Managing Diversity And Providing Equal Opportunities: Essay On Anti-Harassment And Bullying Statement Management
Producing an anti harassment and bullying statement
Describe about a Essay on Managing Diversity and Providing Equal Opportunities?
Definition of bullying and harassment
In the context of the present day working scenario, the incidents of bullying and harassment in an organisation has increased at a rapid pace. Bullying and harassment decreases the quality of work in an organisation and the changes are found in the pattern of human behaviour (Healey, 2009).
The term bullying can be defined as the pattern of behaviour conducted by any individual in an organisation towards the other members. Generally, the pattern of the behaviour is quite unwanted or very much aggressive in the context of normal behaviour pattern. This type of behaviour is generally shown towards a specific person. It is the pattern of conducting the behaviour of superiority towards any other individual to get a work done in a forcible manner.
The term harassment is defined as the behaviour made by an individual that shows the level of threats towards the employee. The nature of behaviour is made to show that a person is of inferior quality either as a human being or as a performer. Both these behaviours are regarded as illegal and law holds the provision for acting accordingly whenever any complaint id lodged (Oppenheimer and Pratt, 2010).
The rate of bullying, especially at workplace have increased in the last few years. The nature of harassing behaviour towards an employee differs in context of every other individual worker. In general, the nature of harassment can be different types and it changes according to the gender. Recently, the main target of harassment is made towards the female workers. The common types of harassment are done based on the parameters like Age, religion, disability and Nationality. A little bit aged people also become the target of young workers. Inability regarding completion of task is also a subject of harassment.
As per the rules stated in the law, Discrimination Act holds the power to take necessary actions towards the people indulged in harassing people in an organisation. The extent of bullying at a workplace is different in different cases. It is seen that harassment has caused tremendous mental disorders and forced people to quit the organisation. Presently, very less number of people is intended to bear tortures and the rate of complaints regarding organisational harassment has increased.
Being the human resource of the company, it is the responsibility of the manager to look after the matter of such king of harassment. The first responsibility of the manager is to keep the organisation free from any such bullying behaviour. Even if it persists, the manager should take quick actions to eliminate such situation. In case of this type of situation, the company sometimes faces financial and damages, so does the individual. If any individual is forced to quit the company, the person becomes unemployed from that moment onwards and finds it difficult to run his living. The company also faces loss; the reason is the emergency vacancy created hampers the present work, so there are huge chances of financial damage. Most importantly, the individual faces mental troubles after facing such situations (Bothra, 2011).
Definition of bullying and harassment
The entire study is related to the matter of harassment and bullying in the organisation. The study shows the importance of taking the complaints and solving the problems regarding organisational harassment. The roles needed to be played by the HR have been discussed. The provisions for taking serious legal actions in such cases are also described. The different Acts related to taking actions against such behaviour is discussed.
Discussions regarding some of the related theories and models of the organisational harassment and structure of organisation are discussed. The model of employee engagement shows how and why staffs are given the responsibility in an organisation. Ishmael’s model of discrimination laid importance towards stoppage of sexual inequality in a company. The diagnostic model of the organisational behaviour provides importance regarding identifying the human behaviour and find out solutions of harassment. Proper conclusion and recommendation based on eliminating organisational harassment is discussed.
The cases of bullying and harassment in a workplace have increased considerably in the last few years. Despite of strong legal actions for this behaviour, and awareness among people to stop the bullying and harassing behaviour towards people in the workplace, these actions continues to be present (Raver and Nishii, 2010).
These actions need to be stopped immediately from present. These actions cannot be stopped easily and single handed effort of the management of the company. People should also be aware and concentrated towards stopping this type of behaviour. The most important part of this organisational practise is that due to the occurrence of these behaviours, the company and the individual is affected the most. As stated by Lindemann, Kadue and Lindemann, (2012) the damages faced by the company are extended to financial losses only, but for the individual, the suffering can be painful. Whenever, any person faces this kind of problems, the individual even quits the organisation and faces situations like unemployment and mental illness. The most affecting part for an individual is regarding the mental traumatised situation.
The particular assignment is comprised of the situation where the HR manager needs to act accordingly in case of any harassing situation arises. It is one of the prime duties of the HR manager to look after the matter that the working environment of the company is free from any such harassing behaviour shown towards any particular people or group people. On behalf of the company, the HR manager needs to make all the employees aware about maintaining the equality among all the co workers. There should be no issues regarding the discrimination of gender and age (Clarke, 2009).
