Marketing Management: Development And Establishment
Understudying the needs and the demand of the customers are supposed to be vital for the development and establishment of any online business. It is evident to know that understanding and recognizing the demands of the clients is not enough, the information should be used to increase the quality of the products along with the services offered by the company to concerned customers (Chapman, 2011). It has been seen that there are many companies who promises best facilities but are unable to provide it to the customers and this critically hampers the brand reputation of the firm. Therefore, it becomes very crucial to enhance the quality of the products as well as the services which are offered by the firm to its respective customers (Fabozzi and Markowitz, 2011). This research paper will help in evaluating the desired issues related to the offering of lucrative online services to customers but not fulfilling as per the satisfaction of the clients concerned. In order to understand this point in a better way Amazon Australia has been taken into consideration. It is one of the leading shopping marketplaces throughout the Australian market segments.
It is important to understand the designing of the products as well as the services according to the satisfaction level of the customers. There are many online businesses prevailing throughout different parts of Australia, which needs to understand the value of delivering quality products and services rather than developing profitable relationships with its respective customers. In order to achieve competitive advantage, most crucial is to offer best quality of the products at an affordable price range (Fabozzi and Markowitz, 2011). Moreover, improving the designing of the products as per satisfaction of the customers will help in getting more number of the customers. Therefore, moreover, focus should to improve the designing and improving the quality of the services along with the products as this will increase the customers to a large extent. There are basically three different types of competitive advantage, such as cost, product or service differentiation and niche (Gallagher, 2009). The cost competitive advantage helps a particular firm to utilize its respective inexpensive raw products, skilled workforce, efficient operations and controlled costs to provide desired advantage over the other competitors. As to deliver the best possible services to the customers, it is crucial for any particular firm to understand the desired demands and the expectations of the customers. Improvement in the production as well as the manufacturing department will help in improvising the products along with the services and will finally increase the desired output of the firm on a large scale. It has been seen that there are many companies belonging to the same field promising high quality of services for getting the competitive advantage but are unable to deliver the products as per the satisfaction of the clients (Google’s latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice, 2012). The use of targeting, segmentation and positioning helps in identifying the different needs of the different shoppers and it needs to be utilized for improving the overall quality of the services as well as the products.
Amazon is one of the fastest growing companies throughout the different parts of the world and in order to retain its customers it is promising lucrative packages . Presently, throughout the use of social media has increased the demand for the better quality of the products rather than establishing the relationship with the customers. It needs to be critically understood that for gaining competitive advantage over the competitors within the defined competitive market segments, designing of the products and services are very important (Hult, Pride and Ferrell, 2012). The online client support provide full assistance to the respective customers of Amazon, but the manufacturing, production and the delivery styles needs to enhanced to a great extent. Enhancing the quality of the products creates brand reputation in front of the customers and this is crucial for the sustainable growth of the firm within the competitive market segments (Jones and Silverstein, 2009). Managers of the concerned companies execute the most crucial role in managing the entire quality of the products which are going to be delivered to the respective clients. One of the most crucial departments is the delivery systems of the online shopping companies. The reliability of the delivery system needs to be improved for Amazon Australia as this will help to increase the satisfaction level of the clients. There are many companies executing their online businesses and focusing more to establish a better relationship with their customers, but it is evident to know that the customers are satisfied with the desired quality and adequate designing of the respective products. Therefore, the focus needs to be on development of the services along with the products so that more customers’ gets satisfied and finally this will help in increasing the profitability of the organization to a great extent. In order to maintain the desired balance between the offering of the products and establishing a better relationship with the clients, the employees of the concerned firm executes the most crucial duty. The gathering of the raw materials as well as monitoring of the quality will help in improving the overall performance of the firm in front of the respective clients. There is another way to improve the better quality of services, which is to establish a monitoring as well as the control department which will help in evaluating the desired needs of the customers and maintaining the appropriate quality of the products which are offered to them. Amazon is an online business which consists of different sellers to sell their respective products online and therefore, it becomes crucial to monitor their quality and the timely delivery of the services (Mullin, Hardy and Sutton, 2007). As comparing with that of the other online shopping business, Amazon has introduced one more department namely” Amazon fulfilled” in which the products from the different sellers are kept at a warehouse owned by Amazon in order to deliver it fast and reliable to the concerned customers. Moreover, the warehouse also looks forward regarding the quality and the security of the products so that they do not get hampered. There are different literature reviews presented by many of the well-known researchers regarding the development of the relationship with the customers (Ritchie, 2009). Setting up the best customer service department is not sufficient but to assist the customers in fulfilling their demands with greater quality of products.
