Managing Security In Organizations With Cloud Computing

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Mvelase, P., Sithole, H., Modipa, T., & Mathaba, S. (2016, November). The economics of cloud computing: A review. In Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 159-167). IEEE.

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There are many significant advantages in an organization that comes with the help of cloud computing. Cloud computing helps to increase the efficiency of working, saves the cost, accelerate the innovation of the organization, and it is user-friendliness and provides better security for the company. The technology of cloud computing allows computing power to the businesses. There are different types of computing model in cloud computing. This paper shows different types of cloud computing models that can be used in businesses and compares all the techniques of pricing models for the employees.

This paper clears the key attributes and concepts of cloud computing. A detailed comparison is done in between all the models that are described, to help the business choose the model.

This source helps to get a clear view on all the models of cloud computing that are of different price models.

Schwarzbach, B., Franczyk, B., Petrich, L., Schier, A., & Ten Hompel, M. (2016, December). Cloud Based Privacy Preserving Collaborative Business Process Management. In Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 716-723). IEEE.

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There are many success goals of cloud computing by the innovation of cloud computing applied in most of the industries. This paper shows that all the businesses uses some business processes to organize their works. This paper enables all industries to collaborate with other companies and helps to exploit the cloud benefits. The collaboration needs security and privacy so that the collaboration can be proofed all the time it needs. This paper states that all the industries have their own privacy policy. The approaches that are needed for preserving the privacy of the cloud are discussed in the paper that includes architecture and a modeling approach that is private.

This paper helps to evaluate the required architecture of cloud computing that are to be needs in a company. Also, the modeling approaches are defined from logistic domain and helps to show the feasibility of the approach.

From this source, the architecture of the cloud computing explained helps to preserve the project management of businesses.

Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., & Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues. Information Systems, 47, 98-115.

The complex computing and the massive scale that are performed are done with the help of cloud computing. Excessive use of hardware, large amount of space, or problem with software can be eliminated by the concept of cloud computing. Handling the big data in the industries are actually a challenging job and a time taking task that has to be done manually with large amount of infrastructure. This research paper deals with the rise of big data in area of cloud computing. The details of big data are described in detailed in this paper. This paper deals with a comparison between cloud computing ad big data and elaborates their relationship between them. The technology of Hadoop is described and the challenges that are faced to investigate the availability, data transformation, scalability, and data heterogeneity of the data involved in the system.

Types of Cloud Computing Models

This paper shows that cloud computing has changed the concept of information technology with cloud computing and shows the promises of on-demand services in reality. This paper shows a classification of big data, the conceptual data of cloud computing, as well as a service model of cloud.

From this paper, some challenges regarding the volume, data integrity, data transformation, governance, and the scalability of cloud computing is accessed.

Luna, J., Suri, N., Iorga, M., & Karmel, A. (2015). Leveraging the potential of cloud security service-level agreements through standards. IEEE Cloud Computing, 2(3), 32-40.

There are different types of economic benefit and functions that are provided by cloud computing. Cloud services are provided by CSPs (Cloud Service Provider) and the services that are provided are to be transparent, and should give a security assurance. The issues regarding the service provider mainly comes from two factors- the number of CSPs growing, and secondly the new architectures that are provided by different CSPs for transferring the data from the virtual machine to the other database.

This paper mainly emphasize on the services of cloud. The architecture of cloud using the services are generally referred as the MCS (multi cloud system). The paper introduces unique challenges related to the inter cloud interfaces and permanent access controls.

Shuleski, D., Birsan, A., Cristea, C. V., & Radu, I. (2016). Impact Of Cloud Computing Technology Implementation In Public Sector. In Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE (Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 307-315). Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania.

The area of technology is changing rapidly with the technological change that is taking place in private as well as public sector. The sustainability and the strategies of IT are generally taken care by the cloud computing. The business processes and the efficiency of the organization can be improved by technologies of cloud computing. The IT revolution has taken place with the improvement of cloud computing in the business sector. The cost, flexibility, scalability, and the agility of the processes are maintained by the cloud computing. This paper mainly discusses all the factors involved in cloud computing for implementing on the transportation sector of Romania public by the combination of all the methods that existed. This paper shows many case studies with qualitative method along with the cost and the security of cloud computing implemented in private as well as public sectors.

This paper evaluates the challenges and the opportunities for the reason of delivering a new way of computer services and resource with security, management and IT. This paper deals with implementing cloud services in Romanian Public Transportation and many other case studies.

From this research paper, many case studies can be studied that deals with cloud computing and the security issues involved in cloud computing.  

Avram, M. G. (2014). Advantages and challenges of adopting cloud computing from an enterprise perspective. Procedia Technology, 12, 529-534.

The process of storing the data is changing rapidly day by day with the success of internet, making the computing resources much cheaper. The processes of storing the data are more powerful and are found easily. The interest of the industries regarding the cloud computing are increasing day by day, but they are facing difficulty to proceed with the larger amount of cost and obstacles that are faced by them. In this research, the factors that are needed in an enterprise are studied from the company while they are making decision involved with cloud computing. Some companies do not know the actual need of cloud computing and implementing them only because it is in trend. While some of the companies do not even know the importance of cloud computing and do not know how to protect their sensitive data.

Pricing Techniques for Cloud Computing

This paper actually involves the challenges and the advantages for adopting the cloud computing by many industries. The companies that has involved the method of cloud computing actually do not know the work of cloud computing.

