Managing Human Resources In MiningCo: Strategies For Performance, Motivation, And Retention
Case one: Performance Management and Motivation
The current report is prepared for obtaining relevant knowledge, information and skills about how to manage human resources within the business organisation named MiningCo. The various aspects of strategic human resource management along with benefits of adopting a good organisational design has been important for managing good culture within the workplace and establish proper teams. This has helped me, as a senior HR executive to maintain good values and ethics within the organisational setting and influence the behaviour of individuals in a positive way. The ways by which I have managed the performances of workers and motivated them have also been included in this report (Aguinis, 2013). Other major components of this report include methods and techniques for enabling retention of employees and develop successful planning for the purpose of accomplishment of goals and objectives with ease and effectiveness.
From the case study, it can be understood that MiningCo has been operating in various isolated or remote areas where there are both fly-in and fly-out employees who work based on a two-week roster. According to the three cases presented in this report, the topic will discuss how to motivate the staffs and form a crisis management team. It is my responsibility to deal with this kind of situation and ensure that the workers do not leave, which is possible by providing them with additional benefits, growth opportunities and better security. This will help in maintaining proper organisational design and culture as well as reduce the talent gaps of workers at each of the isolated areas where the company has been functioning. As a senior HR executive of the organisation, it is my responsibility to motivate and encourage the workers and influence their behaviors. This will also allow them to move in the right direction as well as get praised for their performances and contribution to the company.
The employee motivation is a major factor that drives the innovation and efficiency within the organisation MiningCo. The motivation and encouragement are essential components for improving the performances of employees and make them perform to their potential, thereby increasing the team’s productivity. According to Armstrong and Taylor (2014), the performance management system is used to support the motivation of employees by setting clear aims and objectives and obtain honest feedbacks and responses. This would also help in creating an active management and furthermore allow the employees of the organisation to strengthen their skills and become high potential performers. From the responses of Armstrong & Taylor (2014), it can be understood that a good performance management system plays a vital role in managing performances of employees (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). The performance management initiative developed by me, as a senior HR Executive working for MiningCo, has also helped in maintaining proper performance standards. It is done with the help of defining the basic requirements of various job positions’ within the company, so that the employees serve for both the qualitative and quantitative requirements (Ayoko et al., 2012). In case the employee fails to meet up to the expected performance standards, the organisation will not provide any recognition. I have always wanted the employees to become a part of a team, which is important for learning and development and furthermore improve their knowledge level and skills with ease and effectiveness.
Case two: Retention Strategies in the Face of Crisis
As a senior HR executive, I think that motivation is not only needed for influencing the behaviors of staffs who perform poorly but also is essential for guiding them in the right direction by praising them for their performances. This would create a positive mindset among them and drive their performances by bringing out the desired positive outcomes within MiningCo (Beardwell & Thompson, 2014). The system of performance management is utilised for identifying the gaps concerning strengths of employees and furthermore provides them with chances of rectifying themselves and contribute to the company. Motivation is supported by the performance management system, though it is my responsibility to ensure that all the rules and regulations are kept in place for appropriately managing the human resources. Motivation is also possible through providing the employees with training sessions where they can sharpen their skills and reduce the chances of low-performance issues within quick time (Berman et al., 2012).
The performance management system works through various steps such as the planning of goals and objectives that are needed to be achieved, monitor the progress of work at regular intervals, enhance one’s skills and abilities through training programs provided, manage performance appraisal techniques and manage a rewarding system. The evaluation of performance management helps in praising the performances of workers of MiningCo for their commitment and creates a positive mindset among them by allowing them to perform better. With the help of performance management system, I have identified the mistakes made by employees in case their performances are not up to the expectations. Based on the responses provided by Bratton & Gold (2012), motivation and encouragement are possible by providing them with rewards as well, both monetary and non-monetary benefits. Due to this, their behaviors have been positive, which has further allowed them to perform with much more dedication and contribute to organisational efficiency.
However, it is true that all the employees cannot act in the same manner and contribute equally. The performance management system helps in identifying the employees of the company who lacked certain skills to perform to the expectations and then provide them with training sessions. As a senior HR executive, I consider performance management system effective as it can reduce the skills gaps and create skilful workers for accomplishing the objectives of the organisation in an effective way. The under-performing employees could be provided with a properly documented performance transition as well. Considering the responses of Bridges & Bridges (2017), one of the major advantages of performance management system is that it can ensure employee growth by motivating them and allowing them to reach full potential. I feel that with the utilisation of performance management initiative, the opinions and feedbacks of staffs are considered, which is useful for managing a proper decision making process. Every employee of the organisation can take part in the decision making process where their performances and abilities are assessed thoroughly to check how much they are effective and reliable for satisfying the organisational standards.
