Managing Organizational Diversity: Critical Evaluation Of Ten Sources
Source 1: Production Teams and Producing Racial Diversity in Workplace Relationships Production Teams and Producing Racial Diversity in Workplace Relationships
The report focuses on evaluating ten sources on the management of organizational diversity. Over the past decades, globalization has led to the diversification of employees in the workplace, with a different background on culture, attitude, and character, thus posing difficulty in management. Diversity management thus is significant in the current world.
Payne, J., McDonald, S. and Hamm, L. (2013) ‘Production Teams and Producing Racial Diversity in Workplace Relationships Production Teams and Producing Racial Diversity in Workplace Relationships,’ Sociological Forum, 28(2), pp. 326–349. doi: 10.1111/socf.12021.
The research conducted using 2006 General Social survey focused on accessing the impact of teamwork on the racial diversity of employees’ acquaintance networks. The researcher’s conducted face-to-face interviews on 223 participants from Asia, with a focus on diversity in the workplace relationship and participation in the workplace teams. From the results, the researchers found out that there is a close relationship between race diversity and workplace team participating as well as network acquaintance. Using past theorists such as contact theory, racial threat theory, and the study results, researchers concluded that work teams could increase organizational growth through cooperation, having mutual relationship and respect of one another’s’ background as well as tolerant. The article is significant to the topic of study since it elaborates more on the impact of a good relationship in a diversified workplace through promoting cross-racial friendships.
Saini, P. (2014) ‘Workforce diversity at the workplace: A report on Tata Consultancy Service,’ Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 5(7), pp. 107–110. Available at: (Accessed: 27 March 2019).
The research aimed at identifying various dimensions associated with diversity in the workforce as well as determining how Tata Consultancy Services manage workplace diversity problems. Tata Consultancy services were instrumental for the exploration since it has a wide base of employees about 276,000 across the world. The exploration found out that TCS being a service based industry has different levels of diversity, for example, cultural diversity, gender diversity, and age diversity and all employees work mutually to ensure maximum customer experience. The article is significant to the topic since it provides evidential organizations that have successfully embraced diversity and how it has been done as well as different types of diversity. The article concludes that it is significant to invest more in diversity and show full commitment for international organizations to be able to retain their best employees.
Acquah, E. O. and Commins, N. L. (2017) ‘Methods that matter in addressing cultural diversity with teacher candidates’, Teaching in Higher Education, 22(5), pp. 501–518. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2016.1273217.
Source 2: Workforce diversity at the workplace: A report on Tata Consultancy Service
The study aimed at developing a teacher’s multicultural model and identifying the importance of model in the workplace. Global student’s population increases with diversity; thus there is a need to have a paper model for multicultural teachers to improve the learning capability of the diverse learners and mutual working relationship with co-teachers. The study used a diverse focus group of 45 participants from different countries such as Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, USA, Slovenia, Australia, Greece, Germany, France, Russia, and Serbia. The model focused on interactive lectures, different activities, reading of case studies and classroom presentation to develop a model. The results were analyzed through quantitative and qualitative analysis and found out that the relationship between the learning outcomes and the models. Consequently, small group discussion facilitated greater opportunities for cultural awareness among the participants. The paper is important to the topic since it provides clear steps in developing and addressing increasing workplace diversity.
Ozgen, C., Nijkamp, P. and Poot, J. (2017) ‘The elusive effects of workplace diversity on innovation,’ Papers in Regional Science, 96, pp. S29–S49. doi: 10.1111/pirs.12176.
The paper aimed at exploring the impact of diversity and innovation in the workplace by conducting surveys between 2004-2006 among 2,793 firms. The survey used the econometric model to identify and rank the innovation process among international firms with a focus on the cultural composition of the organizations. The results showed ten unique countries of birth represented in each organization due to diversity increase. Consequently, the results found out there is no link between the innovativeness of a firm with the employment of immigrants. This was in contrast with the literature review that indicated a positive relationship between the two. The paper is significant to the topic since it helps in creating a clear relationship between diversity and organizational innovativeness thus will help managers to know when and how to recruit to enhance creativity in an organization.