Examining the nature of harassment and bullying in an organisation
It is found that the main reasons behind the discrimination among the staffs in a workplace is based on the factors like gender, age, caste, religion and other culture based factors. Harassment also occurs when a particular staff becomes popular in the organisation or termed as inefficient. According to the views of Divine (2011), bullying and harassment comes from the mental condition of an employee and his personal views regarding any people or community. The model of employee engagement is based on the facts that a particular employee has been chosen for work to fulfil some of the responsibility. The staff should be supportive, loyal, and provide respect to the work and the values of the organisation. Therefore, it is said that the staffs should fulfil the given responsibilities without showing any anti organisational behaviour towards the staffs (Vickers, 2011).
Figure 1: Model of Employment
(Source : Lieber, 2010).
Analysing the matter of harassing and bullying in a work place in a critical manner, it can be stated that the case of individual harassment is quite harassing even from the perspective of the company. Harassment of individuals can damage the work pattern and it is the duty of all the workers of the company to show respect towards every people and consider them equal and capable to fulfil the objectives of the company. Flynn, (2009) opined that even it becomes the moral responsibility of the co workers to prevent the situation of any sort of gender or age discriminating situation in the company. In addition, it should be clearly known to the people working in a company that Civil Right Act passed in the year 1964 and other acts like Fair Employment Act is passed to protect every individual from workplace harassment. Individuals indulged in harassing others are entitled to be punished by the court of law in accordance of these above- mentioned acts (Roland, 2013).
< >Critically monitoring the roles and regular work done by all the employeesAbility to recognise the facts and behaviour that might prove to be harassing and mentally torturing for any employeeTaking the complaints from the workers regarding the violation of rules in the company regarding harassmentFraming policies regarding stoppage of harassmentDealing with the complaints effectively and finding early solutionsTaking necessary steps based on the complaints lodgedProper discussions with the parties separately or togetherProviding protection to the harassed person and the other workers in favour of the affected personReport to the higher authority if the situation proves to be criticalTaking complementary actions against the party or parties involved in harassment (Clarke, 2009). Ishmael’s Model of Discrimination
Evidence of extent of bullying in the place of work
Discrimination is defined as the changes in the pattern of behaviour by an individual or group towards any individual. As stated by McLaughlin and Mott (2010), discrimination in the context of definition is regarded as harassment or unethical mannerism towards a colleague. The model of this particular discrimination deals with some important facts and consequences. This particular model is stressed to eradicate discriminating behaviour from the environment of any organisation. The main idea of this model is to eradicate the discriminating behaviour shown towards female employees of the organisation by male staffs. The case of sexual harassment is the prime concern of this underlying model.
The definition of the term Diagnostic model is implied in the sense of an organisation include the processes to study the detailed behaviour manner of the employees. This model functions by finding out the behaviour pattern by reading the mind of the people. The entire work process of the company is also is also evaluated by looking after the strengths and weakness of the organisation. Neeti and Pamela, (2012) discussed that with the change in the environment and the pattern of work, the behaviour and the control of the employees need to be changed accordingly.
According to Pierce, (2011), the behavioural pattern in an organisation is entitled to be respective and responsive towards other colleagues. The pattern should be following the ethics and the rules of the organisation. The concepts of Organisational Diagnostic model is based on four important factors persisting in the company. The components are:
< >Capacity of the organisationPerformance of the employees of the organisation individually or in a team.Environment of the organisation, both internal and external factorsMotivation provided by the management towards the employees of the company. Conclusion
After conducting the entire study, it is concluded that harassing and bullying creates the majority of the organisational malfunction. Bullying and harassing creates the environment of dislocated team spirits and beliefs on people. The structure of the organisation is based on the efforts of the team work. Harassment of employees leads towards damaging of financial and social recognition of the company. It is the responsibility of the HR manager of the company to eradicate this confusing situation. Effectiveness of the HR manager towards solving the problems of organisational harassment leads to the position of effective organisational environment. The different models and theories related to the organisation help the researcher to find out the probable solutions to eliminate harassment in the organisation.
Financial cost and damages to the individual and the organisation due to harassment
After carrying out the entire research, the researcher suggests different ways to the HR manager to remove the threats of organisational harassment and bullying. Harassment in work place is not supported by the court of law. Severe actions are taken by the court if a company is unwilling to take any serious actions against any person indulged in harassing behaviour towards the other workers. It is recommended that every company must eliminate the problems of harassment towards other co workers.
The HR manager alone is not responsible to solve these problems; rather the employees should concentrate on staying away from showing unethical and impractical behaviour towards the fellow workers. Thus, it is recommended that the staffs should always protest in case of any such situation arising in the organisation. On the same side, the management of the company should be focussed towards paying importance to these problems and finding out solution. The strict rules should be followed regarding the provision of the laws based on harassment.
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