Managing Employee Relationships In Organizations: Importance And Impact On Performance

Employee Relationship Management and its Significance

Employees are termed to be a very important part in any organizations. It is considered that if the relationship among the employees and the employers are good, then the success rate of a work increases to a much greater extent. Management of relationship with the employees is an important consideration which should be utilized by the organizational head (Wang et al. 2015). The development of positive relationship among the employees and the employers is a main point of concern.

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This research paper aims to provide light on the context of employer relationship development. The main objectives of this paper are to research the importance of employee management in organizations (Shen and Benson 2016). Similarly, this research paper also aims to examine the increase in employee performance due to effective employee management.

This section of the research paper includes the main questions that are aimed for answering through this research paper.

  • On the basis of employee relationship management, to what extent does it solves the problems faced?
  • Is employee positive behaviour related to employee relationship?

The study conducted in this research paper includes the following hypothesis

  • There is a relationship among the components of the employee relationship management and the performance level of the employee.
  • There are differences among each employee in response to employee management due to varying traits.

This section of the research paper discusses about the analysis of the topic and its influence in this research.

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The concept of employee relationship management has been in place since the introduction of the 20th century. This is mainly in place to get a general idea of the industrial relations that exist in the market (Madrid et al. 2014). It mainly includes cooperation and obligation to the decision made by the management of the organization and in the same time maintaining a positive relationship among the entities. The relationship management of a company includes the relationship among the employees and the employers and with the organization. It can be stated that employee relationship management can be termed as the development of trust and morale among the workplace so that the efficiency and productivity can be increased.

In addition, employee relationship management is also termed as a dynamic process which is used in place of organizational communications (Padilla-Meléndez and Garrido-Moreno 2014). This helps in building skills, competence and confidence among an employee which will in turn enable the managerial positions of the company or organization involved utilize the effectiveness of such methods. It is also a very powerful tool which can be utilized by an employee for performing their task in a better way (Revilla-Camacho, Vega-Vázquez and Cossío-Silva 2015). This discipline of employee relationship management can be used by organizations or companies for identification, differentiation and interaction with their employees.

Performance Management and its Importance

Performance is a quality that is received from the employees not due to the quantity of them but the quality of them. This helps in the acquisition of constant performance parameters from them without the presence of any hindrances. The employees related to the company or organizations must know what is asked from them in terms of responsibility and in terms of performance (Luthans, Luthans and Luthans 2015). The performance parameter involves the level of completion of certain tasks and in a certain effective way. There are various methods to monitor the performance of an employee but the most important one of them are the KPIs (Key performance Indicators) (Hsiao, Lee and Chen 2015). These KPIs are usually involved with profit acquisition in terms of financial gains and productivity in terms of tasks completed.

Due to this reason, the utilization of performance management is done to get an idea of the requirements so that the performance can be measured. The processes exist in performance management theories such that a shared understanding of the resources is utilized. It is driven by the process of line management (Ritesh and Mehrotra 2017). For utilizing performance management decisions, the use of human resource functions is necessary which plays a huge role in its impact. In the normal processing of a company or organization, the training and appraisal methods are linked to the normal processes. This helps in the continuation of effectiveness of the company which is linked to these factors.

Behaviour is linked to the activities undertaken. Performance management is also responsible for application of behaviour by the employees (Goetsch and Davis 2014). In a similar case, the employee relationship management processes are also responsible for causing changes in the behaviour of the employees. If the employee relationship is termed to be good by providing appraisals and performance praising, the retention of employees are also possible which increases the adoption of positive behaviour by the employees. The use of employee relationship management helps in the efficient handling of employee performances (Eichorn 2017). In case the relationship with the employees and the organizations is termed to be good, then the performance is directly impacted due to increase in satisfaction level.

This section of the research paper includes the main questions that are aimed for answering through this research paper.

Primary questions

  • Is the data gathered from the employees can be effective in research?
  • How will the data be gathered?

Secondary questions

  • How much problem is solved by adopting employee relationship management standards?
  • Is the relationship linked to employee behaviour?


The study conducted in this research paper includes the following hypothesis

  • There is a relationship among the components of the employee relationship management and the performance level of the employee.
  • There are differences among each employee in response to employee management due to varying traits.

Impact of Employee Relationship Management on Performance

For this research paper, there are two different variables that will be used for analysis. These are the dependent and the independent variables (Supanti, Butcher and Fredline 2015). The dependent variable is considered to be the performance of the employees. The performance of the employees denotes the rate of production which are dependent on various other factors. These variables are related to the independent variables and cannot perform without them. The independent variables are those which include trust, leadership and human resource operations. Trust is considered to be an independent variable in this paper mainly because presence or lack of trust between employees and managers can affect the performance rates. An effective leadership shown from managers causes the employees to follow them without any associative problems. Lastly, human resource operations are necessary to handle the other requirements like on-time salary, appraisals and even bonuses. These independent variables are not dependent on other variables. The units of measurements will be based on percentage so that a general analysis will be successfully adopted.

This section of the paper discusses about the methodology of the research. This section also includes the sample size and the data collection methods.

There are two different types of data collection methods. These are the primary and the secondary methods (Rahman and Taniya 2017). The primary data collection methods include those sources which collects information from surveys and questionnaires. The secondary data collection methods involve utilizing journals and books. This paper has utilized the primary method of data collections (Albrecht et al. 2015). The data collection methods will be done by utilizing surveys and questionnaire forms. The sample size of this paper includes 150 employees. However, for this research paper, 75 employees are selected based on the time of their workings. Out of the 75 employees, 40% of them will be junior level employees. 30% will be senior employees and the remaining will be managers. The sampling technique used in this paper is the probability sampling technique. The responses will be collected by utilizing surveys and questionnaires. The responses collected from them will be utilized to make the analysis required for the paper.

Data analysis processes involves analysis of the responses captured. There are two different methods of data analysis which involves the quantitative and the qualitative data analysis (Navimipour and Soltani 2016). In case of the qualitative data analysis, the analysis emphasizes on the quality of data analysed. On the other hand, the quantitative data analysis involves analysis of the respondents on the basis of quantity. For this paper, the researcher has opted for quantitative data analysis mainly due to the fact that the collection methods utilize surveys and questionnaires which will be based on quantity (Yuan et al. 2016). In addition, the employees have been asked questions based on the questionnaire provided in the appendix section of this paper. This type of questionnaire-based quantitative analysis is done to collect the raw data from the respondent employees. Moreover, it helps to get a general idea of the responses received.  Utilizing the quantitative data analysis methods, the paper will make a successful data analysis.


1st-2nd week

3rd-4th week

5th-6th week

7th-8th week

8th-9th week

10th-11th week

12th-13th week

14th-15th week

16th-17th week

Selection of topic

Extraction of papers

Analysis of literature review

Write up literature review

Propose research questions

Select appropriate methodology

Synthesis through research Framework

Write up research proposal

Submission of research proposal

Data collection

Data analysis


6. Expected outcomes

After the successful completion of the analysis process, this research paper will meet the objectives required. The aims of this paper as discussed in section 1 will also be followed. The processes of the research will utilize various steps which will be followed by taking into account the Gantt chart provided. The analysis will successfully capture the data taken from the respondents so that the requirements will be met.


This research paper includes the analysis of the employee positive behaviour which is based on various factors. This paper has included the relevant literature for this which is discussed in the literature review. This includes performance management and employee relationship management. This paper has also included the methods that will be used to make and analysis of the report. This involves the primary data collections methods and the quantitative data analysis methods. Moreover, the processes to be followed for making this paper have also been included in this paper.


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