increased between customers and store’s management. Customers will be informed of the items, their quality and prices. They will be allowed to comment, ask questions and book for items. Community of customers will be created through the platforms. This community will have people from every part of the world. They will be encouraged to discuss our products based on their experiences of the same.
This will create a sense of belonging and help in keeping customers. Connections between store and customers will be promoted. Should the connection work, then we are sure of customers increase since our customers will assist us in bringing more on board. This will also go hand in hand with quality of our products and services. Customers who invite others will be rewarded. We will develop a unique taste for our products like sandwiches and a special way of handling customers which encourages consumption. We will use the subject platform to create channels from which customers will get updates on our products. They will also get pictures and videos on our products and general outlook of our store.
Social Media Presence
In the platforms there are always some constraints especially regarding time and groups to belong to. We will create platforms that targets specific age groups. Customers will not be heaped into one platform. The content given on the platforms will be tailored for different personas. For example the platform that targets youths will have videos, pictures and a language that resonates well with them. On the other hand, the platform that targets elderly professionals will equally have content that fits them.
Lastly, counting will be ensured. We will develop ways of analysing how many people are joining the store. We will have a few questions to our customers; for instance, we will ask them on when and how they knew about the store (Kincy, 2011). This will help us know on the impact that our store bears.
Platform-Specific Tactics and Tools
Face book
Already we own a face book account with many followers and likes. However, the challenge of converting this group into real customers remains. This platform is very popular amongst youths of between 18-29 years. We therefore have to dedicate this platform to youths by posting videos, photos, and messages in a manner that excites the youths. This will take into account their likes and dislikes.
Youths love being assured of meeting other youths. We will therefore advertise on how we have a store extension where youthful people can sit and listen to current music and watch videos. This will make many youths to come to the place as a joint after school (Hanna, Rohm, Crittenden, 2011; Zhang, Jansen, & Chowdhury, 2011).
This is also another social media platform that is growing fast especially among business people. It is popular among people who fall in the ages 30-64 years and usually college graduates with good income. This platform will be used specifically for this group. They will be informed of the cool sections where they can hold small business or professional talks as they consume our products (Saravanakumar, & Suganthalakshmi, 2012; Garrett, 2005).
This is mobile app that enables a user to carry local search-and-discovery and give the search-results for its users. Customers will be directed will be directed on where to find convince store (Ante, 2010; Seamy, & Pintara, 2012).
Content Development
The content will consider the targeted groups. Videos and pictures will be tailored for youths or elderly people. Experts on what is trending among the youths, the language they prefer will be consulted. This will attract them and expand the customer base. Monitoring
Several methods will be utilised to monitor if the strategies in place are working and the areas that need improvements. We will conduct surveys after every six months. Secondly, online polls will be carried out after emery three months.
Thirdly, an online platform placed at a strategic point where customers leaving the shop will tick yes/no after being served. All these will help us gather information on the customer’s level of satisfaction and areas where they feel the business should improve. The questions will be raised in the surveys and online polls will covers areas such as customer-staff relations, quality of the products, the quality and quantity of meals in comparison to the price attached to them and the hygiene or cleanliness of the store. Customers will also be asked to comment freely on what they like/dislike about the store and any possible changes they would prefer. A clear database of the number customers visiting and the products they purchase will be kept on a daily basis.
Apart from the detailed information provided above, the diagram below explains on other strategies that we will use to ensure that our marketing plan works and can also be used in the implementation of our store business ( The diagram is divided into a number of sections that show strategies of different level. That is corporate strategy, marketing strategy and finally content strategy. All these strategies are vital for the implementation process. According to the diagram, the implementation stage of the subject store business requires all the marketing themes brought together. The pillars on the other hand show the end results or the business output as a result of the implementation in question.
The three strategies in the diagram can also be sum up for the purpose of one cooperate objective as shown in the diagram. That is what our business store lays focus on. The subject objective in respect to our business has got aims of a number of marketing themes which in the end brings our intended result. The end result is represented by the pillars as mentioned. The pillars show how the strategies in the implementation stage have been used to create the business output.
Algesheimer, R., Utpal, M., & Andreas, H. (2005).The Social Influence of Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs. Journal of Marketing, 69, 19-34.
Zhang, M., Jansen, J., & Chowdhury, A. (2011) Influence of Business Engagement in Online Word-of-mouth Communication on Twitter: A Path Analysis.Electronic Markets.The International Journal on Networked Business, 21, 161-175.
Kincy, J. (2011). “Advertising and social media”.ABA Bank Marketing, 43, 40-42.
Seamy, B., &Pintara, J. (2012).”From an SEO standpoint do Ezinearticles still work?”.Warrior Forum.Internet Warriors.Retrieved 17 August 2016.
Saravanakumar, M., &Suganthalakshmi, T. (2012).”Social Media Marketing”.Life Science Journal, 9, 1-9.
Ante, E. (2010).”Foursquare Locates New Funds to Expand”. The Wall Street Journal.
Garrett, J. (2005). “An Interview with Flickr’s Eric Costello”.Adaptive Path.Retrieved 2016-08-17.
Hanna, R., Rohm, A., Crittenden, V. (2011). “We’re all connected: The power of the social media ecosystem”. Business Horizons, 54, 265–273.