Managing Quality In Health And Social Care

Outline of the main community health services and their key purpose

Discuss about the Managing Quality in Health and social care Facititing Change in Health and social care?

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General Outline regarding the topic

Community health services are a very significant function of the National Health Services scheme of the government in UK. These are the essential services that are mandatory for ensuring social and communal care and it is well established then it is very much beneficial for the society and community. Community health care is of crucial importance for the country’s health ministry and the ministry should construct a very effective strategic framework to provide the service to the people and also monitor the service management always (Aveyard, 2014).

Community nursing

The community nursing is an essential component of the national community health services. It involves the district nurses, health visitors, pediatric and mental health surveillance nurses. The key function of the district nurses is to look after the old aged people who are recently discharged from the regional hospital after curing from a disease suffering. They have to recognize any kind of physical disabilities and seasonal effective disorders in old individuals and also provide sufficient care in community and social health care set up. Next, we must come to point that, what are the responsibilities and task to be performed by district nurses. Mainly, the task performed by them is for example that delivering emergency and common medicines for common disorders and sufferings. They should also provide general medicines and intravenous antibiotics and common wound healing medicines. They also have to help the people in chronic disease sufferings like diabetes mellitus, cerebral and cardiac stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders, senile dementias etc. They are also called community matrons who are engaged in planning and designing the service framework to provide caring the patients. The community matrons also take charges on the organizing service health care plan for long term complexities and diseases.

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District nurses also have duties and responsibilities about the end of life care and hand to hand service for critical care and emergency conditions and understanding the patient’s beliefs regarding the treatment issues and allocating co-operation with the patient’s family members. This type of care is manly concerning the palliative care issues.

Health monitoring representatives collect the information about the status of family and community health by individual assessment and interviews as well as the general check-ups. They have to go to every family member individually and have to gather the data regarding the current health status, past history of illness, following of health surveillance program as well as the community health service scheme. Another area of concern is the caring of the children aged between 0 to 5 years. They also provide information to the respective families about the treatment options, future planning about the health surveillance scheme and getting the service properly. They have to do caring for the pregnant women with special importance and also guide them towards healthy and normal delivery without developing any kind of abnormality. 

School nurses are mostly involved in sex and preliminary family health education program. They have to provide proper information and instruction regarding the sex education, family health care, first aid care, critical situation management within the family in emergency. They have to monitor the issues developmental concerning the development program and immunization and vaccination issues. They also look after the children with special value.

Trained nurses and experienced health care professionals are mediators of this type of purpose. They have to provide proper information about the treatment options, medical surveillance care as well as the surgical options in critical and emergency services. They perform the task regarding the co-operation with patients and the families in such a way the proper information about service framework and care management settings in a hospital or community health service center will be reached to the public. Mental health care nurses and psychologists are also involved with this function to provide the mental support to the patients as well as managing the mental health issues within the community. Social workers and occupational therapists are also providing the service within industrial and social sectors to provide health care and management.

Physiotherapists provide the treatment of musculo-skeletal disorders, low back pain, occupational stress related disorders, physical structure related anomalies etc with the help of radiation therapy, ultrasound therapy as well as the exercise scheme. They help the people having physical disabilities, accident and injury related structural deformity, pain and discomfort in joints and skeletons. They provide the treatment in patient’s home or in a community health service centre or residential settings. They have to design the complete rehabilitation set up to provide treatment to the patients. Mainly, people having Parkinsonism, arthritis, gout, joint pain and discomfort, after-stroke disabilities get the treatment and rehabilitation from the physiotherapists.

Occupational therapists are a special kind of medical practitioners who provide the care and treatment regarding various occupational disorders. They provide support to the workforces in different industrial sectors and workplaces. Occupational therapists design workplace health and safety principles and also monitor the proper maintenance of the program with effective care.

Sometimes stroke-induced aphasia can develop as an after-effect of cerebral stroke and hemorrhage. This kind of abnormalities and difficulties are mostly observed as a consequence of degeneration of cerebral neural circuits as well as accumulation of blood clots within the neural circuitry.

