Manual Part Programming For CNC Milling: Trigonometry-Based Approach
The part programming divided into two segment. Both operations of NC part programming have demonstrate in following figure. The operation are follows as given number from 1 to 18
Figure. 1 Part programming for boundary surface of Sheet
Figure. Part programming for center milling operation
N01 |
G71 |
G90 |
G94 |
N02 |
G00 |
X-20 Y 0 |
N03 |
G00 |
Z20 |
N04 |
G01 G42 D20 |
Z -20 S1000 |
F200 M03 |
N05 |
G01 |
X0 Y0 |
N06 |
G01 |
X220 |
N07 |
G01 |
X 250 Y -30 |
N08 |
G01 |
X 250 Y -330 |
N09 |
G02 |
X 220 Y -360 |
R 30 |
N10 |
G01 |
X 30 Y -360 |
N11 |
G02 |
X 0 Y -330 |
R30 |
N12 |
G01 |
X 0 Y -30 |
N13 |
G01 |
X 30 Y 0 |
N14 |
G01 |
X0 Y0 |
N15 |
G00 |
Z +20 |
N16 |
G00 |
X 110 Y -75 |
N17 |
G01 |
X 140 Y -75 |
N18 |
G02 |
X 155 Y -90 |
N19 |
G01 |
X 155 Y -270 |
N20 |
G02 |
X 140 Y -255 |
N21 |
G01 |
X 110 Y -255 |
N22 |
G02 |
X 95 Y -270 |
N23 |
G01 |
X 95 Y -90 |
N24 |
G02 |
X 110 Y -75 |
N25 |
G00 |
Z +20 |
N26 |
G40 |
N27 |
G00 |
X -20 Y 0 |
N28 |
G00 |
Z 20 |
N29 |
M30 |
In manual NC part programming, it is require to crate NC code for the specific process and operation as well. Whereas the CAD/ CAM part programming is used for multipurpose when it develop for first time, it can feed into other computer device and machine operation also for same operation. It is require to convert into machine language. The programming post process used to change code which is necessary to read and operate through NC controller for particular machine operation. The CAD/CAM post processor must be feed into specific code such as G-code and N-code with the X, y and Z co-ordinate system. The output must be written in individual machine tools.
For numerical part programming, it is not necessary to perform with specific source, it can provide accurate output without specific source. Whereas in CAD/CAM machine operation need automatic selection process for the individual machine operation. Also, the CAD/CAM machine tool system can manage speed and feed at running operation. Path selection for the process also automatic CAD/CAM system and machine tool selection. At the same time, the numerical part programming techniques need manual feed data such as speed and feed for machine operation.
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