Marketing Analysis And Strategy For Uncle Toby’s By Nestle
Situation Analysis
People go for different things. That is why companies decide to diversify to different lines of production. Organizations need to determine whom they are targeting to ensure that they best appeal them. The market in which Nestle otherwise belongs to is divided into segments. Nestle is thus, profiled with regards to the market segment with which it belongs. To operate appropriately, the company needs to understand the lifestyles and habits of the market segment in which it belongs. Understanding the segment enables Nestle to attract customers towards the proposed brands (Mba, 2017).
Nestle is, however, facing external or industrial drivers that influence the manner of its operation. Such factors affect the company’s working hours, health consciousness, and household discretionary income of the stakeholders. Nestle; however, has created a face on the market segment as well as two buyer personas. The reasons behind creating two personas for the brand is to provide examples of the manner that target customers will appear, how they will feel, and behave (Taboo, 2016).
As mentioned before, customers have different wants and likes. The organization, therefore, needs to target those who love taking cereals for breakfast. To determine the customer base, it is important that the organization look at the products themselves. In Australia, individuals are fond of adopting healthy feeding habits since individuals are influenced by the available social, supportive norms. Eating habits adopted depends on the available culture. Therefore, there are two main customer target segments. These segments are fit healthy males and health-conscious mothers (Ommani, 2017, pg. 9451).
When the company advertises its products, the two segments are targeted. The products in themselves, meet the healthy feeding requirements of many Australians since it promotes nutrition and health through the inclusion of calcium and antioxidants. The customers also find the product easy to prepare. Nestle believes that mothers would encourage their children to eat cereals because healthy eating is the top most priority of any parent towards their children (Perez, 2015). Apart from that, people currently live fast lives and thus, require as minimal time as possible to prepare their food. Then there are men who are mostly concerned with how their appearance or the jobs they do and thus, have no time to prepare dishes that require a lot of time. Since these individuals desire healthy feeding options, they are likely to go for Uncle Toby’s (Taboo, 2016).
As mentioned before, the illustrations shown herein outlines the proposed clientele that are likely to go for Uncle Toby’s:
Nestle company was established approximately 150 years ago. After several years of operation, the organization has established itself as one of the world’s beverages and food company. With its operations diversified, the annual sales of Nestle stands at approximately AUD 119.6 billion. The company also has 323,000 employs and operates in more than 189 nations worldwide. In 1990, Nestle formed a joint venture with General Mills and named it Cereal Partners Worldwide S.A (Dahlen & Rosengren, 2016, pg. 340). The operations of this venture is to produce cereals for breakfast. However, Nestle as a company is devoted to making breakfast products and ensure that its customers get quality by producing convenient and tasty cereals. The company also ensures that it constantly monitors its production standards to either improve them or maintain them depending on the needs of the customers. With the joint venture also in place, Nestle makes the most popular cereals in the world. The company’s portfolio includes a vast outlay of brads that are well recognized such as Uncle Tobys Plus, Uncle Tobys Oats, Milo, and O&G (Perez, 2015).
Customer Analysis
The products produced by Nestle, particularly Uncle Toby’s, have been given the public image of being natural, healthy, and have the potential to help the organization claim new markets. However, research activities show that the customer base of Nestle has been on the rise with the age group that stimulates the rise is between 18 years to 25 years. The age bracket mainly skip cooking schedule because they lack the time to do so or rather view the process as not important. As such, the product; Uncle Toby’s, uses the strategy of differentiation and not pricing to have the product positioned. Such a decision is based on the company performing surveys on local supermarkets where they observed that the prices of cereals are equal through and through while about 74% of Australians will go for quality even if it means paying more for a similar product (of course with an improved quality) (Perez, 2015). Like other products offered by Nestle, Uncle Toby’s is healthy and can be consumed on the go. The positioning best suit young adults and teenagers’ lifestyle. The decision taken to position the product is done based on other competitors like POD and POS. The product; Uncle Toby’s thus, differentiates itself from the other named products by ensuring that it produces breakfast cereals that are consumable on the go as a way of getting to the targeted audience (McCrindle Research, 2015).
The strategy used to position Uncle Toby’s includes introducing the product as new as it is and then expand its customer base and suppliers. Actually, studies show that products that are gluten free have been largely accepted in the local and international market. With Uncle Toby’s being gluten free, new customers are attracted while the product has extended its line of sales and market category. Brand awareness is all-important for the product because it opens up new markets for Nestle and increases the customer base for Uncle Toby’s (Dahlen & Rosengren, 2016, pg. 341).
Creative strategy development for Uncle Toby’s depends on brand proliferation, which ensures that advertising, and marketing the product is key. As a result, the developed product will adopt strategic marketing using mass media while targeting an audience. As mentioned before, the product is suited for individuals who do not take breakfast because of disorganization and constraints (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2015). Nestle believes that Uncle Toby’s demographic is busy with a lifestyle of fulltime activities and healthy living. Therefore, Uncle Toby’s is a product that suits them. Nestle has also come up with the slogan of “Conquer the day with Uncle Toby’s!” which is aimed at allowing the targeted audience to link with the product and recognize the fact that Uncle Toby’s brand provides quality, fast, healthy, and nutritious breakfast which is consumable on the go. Apart from that, the slogan links Uncle Toby’s to the company while creating awareness (Perez, 2015).
Apart from that, Nestle prefer creating awareness through radios, television, celebrity endorsements, newspapers, websites, sponsorship, and social media. According to research, activities performed on the marketing management showed that most Australians from the age of 18 to 29 mostly watch television. About 16% of the total number listens to radio, while 52% of the total population read newspapers. With regards to such statistics, using the social media platform to advertise Uncle Toby’s will make the product reach to its targeted audience in the most effective manner. The company also adopts a strategy for product promotion that is associated with health, fitness, and sport events like surfing and swimming. Such events, in a big way, promote brand awareness because Australia as a country is mostly associated with the beach and summer culture (Aksakalli, 2017, pg. 233).
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