Market Research Project On Consumers Perception About Emerging Tourism Industry In Asia
Executive Summary
Describe about the Market Research Project on Consumers Perception about Emerging Tourism Industry in Asia?
This assignment will be dealing with the customer’s perception on the basis of the tourism industries in Asia. The factors that affect the customer’s perception along with impact and necessity of it in budding tourism industries of Asia are also explained. This showed that the safety of the places, the premium quality of the services and the honestly and behavior of the customers affected the tourism industries majorly. Moreover, the betterment of the tourism industries also has strong impact on the economy and GDP of the country as it increases the employment of the people.
1.1 Research Background
Zhang (2015) commented on the fact that the tourism industry in Asia is budding at a rapid pace. From the opinion of WTTC that is World Travel and Tourism Council it is predicted that the tourism industry will be growing in Asia by nearly 6% every year. This is considered to be the fastest rate of expansion related to nay section in the world (Hui et al. 2007). On the other hand, consumer perception is one of the most important parts in the hospitality sector that includes the tourism and servicing. According to the opinion of Amaro and Duarte (2015) depending on the consumer’s perception, the tourism industry of Asia is affected to a good extent. This is because; the customers play an important role in the intensification of tourism industry in Asia. In addition to this, the more travel and tourism will be flourishing in Asia; it will not only increase the leisure and business but will directly affect the economy of the country along with job opportunities (, 2015).
- To understand the impact of consumer perception on the growing Tourism Industry in Asia.
- To understand the factors that affects the customer perception towards the expanding tourism industry in the Asian countries.
- To understand the importance and necessity of customer perception in the expansion and growth of tourism industry in Asia.
Through this research work, the researcher aims in understanding the importance along with the factors that affect the customer perception. This also further aims in analyzing and how does it sheds its impact on the growing industry in tourism in Asia.
In order to get the answers of some significant questions, the researcher conducted the research work. The questions are listed below-
- How the consumer perception will affect the tourism industry in Asia?
- How effective is the perception of customers on the business of tourism industry?
With the emerging global tourism, Asia has also kept its footsteps in the emerging tourism industry. From the studies, it is revealed that among the most visited destinations in the world, Asia is one of them. It is increasing in a rapid pace that has facilitated the growth in business of the tourism industry in Asia. As it is increasing, it is also important to understand the requirements, wants and perception of the customers that play a crucial role in this.
Though the tourism business is an emerging one in the market of Asia, it faces several problems that need to be overcome for the success of the tourism business. The problems that the tourists face generally are the security problems, linguistic problem, accommodation, and food as well as lodging problems. So, the Asian market in order to satisfy the customers needs to look after these matters to the maximum extent for the welfare of the customer.
Chapter1: Introduction
1st Chapter: Introduction: This section will be dealing with the research background, problem statement, rationale of the study as well as research aims and questions that explains the impact of consumer’s perception on emerging tourism industry in Asia.
2nd Chapter: Literature Review: This chapter takes into account the necessity of understanding the customer’s perception. Moreover it also aims in explaining how these factors help the emerging industry of tourism in Asia.
3d Chapter: Methodology: This section will be dealing with research work along with research design, sample size and research approach.
4th Chapter: Findings and Discussions: This section will be dealing with the questionnaires asked to the customers
5th Chapter: Conclusion: In this section vivid explanation and analysis of the findings is done.
Chen and Chen (2010) have commented that tourism is a perfect mixture of both tangible and intangible services that the tourists experience. According to the global statistics, it is seen that the tourism industries has occupied the second largest industry in the global world. Moreover, it has an impact on the GDP of the country along with the increase in employment and other industrial growths associated with tourism industries. According to the opinion of DiPietro et al. (2013) depending on the tourist’s perceptions and experience the tourism industries are affected to a considerable extent. Moreover, the brand image of the tourism industry also plays a crucial role in affecting the customer perceptions as well as attraction towards the flourish of the industry (Rittichainuwat, 2013).
