Managing Human Resource: Constructive Relations

Discuss about the Managing Human Resource for Constructive Relations.

Aim: The aim of this report is to evaluate the perceptive of human resource management in the field of logistic or supply chain business in Australia. Managing human resources in the field of transport business is the challenging tasks because transport workers unions are ready to do strike against governments and companies business policy

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Structure: The researcher would evaluate the parameters of human resource management in the field of logic business. The transport business in the Australian market is full of competition and market risk which always affect the business in massive scale.

Methodology: The case study of trucking company across Australia has been focused on understanding the human resource policy. In order to measure the performance of new yard manager at the workplace as well as a threat of transport workers union would be focused.

New yard manager started focusing on implementing human resource management practices at the workplace. New yard manager started establishing communication at the workplace by talking with drivers and union representatives. The new managers have focused on managing human resources at the workplace effectively for the betterment of the organization. The new yard manager started talking with the drivers regarding their issue, delivery, and cost. On the other hand, previous yard manager was autocratic because he always used to blame the driver for any kind of defaults during a distribution of the goods. Arends (2014) mentioned that the new yard managers have changed this system, he started investing after accident or death caused by the truck.  After verification and investigation, new yard managers started to take positive decisions for the safety of yard and drivers. However, any kind of illegal and unethical practices by the drivers will be punishable offense according to the mode of new yard managers. 

In particular, new yard manager motivated the drivers to work with passion and energy. It helps both the parties in the positive direction. Gospel & Sako (2010) opined that the communication process became effective at the workplace after arriving at new yard manager. Since the first day at a yard, the new managers began to talk with the drivers. Overall the new yard manager started solving the discrimination and conflict from the workplace for enhancing the credibility and profitability of the organization (Aslan & Zaim, 2016). The new manager introduced new computer system for recording the business performance and employee’ performance in an effective manner. After few days managers provided new trucks and uniforms to the several experienced drivers. It was the fruitful decision by the manager to enhance the satisfaction of the drivers as well as promote the brand image across the supply chain industry.

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The new manager changed the previous rule and regulation at the yard; he implemented human resource management for improving the performance of yard and drivers. Implementing information technology at the workplace empowered the efficiency of a yard. The new managers are highly focused on providing safety and better facility to the workforce. His decision making impressed the drivers (Gospel & Sako, 2010). Positive atmosphere at the workplace is always a favorable business condition. The new manager introduced new technology, new rules and safety measures for the growth of an organization. The manager review system for checking the performance of drivers while distributing the goods and material. The new yard manager increased the work pressure for maximizing the profitability of the organization. After few years the company managed to grab some huge business contracts. Top trucking companies are able to vary the business across the potential market of Australia with the help and efforts of new yard manager.

The new yard manages empowered the performance of the employee by providing technical and management training. This process helped him to improve the proficiency of the drivers as well as providing safety to the drivers. The new manager implemented human resource management perspective at the workplace which helped him to create the healthy relationship with the drivers and customers.

George or yard manager influences the business performance and communication process of the company.  Transport union risk may arise at the workplace because a driver can strike for hiking the salary and wages. The new yard manager has formed new rules and guidelines among the truck drivers for maintaining the sustainability and credibility of the trucking company (De Cieri  & Kramar, 2005). The new yard manager is highly focused on providing safety to the drivers because they are the most pivotal aspect of the company. The new yard manager has removed the inequality and discrimination from the workplace for marinating the feasibility of the business.

Management risk can arrive if the new manager leaves the organization. Somehow new yard manager has empowered the human resource management perspective at the workplace since joining (Chang, Gong & Shum, 2011). It will massively affect the business and brand image of the coconut if new yard manager will leave the company with certain reasons. More specifically company might face credit risk in the absence of new yard manager. The manager is successful for bringing orders and enhancing the quantity of distributed goods via trucks across a market. The new manager is efficient for building the long-lasting relationship with the customers which helps the company to maintain the credibility in the market.

Changing strategy can influence the business performance of the company. Storey (2014) opined that the new manager has changed the rules of supply chain management in the company for providing safety and benefit to the drivers. The company can face the huge challenge regarding controlling the market risk which keeps on changing. Market risk may arise and company would not be able to effectively handle this. The new yard manager has positive experience deals with the business and market risk in an effective manner. It has helped the company to enhance the profitability and credibility across the potential market of Australia (ÇaliÅŸkan, 2010). Sustainability of the business may influence the competitive risk because Australian market is full of cut throat competition in the field of supply chain or logistic business.



