Managing Workplace Relationships And Legal Compliance
Equal Opportunity Act 2010
1. Legislations related to management of workplace relationships
Equal Opportunity Act 2010 – The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 is an essential aspect of workplace relationship management that represents treating every individuals equally from every aspects and not discriminating them by biasness or prejudice. The workplaces of organisations must engage people and provide him or her a position that has been best suited for the individuals according to the skills, knowledge and experience possessed and qualifications acquired till date (Choi 2013). The main objectives of Equal Opportunity Act 2010 are to eliminate or prevent discrimination based on race, religion, creed, ethnicity or colour and at the same time, facilitate the management of equality and promoting equal scopes and opportunities for every employees, regardless of whether the individual is male or female (Sargeant 2016).
Anti-discrimination – Considering the fact that Australia do possess various legal obligations and duties based on the international human rights and treaties associated with the prevention of discrimination. The Anti-discrimination Act represents eliminating any forms of discrimination based on race, religion, colour, race, ethnicity or creed (Noe et al. 2017).
Age Discrimination Act 2004 – Age discrimination mostly occurs when the individual is treated unfairly or unequally and are provided with lesser opportunities when compared with others during a certain situation because of the person being too young or too old. The Age Discrimination Act 2004 prevents discrimination in the area of employment and ensures that discrimination is not done based on the age, rather focus should be placed on individual performance rather than the age of individuals (Chuang 2013).
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – According to Australian Human Rights Commission, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 ensures prevention of discrimination of individual based on any kinds of disability from which the person suffers. Based on the law, to manage effective workplace relationships, changes should be done to the recruitment and selection procedures along with the job design and work schedules to facilitate learning for the individuals with disability (Ashkanasy, Zerbe and Hartel 2016). The training and developmental sessions are arranged for ensuring that the induction programs for disabled staffs are arranged properly to mentor and support them, furthermore allow them to perform to their potential and ensure no discrimination within the workplace (Fredman 2017).
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 – The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 enables managing various human rights considering the management of Civil and political rights along with declaration of rights of child and managing rights of mentally retarded individuals through elimination of any kinds of discrimination activities based on race, religion, colour, disability or belief (Njoroge and Yazdanifard 2014).
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 – The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 is incorporated in case someone has been treated less fairly when compared with others in a similar kind of situation. The policy occurrence ensures treating everyone equally from every aspects and ensuring that no such negative impact is created to the individuals belonging from a different race, religion or ethnicity (Manthorpe and Moriarty 2013).
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 – According to the legislation, any sort of discrimination based on sex or marital relationship or sexual orientation should be prevented to manage effective workplace relationships. The legislation is applied to sex based discrimination related to topics such as domestic violence in case of no justification to the sex differentiation for the victims who experienced violent activities (Alonso, Moscoso and Salgado 2017).
Board of Director
Green Tree Fine Foods
Being the CEO of Green Tree Fine Foods, a provider of organic gourmet food items and ingredients, I need to focus on re-establishing the business management procedures for gaining good growth and development. Due to the increase in staffing process, the company needs to come out of the family style business and ensure development of positive workplace relationships through maintenance of good interpersonal styles, communication process and manage good network and resolution of conflicts too. There are no such proper policies and procedures needed to manage the human resources properly and thus, as the CEO of the company, I need to make sure that the interpersonal relationships are established and more focus should be paid on effective communication for meeting the workplace relationships’ requirements.
I would like to ensure that adherence to the Fair Labour Standards Act is done considering the labour and employment laws, rules and regulations. This would ensure proper management of recruitment and selection processes along with management of provisions for minimum wage, overtime pay, exempt as well as non-exempt classification of employees. Complying with the Civil Rights Act and Disabilities Act would also help in managing legal compliance and at the same time, cerate equal opportunities for people. The recruitment and election policies include providing equal opportunities to everyone without any form of discrimination. The compensation strategy should also be implanted whereas the Anti-Discrimination Act and Equal Opportunity Act should ensure treating everyone equally from every aspects and ensuring prevention of discrimination. I would like to gain you approval considering the case and even make recommendations for designing new communication techniques necessary for managing good interaction between the employees, furthermore strengthen the network and ensure resolution of conflicts all throughout.