Podiatrists treat the people having lower back and limb pain, difficulties in walking. They provide the surgery and also the treatment to the respective patients.

Sexual health services comprise of contraception and family planning, examination of Sexually transmitted diseases and treatment, treatment of abnormalities regarding the genitor-urinary tract infections.

This kind of service is mediated by a specialized team comprising specialist doctors of different multidisciplinary subjects and clinicians. For example, musculo-skeletal problems are solved by the physiotherapists as well as the occupational therapists. The service includes heath care management, proper treatment and also the medication, psychological therapy etc.

Apart from the other sectors of health care providing system, the social and community segment has been focused to repetitive re-modulation. The community sector is very much significant for acquiring modification in its care and services that we want to cope up with the contemporary and upcoming challenges in front of the health care service and system. They are an indispensible factor in an endeavor to give community co-operative care, individual and person-centered care as well as targeting towards the overall improvement in public health services and finally the reduction in hospital admission as soon as possible. More than a few numbers of high-priority and effective government policies have been developed in such that the better health care would be provided with a rapid and emergency action. For achieving a reasonable degree of spotlight in the overall healthcare sector, the National Health Service team has fully concentrated on the physical and physiological health care services in non-hospital set ups (Best et al, 2012).

As an evident based selective illustration, we select the scenario of a nursing home for older people both the gender incorporated male and female having senile dementia and other medical indications like diabetes, Parkinsonism and finally the hypertension. A few patients are unable to move around from the bed and the others are capable of that. There are total 42 numbers of bed capacities in each two floors.

Service holder view point

The residents or patients residing at the respective nursing home are considered as the service holder in this case. Service quality measure means the characteristic of the service care provided by the health care professionals. It is very much important that the service quality is provided to cope up with the satisfactory response of the respective clients or service users (Brady et al, 2013). For example-   

Community nursing

Some of the service holders or patients desire to be called by the particular names but some of them prefer the Mr. and Mrs. addressing. The service providers have to understand the matter joyfully and should do it always. Older individuals should be received much care. The service provider also should understand the intention and beliefs of the service users and should take care about their health condition all the time.

The preference of the patient’s wishes always should be considered in the nursing home. For example, regarding the food and drink issues the service providers should provide the things according to the patient’s wish and intention carefully. The same practice should be done in case of dress up for patients and also the preference of position in the room where they living. Always should be remembered that the response of the clients should be satisfactory in nature.

There are some significant issues in the perception of service provider. These are –

 The service providers should be considered in similar approach in such a way cultural diversity is not causing a barrier for the service and care provided. The all workforces should be treated by the same token irrespective of ethnicity, gender, race, cultural background, performance skills and knowledge. The matter of partiality should be strictly avoided. Besides that, the service providers should be always motivated as they work gladly for all the time. As a consequence, the customer satisfaction is achieved to a great extent that is the main goal for managing quality in health care.

Appropriate safety to the workforces should be provided during the work-shift and this in turn help to improve the daily work output tremendously. A training program for operating tools and aids should be provided to the health care workers as they can easily use these equipments without any hesitation. This in turn helps in increasing the patient’s safety during different types of medical examinations performed (Carthon et al 2015).

Total quality management

This practice of managing the workforces and also the business administration is practiced for ensuring the completeness regarding the customer satisfaction at each phase implicitly as well as distinctively. From the viewpoints from the different experts in this field divided the method of practice into different constituents. These are procedural schematic, public addressing, management systems and the performance evaluation. The total quality management is constructed in a very easy manner by empowering and motivating the health care professionals in health care organizations. If the total quality management framework is designed schematically and applied properly, this would be very much effective with respective to higher revenue and lower cost. In addition to that, the team work is very much important to ensure the quality in health care. To achieve the best customer-service response, team work is performed (Care Quality Commission, 2012).

