Market Smartness For New York: Analysis And Strategies
Situational Analysis
Discuss about the Market Smartness for New York?
The report is all about international marketing of Harvey Nichols. Different business activities and strategies are discussed in this report. Harvey Nichols is a chain of departmental store founded in 1831. The business industry of Harvey Nichols is retail as their sell number of brands product. Harvey Nichols sells products for men and women like – fashion clothes, accessories, beauty products and etc. Harvey Nichols is famous retailer of different luxury fashionable products. There are many stores within countries of U.K, Ireland and UAE. As commented by Acuff (2009) till now total numbers of stores of Harvey Nichols globally are more than 20. The managers of Harvey Nichols decided to open a new store as 9th international store in Dubai. Being a marketing consultant of Harvey Nichols, after analyzing market potential in three different countries decided to open new store. The countries chosen for market potential analysis are India, Australia and Qatar.
External Analysis
Harvey Nichols external analysis is done by using Pestle method which is as –
P – Political factor –
Commented Cadogan (2012) political environment in which Harvey Nichols work are influenced by government policies, laws regarding retail store. Every country has its own set of laws, policies regarding retail industry.
E – Environmental factor –
As stated by Chaston (2009) different environmental factor in which Harvey Nichols perform their business are – climate, geographical based export, import, global environment and etc. Harvey Nichols performs business activities under these environmental factors.
S – Social factor –
Commented Conlon, Miner, Mc Clearyand McMurray (2011) business activities are affected by social factors in positive and in negative ways. Social factor help Harvey Nichols in developing product image, brand image and etc. They also help organization in knowing about their customer’s choice, demand and requirement. Harvey Nichols plan strategies, policies taking into consideration both employees as well as their customers. As commented by Whitelock (2011) to increase profit share of any business customers and employees both are important.
T- Technological factor –
Stated Ruh (2009) to run a retail business successfully technology is main factor. Harvey Nichols is always updated regarding their technological support. To increase their international marketing Harvey Nichols mangers to keep them updated regarding technology in comparison of competitors. To increase international marketing, global communication technologies are very important.
L – Legal factor –
Legal factors on which Harvey Nichols business activities are dependent are as – rules and regulation, different laws and customs and etc. As commented by Mercado (2008) to run a retail business in ethical manner Harvey Nichols has to follow them.
E – Economic factor –
Commented Lindsey and Munger (2011) country’s economy are affected by different business cycle of Harvey Nichols. Harvey Nichols is well know international brand and involved in export and import of fashion products. So economy of nation is affected by their different international trade activities and monetary strategies. Different factors which affect economy of nation are as- FDI rates, interest rates, inflation rates and etc of organization.
External Analysis
Harvey Nichols internal analysis is done by using 4p’s strategy which is as –
Product –
Every department of Harvey Nichols are having different price rate. Before deciding product price customer’s requirement and needs are analyzed by experts. Product price is directly related to customer’s ability to pay, demand of product in market and etc.
Price –
Commented Lamberti and Pero (2013) price of products are dependent on factors like – product demand in market, customer’s ability for paying for particular product and etc.
Place –
Stated (Koh, Fichmanand Kraut (2012) place for store are selected after analyzing various factors like – availability of natural resources, public and private transport facility, surrounding and other. To analyze these factors Harvey Nichols hires experts.
Promotion –
Harvey Nichols promotional strategies are online advertisement, advertisement via physical medium and social networking sites. They focus on advertising their products with the help of celebrity and other famous personalities. This strategy helps in increasing their sales, profit in comparison of competitors.
Harvey Nichols experts use SWOT analysis to evaluate their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats which are as –
S – Strength –
Commented Gilmarten (2009) strength of Harvey Nichols are as – their different strategies and channel used for distribution and sales. Harvey Nichols keeps them updated regarding their technologies, strategies and network channel, which help them in increasing their profit share. Harvey Nichols main strength regarding their business are as – domestic market where they are performing business activities, sales and distribution strategies, financial strategies and etc.
W – Weaknesses-
As stated by Edmond and Weill (2009) it was found in market research process that, Harvey Nichols have less weaknesses in their business activities. The major weakness of Harvey Nichols regarding their business activities are – high amount of expenditure in research and development. In addition to this stated Cadogan (2012) weaknesses of Harvey Nichols are – their poor tax structure, competitor strategy and etc. To run a business employees and customers both are important, but in case of Harvey Nichols sometimes they ignore their customers and employees. Due to which profit share in decreased.