The business organisation MiningCo operates in some isolated locations as a single entity, because of which there has been the lack of cross over and rotation of staffs. Other than that, the impact of ISIS in the Middle East on the foreign nationals and economic crisis in Greece further deteriorated this situation and resulted in making many senior employees onsite leave the company. According to Bush & Middlewood (2013), to handle this situation and reduce the turnover of employees, few of the most effective employee retention strategies have been used. The ISIS is not considered as a terrorist organisation or insurgency, rather it is called as a movement that changes the status and beliefs of people for own benefits through undertaking violent and terrorist activities. The impact of the presence of ISIS in the Middle East was severe as it focused on achieving political aims and objectives by creating threats and fear among people. The methods and techniques used by ISIS posed some major threats due to which Americans withdrew from Iraq, thereby creating an unstable state and issues regarding the transfer of foreign nationals. This created adverse effects on the Middle East, and ISIS grabbed this opportunity to accomplish its objectives. There was a humanitarian crisis, and the minority groups present in Iraq and Syria were threatened as well (Caulat, 2012). ISIS played a significant role in drastically changing the domestic balance of power between the opposition and government authorities.
Case three: Forming a Crisis Management Team
Due to the global financial crisis in between the year 2007 to 2008, the government debt crisis was faced by Greece in the later part of 2009. The Great Recession and structural weakness in the economy of Greece further affected the economic crisis. There was a huge amount of debts, due to which Greece faced issues such as money deficit, which resulted in failing the employees with substantial amount of wages. The Government increased the tax, spending and changed the reforms from 2010 to 2016, which created local riots and protests all over the nation. The cost of labour increased largely and this further affected the economy of the country by reducing its ability to gain a competitive edge (DeMarco & Lister, 2013). Due to these nationwide conflicts, many of the senior executives working in those isolated areas wished to leave. There were riots and terrorist activities all over, which was further influenced by the debt crisis. The foreign nationals felt afraid to work in such remote locations and did not agree to work in such risky situations, which might even cost their lives. This was done not only for the sake of their lives but also to obtain good wages according to their contribution to the enterprise. Based on the responses provided by Goyvaerts & Levithan (2012), due to the increase in the cost of labour, the workers were paid less than they expected which also made a mark on their mind and made them believe that they could get more money while working somewhere else (Goyvaerts & Levithan, 2012). I also managed to ensure that the workers are paid timely, and enough security is provided to them so that they can feel secure and perform with commitment within the organisational setting.
The trade deficit means more consumption by a country than the production level, and in such cases, investments from other countries are required. According to me, one of the major driving factors of inflow of investments was the membership of Greece in the European Union or EU. After the Great Recession, the amount of money that was lent to Greece by other countries gradually started declining. This resulted in making the country incapable of borrowing to finance its trade and resolve the deficiency of budget at a reasonable price. With the resigning of many senior executives from the company MiningCo, it was my responsibility to enable proactive management of employees through hiring, discipline, payroll activities and for promoting coordination in work. This would influence their behaviour and ensure the improvement of work experience quality and furthermore enhance the mutual benefits of employment from both employer and employee perspective (Herrmann & Herrmann-Nehdi, 2015). This kind of management technique can also help to keep the employees satisfied largely as well as ensure a reduction in turnover of employees. To handle this kind of issue, I maintained a proper organisational structure and provided the members with better scopes and opportunities so that they can enjoy their freedom and independence, though not compromising on their actual potential to perform efficiently. The design or structure of an organisation determines how individuals working within the organisation carry out their roles and responsibilities and their performances can be improved, which further will result in employee satisfaction and enhance organisational productivity (Highsmith, 2013). I have followed the divisional structure of organisation for enabling the various sites to function as a single entity and prevent less cross over and rotation of staffs. This would allow all the functional units to work in coordination and properly accomplish the goals and objectivesin a proper way. As the senior HR executive of MiningCo, I have focused more on the actual outcomes for the employees for which they are held accountable (Williams, 2013).
Organisational Design, Culture, and Ethics in MiningCo
I have made few important recommendations for resolving this kind of issue and ensure the occurrence of no such issues again within the organisational setting. It is also important to provide the employees with a good amount of wages that can allow them to commit fully and accomplish the organisational aims and objectives quickly and correctly. It would be necessary to provide them with proper security so that they are safe and healthy and not subject to harm in any case (Hoefling, 2012). I recommend providing them with competitive benefits packages such as health insurance, life insurance, retirement savings, etc. along with additional benefits and incentives. These are essential aspects of keeping them motivated and focused on their roles and responsibilities. It is also recommended to conduct stay interviews for understanding the causes of leaving and discuss other matters regarding negotiable issues and also what they expect from the company. I would also guide them in the right direction and create a clear path for them to grow and advance in their professional career. To retain employees, I also would provide them with training sessions for improving their skills and knowledge and foster development of employees. In my opinion, I would like to promote clear communication between the management and the senior executives for obtaining feedbacks and clarify issues, though with the involvement of manager (Hudson, 2017).
Both monetary and non-monetary rewards are essential for keeping the employees encouraged, and this would be possible with the recruiting of a human resource professional. As a senior HR executive, I have streamlined the structure and business processes and kept the laws of employment and other trends up to date. This would ensure better management of human resources and reduce the turnover of employees largely (Jones & George, 2015).