End of life Care

Continuous quality improvement program is practiced in all health care organizations to improve the prerequisite of service with upcoming effect. In the nursing home, the administrative manager should take the responsibility concerning the continuous quality improvement program. The respective authority should concern about the proper training is provided to the health care professionals and the service quality is maintained satisfactorily in the respective nursing home (Glasby, 2012).

The care quality commission in UK has established a strict instruction to facilitate the health care providers to act as per instructed in the Act of the Health and Social Care 2008 (Regulatory and Legislative actions) 2010, Regulations and the Quality Commission for Health and Social Care (Registration) 2009, Regulations (CQC, 2010b). The service users are getting the best care from the care provider as expected by the Care Quality Commission and this main approach of developing the rules and regulations in this context. According to the instructions given by CQC, every health care organization should perform routine inspection concerning the service issues (Care Quality Commission, 2012).        


These are the rules, regulations and laws established by the regulatory authority (government) on how the prerequisite of care may be for instance of protection of people from death and sufferings. Every service provider linked to the social and community health care services should be always ready to provide all type of helps and care to the disease sufferers according to the legislations (Kennedy et al, 2013).

Risk assessment and failures should be examined routinely to improve the treatment and caring. To ensuring the health care and protection services, the proper monitoring of service framework is significant and indispensible issues in this context.

Service users should get some ancillary services (arrangement of wardrobes, keeping the rooms clear and hygienic) and also get feel free to stay in the nursing home as like as own home. The service providers should do extraordinary care in such a way that the service users are felling very much comfortable in staying at the nursing home. This in turn helps the total improvement of the quality management for ensuring the better health care in the respective health care organizations we have considered. The prime importance of the service providers is the customer/ client satisfaction.

In the respective nursing home, the job safety analysis as well as the risk assessments on each and every service provided is always performed routinely to overcome the hindrance in the better health care. This in turn helps the overall quality of care and this is very much beneficial for the service users.

Health monitoring

The service users always should get pleasure from the service provided for them while they are under the care of the health care professionals in the respective nursing home. Service providers all the time should balance between the patients’ belief and wishes and the care provided.

Quality standard is a kind of benchmark that determines the degree of effectiveness of the health care provided by the respective health service providers. This is the rating of the health care organizations regarding the service and care provided issues and this in turn helps the service users to get a clear idea and concern about the health service that can be provided. This benchmark or rating is established by the Quality Care Commission for allocating the health care service of a respective health care organization for public view (Mockford et al, 2012).           

This is a regulatory and monitoring authority which is responsible for providing the government rules and regulations on promoting better health care service plan for the treatment of ill health. Service providers should follow the instructions given by the NICE always for ensuring the proper treatment and care for community (Ory et al, 2013).   

This is the code of ethics for social and community health workers. This documentation is very much useful for giving proper service and care to the community as well as the society. The administrative and management authorities use this code of practice for taking the decision about the health and safety concerns within the health care settings and organizations. The duties of responsibilities of the health care workers should be always focused to the better service and care to the patients. The management and regulating authority always monitor the health care implementation in all sectors of community health care system and settings. The code of ethics also include the guideline and principles about the decision-making, behavioral aspects in such a way that any patient would not think that they are unprivileged to get the proper treatment and care as well as the medication.

Quality is a very hard job to perform and maintain. Different factors are influencing the achievement of the quality of personal care (Snape et al, 2014).

Health care providers have to perform a team work always to provide the better and health care to the community. When the team work is performed accordingly, the best and most cost-effective result is coming out. Many researches in this regard showed that the team work is very much effective and beneficial for the patient as well as the management authority (Street et al, 2013).

School Nursing

Every heath care workers should have the proper training on the health care principles and instructions. The government rules and policies should be known to the health care workers in such that they provide their service at very best level (Valentine et al, 2015).

Health and safety is the most significant factors to ensure the better health care to the service holders. The health and safety concern at workplace is strictly maintained according to the instruction given by CQC. Continuous performance evaluation and monitoring is performed in the respective nursing home to overcome the issues.

