Marketing Communication For Brand And Products
Background of the Company
Discuss about the Marketing Communication for Brand and Products.
Integrated marketing communication plan is the extension of marketing strategies and objectives used by the company. It includes the communication strategies used by the organization to reach the target customers and promote its brand and products. Communication is a process that is used to increase the brand awareness and get customer feedback. It is a way to establish a customer relationship and create brand loyalty. The aim of the report is to help a start up company design a communication plan to help it accomplishing its marketing strategies and goals (Morrison 2016). The author chooses Aconex private limited to evaluate its communication plan and design a marketing plan. Aconex private limited is an Australian based company that is involved in providing web based collaboration and services for the project management and information management. The report analyzes the target audience of the company and the communication objectives used by the organization to promote the product and increase brand awareness. The report focuses on helping the company develop a media strategy to achieve its marketing objectives and plan (Aconex Private Limited).
Aconex private limited is an Australian based company established in the year 2000. It is a computer software industry that is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. The company is involved in providing mobile and web based technology and service for the project management and information management. The clients of Aconex mainly involve from the industry such as construction, infrastructure, power, mining and oil and gas industry. It is an IT company is involved in providing software’s to the organization globally. The company aims at expanding its services to other countries and has successfully done so. The products and services provided by the company are:
- Service of project management and information management for managing processes, communicating workflows, and building information.
- Construction field management that includes field inspection issues of mobile devices.
- BIM data and process management services.
- O&M manuals (Furniss et al. 2012).
The company uses various advertising techniques to promote its services to the target customers. The aim and objectives of the company is to expand its business to the other countries and provide its services to the customers all over the globe. The company uses internet and social media for advertising and proton its services. The main communication channel of the company is internet and social media networks such as facebook and LinkedIn.
The marketing objectives of the company are as follows:
- To expand its business to other countries such as India,
- To lower its cost of service provision.
- To attract loyal customers and maximize its profit by increasing the number of customers consuming the services.
- It also aims at building a good relationship with its clients and build create a unique brand image (Royle and Laing 2014).
Target audience is the customers whom the organizations targets to sell its products and services. There are various ways to segment the customers. The customers are targeted on the basis of characteristics that they hold. It depends on geographical, demographic, behavioral, social and cultural segmentation. The first step in the development of a successful integrated marketing communication plan is to identify the customers considering the demographic factors, income levels and geographic location.
Target Audiences
The target customers of Aconex private limited include clients or the organizations that is related to infrastructure development, oil and mining sector and construction management. Since the organization is involved in providing services for the process management, it mainly concentrates on sectors that are involved in infrastructural development and constructions. The customers of Aconex private limited are not only from Australia Melbourne but also from United States of America, Europe, and Germany. The aim of the company is to build a good relationship with the customers and attract loyal clients that stay with the company for a long period of time. The customers mainly include engineers (Rogala and Bialowas 2016).
Communication is the transfer of information and services to the respective heads in order to achieve the set goals and objectives. The company mainly uses internet and social media to achieve its marketing goal and communication objectives. Since it aims at expanding its services to the new market communication is a very important to increase the awareness of the service that the company is going to launch. Communication is a way of communicating important information of the products and services to the targeted people (Besley et al. 2016). The communication objectives of Aconex private limited are as follows:
- Creating brand and service awareness: the primary objective of the company is to create brand awareness among consumers. Aconex private limited aims at creating a unique brand image of the services that it provides in order to achieve customer loyalty and increase sales and organizational development. It is essential for the organizations to ensure that the messages that it shares with the consumers should be unique and impactful so that it is able to influence the larger consumer base. The company uses various techniques to create a unique brand image and name. creating brand awareness helps in increasing consumer awareness of the products and services that the organization provides. Most commonly used methods are based on creating a unique logo, advertisement statement, graphic design. Aconex private limited creates a unique brand image by providing good quality service to be consumers and timely delivery of the services. The company has a website of its own where the information of the services that the organization is available. The website helps in guiding the consumers to consume the products and services (Choudhury and Harrigan 2014).