There are different innovative techniques such as TQM that is total quality management system; Six-sigma and many more which help in improving the designing and quality of the products to a greater extent. The primary focus of the companies should be on the delivery of the goods with accurate quality. Customers get attracted towards the organization when they are satisfied with the designing and quality of the products they ordered. Many of the organizations such as Amazon and some others are doing this in order to get the desired competitive advantage over the competitors within the concerned market segments. The offering of more valued products is increasing throughout the concerned market segments by different online business shopping companies. The changing trends throughout the targeted market segments have made it very crucial to recognize the preferred requirements of the clients as to reach their satisfaction level with the offers provided by the firm (Saita, 2007). The packaging and the delivery system needs to be more reliable in order to enhance the satisfaction level of the customers. There is a matter of fact that the online companies should understand the delivering of the appropriate services in terms of quality will help in developing long-term relationship with all its customers. If there persists any issues within the delivery of the services and products as per satisfaction of the clients concerned, then it sometimes hamper the entire business process of the organization. The Human resource management system plays major role in evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the concerned firms (Sensmeier, 2009). There are different types of the customers whose requirements are different and in order to make them satisfy with the products focus should on development of the product development and its delivery. This will help in increasing the effectiveness of the business and will enhance the overall productivity of the firm on a large scale. As already mentioned above, that use of targeting, segmentation and positioning helps in identifying the customers within the different market segments and it also helps to retain the customers within the business (Shimp, 2010). Amazon is using marketing mix in order to promote all its products throughout different parts of Australia and this has helped to evaluate the growth of the firm on a large scale. Managing system as well as the management team needs to understand and recognize the crucial needs of the customers and assist them with the best quality and designed products as compared with the competitors available within the targeted market segments.
Now days the online business companies are focusing more on development of the more profitable relationship with its customers but this should not be restricted and it should be enhanced by delivering greater quality of products as well as satisfactory services to all the customers concerned. The companies should give more priority in developing and designing of the products according to the satisfactory needs of the customers and this will help in retaining the old clients alongside will help in bringing up the new fresh clients towards the business. Moving to the next, company’s focuses on attracting more customers by offering lucrative packages and offers as compared with its competitors but this is not sufficient enough to develop a positive and effective relationship with the customers. The skills, knowledge and experiences of the respective employees associated with the firm are important in order to improve the products attractiveness and quality (Stroke: latest treatment options in acute management, 2015). The support team executes very crucial role in maintaining and assisting the customer’s with great ease. The online business companies have laid focus on getting more profits fr4om the customers but instead of doing this the focus should be on to understand the desired needs and the wishes of the customers and fulfilling it by different methods (Yang and Ma, 2013). This will help in increasing the satisfaction level of the clients and will increase their reliability which will finally increase the revenue generation for the entire organization. Therefore, the development and establishment of the relationship with the clients can be more increased by delivering the best quality of the materials and products along with services as per their needs.
The paper critically highlights the fact that the devolvement of the profitable relationship with all the clients are not enough for the various online business but the clients should be assisted greater quality of products and services. The cost competitive benefit helps an exacting firm to utilize its relevant low-priced raw products, skilled workforce, competent operations and controlled costs to provide preferred lead over the other competitors. In order to achieve competitive advantage, most crucial is to offer the best quality of the products at an affordable price range. The changing trends throughout the targeted market segments have made it very crucial to distinguish the preferred necessities of the clients as to reach their satisfaction level with the offers provided by the firm. The chief focus of the companies should be on the delivery of the goods with accurate quality. The Human resource management system plays the major role in evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the concerned firms. Use of targeting, segmentation along with positioning helps in identifying the clientele within the diverse marketplace segments and it also facilitates to keep the customers within the business. Amazon is using advertising mix in order to endorse all its products all through different parts of Australia and this has helped to assess the augmentation of the firm on a large scale.
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