MiningCo works in several isolated areas and with the economic crisis and ISIS impact, many of the senior executives have started to leave the company due to security reasons and less pay. To deal with these kinds of issues and manage human resources correctly, I have developed a Crisis Management Team or CMT for supporting the crisis management and deal with the exposures by working according to the interests of the stakeholders who are involved. It has also made the company capable of responding to any event or disaster quite easily (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2012).
These kinds of response management teams’ work from the executive level of the company to the employees present within a particular site. I have formed the teams with the involvement of senior management officials who can allocate the resources and respond to any internal incidents within quick time. This kind of flexibility has allowed me to expand the team obtaining more skills and knowledge and furthermore work according to the strategic needs of the employees during a particular incident. The CMT supports the regional site and handles the emergency management teams to enhance the reputation of the company, enable shared values and beliefs and appropriately manage the corporate assets. Based on the roles and responsibilities assigned to employees, I have enabled the CMT to make any kinds of strategic decisions by guiding the members of the organisation in the right direction as well (MAZnEVSkI et al., 2013).
As a senior HR executive, I have appointed the head of the department, Chief executive officer, board of directors, media advisors and the HR representatives as part of the Crisis Management Team. The early signs of crisis are detected, and the root areas of those problems are identified too. The CMT also allows the team members to communicate with each other face to face and develop a crisis management plan for handling critical situations with ease and effectiveness. By forming the crisis management team, it was easy for me to motivate and encourage the employees for meeting challenges with confidence and ensure that they do not lose hope at any stages (Pryjmachuk et al., 2012). This facilitates good decision-making and allows the workers to perform to their potential, thus helping the company to sustain in the future too.
I have used the selection criteria for selecting the most skilful and knowledgeable employees for MiningCo. Based on their skills, knowledge and experience to work for the concerned post, they would be selected though. The candidates, who would be called for the recruitment process must provide a proper explanation about how they would be valuable for the job role and the organisation. In any case, the candidate fails to fulfill any of the criteria; he or she will not be selected. The candidates should be able to fulfill the requirements of the job role, based on which they would be allowed to be a part of the interview session. From the organisation’s viewpoint, the processes of recruitment and selection are also standardised with the help of selection criteria. According to Purce (2014), the selection criteria can also guide the employees and employers in the right direction and prevent any biased situations. It ensures good decisions to be made and select the right kinds of candidates for the job role. On the other hand, the crisis management team has supported me to detect any emergencies and identify the talent gaps within a particular site. This would help to understand the areas where individual employees lacked regarding skills and knowledge (Purce, 2014). After assessing their current condition, I have provided them with training programs for enhancing their level of skills and expertise, keep them motivated, and encouraged all throughout (Reiche et al., 2016).
I have always praised the performances of workers and provided rewards to members of the team according to their contribution to the organisation. Compensations include monetary rewards such as bonuses, incentives and performance bonus too. It is important for every organisation to reward its employees for their accomplishment of goals and objectives and for working in coordination within a team. By promoting motivation and encouragement through rewards systems such as public recognition and additional pay, they would be more committed to their work and reach the goals and objectives with utmost ease (Roberson & Williamson, 2012). All these major aspects have helped me to promote good culture and ethics within the workplace and develop a healthy working environment where positive behaviors and attitudes are encouraged.
While mentoring, nurturing and training the employees for getting the right things done at the right time, I have promoted the clan culture. This has also facilitated the proper management of human resources and ensured proper functioning of the organisation too. This kind of culture has also allowed me to obtain the responses and feedbacks of every employee and manage the coordination of work within the workplace. Due to this, the process of decision-making has also enhanced, and the team members have got involved in various activities for bringing out positive outcomes regarding productivity and employee performance (Shields et al., 2015). This kind of culture has also helped me to consider the opinions of employees and then come up to a proper decision, which can benefit the company and ensure complying with the standards of the organisation.
The topic focused on the various aspects of management of people and teams within the business organisation MiningCo. The strategic human resource management, design and culture of the organisation and how it has been promoted for maintaining an excellent organisational behavior had also been understood within this report. The interconnection between the motivation of workers and management of performances of employees were also included in this report. Within the company, due to the economic crisis and ISIS impacts, many of the senior executives left. Proper retention strategies were used, and rewards were provided to them so that they were satisfied and there could be fewer turnovers of employees.
I have maintained a good reward system for saving money during the recruitment process and ensure that all their needs and preferences are fulfilled. This would, in turn, make them loyal and trustworthy employees and might even make them change their mind of leaving the company any time then. The importance of forming a crisis management team and how it has handled critical situations and identified talent gaps within a particular site were also included in this report. The criteria for selection of employees along with the format and structure of a crisis management team were also part of the report. The ways of providing rewards to team members and staff and how it influenced their performances had been illustrated as well for obtaining a proper conclusion.
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