Managing Culture And Change For Organizational Culture

Reflection on the Role of Organizational Culture in Managing Organizational Change

Discuss about the Managing Culture and Change for Organizational Culture.

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The study I have envisioned here spotlights the impact of the organizational culture on change and development of the organization.  Change is a very important aspect for any organization. It has been witnessed and significantly proven that the organizations having a strong base and success, keeps on changing and revolutionizing. Change and evolution strengthens the base of any organization and empowers its significance and impression. Change and development is a process which is aimed to achieve new desired success and objectives. I have analyzed, planned, implemented and observed. The change process includes many phases due to its importance and impact (Abolalayi & Ghaffari, 2007). Once the business lacks or misses some elements or either the organization plans to enhance its success, the change process is followed. The management carries the processes and communicates the change process and elements to the employees. 

The culture of the organization acts as a backbone of the organization.  The culture of the organization includes the working environment, the strategies it implements, the work force and employees, the organizational behavior, etc. these aspects together make a redefined and steady culture of an organization. If changes are to be prevailed in the organization, these aspects need to be considered seriously. The companies focus on the change in strategies when new objectives are to be achieved (Arabi, 2007). Some of the factors which contribute in the cultural development and change of the organization which I have witnessed are innovation in the strategies, development of new strategies, creativity and changes in the leadership styles, employee motivation and development, etc. These factors are the most efficient elements which can be worked on to get a more dignified success ratio. Also change management emphasizes on leadership and the observation of the employees.

I noticed that change management is a complex process which requires more time, Efforts, contribution and dedication from each individual of the organization for successful completion of the plans. The change management is a framework which is developed out of various modules and factors like leadership, strategic management, employee motivation and employee engagement etc.  There are ethics, beliefs and values of the organization which for a successful base.

There are many distinct areas in the organization which require or needs changes. As an example, if a company is week with its customers and lacks a proper following from the customers, the customer service segment needs to be focused on or needs to be changed. The culture of the organization has many such changes which can be carried out on different segments of the organization. The role of culture on organizational change and development is very tricky and needs a lot of attention. Thus culture is the most dynamic and evolving element of the organization and the responsibility of managing change in the organization are very highly dependent on the leaders of the organization (Arabi, 2007).

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Organizational Culture and Change Management

The integrated cultural framework (ICF) is a framework which was proposed by the leaders is used to analyze the culture of the company and this test focuses on the aspects of like reliability and validity of the change (Aqdasi & Taheri, 2007). There are several aspects which impact on the changes and the culture of the company which are identified by us as the most impactful aspects that are: 

This is the opportunity for the employees and the members get to influence the decision making and decision management.

The employees are a huge part of the change management process. The ambiguity among the workers regarding the change process and the risks associated with the change process can act as a hindering factor while regulating the change management process. This factor completely depends on the comfort and easiness of the employees (Lok et al, 2005). The more comfortable and prepared the employees are for the change, the more successful the change management gets (Aqdasi & Taheri, 2007).

The change management process must be organized for a certain goal or objective. If the objective and goal of the change management are stable and promising, the employees would dedicatedly and confidently work for the change management for the organizational culture (Eidy & Dianati, 2008).

The change management is considered as a huge team work. The company can only manage changes if each individual is connected and works with dedication for the change. The efforts of an individual and the team both have a high impact on a large basis on the organizational culture (Hills & Angela, 2009).

If the company is accepting the change management throughout its working culture to obtain innovation and other significant benefits, the employee engagement would be high due to the promising and beneficial goals and objectives (Arabi, 2007).

I can say from the concepts that the culture of the organization can be changed, but these changes may require a lot of time. Some of the changes need more time while some changes are quickly promoted. The durational aspects also affect the organizational changes (Aqdasi & Taheri, 2007).

These contribute in the change management process. The culture of the organization has a high impact on the change process. The first element to keep in mind is the clarity of the strategies. The culture of the company promotes the changes if the strategies are extremely clear and promising.  This includes the vision, mission, strategies and planning efficiencies (Hills & Angela, 2009). Also communication is a very important part of the change management. If the change process is not communicated properly to each individual of the organization, the change cannot be successfully implemented. Thus, communication is too a vital part which must be considered effectively. The management must provide the responsibility of the change communication to effective and efficient leaders. If the employees are needed to be motivated, the leadership must be provided to the most promising and successful personalities which can lead by example (Eidy & Dianati, 2008).  The culture provides a detailed analysis, of the operations, work flow, current culture and performance, the employee training and development, the decision making structure of the company, etc.  Also, this focuses on the legal and political aspects of the organization which must be addressed and focused on.

Managing Change in Organizational Culture

During the period of changes, the culture of the organization is highly impacted. These factors, which are discussed above contribute on a very immense basis on the relation between the change management and culture of the organization (Marinova, 2005). The culture of the organization aims to create a long lasting and strong brand image of the company (Hills & Angela, 2009). The culture shapes and signifies the behavior, communication, and relationships of the organization. Thus these changes are exceptional and desired in the organization. The three most impactful and effective tools which affect the culture and organizational changes are the leadership tools, the management and the power. If the correct and proper leadership is selected, the objectives can be achieved successfully by the engagement and dedication of the leader and the team members. If the management manages all the operations, segments and the communication effectively the changes can be easily perceived (Eidy & Dianati, 2008). The cultural aspects like the ethics, morals, values, strategies, behavior etc of the organization are highly impacted during the change management process in any organization.  These changes can be produced by following the practices like motivation, inspiration, information and intimidation. Thus the change management process is a timely process which is complicated and beneficial which impacts the culture on a significant basis.


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