This section of the literature review discusses with the customer perception and the factors that affects the customer’s perceptions towards the tourism industries in Asia. In addition to this, the impact of customer perception that affects the tourism industry and the necessity of customer perception are also discussed vividly.
From the opinion of Fuller (2013) customer perception refers to the outlook and observation of the customers towards any product or service. In tourism industries, customers play a major role in expanding the industry as well as giving an impact on the industry (Reisinger and Turner, 2012). Based on the services the tourists receive as per their needs and requirements and the level of their expectations, the perceptions regarding those places are made. In addition to this, Gjerald and Lyngstad (2015) also had an outlook that the satisfaction of the customers depends on the availability of the customer services, the quality of the service and the fulfillment of the expectations of the customers (Hall, 2004). It is also seen that the customer perception have a large impact in the Tourism industry in Asia since it also takes into account both Word of Mouth and Electronic Word of Mouth (, 2015).
According to the opinion of Harrill (2004) with the increase in global tourism industries, Asia is also emerging as one of the most promising industry that is surely throwing a positive impact on the market. Since the opportunities in Asia are vast in quantity and are diverse in the same time, Asia is blessed with all the characteristics that the tourism industry needs to have (Huang, 2015). The factors that the tourism industries need to remember about is the cleanliness, room rates, location, service quality, security as well as reputation of the place as well as he hotels over there. In addition to this, Hall and Page (2014) had an opinion that the strategic insights, knowledge and the usage of best services help the tourism industry to flourish to the maximum in Asia. In tourism industry, Asia is thereby making a distinctive platform that takes into account the various key factors that are essential; for a successful tourism industry in Asia. In addition to this, according to the outlook of Hitchcock et al. (2013) it is also to be remembered that the travel and tourism industry have a positive impact on the cultural, social economic as well as educational sectors of Asia. Moreover it also improves the relationship of the international tourists with the Asian people that also will impact directly on improvement of relationship between countries (Johnson et al.2007).
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Ishida et al. (2013) commented on the essential piece of information that there are several factors that affect the tourism industry in Asia and also affects the customer perception. Statistically it is seen that the depending on the interest and needs of the customers the tourism industry in Asia is affected to a considerable effect (Pizam and Mansfeld, 2013). The factors affecting the customer perception are given below-
Quality of the services provided- According to Jin and Pearce (2011) the perception of the customers largely depends on the quality of the services provided. This is because; depending on the quality of service the tourists will be getting as they will be visiting the new places affect the service quality. Law (2005) commented that the tourist needs to be satisfied and happy with the services since based on that the tourism industries will be flourished in future.
Security of the customers- Another major issue that the customers considers while travelling into the Asian countries is the security of the customers. According to the opinion of Lee et al. (2011) the customers always tend to travel to those places that they find safe since security of the customers is an essential fact. Security ensures the security of life, security of women, belongings as well as personal properties that the visitors carry along with them at the time of travelling (Brannen, 2009).
Cleanliness and honesty- From the verdict of Leung et al. (2013) the customers are also lenient towards those hotels and places that are rather clean and hygiene in nature. This is because, they prefer cleanliness in order to keep themselves safe from any kind of diseases that can occur in the Asian countries either from water borne or air borne. Moreover, the honesty of the local residents, hotels also throws impact regarding the place and also affects the tourism industry to a huge extent (Ammi, 2007).