There are more than one option regarding the way to adopt cloud computing. This paper describes the right way of adopting the methodologies in the companies and the challenges that can be faced by the industries while using the service of cloud computing.

Alshammari, H., & Bach, C. (2013). Administration security issues in cloud computing. International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services, 3(4), 1.

The security risks that are involved with cloud computing are discussed in this paper. With the emerging of technologies, there are possibilities of new threats regarding the security of the cloud computing. The technologies that can brig destruction must be kept secured with all the technologies. The internet provides risks technologically to the processes that are involved in industries. This paper illustrates different issues that enhance cyber crimes in industries. There are real risks as well as technological risks in an industry. The paper illustrates that the security weakness is the most important feature for the cloud computing. There are different applications that are suggested in this paper through cloud computing so that the securities of the applications are meet. Many examples are elaborated in the paper that helps to secure the network of cloud computing.

This research paper shows two important conditions that are used in voting system. The conditions are related with time involved in data collection and the security that are involved in the result of cloud computing.

From this paper, the concept of E-learning can be learnt. The electronic learning helps to save the time as well as cost of the methods involved in cloud computing.

Wei, L., Zhu, H., Cao, Z., Dong, X., Jia, W., Chen, Y., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2014). Security and privacy for storage and computation in cloud computing. Information Sciences, 258, 371-386.

From the paper it can be concluded that the cloud computing that helps in emerging the new computer paradigm mainly helps to provide reliable as well a customized service quality with computation environments that are guaranteed for the users of cloud. The applications involved and the databases are generally transmitted to the centralized data centers that are known as cloud. This paper states that because of resource virtualization, migration and global replication, there is an absence of machine in cloud and data change in the cloud. The data that are stored in cloud compute the results of storing the data. The cloud computing can lessen the cost of storing huge amount of data to maintain an optimal size of sampling.

This paper proposes a protocol for securing the computation protocol known as SeeCloud for data security in the cloud. The security of data storage and the security auditing computation are detailed in this paper.

El-Zoghby, A. M., & Azer, M. A. (2017, December). Cloud computing privacy issues, challenges and solutions. In Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), 2017 12th International Conference on (pp. 154-160). IEEE.

Required Architecture and Modeling Approaches of Cloud Computing

The initiatives that are involved in cloud computing generally represent many benefits so that the customer can be given with their bests service. There are many challenges and many concerns that are regarded for the security as well as the privacy of the company involved in the cloud. The cloud computing has many data of life cycle that are elaborated in this paper. All the securities along with the challenges are described elaborately.

The paper deals with the laws and regulations involved in life cycle data of cloud computing. For keeping the data safe and secure, this research paper deals with  data privacy of cloud computing.

There are some future works suggested in this research paper that focuses mainly on the algorithms and privacy techniques of cloud computing.

Ab Rahman, N. H., & Choo, K. K. R. (2015). A survey of information security incident handling in the cloud. Computers & Security, 49, 45-69.

According to the authors, strategies that are involved in handling the incidents to mitigate the risks to CIA (Confidentiality, the Integrity, and the availability) in an organization are involved in this paper. The loss of the company is generally minimized when the company shifts their network to cloud computing. The paper surveys many literature reviews and incidents that handle the knowledge gap in cloud environment. The legal reputation and the financial reputation are handle with the cloud computing. This paper helps to solve the incidents that are in the cloud environment. The capability maturity model, digital forensics, and incident handling are all done by cloud computing.

The paper carries out different surveys that shows the cloud computing in different industries. The knowledge gap in between the companies and the cloud computation are minimized by the property of cloud computing.

This paper helps to know the different types of cloud computing methods and how they are implemented in different companies. The strategies of cloud computing are described that helps to get a detailed idea about cloud computing.


Ab Rahman, N. H., & Choo, K. K. R. (2015). A survey of information security incident handling in the cloud. Computers & Security, 49, 45-69.

Alshammari, H., & Bach, C. (2013). Administration security issues in cloud computing. International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services, 3(4), 1.

Avram, M. G. (2014). Advantages and challenges of adopting cloud computing from an enterprise perspective. Procedia Technology, 12, 529-534.

El-Zoghby, A. M., & Azer, M. A. (2017, December). Cloud computing privacy issues, challenges and solutions. In Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), 2017 12th International Conference on (pp. 154-160). IEEE.

Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., & Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues. Information Systems, 47, 98-115.Luna, J., Suri, N., Iorga, M., & Karmel, A. (2015). Leveraging the potential of cloud security service-level agreements through standards. IEEE Cloud Computing, 2(3), 32-40.

Mvelase, P., Sithole, H., Modipa, T., & Mathaba, S. (2016, November). The economics of cloud computing: A review. In Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 159-167). IEEE.

Schwarzbach, B., Franczyk, B., Petrich, L., Schier, A., & Ten Hompel, M. (2016, December). Cloud Based Privacy Preserving Collaborative Business Process Management. In Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 716-723). IEEE.

Shuleski, D., Birsan, A., Cristea, C. V., & Radu, I. (2016). Impact Of Cloud Computing Technology Implementation In Public Sector. In Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE (Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 307-315). Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania.

Wei, L., Zhu, H., Cao, Z., Dong, X., Jia, W., Chen, Y., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2014). Security and privacy for storage and computation in cloud computing. Information Sciences, 258, 371-386.

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