Marketing Communication For Branding And Packaging
Brief background
Discuss about the Marketing Communication for Branding and Packaging.
Marketing communication is an indispensable part of the marketing mix. It is a primary as well as complex part of the marketing efforts of the company. Advertising, direct marketing as well as branding and packaging are a part of the marketing communication. The overview of marketing communication mainly outlines the basic concepts of marking communication. The marketing message provides a structure in order to plan the technological adoption lifestyle. The report provides an overview about the company Apple as well as its target audience (Castronovo and Huang 2012).
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that mainly intends to manufacture computer hardware, software as well as other electronic products. The company is well known for its Macintosh personal computer or Mac OS X. In the year 1976, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne established the company. Apple Computer was primarily a producer of personal computers for more than three decades. Apple became successful to develop a unique status in the electronics field of the customers (Bonk 2015).
There are various products that have been manufactured by Apple and the most popular devices that were manufactured by Apple includes the IPad that was also known as Jesus tablet. It was a dubbed version of the oversize IPhone with a 9.7 in screen. Another most famous device that was manufactured by Apple includes IPhone. This device was manufactured less than a half decade after the manufacture of IPod. The phone was a hit with techies as well as non-techies alike. Apple also launched ITunes for the music lovers so that the individuals are able to listen to their favorite songs (Castelluccio 2015).
The increase of product consciousness among the target audience by 30 percent in a year
The company also has the marketing objective to inform their target audience about characteristics as well as benefits of their commodities. This is mainly done to lead to a 10 percent increase in sales in a year. The marketing objective is also to create groundbreaking devices (Boone and Kurtz 2013).
They are also looking forward to expand countrywide chain of Apple stores internationally. This is mainly because; the Apple store accounts for majority of the sale of the company.
Their objective is to make products obtainable in every possible retail channel. This is mainly because Apple makes sure that its products are available to every customer.
The marketing objectives of Apple
Due to low-price-points of the competitors, the company has a low market share in spite of having great edges. As a result, their objective is to increase marginal profit by continuing to push to lower cost (Hair Jr and Lukas 2014).
The most important target audiences of Apple are the teenagers who use iPods for various purposes. The most general purpose is to socialize with friends as well as to listen to music and go on Facebook and twitter. There is also loads of gaming apps that plea to the teenagers. As a result, iPods have become a relative trend to the teenagers. The second most important target audiences are the students of the college and university. IPad, iPhone and MacBook are mostly common among them as they are able to record their important notes quickly. Similarly, these devices are easy to carry from one place to another. The products of Apple also intrigue business people. All the devices of Apple have a business quality that is very helpful to record their data. They are also able to use the devices to complete their work professionally and they are able to communicate effortlessly with their clients. They also find it easy to organize and send documents. Adults also find IPhone to be very useful and as a result, they are considered as an important target audience of Apple. Parents are able to download learning game apps for their children and the touch screen quality of the devices makes them easily accessible for the kids (Brewer et al. 2013).
There are various communication objectives that will help to develop as well as improve the image of the brand. The objectives are as follows:
Developing awareness about the brand: In order to increase brand awareness it is very important to focus on the engagement of quality rather than quantity. The awareness about the product can be increased if the company starts direct interaction by answering to all the queries of the customers regarding the devices. Driving traffic of the site of the company is important in order to remain engaged with the customers to create awareness about the future content. According to a recent survey by the sixth annual Brandz, the brand value of Apple amounts to $153 billion (Parente and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson 2014).
Generate personality: It is very important to generate a personality of the purchasers, as it will help Apple to understand the target groups of customers. This process can be generated by the creation of more convincing content to specific requirements of the customers. The company needs to gather research about the strongest purchaser The research can be conducted by organizing surveys (Moriarty et al. 2014).
Target audience
Promoting product/services and company knowledge: If the customers evaluate a service as courteous as well as helpful, they are likely to remain engaged with the brand. The success of the company mainly depends on the pleased customers. As a result, a very important advertisement objective requires to be followed by Apple. Apple needs to utilize the social media platforms more effectively to share useful articles as well as information in order to provide additional customer service to the customers who are not much aware about the brand. This will also help to promote the product of the company and the knowledge about the company will be increased (Gatautis, Medziausiene and Tarute 2014).
Increase channels to increase engagement: In order to make the brands more attractive, it is important to make use of the multichannel marketing that will also increase the loyal base of the customers. Although Apple is a well-known company, the new devices of Apple consist of various new features. As a result, Apple requires to reach a broader range of audience with the help of multi-channel marketing. Social media is a great as well as obvious engagement tool that will help to increase the image of the brand (Schuhmacher and Ponzetto 2014).
Developing: It is necessary to develop by focusing on unique as well as strong idea. Apple has become worldwide for their innovative devices as well as minimalistic and artistic appeal. Generating individuality within a niche position requires to have one special thing that separates it from the competition. As a result, if a company figures out what it is, it can focus on it and should increase recognition in time.