O- Opportunities –
The major opportunity which Harvey Nichols faces is – their firm increase in income or profit range and different achievement in their business. Stated Cadogan (2012) opportunities help in increasing their profit and sales volume.
T – Threats –
Commented Carter (2009) Harvey Nichols should plan risk management strategies which will help them regarding threats which may occur in future. The threat which organization may face is regarding their product price, product stability in any market, global economy and other.
Commented Batie (2009) Harvey Nichols used diversification strategy to increase their joint venture, market growth, economy, international market and their production. Organization always focuses on their business activities and different strategies, which help in increasing profit share and sales volume. Stated Liao and Wang (2009) performing international marketing and business activities in retail sector is difficult in comparison of other industry. International market and international market are different regarding activities, strategies and other. International market target audience, target locations are also different from domestic market. In addition to this stated Czinkota, Ronkainen and Zvobgo (2011), international market customers are having different behavior, perception and financial ability. So Harvey Nichols before starting their international marketing analyze properly all these factors. As commented by Edmond (2009), to do effective business in international market organization should always analyze their competitors strategies, activities and other factors.
Internal Analysis
Harvey Nichols for finalizing country regarding their international business activities used 12C outline. The 12C analyze country, currency, culture, control, coordination concentration, commitment, communication, choice, channel used for distribution, contractual commitment, capacity of paying, caveats of international market. Harvey Nichols market consultant has chosen India, Dubai and Australia for analyzing their stability in these markets before inaugurating new store. The 12C outline is as –
C – Country –
Commented Fastoso and Whitelock (2012) every country has their own set of rules and regulation regarding international marketing. But in case of UAE, they do not have any political, legal and economical obligation regarding international business activities. On the other hand, India and Australia have set of rules and policies which every company has to follow.
C – Currency –
As mentioned by Gilmarten (2009) UAE currency is not affected by Britain currency. In case of Australia and India, their international business activities are not affected by UAE and Britain currency.
C – Culture –
Commented Gilmarten (2009) culture is different of every nation and their business activities are also done as per their culture norms. Advertising, promotional and other strategies are to be planned as per country’s norms and diversity.
C – Coordination and Control –
The business activities performed by Harvey Nichols should be in proper hierarchy and coordination. The labor hired for performing business activities should always be skilled and expert in their area.
C – Commitment –
Commented Conlon (2011) Harvey Nichols should always plan their long term strategy and other strategies taking into consideration economy status and financial condition.
C – Concentration
Commented Conlon, Miner, McCleary and McMurray (2011) India, Australia and UAE are having different market penetration and stability strategy. It has to be followed by every company regarding the business activities.
C – Communication –
As commented by Batie (2009) successful communication is done only when proper hierarchy is followed and feedback is given. The main factor to run international market in any country is proper communication channel. Different advertising medium used by Harvey Nichols are online advertising, social media advertising and physical advertising.
C – Choice of Customer –
Commented Batie (2009) to run retail business customer are very important. In case of Harvey Nichols, they consider their customers feedback and suggestion while changing business activities or etc. Every store of Harvey Nichols is having product as per their customers demand and requirement.
C – Channel of Distribution –
Stated Cadogan (2012) distribution channel is important for running business activities. Harvey Nichols while running their business considers both local and national suppliers.
C – Contractual obligation –
Harvey Nichols always focuses on their contracts which are done with different countries and business organization.
C – Caveats –
As commented by Carter (2009) to run a business profitably laws and regulations should be followed properly.
As stated by Cadogan (2012) segmentation of product and market are done for combining same features product and market. It helps Harvey Nichols to know their customers requirement and demand present in that market. Harvey Nichols decided to open their retail store in India, Australia and UAE different regions. The main focus of Harvey Nichols is on inaugurating new store in Doha, Dubai. The target audience of Doha store are local citizens and nearby people living. Before opening new store Harvey Nichols should segment their customers, market and products. The segmentation is done regarding geographical, demographical, psychological factors. The products which are to be kept in stores are decided after analyzing different factors as – customer’s requirement, demand, ability to pay and their income level.
SWOT Analysis
Psychological Segmentation –
Psychological segmentation deals with customers needs, requirement regarding Harvey Nichols different products. Commented Carter (2009) customers perception regarding product and brand depends on advertisement and promotional strategy of Harvey Nichols. Psychological segmentation helps Harvey Nichols in increasing their sales volume and profit share.