Age Discrimination Act 2004
The positive relationships within the workplace are based on the understanding of own skills, knowledge and experiences possessed by me. This can be vital for dealing with different kinds of situations, furthermore gain the trust and confidence of others to maintain professionalism within the workplace.
- Few of the key factors associated with the gaining of trust and confidence of the workers include remaining honest and open to the employees and maintaining integrity as well for acquiring the trust and confidence of the workers. Remaining transparent with the company mission and vision along with the clarification of goals should assist in making them feel valued to the organisation (Dorbeck-Jung and Shelley-Egan 2013). To gain their trust and confidence, I would like to consult with them and allow them to share their views and opinions, which can not only represent a good workplace culture, but will also encourage collaborative work all throughout.
- One such situation could be when I faced some major issues in making a perfect decision, which can benefit the business. In such case, I conducted a meeting with the team members to facilitate group discussions and ensured that they can provide their useful ideas and opinions. They provided their opinions and views and made sure to strengthen my skills in the process of decision making. They also felt valued for the company and contributed t the welfare of business (Song et al. 2015).
- To form a diversified culture, I made sure to improve the interpersonal communication with the help of egalitarian style, which favoured the sharing or exchange of information without directing information while focusing on mutual understanding. It helped in making employees encouraged to deliver their views and responses for the facilitation of business decision making. I also aim to conduct meetings and deliver messages to the employees, which could improve the listening skills and at the same time, allow emotions to intervene and improve own experience furthermore.
- I would like to conduct meetings with the HR manager to ensure formation of a culturally diverse workplace by opening new job scopes and opportunities and ensuring appointing the most suitable individual regardless of what race, background, religion or ethnicity from which he or she belong (Czerkawski 2016). To support a culture, I would also offer scopes and opportunities for recognition, awards and social reinforcements too.
The code of conduct is developed to ensure management of values, beliefs, ethical laws, rules, principles that represent the vision and mission of the organisation along with the setting of clear standards required to meet the expectations based on the job related perspectives. A suitable code of conduct could be Anti-Discrimination law that should allow for preventing any form of discrimination of individuals based on race, religion, ethnicity, colour or creed, which could facilitate formation of a good culture and managing good performance and efficiency within the workforce too (Mulder and Smits 2013). The workforce consists of a diverse culture and thus it is important to prevent discrimination based on race, colour, religion or ethnicity, which could promote wellbeing and positive health of the workplace.
The formal networks are formed by enabling communication between employees and the information and messages are shared and exchanged, which facilitates collective intelligence and valuable information acqusitions. The disadvantages could be high cost and time required whereas for the informal networks, the networks may not be rigid and can allow freedom to move in any direction. The informal networks are not much suited considering the workplace attributes where many of the employees might get disengaged at the later stages.
The three major networking activities I have been involved with include team meeting, social networking and managing professional associations. The team meetings are conducted to discuss about certain things with the team members as I provided information about the organisational policies and laws required to manage good workforce functioning. The social networking enabled using various social networks to facilitate communication between employees and allowing for good interaction through chat messages (Czerkawski 2016). The professional associations are vital aspects of networking that include managing good interactions with individuals to promote professionalism and by communicating with them to acquire their views and statements before decision making.
The activities scheduled include the analysis of stakeholders in business, maintaining trust and high level of confidence and even development of skills of individuals. The analysis of stakeholders should help in assessing their needs and finding ways to fulfil those whereas the management of trust and confidence should help in establishing positive relationships with them (Choi 2013). The development of skills and knowledge should be supported through effective training and developmental sessions required to facilitate learning and development of theirs, furthermore ensure establishment of internal and external workplace relationships.
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Thank you for all of your commitment towards the organisation and you valuable ideas have helped us to sustain in the business environment. Nonetheless, at present, we have been facing some major issues related to the increase in call waiting time. It has been recorded that the waiting time has increased from 1 minute to 3.5 minutes during the last six months, which is a major issue for the call centre operators as well as for the clients and they have made complaints regarding the same too. I would like all of you to take part in the meeting that should be commenced tomorrow and I expect everyone’s participation to discuss about how these issues can be resolved as soon as possible. I personally think that the communication process has also been negligible for the past few months and it is a major concern for the business, which may also affect the business performance in the future. Thus, I require everyone to get involved in the meeting and make sure to address concerns and how these issues can be resolved within quick time. I am willing for involve the social networks as part of the business operations, not for any entertainment purposes but for ensuring two way communication between the business and our clients in an effective way. For any further suggestions, I would like all of you to participate in the meeting where we can share our individual views and ultimately make an effective decision.
