Managing Human Resources For Personal And Professional Life: Privacy Issues And Critical Review Of Information Sharing On Social Websites
Major Aspects
Discuss about the Managing Human Resources for Personal and Professional Life.
The social networking websites encompasses their specific impact on the personal and professional life of the people. The personal life and public life of the common people are engaged in accessing the social websites and they would like to share their major information with their friends, family and relatives. The essay shown below is helpful in highlighting the major issues related to the social networking website in contrast to the employees and the employers. In this report, the major rights of the employees in sharing their personal information on social websites are explained. Apart from this, the accessing rights of the employers are also explained in reference to the social networking websites. In fact, sometimes employers also get indulge in inappropriate activities and no complaints or FIR has been lodged by the employees against the employers who are using their information in the illegal manner. So, to explain the major perspectives related to the social networking website and to define the approach in the critical manner the argumentative essay is shown below which is helpful in solving the major aspects and perspective related to questions asked. The major content which is helpful in completing the task is related to the privacy issues of the employees and organizations, a critical assessment/review on information sharing through social websites and aspects to win the objective and achieve the suitable target.
The social network and websites related to it are always considered as the most appropriate and important aspect of the discussion. The case study is defined for the analyses through which the major questions will be answered in an appropriate manner. Through this case study the different perspectives related the employees, employers and the impact of the social networking websites on different aspects are trying to discuss in an appropriate manner. The three questions with their critical analysis are defined below in an appropriate manner.
The privacy related issues are recognized as the common setting in the framework of the organization. The employees who work in the organization possess their specific personal life. After joining any organization, the employees also have to follow suitable rules and regulations which are defined by the employers. In this situation, to manage the equilibrium between the personal aspects and the organizational needs is considered as a complicated task.
As defined in the case study that on the employees’ level sharing of personal information is method of developing communication and to maintain the stability in personal relationship. Some of new generation workers also think that sharing of personal information makes other people aware about their personal aspects easily. The employees share their personal profile and information on the social websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter and blogs so that the friends and relatives got an idea about the current state of the employee in their personal and professional manner (Warren, 2008).
Privacy Issues Related to Employees and Organizations
According to the famous researcher Jacques Rosseau, the rules and principle rights are considered on the highest priority while identifying the personal aspects related to employees. There are various rights which are served by the employees in the organization, but the organization only wants to impose the personal laws and orders on the employees, by which the actual rights of the candidates have to suffer equally. Every employee has their personal life and the personal choice of sharing their information with each other. But, every time the organization imposes their personal aspects on their employees. The organization can only imposed the legal conditions on their employees when they are in the organization and using internet in an unauthorized manner (Craver, 2006). But, simultaneously there are some negative aspects at the employee level as well. The employee only has to post the kind of information on the social websites which are helpful in managing the social contact rather than disclosing their personal information related to the organization. In fact, the personal documents and accessories should also not open for everyone who is interlinked with the employees on the social websites.
The organization holds any private information which can get leak out or disclose by the employees on social websites, is also considered in the category of crime. This is not considered as a good sign for the organization. In fact, sometimes the employees also post some pictures of official or corporate get together, which are not in the good books of the organization. By this, the employee is trying to hinder security aspects of the organization and privacy of the organization may also suffers due to this. The negative aspect is that the employer also misuses the information of the employees which is available on the social websites such as Facebook, twitter, blogs and other websites for identifying the involvement of the employee on the social level. The social involvement of the employee and the groups related to the employees will reflect the personal attitude of the employees which would be further helpful in making the process of recruiting easy and comfortable. This is not identified as correct procedure. In Australia, the usage of information from the social networking websites gets prohibited under Privacy Act or the Fair Work Act. Nearly 60 percent of the employees are discarded by the recruiters due to their inappropriate social commitment in these websites. Sometimes due to personal blog pages and the controversial twits, the recruiters also discard the job application of the candidates. Though this task is included in the category of unauthorized task but various senior authorities and recruitment panel are using this personal information of employees in an illegal manner (Mattner, 2004).
Critical Review of Information Sharing on Social Websites
To manage the equilibrium among the employees and the organization, it is essential to follow and to manage the stable consequences, it is very essential that both the employees and the organization should follow suitable guidelines and the policies by which appropriate regulations can be managed (Scott, 2016). According to Marna M. and Tess Mattner; hiring, retention, references and firing by the employers should not be dependent on the social status and aspects of the employees. Rather, it depends upon the qualification and the actual interview of the employees. Apart from this, the employees should also require managing dignity and decorum of the organization and only share the information which is essential to share in all respects. By this, all the consequences can be managed in an appropriate manner. The suitable aspects related to equilibrium can also be identified with the help of these consequences and both the employees and employers can work in a coordinate manner.
The sharing of personal information is the most appropriate way to involve friends, family and colleagues in the personal life. But, what about sharing of information by the employees on the social websites? This aspect is still considered as a matter of searching. According to the employers point of view, sharing of the information on the social website by the employees is considered as the matter of discussion and young workers considered as a best method of maintaining the stable relationship with each-other in an appropriate manner (Midwest New Media, LLC., 2016).