Brand image- Another major factor according to the opinion of Li et al. (2013) is the brand image of the place and the hotels affect the perception of the customers in visiting those places. This is because depending on the brand image, the tourists come to know about the places vividly. Moreover this also helps in increasing the tourism industry to a great extent (Cameron, 2009)
Chon (2013) commented on the fact that customers play a crucial role in the tourism industries and have a good impact on the business of it at the same time. Depending on the customer perception and feedback, the percentage of other tourists visiting that place will be affected to a certain extent. Moreover, from the opinion of Gautam (2012) the travel and tourism industries increases the relationship between the countries that also improves the communication, growth of multiple other industries that are directly or indirectly associated with tourism industries. Moreover, a good perception of a place also makes the tourists in providing good feedbacks of the place via WOM and EWOM (Kantarci et al. 2014). As a result, according to the opinion of Mohamed Shaffril et al. (2014) the better the feedback will be received regarding a place, the better will the arrival of tourists to those places for enjoying both the scenic beauties and hospitality of the localities.
2.1 Introduction
In addition to this, Pearce (2012) also commented that based on customer perception on the tourism industries, the additional industries that grows along with the development of tourism industries are also increased. This gives a strong sense of development and increase in economic flourish of the country’s economics. A good customer perception increases the flow of tourist’s within the countries. From the viewpoint of Richardson and Butler (2012) the domestic economic activity gets expands along with the increase in foreign exchange. Apart from this, a good review of the tourists regarding a place encourages the investment for the expansion of infrastructure in order to facilitate sustainable growth (Munar, 2011).
According to the opinion and outlook of Ruhanen and Shakeela (2013) the customer perception is necessary in order to give a strong impact on the places that has been visited. Based on the customer satisfaction, the tourism of certain places has good impacts and depending on it the industries flows. Moreover, customer’s perception depends on the local attractions, accommodation facilities as well as security and other facilities. Ryan (2011) commented that absence of these facilities largely affects and gives an impact on the customer perception that directly affects the tourism industry of that place as well as the economy of the country. In addition to this, the customer satisfaction also depends on the availability of quality services along with the places that they visit. Apart from this, Yang and Khoo-Lattimore (2015) also commented that based on the customer’s needs and wants and requirements, the places of visits are cleaned and hygiene factors are also maintained along with the security of the places. Based on these factors, the perceptions of the tourists can change that is necessary to bring positivity in the tourism industries (Wilson, 2015).
Apart from this, Vong et al. (2015) also commented on the fact that the tourists if receive negative quality of services from the places where they visit, then the tourists will be receiving the negative perceptions. This will therefore lead to low quality feedback to the other tourists that will lead to the fall of the tourism industry. So, from the opinion of Ye et al. (2012) in order to improve the perceptions of the tourists, the services need to be premium quality and moreover the people also need to be honest in their approach.
2.7 Conclusion
This section of the assignment deals with the customer perception and tourism industry that is budding in Asian countries. Moreover, the factors affecting the impact of customer perception in Tourism Industry that includes quality of the service, security of the customers, cleanliness and hygiene along with brand image are discussed vividly. In addition to this, the impact of customer perception in tourism industry and the necessity of customer perception are also discussed that have impact on the tourism industry.
Goddard and Melville (2015) commented that research methodology is a procedure that provides help and support to the researcher in order to conduct the research work successfully and methodically. This is the blueprint of the research work that helps in conduction of research work. According to the opinion of Lancaster (2012) the researcher has adopted the descriptive approach that will help the researcher in relating the objectives from the facts that are available. The relationships between the findings as well as objectives are elaborated in the whole research system. Moreover, from the view point of Khan (2015) the research design that the researcher has planned to adopt is descriptive research design that helps in exploring the whole topic. This includes the collection of data as well as its methodical analysis that also includes the findings as well as facts that the researcher has received. In addition to this Kothari (2004) also commented that the researcher has chosen positivism philosophy that helped the researcher in understanding different parameters.