- Increasing the sale- the second objective of the company is to effect the sale of services. This can be done by effectively communicating the information of the services that it provides to customers all over the world. If the customers are aware of the services that the company supplies then the sale increases that in turn increases the profit of the company. Getting valuable feedback from the customers after the sale of the service is necessary to give after sales services and gain consumer trust. This helps the company in building a good relationship with customers and attracts customer loyalty that is likely to consume the products of the company for a longer period. Communication with the customers helps them keep informed of the offers and products that the organization provides. This includes spreading information of the new product launched, offers and expansion. Aconex private limited uses methods of email and social networking sites such as LinkedIn to connect to its customers (Shani and Chalasani 2013).
- Changing and reshaping consumer attitude: the third objective of Aconex private limited is to change the perception of the customer related to the brand and the organization. It is done to remove the misconceptions that the consumers have for the brand and product in the market so that such perception does not hamper the market of the product. Communication is important to retain the customers that are loyal to the company (Thorson and Moore 2013).
There are various ways to create unique advertising styles in order to create a new image of the brands of services and products that it supplies. The content of the advertisement is necessary to create a unique strategy and attract larger consumers. It is essential to incorporate actors and actresses in advertising the products and services as it will help in attracting customers that are fans of the actors. For example, if Aconex private limited wants to promote its products and services of Indi then using actors such as Amitabh and Sharukh will attract larger section of consumers (Percy 2014). It is not only important to make the advertisements attractive but the managers should also focus on making advertisements more informative with good contents. The tagline of the company is what attracts the consumers. The taglines such as “project success Easy as Aconex” is catchy and will help in attracting customers. Advertisements should be creative so that consumers are easily able to decide the services that it wants to use. The advertisement created should be posted on televisions, facebook, LinkedIn and the social media sites (Yeshin 2012).
The advertisement that it broadcasts should be ethical and not hurt sentiments of anyone. It is illegal to publish the name of competitors and disrespect them in public. The data should be confidential in nature. The information of the clients should also not be made public unless they give the consent. Various issues are involved with advertisement (Parry et al. 2012).
Communication Objectives
The design message should be creative in nature and also should be familiar and likeable by all. It is illegal to create a unique design that is copied from others. The taglines such as “project success Easy as Aconex” are catchy and will help in attracting customers.
The organizations can reach their customers through various ways. Aconex private limited communicates with its customers using internet and social media. Social media is a new method that is being used by the organizations to create an impact on the consumers and increase the sales. Internet can be used in various ways to increase the ale such as online discussion, marketing and selling products online, use of social media to promote the product and getting valuable customer feedback (Couldry 2012). The organization uses the internet and social media in following ways to increase the sale:
- Publishing an impactful advertisement on social media sites and networks such as facebook, LinkedIn, and twitter will help the organization increase sale. This will help the company attract customers. Advertisement is helpful for the consumers as it helps in increasing awareness of the product (Mihart 2012).
- Before joining the social network, it is essential for the organizations to know the customer base. Facebook and Instagram are the best social sites to promote the products as it is the most widely used networks.
- Internet not only helps in advertisement and promotion but also connects to the customers and establishes a relationship. A good relationship with customers will help the organization increase its sale due to the trust that it gains.
- Internet can also be used to know the strategies of the competitors so that the company can act and frame the policies accordingly (Gerbaudo 2012)
The budget of Aconex private limited for the promotion and integrated communication plan is as follows:
Attributes |
Estimated expense (dollar) |
Advertisement |
5000 |
Social media promotion |
5000 |
2000 |
Newspaper and print media |
1500 |
Hence, it can be conclude that there are various steps involved in making an effective integrated communication plan. It is essential for the IMC manager to ensure that the plans it develops will be successfully implemented. Analyzing the factors that are likely to affect the plan is necessary. Evaluation of the plan after its implementation is necessary to evaluate the risk that the plan so that it can be altered. Effectiveness of IMC plan can be measured by getting customer feedback and analyzing the sales and revenue of the organization. If it increases then the plan is successfully otherwise, it needs to be altered.
“Aconex (@Aconex) | Twitter”. N.p., 2016. Web. 2 Oct. 2016.
“Aconex Private Limited”. Aconex. N.p., 2016. Web. 2 Oct. 2016.
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