All residents or service provider’s personal information should be kept in private and confidential. This is a very significant issue in managing quality in health care. Proper maintaining of the issue promotes the quality of care at all respective health care organizations.   

To check the targeting improvements on the health care services, the continuous monitoring can be done to visualize the clear picture. This act and vigilant are put in place to create the condition improve for enhanced worth of service and care. Periodical assessment monitoring program should be designed and performed to determine the way of implementation towards the promotion. Staff meetings and conferences should be arranged in a particular interval of time to hear from the heath care workers about the difficulties to provide the better care to the patients. If the difficulties arrived, the immediate actions should be taken with rapid action in such a way that the service and care cannot be affected. Continuous improvement on promotional strategies should be done to ensure the better health care to the community and society (Mockford et al, 2012).      


We can concludes from the whole things that, to improvise the services and care to the patients in the community and social health care sector, the guidelines and principles established by national and other centralized regulatory bodies should be followed properly. Planning and designing as well as the re-modulation of these rules and regulations are very much crucial to achieve the target with highest effectiveness (Aveyard, 2014).

Reference List

Aveyard, H. (2014). Doing a literature review in health and social care: a practical guide. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Brady, T. J., Murphy, L., O’Colmain, B. J., Beauchesne, D., Daniels, B., Greenberg, M., … & Chervin, D. (2013). Peer Reviewed: A Meta-Analysis of Health Status, Health Behaviors, and Health Care Utilization Outcomes of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. Preventing chronic disease, 10.

Transitional Care

Carthon, J. M. B., Lasater, K. B., Sloane, D. M., & Kutney-Lee, A. (2015). The quality of hospital work environments and missed nursing care is linked to heart failure readmissions: a cross-sectional study of US hospitals. BMJ quality & safety, 24(4), 255-263.

Care Quality Commission. (2012). The state of health care and adult social care in England in 2011/12 (Vol. 763). The Stationery Office.

Glasby, J. (2012). Understanding health and social care. Policy Press.

Kennedy, A., Bower, P., Reeves, D., Blakeman, T., Bowen, R., Chew-Graham, C., .& Rogers, A. (2013). Implementation of self management support for long term conditions in routine primary care settings: cluster randomised controlled trial. Bmj, 346, f2882.

Mockford, C., Staniszewska, S., Griffiths, F., & Herron-Marx, S. (2012). The impact of patient and public involvement on UK NHS health care: a systematic review. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 24(1), 28-38.

Ory, M. G., Ahn, S., Jiang, L., Smith, M. L., Ritter, P. L., Whitelaw, N., & Lorig, K. (2013). Successes of a national study of the chronic disease self-management program: meeting the triple aim of health care reform. Medical care, 51(11), 992-998.

Snape, D., Kirkham, J., Preston, J., Popay, J., Britten, N., Collins, M., … & Jacoby, A. (2014). Exploring areas of consensus and conflict around values underpinning public involvement in health and social care research: a modified Delphi study. BMJ open, 4(1), e004217.

Street, R. L., Gold, W. R., and Manning, T. R. (2013). Health promotion and interactive technology: Theoretical applications and future directions. Routledge.

Valentine, M. A., Nembhard, I. M., & Edmondson, A. C. (2015). Measuring teamwork in health care settings: A review of survey instruments. Medical care, 53(4), e16-e30.

Change is a dynamic process in the course of evolution from a condition to desired and targeting future expectations in an organization. The motive behind the change is always remaining the same that there is a verity of potential influence for modification and alteration. Sometimes the conversion and change is well accepted but sometimes it can go bad for the respective issues. To bring about a change the community first needs to be informed about the upcoming change and how it will be carried out. A proper evaluation on the basis of positive and negative aspects needs to be carried out before bringing about any change. For any change, a stimulus is required which may come from inside an organization but often force from it outside stimulates to bring about the change.