An alternative style of creative advertising is resonance strategy advertising. It mainly makes the individuals feel that they require the product or services. To be accurate, it is demanding in the market. Resonance will be achieved if a campaign manages in order to identify the target market. Resonance mainly refers to an echoing within an advertisement. It is mainly referred to as the formal structure of an advertisement. This unique advertisement strategy makes the use of metaphors, witticisms as well as word plays that is used in combination (Shimp and Andrews 2012).
The customers of Apple are able to relate their brand very closely. In the case of Apple, repeat purchases are very common. This is mainly because; the individuals feel a very strong attachment towards the brand as it portrays a very dissimilar image. The customers feel that they are flowing with the changing trends as they purchase the Apple device. The customers sometimes consider Apple products as preferred possession. The brand has depicted itself in such a way that the customer is very attached to it. The company has conveyed a sense of community through the Apple experience (Modig, Dahlén and Colliander 2014).
Communication (advertising) objectives
The process by which individuals exchange information is termed as communication. The ethical issues that will justify the communication objectives are as follows:
Evade withholding crucial information: The communication information requires being absolute and the vital information requires to be conveyed appropriately.
Accuracy: It is important to maintain accuracy of the information. Without checking the truth of the information can be highly dangerous for Apple.
Value System: A well-organized value system needs to be organized by Apple in a proper way. The ethical issues can be eradicated if a sound as well as healthy value system is established.
Apple has mostly invested in all possible channels to promote its iPhone in order to bring the individuals to the Point-of-Purchase (P-O-P). The mobile carrier website as well as acted as the P-O-P for iPhone (Nelson et al. 2012). The media plan for Apple looked like:
Target |
Reaching the primary target |
Purchasing a combine of conventional media and Digital Space |
Geographic Consideration |
Advertising in areas that have elevated attentiveness of the target customers |
Campaigning in the Top 25 US financial centers |
Reach and Frequency |
Accomplishment of the target within the particular area with daily frequency |
Targeting an often active target with media purchases that reach customers through modes of transportation |
Schedule |
Generating a movement that reaches the target on a year round basis |
With conventional and digital media channel emphasizing on a throbbing schedule |
Seasonality |
Acquiring media during holiday and other occasion |
During product launch emphasizing on purchasing times of the media |
Creative Constraint |
Among the Smartphone it is important picturing iPhone as the number one phone. |
Using innovative media purchases that reach the target in their daily life |
The effectiveness of IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) is very important particularly for the management of a company. The effectiveness of IMC can be seen from the industry outcome as well as communication outcome. The requirement for an IMC plan is to ensure an efficient communication as well as to facilitate budgeting. IMC plan is also required in order to make sure that constancy in carrying out advertisement campaign. Integrated Marketing Communication is a planned management procedure that encourages the amalgamation of advertising, sales promotion as well as public relation. The effectual way to communicate across various industries is mainly executed with the help of IMC. The most traditional paid form of communication is advertising that is also considered as a form of IMC. The effectiveness of this plan is that it also deals right media outlets along with basic online banners as well as popup. Integrated marketing communication is a method of looking at the whole process of marketing from the viewpoint of the customer (Kliatchko and Schultz 2014). The steps that lead to an effective IMC procedure are as follows:
Recognition of the target audience: The recognition of the target market requires a well thought out market segmentation as well as targeting procedure that includes secondary as well as primary market investigate.
Determination of the communication objectives: This mainly ranges from generating awareness to contradicting the competition.
Designing of the messaging content: This is one of the absolute critical component.
It can concluded that driving traffic of the site of the company is important in order to remain engaged with the customers to create awareness about the future content. All the devices of Apple have a business quality that is very helpful to record their data. They are also able to use the devices to complete their work professionally and they are able to communicate effortlessly with their clients.
Bonk, C., 2015. The impact of Apple’s communication and French and Finnish consumers’ product perceptions: case of the iPhone product.
Boone, L.E. and Kurtz, D.L., 2013. Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning.
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Gatautis, R., Medziausiene, A. and Tarute, A., 2014, November. ICT Effects on Companies Performance: Economical Aspects. In Proceedings of annual Shanghai business, economics and finance conference (pp. 3-4).
Hair Jr, J.F. and Lukas, B., 2014. Marketing research. McGraw-Hill Education Australia.
Kliatchko, J.G. and Schultz, D.E., 2014. Twenty years of IMC: A study of CEO and CMO perspectives in the Asia-Pacific region. International Journal of Advertising, 33(2), pp.373-390.
Modig, E., Dahlén, M. and Colliander, J., 2014. Consumer-perceived signals of ‘creative’versus ‘efficient’advertising: Investigating the roles of expense and effort. International Journal of Advertising, 33(1), pp.137-154.
Moriarty, S., Mitchell, N.D., Wells, W.D., Crawford, R., Brennan, L. and Spence-Stone, R., 2014. Advertising: Principles and practice. Pearson Australia.
Nelson, D., Chung, E., Stronge, A.J., Cook III, A.M. and Kinnier, A.D., Google Inc., 2012. Media plan managing. U.S. Patent 8,176,070.
Parente, D. and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson, K., 2014. Advertising campaign strategy: A guide to marketing communication plans. Cengage Learning.
Schuhmacher, M. and Ponzetto, S.P., 2014, February. Knowledge-based graph document modeling. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (pp. 543-552). ACM.
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