2.2 Customer perception
Lepp and Gibson (2003) commented on the fact that the researcher has adopted both primary sources and secondary sources for collecting the data. The primary sources include the quantitative questions asked to the tourists and the qualitative questions that are asked to the managers (Hall, 2004). The secondary sources include the books, journals, articles, websites etc that helped the researcher in collection of secondary data. Moreover Kumar (2005) also commented that based on those sources also the research work is done. The researcher also even planned to take a sample size of 100 tourists and 5 managers that are directly linked with the tourism industry of Asia. Moreover, the researcher also had taken into account the ethics while conducting the research. Severt et al. (2009) had commented that the researcher didn’t hurt the sentiments of anyone while collecting the data and neither has modified any kind of data that are collected. In addition to this, there were certain limitations such as time and budget constraints (George Assaf, 2012).
This section of the research work will be dealing with the quantitative questionnaire asked to the tourists and the qualitative questionnaires that are asked to the managers. Depending on the data collected, the data are analyzed and henceforth the researcher has drawn conclusions from that.
- What is your gender?
Options |
No. of Respondents |
Total Respondents |
Response % |
Male |
65 |
100 |
65 |
Female |
35 |
100 |
35 |
Table 1
Findings: It can be seen that about 65% male were involved in the survey whereas 35% were female that took part in the survey.
Discussion: It can be discussed from the accumulated data that males were high in numbers to give their views about the tourism industry in Asia. As the sample is collected on random basis therefore, more males came into account in comparison to females.
- Do you agree that tourism industry in Asia is booming?
Options |
No. Of Respondents |
Total Respondents |
Response % |
Agree |
36 |
100 |
36 |
Strongly Agree |
22 |
100 |
22 |
Neutral |
18 |
100 |
18 |
Disagree |
16 |
100 |
16 |
Strongly Disagree |
8 |
100 |
8 |
Table 2
Findings: It can be observed that most of the respondents around 58% agree that tourism industry is expanding in Asia to great extent. On the other hand, about 24% participants think that tourism industry is not booming whereas 18% have neutral view.
Discussion: From the findings, it can be said that respondents believe that tourism industry is growing in Asia. They have such view as they think that globalization has opened the market for Asian nations which attracts tourist to visit different places and explore the Asian culture. On the contrary, the respondents that have opposite view think that tourism industry in Asia is not booming as Asian nation do not provide great travelling experience.
- How far do you agree that consumers’ perception have impacted tourism industry?
Options |
No. Of Respondents |
Total Respondents |
Response % |
Agree |
34 |
100 |
34 |
Strongly Agree |
23 |
100 |
23 |
Neutral |
19 |
100 |
19 |
Disagree |
17 |
100 |
17 |
Strongly Disagree |
7 |
100 |
7 |
Findings: More than 57% of the respondents agree that consumer perception has serious impact on the tourism industry. On the other hand, the more than 24% of participants think that perception of consumer does not really impact tourism industry.
Discussion: Most of the respondents agree with that consumer perception has impact on tourism industry as they believe that tourism industry runs on tourist and large number of customers. Therefore, if tourism industry does not consider or study the consumer perception that it can ruin the business of tourism industry. On the other hand, the respondents that disagree with the statement have a thought that the increase in the service quality of tourism industry has impacted tourism industry.
- What are the factors that influence consumer perception towards expansion of tourism industry?
Options |
No. Of Respondents |
Total Respondents |
Response % |
Rates |
38 |
100 |
38 |
Service |
30 |
100 |
30 |
Staff Support |
14 |
100 |
14 |
Safety |
18 |
100 |
18 |
2.3 Tourism Industry in Asia
Table 4
Chart 4
Findings: It can be known that 38% of respondents consider rates relating to tourism whereas 30% rely on service. Rest of the 14% concentrates on staff support and 18% on safety during travelling by the tourism industry.
Discussion: It can be discussed from the gathered information that most participants chose rate factor which that influence the tourism industry expansion as low rates from the industry can pull large customer circle. Moreover, the people of Asia are price sensitive. Therefore, it can help industry to gain customer. On the other hand, the prompt service is the second factor which is most sought by the people as they want to explore places in quick time and with higher comfort.
- Do you agree that consumer perception play effective role in expansion and growth of tourism industry?