A major change required in the community is for health and social care. National Health Services (NHS) provides health services in a vast, comprehensive range, free of cost to a vast majority of the community in the United Kingdom. Some responsibilities lie under the NHS, the most important of which is the integration of health and social care organization with the locally available communities. To bring about changes in National Health and Services at local as well as and national level numerous factors needs integration into the organization. Therefore, to bring about a change in health and social care, factors kept in mind include legislative political, social, economic and technological aspects (Bowling 2014). 


Political aspects: Political aspect play a prime role in influence the social and health care organizations since it deals with the government policies, ethics, stability of organization, economic policy as well as relation with other countries. Over the years, political changes have brought some unacceptable acts into the NHS, for example, to improve the quality of life patients kept under treatment for more than three months. An unacceptable as older patient’s life expectancy is below two years. Therefore, patients made to wait for more than six week to receive further treatment. Even the health and social care staffs prohibited from working in health or social care organizations. Matters even worsened when coalition government in UK came into power. Therefore, there is a need for political changes, which have a positive effect on the health and social care system (Lawrence et al. 2014).

Legislative aspects: As the social and health care is indispensably linked to the people, it is of prime importance to the regulatory authority and government boards towards the improvement of advanced system care planning for society and community. The government has laid down policies and legislations to carry out this change to improve the health care system, after considering some aspects. According to the present scenario in the health care system, new legislations are made, and old ones modified.  For example in the year 1974, Health and Safety at Work Act enacted aimed at minimizing and protecting people from harm at their work place. Employers entrusted with the duty of taking care for the welfare of their staffs under practicable norms. This legislation has an impact on all kinds of work even provision of service. The government also establishes a regulating and vigilance authority namely Care Quality Commission. This commission’s duty is to examine the status of the health care provided by the workers in response to the disease affection. They also check the provided health care is accordingly. The major health care aspects covered by them include treating people with respect and dignity, to meet the essential need of people, to provide a safe and clean working atmosphere and to provide efficient staffing and managing service. Criminal Records Bureau has been introduced by the Government to prevent abuse and crime in health and social care. These records provide information about the history of the workers of Health and social care service whether they had any criminal records or not, to prevent abuse or crime in any form to the vulnerable ones. Another training known as Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult (SOVA), introduced to spread awareness regarding safeguarding elderly people who are vulnerable. When the training on SOVA completes, the staffs of health and social care will be able to implement policies of organization in a better way and will be aware of the various procedures, symbols and signs and the various types of abuses in the organizations. This training needs good funding to bring about a change in health and social care (Moore, Ryan, and Boore 2014).

Occupational Therapy

Economic aspects: Economic factors play an immense role in bringing about a change. These factors include the decrease in the rate of unemployment, poverty population, inflation level to bring about prosperity in the country as well as in its neighbourhood. Economic change is unpredictable as it moves in cycles, and it affects all kinds of services in the society. Economic change in health organizations needs to focus on their financial requirements. Studies show that health and social care sector in UK immensely affected due to lack of finances. Therefore, the health services have reshaped to save money (Reeves, McKee, Basu, and Stuckler, 2014). For example, cheaper alternative substitutes used in place of NHS services. Several cost-cutting measures are undertaken in the health departments, which are affecting many service users and employees. Other measures include the closure of hospital beds, forcibly providing patients with cheaper and less effective medicines, diminishing the activity of community health services and not providing required health support. However, a recent study in economic changes provides evidence that 75 % of NHS budget to receive by Primary care trust. This trust provides social and health care to local community, it is their responsibility to make sure that they have enough resources to meet the need of people and make it readily available to them. Recent economic change that took place has certain drawbacks. The elderly people placed last in the priority list and restriction in the flow of funds to the elderly homes. Therefore, they suffer from various health challenges like physical disability and dementia, and many are homeless. Care homes do not take care of the elderly, and many deprived of their right to access and render health services from it. Therefore, care homes need to sufficiently prioritize the elderly and meet their needs.