According to the research and studies, it is identified that the employers have right to watch the employee internet usage. The usage of the internet may include emails, identifying networking websites and identification of other information. The employer can monitor data which shared on the public level by the employees and also take strict action if the shared data is against the employer’s dignity. According to the survey, it is being identified that the employers fired nearly 28% of the employees due to misusing the internet, 35% of the employees are fired due to misuse the social websites and the other aspects are also being identified by the employers against the employees (US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2016). The rules in Australia for the social networking websites are quite different from other countries. According to the EPCA (Electronic Communications Privacy Act), the employer has the right/ permission to check and monitor the employees system in their organization in case of employer feels any issue regarding the information. The employee has no right to share the information on the social networking website without the permission of the organization. There are various aspects which can be observed by an employer such as the software used for the social communication, usage of the internet and the maximum information which is shared on the social networking websites. The employers has also equal authority and the rights to manage the aspects related to the organization (Holtz, 2016).
Apart from these positive aspects which the higher authorities can create their impact, there are some other aspects which are being defined in the favor of young employees. The thinking skills and approach of the young people are quite different from older people and they want to share their personal information with the other members on the social networking website. The employers do not have authority on the employees’ personal life and also holds no right to access the system without the personal permission of the employees (New Media Institute, 2012). The rights of the employers are also limited when the information related to the organization is being shared. In Australia, the employers also have the right to fire the employees if the employees are posting unauthorized data on the social websites and indulging in kind of inappropriate activities. Due to the major differences in the thinking skills and different values related to life, the young employees involve their friends and relatives their professional life as well .
By assuming all the perspectives and basic ideas related to the employers and employees, it is quite clear that the employers can only interfere in the personal decisions of the employees by using the appropriate legal framework. But, simultaneously the employee should also be cautious while posting any such data on the social website (SHRM Team, 2016). Rather than posting the confidential information, only the information related to the job and the organization must post on the websites which is in the form of the information for other people. Apart from this, there is specific policies related to the code of conduct which are being defined by the organization. This would be helpful in providing the suitable directions to the employees, and what material are they allowed to post on the social websites(i.e and which material is not allowed or favorable for posting on the social websites. The decision making system should be strong from both the sides so that the privacy issues will not occur. Apart from this, the employers should also provide the employee with their personal space so that they can set the suitable criteria for the development and growth on their own level (NCSC International, 2016).
The employees and employers are complementary to each other and without each other, the success aspects cannot be fulfilled. The approach should work in a coordinated manner and for this, both the employee and employers have to plan a suitable strategy so that the successful approach related to both can be identified easily and benefits can be earned by both of them. The most appropriate approach is the selection of win- win approach rather than selecting the win-loose approach. This aspect can only be fulfilled when the managers try to manage the suitable steps for selecting the favorable situations (Apostolou, 2000).
According to the Win- Win theory, the negotiation principle is identified in which all the parties are ready to share the equal profits and for this, the equal contribution from both the employees and the employers will be observed on the wide level. But, before initiating the coordinated approach, it is also essential that both the employees and the employer can able to manage the suitable aspects on the individual level. The employees can pursue the suitable rules and regulations defined by organization and the employers can control their accessing rights on the individual level. By this, the most suitable and coordinated approach can be established on initial level, which will help in providing the suitable feedback too. According to the case study, there are various aspects which are identified in which it is transparently defined that both the employers and employees wants their good will and want to manage their personal profit. The employee wants to share their personal life on the social websites simultaneously, the employer worries about the information which is shared . To avoid this situation, there are various attempts that can be tried from both the employees and the employers in the positive direction (Spangler, 2013).
The employers have to provide proper personal space for the employees, so that they can live their personal life in their own personal way. In fact, for the selection and the recruitment process, the personal eligibility of the candidates should be focused by the employers rather than identifying their personal accounts on the social networking websites. If the employers want that the employee follow the guidelines, they have to make the appropriate guideline, policies and procedures, so that the employee can work in that definite framework rather than focussing on other rules and regulations (Lupfer, 2013). Apart from this, the regulations act is also defined for monitoring and suitable process of watching the employees’ employment in the social websites. This also controls sharing of the information and the personal life of the employee will also not get affected.
On the other hand, the employee should also follow some rules and regulations while working in the organization. The limited sharing of the professional information and the personal profile is the key aspect by which the privacy of the employees cannot be hindered and the employees also don’t have to follow the issues related to that. The social websites are considered as the mode of communication rather than sharing personal information with other people. The employee should understand that by sharing personal information on the online websites or the social websites, one can misuse the particular information and harm the employee and the employer too (Lunday, 2010). This will also create the negative impact on the organization as well. So, if both the employees and the employer should consider all these aspects in a right way, then a win-win strategy can work easily.
The major discussion related to the social media and elements identified to show the contribution of the social websites, clear the image of the employees and the employers to a wide extent. By assuming the aspects above the employees and employers individual decision about the usage of social sites are identified. Other than this, the essay also tries to contribute in defining the mutual coordination between the employees and employers in reference to the usage of social networking websites. Both of them are considered as the major source of sharing the information and by this, chances of improvement can also be observed. So, to manage all the perspectives and to maintain the equilibrium, it is essential that both the employees and employers should concern on suitable level and manage the aspects in a right way.
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