Managing Work Place Relations In The Hotel Industry


Discuss about the Managing Work Place Relations.

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Hotel industry is one of the well growing organizations in the present day generation world. It is the place where people get trained for their culinary arts, dining and other food related stuff. The work that is being learned by us is greatly impacted by the type of work relations that we have in that environment (Warner, 2016).

Authorization: The present report pertains to the type of relationships that are maintained by the organization at the work place since it has been found to discriminate the people relating to various aspects such as age, racial and disability. The kind of harassment that is being given by discriminating the individuals among others is being reported. The relationship policy varied based on the favoritism aspect and mainly the regionally feeling (Dane & Brummel, 2013). A study has been carried out by which various reasons were also proposed such as creating a stressful environment to the individuals, isolating them from the group by discriminating based on age or disabilities etc.

Limitations: The organizations have some constraints because of which the discrimination occurs in the workplace. From their point of view it has been said that there are some factors which are considered at the work place if that is seen in an individual then he would be encouraged and ultimately it would lead to the success of the company (Stone, 2013). The organizational limitations includes the body language of the employee and his listening skills towards the subject his effective communication for the growth of the company and the type of skills that he poses. If such a kind of constraints is fulfilled then the company is same to all it says.

Scope: The outline drawn from these studies is that for the development of the organizational the company is striving hard to improve the loopholes that are being faced by the employees at the work place. The manager would like to address the issues according to the level of problems that are occurring in the relationships while working at the place (Holmes & Stubbe, 2015). The organization wants to improve from all the aspects which would finally help them in the growth and success of the company. The purpose of the study is only through the effective communication regarding the biased faced in the workplace to the higher officials it can be improved and demolished.

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Rather than judging the people based on the skills, capabilities and the type of attributes they poses the organization started identifying them in the form of discrimination. The youth and the older people are being discriminated at the workplace. Groups are made based on this prejudice. Employee’s promotion or hiring is usually not related to job requirement (Wanrooy et al, 2013). But here all these categories are taken into account such as age of the person, suffering from any disability or the individual belongs any special region is being considered to make any further decisions in the organization. If these kinds of procedures are followed then it’s a big loss to the company.

In Australia according to the legislation called Anti-discrimination at workplace the workers are supposed to work in the environment which is free from harassment and discrimination. There are some characteristics designed by the legislation that if discrimination is occurring at that place than it would led to an illegal issue. Any kind of racial, age or disability discrimination is done towards someone than it is legally process under this legislation act. By making such rules it is making the work place flexible for the employees to work and get rid of such elements (Mausethagen, 2013). Any kind of harassment experienced by the employee then they can file under the sexual harassment act. By this favorable conditions are provided to the employees to work freely.

Zero Tolerance: If the working environment is impacted with the negative behaviors then the zero tolerance is bared by the Anti-discrimination act and would proceed legally for the issues behind that because the individuals are personally affected on their characteristics. This kind of behavior is not accepted as it the disgraceful and the equality among all are not maintained by them in the work place (Shields et al, 2015). The organization would be punished because of their violation from the rules set by them. Managers are not allowed to discrete the management’s personal discretion. Any kind of racial sex or ability discrimination is seen then they are subjected to law with zero tolerance.

Disciplinary action for breaches: If an individual is allegedly discriminated then the authorities would investigate and file a complaint against the Australia human rights commission act. Under this various laws are implemented base on the type of discrimination. If the case is against the age discrimination rat the place of employment or in the area of education or any other field them the Age discrimination act comes into the picture (Appelbaum, 2015). If the discrimination is based on disability issue then the complaint is filed against the Disability Discrimination act as they possess some special fundamental rights which are especially for them. The racial discrimination issue is subjected under the racial discrimination act as its basic principle is to promote equality before law. Organizational Objectives


Treatment of staff: All the employees should be treated equally in the organization at the workplace without any discrimination. For the benefits of the organization they have to treat the employees with equality which is a significant aspect as it is going to be advantageous for the company (Wajcman, 2013). The major key principles of the ethical business and the ethical organizations guidelines are the treatment of people with no discrimination against age, racial or disability.

Training and development: All the employees should be trained equally with no difference in proving knowledge to them. All special skills required for the position should be given training for all the individuals without and discrimination. For the better performance all the employees should be trained at high level with equality. Based on the performance of the employee the development in the company would reach high and ultimately it leads to the growth of the organization. The abilities of the employee have to be trained at better level for the good development of the company.