The total system of health and social care faces so many unprecedented challenges. Repeating constraints of resources, coupled with higher expectations of society and increasing demand for services, are leading to the current models of different health and social care under increasing amounts. The introduction of different technologies has driven a kind of effectiveness and emerges an efficiency of the staff involved in these health and social care services. These techniques also help to keep and update different records important for the organization. It enables the user to protect his machines with his very own passwords that are important for less manual errors. These technologies have raised the health of both the service provider and user. It has increased the efficiency of the staff. Moreover, it helps to move and handle the service user inapposite and safe protocol, which works in line with the guidelines and actions. There are different aspects of technologies for different users (Dore and Ronald, 2015). For individuals, there should be a tool to facilitate them to supervise their health surroundings as well as to take proper care and support health provisions, suggestions regarding health issues, etc. New technologies are amongst the main reason that leads to the changes in health care settings. One such example could be the usage of internet in hospitals or nursing homes. It completely changes the way of information sharing, modification, to different multi disciplinary teams, through mails messages, etc. it maintains privacy and confidentiality of the patient and shares information with doctors and administration as well. Workers of the health care services can gather much information regarding the disease and its condition from the internet to proper care and observation of the patient’s health. Compensation in healthcare technology has permitted the medical physicians to enhance their diagnostic skills and provide their patients with proper treatment. They can save countless lives and lead to the overall improvement of lifestyle. Improving excellence of life is one of the chief settlements of integrating some new creations into the remedy.  Upgraded Medical technologies like less-invasive surgeries, proper monitoring system, and new easy scanning gear are allowing patients to expend less time in the improvement and more time enjoying fit years. The incorporation of therapeutic tool technologies and tele-health has also produced mechanical surgeries, where in some cases; physicians do not even required to be in the operating space with a patient when the surgery is going on. In its place, surgeons can operate out the patient of their “residence base”, and patients can have the practice completed in a hospital or clinic close to their house, eliminating the harassment and stress of health-related journey. With other mechanical surgeries, the doctor is still in the room, operating the automatic devices, but the tools allows for a less-invasive process that leaves patients with fewer scarring and considerably less revival time (Kiri GIA et. al. 2015). There are few technologies that provide a cordless system to patients. With the help of this mobile health system, patients can check their healthcare processes easily. There should be a proper view that how we respond to such challenges regarding health care. Increasing population aimed to the point that there should be easy and simple techniques using which people can change their well-being. Our support to unpaid caretakers and experts increase their efficiency.

Speech and Language Therapy

Communication is a very important part of our social life. It enables us to create better relations socially and different care staffs, manager service provider. It’s crucial for the care staff to communicate with the surrounding at all time. Common greetings like hello are equally as important as asking for their health conditions, precautions, and treatment. During the care, the carer should be honest, truthful and polite. It’s not always possible to communicate with the user as in conditions like dementia, autism communications are prevented ( Maher et. al. 2014). For these situations, different communication techniques should be implied such as sign languages, pictures photographs, etc. lack of understanding is one of the major problems in these socio-communicative skills. If the users are provided with improper information, different communicative barriers created. Understanding is the most important portion for the care of the people, and the staffs’ needs to understand the point of view of the person using the services. Care employees use diverse forms of communication throughout their functioning day. These forms are comprised of the oral skills of communication, and different forms of non-verbal communication skills, such as feel, eye contacts, and facial appearance. A care employee has to employ both of these types of communication whilst they offer or get information regarding the care that is person provided for a personality provide emotional carry to an entity or associate of their family carry out an assessment of an individual’s requirements for care. There are two main aspects in which social and health care workers employ the communication series, one to one communication and group communication. Health care workers need to communicate with their colleagues, the service users, and to the relatives of the service users as well.  So communication skills for every individual are different. During communication to these persons, workers need to communicate in one to one manner. This requires hearing skills, information sharing skills and questioning patterns as well. One-to-one interaction abilities are desired for basic daily connections in wellbeing and social care settings (Aveyard 2014). They are also required to set up and keep up supportive associations with work contemporaries and the public who use care services. A successful communicator may elucidate or repeating the features of what the other individual has said during a conversation as a way of checking their understanding. For example, they might, replicate few of the speaker’s terms openly back to them to verify that they have understand the person’s message.