Demographical Segmentation –
The demographical factors which affect Harvey Nichols marketing are customer’s age, income level, occupation type and society in which they stay. Harvey Nichols before launching new store in any region analyzes customer’s requirement, needs, age and other factors. It helps them in deciding the product distribution.
Geo demographic Segmentation –
As stated by Acuff (2009) geo demographical segmentation help Harvey Nichols to all the other segmentation evaluation result. It helps in increasing sales volume and profit, as more number of customers can be attracted by this segmentation. Harvey Nichols should always consider geo demographic segmentation for increasing their profit share.
Geographical Segmentation –
As mentioned by Cateora, Gilly and Graham (2011) geographical segmentation help in knowing customers demand and requirement in context of city, street, region, town and etc. Before launching new store in India, Australia and Dubai Harvey Nichols managers should properly analyze their customer’s choice in relation to region, city and etc. Products and markets are segmented is very important part of international marketing.
Being a research analyst of Harvey Nichols geo demographical segmentation will be best suited for their international marketing. As stated by Cateora (2011) geo demographical segmentation outcome is combination of all other segmentation, which helps organization to know more clearly about their customers. Harvey Nichols departmental store should always consider their customers feedback and suggestions while performing their marketing and distribution activities. In addition to this Chaston (2009) commented that this segmentation method will help in attracting more number of customers. It will also help in increasing profit share of Harvey Nichols in comparison of competitors. New store stability is dependent on customer’s perception regarding the brand and products available in store. So to create good brand and product image Harvey Nichols should adapt geo demographical segmentation and good international marketing strategy.
International market entry of Harvey Nichols depends on customer’s choice, requirement and demand. Commented Gilmarten (2009) Harvey Nichols should analyze customers choice, market requirement and other similar factors. International marketing will help Harvey Nichols to attract huge number of customers.
Target market of Harvey Nichols –
Commented Gilmarten (2009) to enter in Dubai market Harvey Nichols should focus on their target audience requirement and demand. Target market should be known by their experts, before entering in Dubai market.
Aim of target market of Harvey Nichols –
Harvey Nichols should plan their aim regarding sales and customer of the target market. Aim will help in deciding their performance level.
Method used for entering –
After planning the aim of the target market, Harvey Nichols experts should decided which method to adopt for entering in new market.
Duration required for entering –
Product and market segmentation will help Harvey Nichols in knowing about their customers more deeply. It helps in analyzing their target audience choice.
Discussion of Different Strategic Options for Harvey Nichols Using 12C
Marketing Mix –
It helps in analyzing product, place, promotion, price and other factors.
Selecting target market is done as –
Harvey Nichols experts should collect all information regarding their market requirement and condition of Dubai retail industry.
Harvey Nichols departmental store experts should always focus on their benchmarking and other level decided for measuring profit.
Figure 1: Selection process of Target Market
Different methods adopted by Harvey Nichols for entering in new market are as-
Harvey Nichols should plan risk management for their new market.
Market size and growth rate should be analyzed initially by experts.
Communication with local bodies should be maintained properly.
Product –
Commented Lamberti and Pero (2013) Harvey Nichols is famous for fashion products and luxury item for both men and women. The main products of Harvey Nichols are as – fashion clothes, accessories, beauty products, different beverage products and etc. Harvey Nichols should focus on category of their products regarding Dubai store. In addition to this Mercado (2008) stated Harvey Nichols should focus on men related product rather than women, as there are different political and social scenario.
Promotion –
Stated Lamberti and Pero (2013) Harvey Nichols should adapt promotional and advertising strategy as per the social and political condition of the country. In case of Dubai store, advertising strategy should be done of more men products in comparison of women products.
Price –
Stated Mercado (2008) to attract more number of customers Company should offer various discounts in their Dubai store. Price of product should be decided taking into consideration financial ability of customers as well as their requirement.
Place –
Harvey Nichols should adopt online shopping and advertising strategy regarding their new store and products. Stated Mercado (2008) they should try to work as per the retail industry structure of Dubai to increase their profit share.
Physical evidence –
Commented Ko and Megehee (2012) Harvey Nichols should try to place their new store in centre of Doha city, so that more number of customers are attracted.
Process –
Harvey Nichols should try to focus on their customer service and relation, so that huge numbers of customers are attracted.
People –
To increase profit they should focus on their employees and customers welfare strategies. They should adapt marketing strategies, which are beneficial for target audience.
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