Managing Talent In Emerging Economy Multinationals: Integrating Strategic Management And Human Resource Management

Critically discuss the argument(s) presented by the author(s).

1 Critically discuss the argument(s) presented by the author(s).

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The article is based on the research question of what are the obstacles the economy multinational enterprises face and how the talent management practices can be developed.  The article aims at establishing a research agenda on HRM and strategic management in the EMNEs. Specifically, the purpose of the article is to integrate the HRM and strategic management perspectives in order to advance the theories along with enhancing the relevance of both the lines of scholarship into practice. The primary focus of the article is on the major challenges faced by EMNEs in deploying and developing the managerial competencies in order to lead the international operations. The authors point out in the existing literature the MNEs face challenges regarding attracting, developing and retaining the talent with a global market. The major challenge for the EMNEs is their lack of in-house development talent and also the shortage of internationally experienced leaders in their own country.

2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?

The research was conducted mainly in china but the company visits were also conducted in Turkey, India and Indonesia. There were some selected companies which permitted the authors to collect data regarding their operations The authors also explored the relevant existing literature, journal articles are researches. The collected data is presented by the authors in table formats based on the exemplar research questions maintaining the authenticity the data.  Hence, both the primary and secondary have been used.

3 Discuss the limitations of the research conducted by the author(s).

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The article concludes on suggesting that an extensive discourse between the HRM and strategic management is required to uplift the understanding of the implementation of strategy in the MNEs and specifically in the EMNEs.   The article is limited in the knowledge of how the obstacles are overcome relevant to the people management in the recently grown international operations. In this area, the conclusion of the article can be challenged as gives insufficient data on the tactics of overcoming the strategy implementation challenges.

Is workplace flexibility good policy? Evaluating the efficacy of age management strategies for older women workers (Total word count: ~300 words)

1 Critically discuss the argument(s) presented by the author(s).

The research question of the article is based on the knowledge and enactment of the policies related to workplace flexibility by the managers of the organizations. The article aims at delineating what do the managers understand by flexibility and what are the flexibility related options that they feel suitable. The article further analyses the perceived benefits and expenses of flexibility for the older women in the organization. The article basically argues that in managing the older women workers and elongating their work-span , the effectiveness of the line managers and their will to innovate are extremely crucial.

What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?

2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?

The findings of the article are based on the qualitative data extracted from the interviews conducted on a sample size of 58 HR mangers. As a constructive basis of the research, the authors took up three industry sectors of Australia such as the financial service industry, the higher education sector and the public sector. The researchers came up knowing new aspects regarding the policies and the practices in managing older women workers while interviewing them. Notably, the reliability of the over the telephone interviews is far lesser than face-to –face interviews.

3 Discuss the limitations of the research conducted by the author(s).

As far as limitations of the study are concerned, it can be said that data is more oriented to the older women workers and there were no comparisons made between the older man and older women. Next, only three industries were chosen and thereby obstructed the possibility to generalize the findings. The basis of the study is the self-reporting of the HR managers and other stakeholders. Hence, these are the areas where the study can be challenged. However, the findings suggest that flexibility is not that effectively implemented in organizations for age –based management and the firm are summoned to reconsider this sensitive aspect. It will help to increase the overall innovation

Talent management of western MNCs in China: Balancing global integration and local responsiveness (Total word count: ~300 words)

1 Critically discuss the argument(s) presented by the author(s).

 In any business industry, especially in the international organization the attraction, development and retention of talents are serious issues and required well-structured talent management system. The organizations are facing challenges in finding the actually talented people. Although the importance of the strategic talent management has been realised in the recent years, China has been long promoting the FDI and the talent management.  The paper thus takes the initiatives to explore the way china recognizes, develops and retains the talent in its MNCs. The paper further explores particularly the ways the companies develops the already acquired people and fosters the organizational culture.

2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?

 The research is primarily based on the seven case studies related to the research topic and extracting qualitative data from those.  The collected data are presented in the table format based on four research streams. These four stream are talent management as a collection of HRM practices, talent management as a categorization of talent, talent management as the internal talent pools and succession planning and talent management as the identification of the pivotal talent positions. The diagrams of underlying research framework for the talent management is also presented. The cases are selected on the basis of their ownership of the foreign subsidiaries.

Discuss the limitations of the research conducted by the author(s).

3 Discuss the limitations of the research conducted by the author(s).

In terms of limitations, the paper is mainly focused in the talent management in China. The study is limited as it is based on the interviews of seven case companies. It is t be noted that larger sample size is required for generalization of the findings and validating the points the article notes. It also failed to analyse the compensation pay and the role pay in the strategies of the talent management in the context of china. It requires further research in order to explore how strict external environment impacts on the strategies of talent management in China.

The role of the psychological contract in shaping graduate experiences: a study of public sector talent management programmes in the UK and Australia

1 Critically discuss the argument(s) presented by the author(s).

The talent management has been considered it be a major factor in gaining the competitive advantage. This particular paper analyses the research question on the success of the talent management programs based on the experiences of people. The article further examines how the talent management programs handle the individual expectations and how program evaluation is done on the basis of these expectations. The research findings suggest that both the talent implementation and talent management strategy are required in order to shape the expectations of people.  Notably, the external factor of are also involved in it such as multiple agents, especially the line managers. The main arguments of the article cover areas such as the organizations must communicate everything in the graduate fast track program. The role of the managers also needs to be considered.

2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?

The research is based on the data collected from the 68 semi –structured interviews conducted on the two selected case study organizations. The UK graduation participants were recruited through the email sent to the participants of the program The graduate participants from Australia were also included. The collected data was analysed having used a special template where a set of codes was compiled which represented the themes recognized in the data.  The two main themes are how the psychological contract develops and the way the graduates evaluates their expectations in the talent management program.

3 Discuss the limitations of the research conducted by the author(s).

The study has recognized the value of psychological contract in order to understand how the individuals evaluate and experience the program related to the talent management.  The limited areas where the study can be challenged are that prior data of participating in the programs were founded on retrospective reports from the participants. The time lengths of the participants in the programs were varied so the study could not examine the outcomes.

Reflection: Why is online collaboration crucial in 21st century talent management? (Total word count: ~300 words)

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