Our environment is continuously changing. Along with this our condition in health care system is also changing, better to say upgrading.  Whether we allow this type of change in our circumstances or not this will be purely based on our decision. The government also establishes a authority that can control all the vigilance. Community health services have a very important role in the National Health Services scheme under the UK government (Street, et al, 2013). The commission’s main duty is like that they have to inspect the quality of the health care that is provided by the health care professionals to the patients. There are several factors that help to change the health care system. The factors can be from outside of an organization but it may have the influence for making the changes. It is observed that every changes of an organization can be influenced by the outside factors. For example factors may have the significant role on the health care and social care services. There are many aspects present there, that are subject to legislation. There is a need of legal acts to provide the better health care system. For example Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, was enacted to avoid the increment of the incident and accident that happened during the work (Malone, and Team 2013). Therefore the main aim of the act is prevent the accident and incidents took place at the time of work. However the legislation is not just for the health workers but also for the other work fields as well. Recently government begins key modification in the acts that are going to modify the applicability of all the non-EU workers. For gaining the applicability they have to earn some points. According the new rule, those employee earn less salary are given less points. The health care providers are little concern about the fact that the senior carers are removed by the government from shortage status. This may have a effect on the overall status of heath care of the community. Moreover the other reason of the changes is nothing but the new technologies, like internet. Internet has the effect on the information sending, as it changes the way of it. Staffs of an organization can send their relevant information through the mail between each other. This has also an effect on the data collection. For that reason staffs in the health care sector can access a great range of  data collection. Due to recent financial crisis in United Kingdom, social and health care sector face a lots of changes (Edwards et al 2013). As a consequence Government reshapes the parts health care sector to save money. Like the NHS services will be replaced by the cheaper substitute. But this kind of reshaping on the other hand affects the all over health care services. From the point of a manager one need to understand the changing environment and how to cope up with it. Although there is the changes in any section of our society, that have an emotional and situational components.  During any kind of changes in the society and in the working field bring with it some emotions of the workers; therefore the manager should be able to handle all those emotions. Along with this he should has the capability of changing the mind of the workers from negative to positive and also motivate them to cope up with this kind of changes. Due to the changing environment the manager should create the mind suitable for any kind of urgency. There should always be an action plan for allowing the staffs not let up to the change. The action plans are always be made to avoid the unwanted situations appeared in the time of any change in the organization (Downs, 2013). A manager should sustain all the changes. In my care home recently some changes have done as the staffs are failing in their work that is proper documentation. This was done by the home manager who has called a meeting with the unit managers. At the meeting the home manager represents video, where she presented a video where the procedure of proper documentation was said. After that she decided to acquire appropriate staffs that have the proper knowledge of the documentation and those staffs who are appointed already, they lkely to be trained by the experts. From this we can get a clear view about the effect of the changes appear in the health care sector or any kind of working area.

Sexual health services


Our environment is a changing system. We are continuously changing rather to say developing. The changes are not only in the circumstances but within our working area. Due to this kind of changes, the workers have to cope up with the changing environment. As well as the manager has the capability to work in the pressure and also has the motivating power. The circumstances have the power to develop various kinds of possibilities. The worker in the health care sector should have the proper training to give their best n the working area. There are several factors that stimulate the changes. The factors can be from outside of the organization and can also be from the inside reasons.  One of the factors is internet. Internet changes our daily schedules in the working area. All the health care providers can access everyone through the internet. As well as in the health care and social care sector. But despite of these changes there are some acts for protect the workers from any kind of hazards. The acts are announced by the government to prevent any kind of accidents and incidents happened in the working area. There are various kinds of procedure to cope up with the changing environment.


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Edwards, H., Finlayson, K., Courtney, M., Graves, N., Gibb, M., and Parker, C. (2013). Health service pathways for patients with chronic leg ulcers: identifying effective pathways for facilitation of evidence based wound care. BMC health services research, 13(1), 86.

Glasby, J. (2012). Understanding health and social care. Policy Press.

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