Marketing Management And Research Methods For Apollo Bay Beachfront Motel

Research Methods


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The process of organizing, planning, managing, directing and motivating various activities and operations within the business corporation is termed as management and marketing is the process of satisfying the needs and requirements of the consumers. And hence the mechanism of managing the marketing activities is the marketing management (Hollensen, 2015).  Apollo Bay beachfront motel is an affordable motel that is located at the Great Ocean Road and is providing accommodation services at fair prices. On the basis of the research, it has been observed that the motel has been considered as one of the best places to revitalize and relax. The motel provides the travelers with wide range of services for relaxing. The modern décor and the comfortable accommodation assist the entity in offering the customers with a highly satisfying experience. Moreover, the motel is surrounded by a peaceful and beautiful setting and is also situated just near the shopping and restaurant hub which has brought up an increase in the number of customers. As the location of the motel is quiet and is also having the intimate atmosphere and these conditions are found very much favorable for the couples and young people seeking for adventure and fun. The motel is also found to be surrounded by wildness and stunning natural parks beside the sea is providing the travelers a nature escape from the hectic life and hustle, a bustle of city life (Sheth & Sisodia, 2015). For prompting the services and the image of the business entity has segmented the consumers in various divisions such as young couples, new tourists traveling for the first time to the region, middle and upper-income level group etc. Moreover, the business corporation’s current position in the market for the guests is positioned as nature filled new and beautifully landscaped motel which have a unique atmosphere which is found suitable for adults “getaway” marketing niche. Further, the report has been made focused on the various research mechanisms, value analysis, target market and various marketing strategies adopted by the business firm.

2.Research methods

For ensuring whether the customers are satisfied are not the business entity is required execute analysis or evaluation over the various aspects of the market and feedbacks or the experiences of the consumers of the products or the services (Keller & Kotler, 2016). Analysis of the requirements and the satisfaction level of the consumers will aid the business firm in developing the products and services as per the expectations of the consumers. And hence, investigation of these aspects is a crucial task and should be executed effectively. Primarily, there are two major methods for collecting the required data or information and the same is described as follows:

Primary sources


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                                                                                                         Figure 1 Types of research methods

                                                                                                     (Source- Types of research methods, 2018)

3.Primary sources

This method has been considered as the mechanism of collecting any sought of new information or the data which is very specific and is regarding the topic. The data collected will be proven useful for the Apollo Bay Beach motel in delivering and serving the customers with quality services (Dekker et al., 2013). The primary data collecting method is segmented in various sub-divisions such as interview and survey method. Interviews can be executed by making use of various means and mechanisms that are personal (face to face) and telephonic. Both the methods will be proven beneficial while collecting the data from the experiences of the travelers and the tourists at the Apollo Bay beach motel. The method of collecting data is by making use of surveys and in this, the entity can make use of questionnaires. These questionnaires include both open as well as closed-ended questions. Ideas and perceptions are easily shared by the customers by making use of this method (Meffert, 2013). A group decided for the survey is termed as the sample and is also chosen correctly for getting better results.

The primary data collection method will be proven beneficial for the entity as it is designed for getting appropriate data on the research topic. The process is time-consuming and quite expensive.

4.Secondary sources

The second method of collecting data is secondary data collection method under which the primary data is used or the information which is already collected for any other research on the same topic (Foxall, 2014). There are various forms of secondary data which are required to be collected i.e. internal and external secondary data. By making use of customer databases, sales records, and financial information the internal secondary data can be collected, whereas, trade journals, periodicals, professional entities, authorized and governing publications, commercial data and national enterprises can be used for collecting information. In the scenario of Apollo Bay Beach motel the data can be collected from the past experiences, customer’s records and feedbacks provided by them (Baker & Saren, 2016).

Secondary sources

This process is less time consuming and is also comparatively less expensive. Moreover, fewer efforts are required to be made for collecting the data.

5.Current value analysis 

The topic is concerned with the tools and mechanisms adopted by the business entity for developing the brand equity amongst the consumers or the market. IN simpler terms, by generating awareness about the value proposition of the firm, customers will be easily availing the benefits offered by the by the entity (Kosner, 2014). Apollo Bay beachfront motel is an accommodation service provider with various luxurious and comfortable services for the tourists and travelers from all over the globe. The current value analysis of the business entity has been analyzed and includes the following components:

  • Inbound logistics:The business entity is having contract agreements with the vendors and the suppliers of laundry, food, and beverages.
  • Operational activities:The services offered by the business entity at the motel are the operational activities (Lam & Harker, 2015).
  • Outbound logistics:Offering the final set f services to its consumers.
  • Marketing and sales: This segment includes various operations executed by the business corporation for attracting the customers. Promotion of the motel through adopting pricing and advertising strategies.
  • Services:The business entity is required to offer quality services to the consumers for providing full satisfaction and this will enhance the value of the products.  

6.Value position framework

The mechanism is concerned with, placing of the potential customer at the focal point of the business and added value is created (Toolshero 2018). The products or services are not used to represent the added value as such, but as they are used a customer value proposition is developed. A there varied range of categories which are considered significant by the customer and which becomes the reason for the generation of customer value proposition:


                                                                                                     (Source- Customer value proposition, 2018)

Functional value: Under this category the services provided by Apollo Bay Beachfront motel are required to possess some specific features such as they should be made focused as per the convenience of the customers, should have a problem-solving ability and should also be comprehensive than other products and services (Qin, Prybutok and Zhao, 2010).  