Thanks and regards
- Two strategies
One such great strategy could be the encouragement of ownership, which should be communicated openly among the team members so that they could understand their job roles and responsibilities, furthermore ensure shared decision making and controlling of project based on the top down approach, This would also keep them motivated and encouraged to show their skills and expertise by delivering their ideas, views and opinions responsible for strengthening the workforce efficiency and to overcome the issues as well.
Becoming a good example could be anther effective strategy implemented by the manager to bring enthusiasm among employees and contribute to the positive outcomes of the project. The positive attitudes and behaviours are influenced along with high level of motivation, which could represent clear ideas and goals to be achieved by the team members, furthermore undertake actions and contribute to the success of the project (Dowden et al. 2013).
- Ways of facilitating 2 way communication and encouraging feedback to employees
The creation or development of informal relationships is important for facilitating the two way communication process while improving the sharing and exchange of information and messages between the sender and receiver. The two way communication process should further allow the participants to think collaboratively and develop mutual understanding to achieve the desired goals and objectives with ease and efficiency (Men 2014). Monitoring the progress of workforce consisting of the team members and acquiring their feedbacks could be essential as well for ensuring what changes should be done to fulfil their needs and requirements, furthermore make any changes and improvements to improve the process of decision making. As a team leader, I would like to respond to the questions and ideas, which could make the employees obtain the messages as inputs and make them feel valued at the same time, which could make them remain committed and engaged all throughout (Huang, Baptista and Galliers 2013).
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
Team leader- A warm welcome to all of you. Today we have assembled here to discuss about Recruitment of Staff with a Disability Policy. I hope you all have followed the video on the TED Talks.
Team members (collectively) – Yes.
Team member 1- I felt it very productive in terms of the behavioural changes regarding hiring the staffs with disabilities.
Team leader- Yes, we will discuss about it in greater details in this interactive session. Ok, so let’s start. I hope all of you have received the copy of Recruitment of Staff with a Disability Policy?
(The team members collaboratively affirms to the question posed by the team leader)
Team leader- First of all, let me brief you all about the Recruitment of Staff with a Disability Policy. Council, General Board and Institutions are committed towards recognition of the obligations under Equality Act (2010). This is in terms of averting any unlawful discriminations against the staffs with disabilities at any stage of employment.
Team member 2- Can you be more specific regarding the scope and arena of the Disability and Employment Policy?
Team leader- Acquiring this policy is assistance in terms of seeking the employment of the staffs with disabilities according to their qualifications, abilities and aptitudes. Specialists are hired for detecting the modifications needed to make the necessary adjustments.
Team member 3- So, what is the objective of this policy?
Team leader- Disability and Employment Policy aims at promoting the skills, expertise and knowledge of the staffs with disabilities.
Team member 4- What are the safety measures incorporated for ensuring the wellbeing of the staffs with disabilities?
Team leader- It gives me immense pleasure to tell you that the Board indulges in partnership with disability related advocacy organizations. Along with this, the Board panel ensures the provision of help desks at the disability related job fairs.
Team member 5- It is indeed a productive step. Now can you kindly elucidate on the legislative requirements which are followed for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the staffs with disability?
Team leader (referring to PowerPoint presentation)- You would be surprised to know about Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which works towards providing full time employment opportunities to the staffs with disabilities. Within this, I can cite the reference of public vocational rehabilitation funds, which provides financial assistance for the staffs with disabilities.
Team member 6- Are there schemes, which reflect the emphasis on promotion of the staffs with disabilities?
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Team leader- Yes, definitely…… As per the functionalities of Board, Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) is one of the initiatives towards providing support to the staffs with disabilities regarding the recruitment and selection policies. I can also refer to legislative schemes like “Employee First”, which has been published within the policies. Within this, the noteworthy components are tax incentives, state procurements goals and objectives for contracts and accessible work transportations.
