Managing Quality Day And Night: A Look Into FedEx’s Quality Management Efforts

FedEx: The World Leader in Overnight Package Delivery

The common language of quality for FedEx is quality = productivity. In spite of being the leader in air flight industry quality improvement process is an integral part of the company’s activities the golden rule that the company emphasizes on while training its employees is the 1-10-100 rule (Bruner, Bulkley and Bruner 2017). As per the organisations ethics, if one problem is caught and it is fixed as soon as it comes into notice it causes a limited cost to the company. Again if the problem is caught on a different domain buy a different department then eat food in card 10 times of the previous cost and finally the company believes and impress size of the employees that if the mistake is being caught by any customer then it will incur 100 times of the previous cost.

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Although FedEx is an industrial leader in its domain however it is still very important for any company given in sleeping position to maintain quality control. As observed by Jacobs, Chase and Lummus (2014), the company absolutely believes in people-service-profit philosophy. Articulates the perception that by placing people first in the business service quality as well as profitability automatically follows. By means of the common language of quality there able to run and aggressive training program generate competitive wages as well as benefits for the employees give them bonuses as well as shared profit. As identified by Narne and Sreenivas (2017), one of the most impactful aspect of this business policy of FedEx is that the organisation been able to achieve a substantial 99.7% on time delivery level. Owing to their epoch making business philosophy, they have also won numerous awards among which the most remarkable are Malcolm baldrige award the quality career of the Year award as well as the company of the Year distinguished service award that is provided by the national Alliance of businesses (Krishnaswamy 2017).

In our company there is no definite assertion of a common language for quality. However quality in terms of production, packaging and transit is given the primary share of importance. The philosophy that our company believes is that happy customers bring back more money. We always emphasize that the finished product that the customers receive a flawless and there is always a positive feedback from the customers. Effective feedback sharing portal over social media where customers readily comment about the quality of the products we deliver and at times you also come across comparison of our products with other brands. In order to ensure that the customers receive the best product the procedure of employee training is given importance in our organisation.

There is a rigorous six months long on job training process for the employees after the join our company and it is most effectively implemented for the employees of the production packaging as well as retail delivery departments. As an outcome in spite of being a local brand our products are easily able to compete with the big brands of national importance. In organisation there is a process of Appraisal based on the quality of employee feedback that is received from the customers. This strategy has helped us to retain employee motivation and dedication towards serving the customers in the best possible manner. The rigorous training programs the employees has also enable task to implement the model of servant leadership in the regional production as well as warehouse sites and this has intern helped us to reduce a production cost by 17 to 20%.

FedEx’s Complex Operations and Capacity for Overnight Delivery

It is evident that there are still some loopholes in the quality management process of organisation. There still grievance among a certain section of the employees regarding the fact that the face exercise work pressure and workplace harassment also in certain instances. This evident that this is occurred owing to the less experience of working in the sector with the companies operating. The customer base that our company has been able to accumulate within the short span of the time is great compared to the experience with which the operating and that is the reason why often the employees have to face rated than expected pressure during the peak hours of delivery of product or production.

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Quality management is manufactured in the FedEx Company most empirically from the HR perspective systems perspective as well as the operations perspective. Again, Talib, Siddiqui and Khanam (2016), stresses that out of these three the maximum Emphasis is laid up on the HR perspective. From the operations perspective the le high stress upon ensuring that the deliveries are always perfect, in time and they also make sure that they are able to satisfy the customers with a service. What is my in spite of being the leading air flight company the implement astringent quality improvement process that is also exemplary in the domain where the operate. Various experienced and adaptive equality action teams of the company also operate to support new product as well as the service offerings and even the company’s sites service quality indicators has been established for the determination of the main areas of the customer’s perception regarding the service. Since a company has implemented such indicators they are able to generate a weekly summary of how good they are able to meet the save set targets of customer satisfaction (Bruner et al. 2017). Again they also implement the common language of quality from the HR perspective. As reported by Czajkowska and Stasiak-Betlejewska (2015), they have a base of 280000 satisfied employees. They have taken a lot of initiatives in order to satisfy the employees. They provide their employees with a best in class training program along with competitive wages as well as benefits like profit sharing, bonuses as well as proper employee grievance program. The company also implements the 1–10–100 rule in terms of maintaining a common language of quality in the context of their operations. As per this rule, the company emphasises that if a problem is determined as well as fixed as soon as it is detected, it incurs a certain amount of cost and takes a certain time to get the problem resolved (Ramlawati and Putra 2018). However if the problem is detected in another department or a different location it would consume 10 times cost and time to be mended. However, if the customer detects the issues, then the cost and time incurred would be 100 times of the initial value.

The quality control approach of the company is balance by the management efficiently and effectively so that their employees not feel excessive workload. Along with their emphasis on the convenience of external customers, Troy (2015), states that the approach towards quality also involved in depth strategy to strengthen the bond between the internal customers or the employees of the company in order in force this notion, FedEx ask all the employees to ask intern 3 questions whenever they come face to face with the colleagues or subordinates. The questions are as follows:

  1. What help do you need from me?
  2. How would utilise that I am going to give you?
  3. I needs satisfied with what I am giving you?

As discussed by Kumar and Sharma (2015), the company also undertakes various other substances used for reaching out to the Employees and one important strategy is the people service profit philosophy. The basic Foundation when you this philosophy is that when people are the workforce and other human resources in the company are placed first other factors like bonuses and profit sharing added to that, profit maximization automatically follows.


Bruner, R.F., Bulkley, D. and Bruner, R.F., 2017. The Battle for Value: Federal Express Corporation vs. United Parcel Service of America, Inc.(Abridged). Darden Business Publishing Cases, pp.1-21.

Bruner, R.F., Lipson, M.L., Carr, S. and Lipson, M.L., 2017. FedEx Corp. versus United Parcel Service of America, Inc.: Who Will Deliver Returns from China?. Darden Business Publishing Cases, pp.1-14.

Czajkowska, A. and Stasiak-Betlejewska, R., 2015. Quality management tools applying in the strategy of logistics services quality improvement. Serbian Journal of Management, 10(2), pp.225-234.

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Jacobs, F.R., Chase, R.B. and Lummus, R.R., 2014. Operations and supply chain management (pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Krishnaswamy, S., 2017. Sources of Sustainable competitive Advantage: A Study & Industry Outlook. St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1).

Kumar, V. and Sharma, R.R.K., 2015, December. Identifying critical success & failure factors for TQM implementation: Extract from real case studies. In Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 16-20). IEEE.

Narne, V.S.R. and Sreenivas, T., 2017. Total quality management in higher technical education. Total quality management, 2(3).

Ramlawati, R. and Putra, A.H.P.K., 2018. Total Quality Management as the Key of the Company to Gain the Competitiveness, Performance Achievem

Talib, F., Siddiqui, J. and Khanam, S., 2016. Identification of total quality management enablers and information technology resources for ICT industry: a Pareto analysis approach. Khanam, S, Talib, F. and Siddiqui, J.(2015),” Identification of TQM Enablers and IT Resources for ICT Industry: A Pareto Analysis Approach”, International Journal of Information Quality (IJIQ), 4(1), pp.18-41.

Troy, K.M., 2015. Integrating quality management and corporate social responsibility. California State University, Dominguez Hills.

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