Emotional value: As per this category, the services offered by the entity should be pleasant and attractive. For instance, the motel provides the customers with the intimate atmosphere and quiet environment which is one of the biggest attractions for the customers (Riggio, 2014). Moreover, this category is considered as very much significant as the customers are connected to the products or services because of wistful reasons tradition or due to the advice from other people.

Current Value analysis

Economic value: The products and the services are offering an economic value or a financial advantage to the customers as the entity is offering the services at the affordable range.

Symbolic value: The customer attaches value to the status which is served by the product. The status provides may be oriented towards any social responsibility or may be delivered from a brand.

7.Marketing promotional plan


On the basis of the current research, it has been analyzed that the business entity is enjoying a competitive advantage over its competitors. The business firm has a large market share and it is planning for business expansion (Roa, 2008). The brand name is a well-renowned motel and is operating the business in Australia and is expecting to make further expansions in new regions. And for that, the business entity is required to make adoption of effective strategies and develop some marketing objectives. The Bay beachfront is facing the intense level of competition from some other brands in Australia and hence it a necessity for the firm to make implementation of a promotional and marketing objectives for developing awareness. The below mentioned are some of the marketing objectives of Apollo Bay Beachfront Motel:

  • Increasing the market share by bringing an increase in the number of customers by the end of this financial year is one of the biggest objectives of the business entity (Seo & Jang, 2013).
  • Bringing advancements and developments in the services so as to increase the sale or rise in business.
  • Increasing brand awareness by attracting new customers traveling from all over the globe.

8.Target market

A group of consumers selected on basis of some specific criteria for promoting and marketing the products or services is known as the target market. The business corporation develops some specific segments of consumers on the basis of demographics, psychographics, geographic etc. These elements are the variants on which the consumer segments are developed (Lovelock, 2011). The below mentioned are some of the segments which are considered as the target market for Apollo Bay beachfront motel:

  • Young couples are the first-most consumer segment which comprises the largest number of consumers from the target market.   
  • Another segment or group of consumers is the new travelers and the tourists that are traveling from the other regions and areas.
  • Moreover, income is also one of the integral variants on the basis of the which the target market can be selected (Peñaloza, Toulouse & Visconti, 2013). The upper and middle-income level groups of consumers is another segment which is significant for the target market of Apollo Bay Beachfront motel.

9.Promotional communication mix 

For spreading awareness and communicating the relevant information regarding the products and services is the main concern of the promotional communication mix. Generating awareness amongst the selected consumers is one of the integration tasks for the business entity and for which the business entity is required to make adoption of some effective means and mechanisms (Pasquier & Villeneuve, 2017). Apollo Bay Beachfront can make use of effective tools for communicating the services of the motel to the tourists and the travelers, for instance, the business entity can organize marketing communication campaign for effectively targeting the consumer segments. The below mentioned are the key communication elements which form an integral part of the communication plan:

Advertisements: Advertisement campaigns are the most effective tools of the communication mix that will aid the entity (Hollensen, 2015). There are various mediums through which the firm can advertise the services and the brand name such as by making use of online means such as official websites, social media etc. The entity can also make use of hoardings and poster or roadside banners for advertising in the local regions.

Marketing promotional plan

PR and publicity: Maintaining personal relations will also be proven beneficial for the business firm and this can be done by making use of effective strategies. Continuous advertisements through various mediums such as print media and digital media will impose a strong impact on the consumers.

Discounts and offers: One of the most effective media of promoting the products and services amongst the consumers are giving discounts and offers to the consumers (Lusch & Vargo, 2014). Apollo Bay Beachfront motel can offer discounts on advance bookings or also on availing holiday packages etc. This will bring the hike in the sale and advancement of the brand image will also be observed.  

Event sponsorship: The business entity can make promotions by offering sponsorships for various events such as sports events, musical shows or charity events etc. Sponsoring is one of the effective means of promoting the services and will be proven beneficial for the firm in the form of increased brand equity and goodwill.


For attaining the communication objectives the business entity is required to make adoption of some media tools which will be proven for the business firm. Apollo Bay Beachfront motel will make adoption of various media platforms for attracting the potential customers and the same are described as follows:

Online media: This platform has been considered as one of the most effective tools which will aid the entity in attaining the communication objectives (Becker, Kugeler & Rosemann, 2013). One of the most effective tools of the online platform is social media as it is widely used by the tourists for getting information on various topics.

Direct mailing: Sending direct emails to the targeted consumer segments will be proven very much beneficial medium of advertisement. Apollo Bay Beachfront can send direct mails to the consumers regarding the holiday packages, discounts or any types of coupons offered etc.

 Outdoor advertisements: This form of advertisement is a traditional platform through which the business entity can generate awareness of the services and that too in low budget. It is a cost-effective method of advertisement (Dumas et al., 2013). Roadside hoardings, posters or digital boards can be considered as the various means of outdoor advertisements.

Newspapers and magazines: Another form of spreading awareness and communicating that too in cost-effective manner is advertising through newspapers and magazines. This as a direct form of advertisement and is also very much effective.

11.Budget allocation

The below presented is the budget allocation of the promotional and communication plan for Apollo Bay Beachfront motel:



In the limelight of the above-executed analysis, it has been inferred that Apollo Bay Beachfront is planning for business expansion and for the same communication and promotional plan has been executed. The business plan comprises of the value analysis, the targeted segments of the consumers and the estimated budget has been presented in the above-analyzed report.


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