Team member 5- The initiatives are indeed praiseworthy.
Team leader- Indeed, it is. Ok, now let’s move on to the behavioural aspects of the recruiters while hiring the staffs with disabilities. I would cite references from the video, which would help me to support my assumptions
Team member 4- Kindly can you play a segment of the video once again?
Team leader- Well………we are running out of time…….Ok, I am playing the segment on behavioural transformation once again.
(After the video segment finishes, the team leader resumes his speech)
Team leader- Ok, so let’s discuss on the behavioural aspects. My focus would be on the question, “Why do we need to change our behaviour for some defects of others?” First let me ask what are your interpretations regarding the question.
Team member 1- I think it has something to do with sympathising on the difficulty of others.
Team leader- You are close enough to the issue. The interrogative parameter of the question reflects shedding of the responsibilities towards the staffs with disabilities, this is against the norms of the Code of ethics. Ok, thank you all for your precious time. We will discuss about the behavioural aspect of the issue elaborately on our next meeting.
Manager- Hello, accept my warm greetings.
Alan- Hello, Sir.
Manager- You can feel free to discuss all of the issues, which you encountered after hiring Sam in your team. Let me assure you that we would strictly follow Ethical Code of Conduct and Data Protection Act, which would act assistance in preserving the confidentiality and privacy within your responses.
Alan- Thank you, Sir.
Manager- So, let’s start from the beginning. Brief me about the incidents, which occurred after you hired Sam.
Alan- I am very scared, as my communication with Sam has not been on positive terms.
Manager- Please feel comfortable….. Will you have a glass of water?
Alan- No sir, I am alright.
Manager- Sure?
Alan- Yes.
Manager- Ok, let me inform you that I would be recording your opinions, however, it would be only for the purpose of interview. Therefore, kindly sign the Consent letter, which reflects that you agree with all the terms and conditions.
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Alan- Sure, sir. (He trembles while signing the Consent Letter)
Manager- Please go ahead.
Alan- I think 12 years’ experience in the hardware industry is beneficial in terms for assessing whether the works are performed according to the identified and specified requirements.
Manager- Absolutely.
Alan- After Jonny left, I recruited Sam. My focus has always been on finishing the targets within the stipulated deadline. However, Sam’s incapability towards finishing the tasks within the deadline, compelled me to encounter losses. I can also mention the complaints made by the clients and the customers.
Manager- It is a very serious matter. Did you both had a heated argument?
Alan- Yes…. I remember having abrupt communication with Sam regarding completing the projects. Our conversations were open-ended. From his responses, I could not make out the next course of action. This made me uncomfortable when I attended the meetings with Sam.
Manager. I got the point, which you are trying to say. I think you both need to indulge in open forums and discussions more often. You can take notes from his responses, which would help you in preparing the minutes of the meetings.
Alan- Yes, you are right. I need to try this technique.
Manager- However, you need to understand that not all the staffs are equal in terms of their intellectual understanding. This is because they hail from different backgrounds.
Alan- Yes, I am aware of this fact.
Manager- Good. You can implement Ethical Code of Conduct in the workplace operations, which would be effective in terms of averting illegal instances like conflicts, discriminations and harassments. Along with this, it would also seem fruitful in terms of enhancing the cultural diversity policies.
Alan- It is there in our workplace norms, but I need to confess that it lacks strictness in the applications.
Manager- It can be a threat to the sustainability of the human resource management unless and until you refer to diversity policies and procedures.
Alan- Thank you so much, sir, for sharing such valuable information.
Manager- In addition to this, you need to access the websites of statutory bodies of law for gaining an insight into the complaint procedures. This is in case of receiving ill-treatment in the workplace.
Alan- How will I be benefitted from this?
Manager- Updated version of the complaint procedures would assist you in getting compensation, which would restore your lost honour and respect.
Alonso, P., Moscoso, S. and Salgado, J.F., 2017. Structured behavioral interview as a legal guarantee for ensuring equal employment opportunities for women: A meta-analysis. The European journal of psychology applied to legal context, 9(1), pp.15-23.
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Fredman, S., 2017. Disability equality: A challenge to the existing anti-discrimination paradigm?. In Disability and Equality Law (pp. 123-142). Routledge.
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