However, international giants like FedEx and DHL has captured the Australian market in recent years massively (Jiang et al.  2012). The international logistics giants have created the huge challenge to the logistic company of Australia. Somehow new yard manager is effective enough to cope with such kind of business risk in an effective manner. Hong et al. (2012) opined that the competitive pressure and market risk affects the business of the logistic company I regular basis. Implementing technological and management perspective in the business can help the company to cope with these challenging issues in an efficient way.

In particular sustainability of the business can affect the market risk, business risk, competitive factors, and management risk because it always keeps on changing. Somehow technological risk has reduced the profitability of the company in the recent year. Jiang et al.   (2012) opined that the technology keeps on changing every day so as it is necessary to understand and implement the technological terms for gaining the competitive edge over the market. The company should provide enough fund to the new yard manager for implementing technological facility so as the business could be enhanced across the existing supply chain market of Australia.

I think blue color union like transport worker unions are less likely to engage in the workforce because of changing government and business policy of transport companies.

Transport worker union harms the business of logistics or Supply Chain Company in Australia. The drivers and transport workers keep on doing strike for increasing wages, salary, and flexibility at the workplace (Lengnick-Hall et al. 2014). It affects the business of every business sector in a national and international market at massive scale. However, government intervention is necessary to handle such kind of issue for the economic and business sustainability across the market.  Lengnick-Hall, Beck & Lengnick-Hall (2011) mentioned that generally in public sector employee keeps on doing strike for changing the business and legislative rule. Nowadays in logistic industry drivers and transport workers are the regular doing strike for changing the workplace rule including, tax rate, deduction of wages and salary.

In particular, providing financial assurance is not the proper solution to stop the strike because some leaders of transport worker unions are never satisfied with the facility and services of transport companies across Australia. Buller & McEvoy (2012) opined that the government can be the biggest source to remove this threat by taking legal action against a leader of transport workers union. For marinating the economic and social growth it is essential that government should shake hand with a corporate house for removing the challenges of worker strike in the field of logistic business or supply chain business (Aswathappa, 2013). The recent hike in transportation cost has forced the transport companies to reduce the wages of transport workers so as transport worker union ahs stare strike fails decisions of government and their companies (Wang, Chich-Jen & Mei-Ling, 2010). Strike creates the huge problem for civilians and business houses. The government should look into this matter sincerely by taking favorable decisions.

Wilton (2016) mentioned that the economic sustainability of the country got affected by the striking of transport workers. Indeed, government and company should also think about increasing the wages and salary of transport workers Transport workers leader should also understand the reason for rising tax in transport services otherwise; it can affect the growth of transport companies, workers and government as well at mass scale. The government needs to cope up with these huge challenges for the sustainability of economy and environment in the regular basis.



I would recommend the government to take some serious action to control the damage done by striking for the betterment of business and environment. Overall, it is effective enough to say that raising the tax in transport business may harm the economic development of the country. Becker, Carbo & Langella (2010) opined that the most of the transport companies face huge problems after reducing the wages and facility of transport drivers or workers. The transport union is always ready to do strike on behalf of country’s transport worker to provide them their deserving right. It slashed the growth of Transport Company and other business industry in the massive scale. However, cooperation with the government and business houses can reduce the challenges of a strike which causes the reduction of profitability in transport business.


Provide incentive and safety to the transport workers:

The transport company should provide the favorable incentive to the drivers and other transport workers for increasing their satisfaction. This process can help the company to enhance the profitability and credibility across the potential market in Australia. The company needs to provide safety measures to the drivers by implementing technology it can help the company to gain the competitive edge over the competitor.

Implement legislative law:

The company should implement legislative act for safety and suitability of business. This process can help the company to remove the threat of strike activities by the transport workers union at the workplace. The implementing legislative law would help the company to bring authenticity in the business law which should be followed by the transport worker or drivers.


The researcher has evaluated the role of managing human resources in the field of transport business. Managers play essential role in increasing the profitability and credibility of Transport Company by creating a healthy relationship with the transport workers, drivers and customers. Transport workers or drivers are the bases of logistic or supply chain business in the country. Whenever they opt for strike against government’s economic policy and company’s business policy it hampers the growth of an economy. Transport union leader is the main reasons to hamper the growth of transport business in Australia. Cooperation between lender of transport union and government reduces the chance of strike in the transport field.

Reference List:

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