Options |
No. Of Respondents |
Total Respondents |
Response % |
Agree |
31 |
100 |
31 |
Strongly Agree |
25 |
100 |
25 |
Neutral |
19 |
100 |
19 |
Disagree |
15 |
100 |
15 |
Strongly Disagree |
10 |
100 |
10 |
Table 5
Findings: More than 56% of participants agree that perception of customers has valuable role in tourism industry growth whereas more than 25% disagree with the fact.
Discussion: It can be mentioned that perception of customer helps tourism industry to understand the requirements of customers so that best service can be delivered. The customers can have perception relating to availability of transport, travel/tourist guide, quality food, etc. Apart from that, the people that do not believe have a view that it is the service of the tourism industry that helps in growing tourism industry.
- Are you satisfied with the ambience of bars and restaurants and food in Asia?
Options |
No. Of Respondents |
Total Respondents |
Response % |
Satisfied |
32 |
100 |
32 |
Strongly Satisfied |
22 |
100 |
22 |
Neutral |
26 |
100 |
26 |
Dissatisfied |
14 |
100 |
14 |
Strongly Dissatisfied |
6 |
100 |
6 |
Table 6
Chart 6
Findings: Most of the respondents are pleased with the type of service provided in Asia whereas more than 20% are not satisfied with the ambience relating to restaurants and bars and food quality.
Discussion: It has been understood that participants have positive view as they might have tried the cuisine and other services in Asian tourism industry. On the other hand, respondents that are dissatisfied might have a view that the cost of such services might be too high for them nd due to that they are not able to enjoy best services.
How consumer perception has impacted tourism industry growth in Asia?
The managers have pointed that behavior and perception of consumer has forced the tourism industry to change so that they can cater large customer from different places. The tourism industry is giving due to importance to their inner parts so that quality service can be delivered to consumer and meets their expectations.
What factors affect the perception of consumers towards tourism industry expansion in Asian nations?
The other manager has mentioned that factors relating to price and quality tourism service help the tourism industry to expand and grow. The customers are price sensitive and reasonable charge for the service will help the industry to attract consumers and meet up the price and quality perception of the customers.
Why it is important to understand the consumer perception for the growth of tourism industry?
The other manager has pointed that understanding the consumer perception helps in knowing the requirements of customers regarding price, service, food, hotels, transport, etc. Therefore, understanding these factors helps in growth of industry in Asia to a better scale.
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Chapter 3: Methodology
5.1.1: To understand the impact of consumer perception on the growing Tourism Industry in Asia.
The researcher has observed from the Table 3 of quantitative and question 1 of qualitative that there is serious impact of perception or expectation of customers on the tourism industry which helps industry in Asia to grow and provide required services to the consumers that can generate better return. Moreover, it can help in the exposure of nation in global scale that can assist in gaining large customer circle from around the world.
5.1.2: To understand the factors that affects the customer perception towards the expanding tourism industry in the Asian countries.
The researcher has found from the table 4 and question 2 that perception of consumers is mostly influenced by rates/price, service, staff support and safety. Therefore, it would help the tourism industries in Asia to register growth and earn better income from the industry. The factor has most impact on the perception of consumer is price as with low charges the consumers can explore more places and also different variety of foods.
5.1.3: To understand the importance and necessity of customer perception in the expansion and growth of tourism industry in Asia.
The data of table 5 and question 3 provide an effective learning that customer perception has an important role in expansion of tourism industry and its growth. On the other hand, it can be understood that tourism industry can know the factors that strikes the customers to visit different places. Therefore, if the mind of the customer is studied in right direction then it can assure tourism industry growth in Asia.
Since the tourism in the Asian countries is growing in a rapid pace, the future scenario will be different from that of today’s present scenario. With the increase in development of the places as well as improvement of quality of services, the tourism industry is flourishing. As a result the scope of the study has also expanded to a good and a considerable extent.
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