O, BKR, Scheffer, M, van Nes, EH & van der Lee, R (2015) ‘How to Break the Cycle of Low Workforce Diversity: A Model for Change,’ PLoS ONE, 10(7), pp. 1–15. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133208.
The paper is based on organizations call on employee diversification, and the challenges faced while responding to diversity. Through the use of dynamic model: mathematical modeling, the paper investigates long-term impacts in the workforce transformation while focusing on how selection-bias and exit-bias affect the workplace demographics. The results indicated that it takes a long period to change a staff structure especially when annual employee turnover rate is above 0.05 per annual. The results also indicate the nature of appointment bias influences that workforce diversity while the departure bias has a negligible impact. The model concludes that when both the employee appointment and departure are biased, then the organizations are more likely to be stuck at low diversity thus there is a need for critical strategies to eliminate diversity stuck in an organization. The article is significant since it provides a clear understanding of how to increase and address challenges relating to workplace diversity.
Source 3: Methods that matter in addressing cultural diversity with teacher candidates
Altiner, S. and Ayhan, M. B. (2018) ‘An approach for the determination and correlation of diversity and efficiency of software development teams,’ South African Journal of Science, 114(3/4), pp. 69–77. doi: 10.17159/sajs.2018/20170331.
The study used Simpson’s Diversity Index to exploring the impact of diversity on the software development work team. The research is based on different views on the impacts of diversity on team performances. Many types of research show a positive relationship between diversity and the organization’s performance; others have proven that diversity decreases an organization’s performance. The proposed model: Simpson Diversity Index focused on age, gender, experience and education diversity about efficiency and productivity. The results indicated a positive correlation between diversity and team efficiency with education scoring the highest index. The paper is significant since it elaborates and rates different aspect of diversity and their impacts on the efficiency in the workplace, thus instrumental in helping the employer in deciding what type of diversity aspect is important to focus on during employee hiring. With that kind of knowledge, employers will have an easy time in building an efficient, diversified team.
Brewis, D. N. (2017) ‘Social Justice “Lite”? Using Emotion for Moral Reasoning in Diversity Practice’, Gender, Work & Organization, 24(5), pp. 519–532. doi: 10.1111/gwao.12171.
The literature review focused on emotion as an aspect of diversity practice through expanding on the Nussbaum’s emotion theory. The authors denote that emotions identification is instrumental in obtaining social justice ‘lite’ in organizations thus facilitates gender equality and diversity management. Exploring other theories such as Rawls’s justice theory and Utilitarianism and the author denotes that managing diversity helps in positioning values, happiness, and creativity. Consequently, the authors managed to use empirical examples of 37 diversity practitioners who recorded different variations on the emotional response during their practice in a diverse environment. From the works, the author concludes that emotions are instrumental in social justice lite and that Nussbaum’s emotion conceptualization can be used in eliminating shortcomings during diversity practices. The paper is significant since it elaborates more on workplace diversity and how to effectively manage it through the application of available emotional theories.
Conley Tyler, M. (2016) ‘Diversity and diplomacy,’ Australian Journal of International Affairs, 70(6), pp. 695–709. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2016.1220497.
The paper is a case study that explored the effort adopted by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in increasing diversity among Australia’s diplomatic employees through adopting Indigenous Recruitment and Career Development Strategy. The strategy focus on the three major aspects: workplace environment, recruitment, and retention. While exploring the diversity in Australian diplomacy, the author identified different challenges such as family and cultural responsibilities, social constructs, direct and indirect discriminations during recruitment. Consequently, the author denotes that diplomatic diversity implementation and retention is quite harder than the recruitment strategy. The author concludes that diversity is critical in every country’s diplomacy image especially in Australia that needs to showcase its tolerance on society difference. The paper is significant to the study since indicate the importance of diversity management in organizational level, national level, and international level.
Source 4: The elusive effects of workplace diversity on innovation
Lozinak, K. (2017) ‘Teaching Side by Side by Side: An Intergenerational Case Study,’ Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 84(1), pp. 11–16. Available at: (Accessed: 28 March 2019).