Complaints Procedure: The individual who are facing discriminating issue can file a complaint to the Australian Human Right commission. The complaint should be in the written format. While giving the complaint all the required information should be included in the file (Todd & Binns, 2013). A special form is providing by them to launch a complaint. It can either be submitted in the form of hard copy or a soft copy. Authorization should be taken by you if you trying to launch a complaint on behalf of other person and then can proceed legally.

Treatment of Complaints: The complaints launched against discrimination are treated fairly well. They are investigated before filing the law against the organization. Proper and reasonable research is made by investigation and then appropriate lawsuit is filed on the company for violating the rules and following discrimination.

Protection guarantees: If any difficulties are faced at workplace then you need a file a complaint of discrimination at the fair work commission after a proper investigation of job loss and their termination reasons are found out and guarantee of reasonable justice is provided them (Samnani, 2013).

Reporting mechanisms: Firstly if an employee is facing any discrimination issue then he should be aware of the laws that are filed against them. The policies and the procedures involved in them should be known by the a simple complaint for that is available in their website of Anti-discrimination which can be filled and submitted either online or a hard copy or they can even file complaint in the legislation community.

Attitude of the organization to discrimination

Standards of conduct: The conduct of the employee should be highly labeled with integrity and honesty. According to all legislations acts and policies of state and federal the conducts of employees are taken into consideration before filing a complaint (Appelbaum, 2015). The employee is supposed to maintain high standard working environment at his work place with dignity.

Discrimination means an individual who is treated unfavorably in a group or from other person of the work place and is not provided with equal opportunities or knowledge or equality at any place and is violated from all the necessary actions (Kersley et al, 2013). It’s the impact that is seen on persons background or on his personal characteristics

Commonwealth Legislation: Consolidated database of all the Commonwealth acts with some exception of supply acts and appropriation is included in this. It has all acts of amending consisting in it which are due to changes in ComLaw. It I not an official one and it is not authorized but can be used for all commonwealth legislation acts.

State legislation: The laws that are not controlled by the commonwealth legislation are taken care by the state legislation. The powers of this state legislation are in the hands of governor (Stone, 2013). Since Australia is divided into six stated each state has its own head so they have their own constitutional rules and regulation policies which are followed. Any complaint filed against any particular state would follow their laws and legislations.

Example one: A black American who was in a customer service position was stopped for his promotion. When he demanded an explanation regarding that his performance in the current position is not appreciable and the database of client is not enough for that higher position. Others were white men in that work place and on repeated questioning to organization he was harassed at his work place by pressuring on his accounts.

Example two: A women of 55 year age was mercilessly denied for the waitress position because she would not support the promotion of the business they are looking for. She was abused erotically for her physical appearance in spite of not offering a job (Barak, 2013).

Example three: A girl of 16 years of age was sexually harassed at her workplace when asked for the summer internship because of her race.

Management: The management should be responsible and focus only on the business growth of the organization by taking into consideration the safety of the employee. The main objective of the management should be equality among all with no discrimination and following the legislation rules and regulation without violating them and providing flexible workplace environment for the employees.

Commitment to an environment free from discrimination and harassment

Employees: The employees should also maintain the dignity by following the rules set by the organization and involving themselves in the training of the subject by implementing all their skills and knowledge for the development of the company and its business growth.

  • Case Example one: The 16 year old girl who was sexually harassed at the work place during the internship program has filed a complaint under the Sexual Act where after proper investigation legal consequences are to be faced by that organization
  • Case example two: The business was run into the losses after a proper decision was not made by the organization in promoting the black American into the higher position and it was later penalized for that discrimination.
  • Case Example three: The lady for being sexually abused without giving job in the hotel was handed over a sum amount of money by the hotel organization for being unlawful to her (Barak, 2013).
  • When to contact for assistance: When the employment policies are used then the limited constrain ton the employee and the process of discrimination is noticed in a wide state and if the employee is being sexually abused or harassed, assaulting then it’s time to contact for assistance.
  • How to contact for assistance: The individual can directly approach the anti-discrimination act community and file a complaint in written format and can apply it online and give the hard copy (Appelbaum, 2015).
  • Who to contact for assistance: Office of Civil Rights is the place where an individual can get assistance for launching the complaint and proceeding with further process.


As per the report the discrimination policies has been mentioned and the legislations that are undertaking this act are also revealed the consequences that are faced while violating the rules and the legislations acts by following discrimination is been reported. The organization should follow equality before law and has to treat all the employees equally at the workplace and should not show discrimination or harass them at any point of time and the eligibility analysis should be done based on their knowledge and other interpersonal skills criteria is the main point that is focused.


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