Managing Socio-Technical Change: Assessing Organizational Readiness

Assessment Overview

The outline of socio technical change are

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  • Implementation of better leadership roles
  • Implementation of better employee management programs
  • Initiation of cross departmental training for employees
  • Usage of better integrated ICT across the departmental levels
  • Utilization of better leadership techniques and effective motivational
  • Development of better interaction between team members to facilitate better understanding
  • Implementation of better assessment and individual development centered  monitoring techniques

Rationale for the assignment of scores

As can be seen from the article leading change has a 90% score rate if good sponsor, commitment and no doubt is there in the leadership. Respectively, creation of a shared need, vision shaping, mobilization of commitment, monitoring progress, job finishing and change anchoring are aspects that have been assigned 10%, 50% and 90% each with regards to the various grades can be achieved towards achieving goals. The grades have been decided on the amount of help the level of change management with respect to the identified aspects in the table can contribute towards organizational growth.

 Effective management of Socio technical change

Organizations across the global corporate environments have to ensure that their respective enterprises can effectively tackle the changing market environments. Operation within changing market environments necessitates effective change management. The changes that have been deemed to be necessary for the growth of the organization need to be implemented systematically in order to garner effective realization of developmental opportunities. All the necessary changes have to be initiated through proper leadership. In regards to the same role division becomes an important factor. Thus, having an effective leader for all the major developmental areas is a necessary factor for the development of the organization. The aspects of the intended socio technical change have to be separately analyzed.

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Managing change within the organization

Leading change

This is a very important aspect to develop for the company. This is the initial requirement for the effective implementation of the rest of the intended changes (Nazari 2017). The lowest scores for this particular aspect is 10%. This implies that no significant leadership is there to lead the organization during times of change. The organization definitely needs leaders that are effective in their respective roles. It is also much required for the organization to form strategies that can help leaders to perform their roles more effectively.

The score of 90% can be reached through implementing clear sponsorship, commitment towards management and doubtless management (Palmer 2015). Hence, the organization at first needs to identify the sponsors that will be most effective towards financing the change. Previous sponsors that have been ineffective need to be released and newer sponsors that can contain the expense of the change need to be brought in their position.

However, the leadership need to be committed towards the management of change. The leaders need to realize their roles and effectively implement methods that will ensure the better absorption of change by the subordinates. Doubts have no place in leadership as leaders and managers are present to strive towards clearing all the doubts that may arise. However, coordination needs to take place for removal of any situation of doubt.

Rationale for Assigning Scores

Creation of shared need

Creation of need becomes an important aspect for the development of the organization. Without the need to change there cannot be any change. The managers and other employees of the organization need to have a strong desire for change. Hence, it also becomes necessary that the creation of shared needs take place. The 90% score can be achieved when everyone associated with the organization is certain that change needs to occur. This will mean that there is a general requirement for the implementation of the change (Palmer 2015). The organization if it is a medium sized enterprise, will require more coordinated activities. This kind of mindset will be required in order to make the setting more engaging. More people developing a change oriented mindset within the organization will mean that more people will be ready for change in the organization (Palthe 2014).

Shaping vision

Shaping a vision becomes extremely important for the organization. This is mainly because the vision is important in creating a standard for the change oriented activities that are to take place. Moreover, the vision serves to be the destination that the organization has to reach in order to firmly establish its position in progressive change (Vallat et al.  2017). The vision will be an ideal for the organization.

The organization will have to form strategies and plans keeping the vision in target. This will help in the creation of effective change management frameworks through which organizational changes can be implemented. The vision of the company will also serve to be the target that employees and the management would have to consider while enhancing their individual performances towards achieving (Hoffer et al. 2015). Additionally, this can serve to be an important motivation for performance improvement. Managers and subordinates will find something to relate to and teamwork will be enhanced. A 90% score will be achieved when everyone in the organization will know the outcome of the change. Vision needs to be set in accordance with SMART goals.