The paper is a case study on intergenerational values and their impacts on the workforce. Human tends to work across different generations for an average of 59 years; thus the author explored herself from three stages of generations of professional education focusing on identifying the characteristic available among the educators. The author used a structured method to select information, fist by exploring existing works, interviewed her mother and her daughter too. The participants had different characteristic across the four working generations: traditionalist, Boomer, Gen X, and Millennial. The paper concludes that having enough knowledge of the characteristics that are associated with the four generations is significant in understanding the differences in people’s values, believes and success. The information form the paper thus can help in creating insights among the managers in retaining the best employees, making employees with diverse minds to be at ease and even make the employer feel honored in working with a diverse work team.
OKÇU, Veysel. “Relation between Secondary School Administrators’ Transformational and Transactional Leadership Style and Skills to Diversity Management in the School.” Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 14, no. 6 (December 2014): 2162–74. doi:10.12738/estp.2014.6.2128
The study aim was to investigate more on the diversity management in school with a focus on the transformational and transactional leadership style of school administrators. The researcher used ‘multifactor leadership questionnaire’ to collect data among 735 teachers between 2010 and 2011. Schools just like other organizations are composed of diverse students, staffs, and teachers that need proper management style to achieve the set goals. The collected data was analyzed through the application of MLQ and SPSS analysis program. The results from the analysis indicate a positive relationship between transformational and transactional leadership style and effective diversity management. From the discussion, it is evidential that transformational leadership is an important indicator of effective diversity management since the leaders can create awareness; offer inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation among the employees. The paper is important to the topic since it provides the required information in understanding diversity management.
Diversity management is important in current organizational operations. Thus every leader needs to have full information ranging from diversity strategy creation, implementation, and management through all traditional and modern technological tools such as social media. It’s upon the leadership style to investigate and identify best diversity management models.
List of References
Acquah, E. O. and Commins, N. L. (2017) ‘Methods that matter in addressing cultural diversity with teacher candidates,’ Teaching in Higher Education, 22(5), pp. 501–518. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2016.1273217.
Altiner, S. and Ayhan, M. B. (2018) ‘An approach for the determination and correlation of diversity and efficiency of software development teams,’ South African Journal of Science, 114(3/4), pp. 69–77. doi: 10.17159/sajs.2018/20170331.
Brewis, D. N. (2017) ‘Social Justice “Lite”? Using Emotion for Moral Reasoning in Diversity Practice’, Gender, Work & Organization, 24(5), pp. 519–532. doi: 10.1111/gwao.12171.
Conley Tyler, M. (2016) ‘Diversity and diplomacy,’ Australian Journal of International Affairs, 70(6), pp. 695–709. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2016.1220497.
Lozinak, K. (2017) ‘Teaching Side by Side by Side: An Intergenerational Case Study,’ Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 84(1), pp. 11–16. Available at: (Accessed: 28 March 2019).
O, BKR, Scheffer, M, van Nes, EH & van der Lee, R (2015) ‘How to Break the Cycle of Low Workforce Diversity: A Model for Change,’ PLoS ONE, 10(7), pp. 1–15. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133208.
OKÇU, Veysel. “Relation between Secondary School Administrators’ Transformational and Transactional Leadership Style and Skills to Diversity Management in the School.” Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 14, no. 6 (December 2014): 2162–74. doi:10.12738/estp.2014.6.2128.
Ozgen, C., Nijkamp, P. and Poot, J. (2017) ‘The elusive effects of workplace diversity on innovation,’ Papers in Regional Science, 96, pp. S29–S49. doi: 10.1111/pirs.12176.
Payne, J., McDonald, S. and Hamm, L. (2013) ‘Production Teams and Producing Racial Diversity in Workplace Relationships Production Teams and Producing Racial Diversity in Workplace Relationships,’ Sociological Forum, 28(2), pp. 326–349. doi: 10.1111/socf.12021.
Saini, P. (2014) ‘Workforce diversity at the workplace: A report on Tata Consultancy Service,’ Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 5(7), pp. 107–110. Available at: (Accessed: 27 March 2019).