Mobilization of Commitment

Mobilization of resources for bringing about change is one of the most important phases of change management. It requires high levels of teamwork, coordination, dedication and leadership. Mobilization of commitment within the organization will require effective coordination across all levels of the organization. 10% score will go to this function if the organization lacks people that can genuinely coordinate with others in the organization. However, in order to get a 90% score, all the necessary resources need to be utilized properly.

Effective Management of Socio-Technical Change

In order to do this the organization would require mobilization of commitment encompassing the entire hierarchal framework of the organization. This is required in order to enhance the performances of each team that is dedicated towards bringing about the change. Motivation becomes as great factor as mobilization will require dedicated teamwork above anything else (Bolman and Deal 2017). The organization will have to remind the employees of their individual and group oriented goals. A 90% score will require high levels of commitment across the organization.

Progress monitoring

Monitoring progress is important as progress in this regards will mean bringing about essential change. As per the guideline a 90% score will mean that clear assessment metrics have to be used in order to effectively manage the progress of change. The organization will have to apply metrics that are clear to the all the members across the organizational levels. In order to do this properly, the senior managers would need to make the metrics clear to the lower management and the team leaders will have to pass on the information to their respective teams.

The metrics need to be made as achievement parameters for teams moving on to parameters for group of teams and should be ultimately connected to parameters of the entire organization (Cameron and Green 2015). Feedback techniques should be formed for effective management of team members. Progress monitoring will make sure that the teams and the individual members are doing their assigned roles properly as per the requirements of change.


Finishing is important as this will serve to be the ultimate result of the change. In essence this is the culmination of all the hard work that has been done by the various departments and individuals of the organization. Hence, finishing becomes the most important part of change management, especially for the teams that have prepared action plans and goal setting for earning this element (Gatenby et al. 2015). Planning of activities, structural management and planning of commitments have to be done keeping in mind the end result of change. It is important that the work is finished in accordance with the set plans. A 90% score in the aspect of finishing implies that effective implementation of activities that contribute to the aspect are done.

The score signifies that the finished element is ready for its pilot run. Moreover, the training and recognition required for change are carried out. Recognized employees or leaders can be given new responsibilities for enhancing their own skills as well as contributing effectively towards the newer roles. Finishing in the end will involve taking control of change after the management phase is over. If done correctly the teamwork and dedication of members can help in the realization of the full potential of the organization.

Managing Change within the Organization

Anchoring the change

Merely finishing would not complete change management functions. It is important that aspects that might not have been present during the primary planning phase of the change management functions are incorporated effectively as modifications (Carnall 2018). The challenge that is created at this stage of the change management function is what is required to be incorporated within the change management framework to make it more effective towards the realization of the significant goals. 90% score can only be achieved if the teams know what need to be done. Hence, it becomes important that all the things that need to be adjusted within the change management frameworks are known and adjusted subsequently. This will require effective monitoring of the change oriented activities.

Activities contributing to change

Motivating change

Motivating change requires creating readiness for change. It requires the leadership to effectively make the organization ready for change. Organizing is important as it will help the company towards maintaining growth and sustain itself. Additionally it requires managing resistance to change. It requires the leadership to effectively negotiate with the aspects that are not ready for change.

Creation of vision

Creation of vision requires creating missions and visions that will energize the commitment of the people towards the organization. It also served to create a future ideal for the company to move towards.

Political support development 

Political support is important and requires assessing the power of the change agent. It is important that the company identifies the key stakeholders. Moving forward, the stakeholders need to be influenced in order to gain their support. This provides a strong backing to the changes that are to take place concerning the organization.

Transition and management

Transition management requires activity planning, planning of commitment and management of structures. It is concerned with how the change will take place and subsequently be managed.

Sustaining momentum

This is important as change once made need to be sustained effectively. Provision of resources that will be necessary for change is important for this activity. A support system need to be created in order to cover for the issues that may arise later. New skills need to be created and reinforcement of new behaviors need to be done. This will effectively prepare the organization for the life after change.


The activities that form essential part of managing change are all important towards the realization of organizational goals. In essence organizations need to change from time to time in order to significantly perform in the corporate environment. It becomes important that all the separate activities are properly coordinated towards the realization of the ultimate goal of the change. Change management requires coordination, dedication and teamwork at a greater organizational level.


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