Managing Communication Knowledge And Information – Essay
Assessing information and knowledge needs
Write an essay on Managing Communication Knowledge And Information?
Future profitability of an organization is influenced by the decisions implemented at the early stage of its development. Effective decision making process not only enables the management to conduct managerial functions efficiently, it also enables the organization for remaining competitive in an industry (Weber and Chapman, 2011). The current report contains discussion on the decision making process adopted at the early stage of Classic Badges. The report also contains recommendations for future improvement of the existing approach of decision making.
Roberts and Pakkiri (2013)stated that the organizations at their early stage of development need to focus on increasing profit in order to sustain in market. However Santos and Barros, (2011) also opined that the organizations which are at their early stage of development require giving importance on attaining long term sustainability. It reflects that management of Classic Badges requires taking decisions which will be effective to attain both long term and short term profitability of the organization. As the organization is established to manufacture badges required by local people, leaders of the company need to take decisions regarding the operational activities. Discussion on the purpose of developing Classic Badges Company indicates that the management requires arranging for suitable infrastructure needed to manufacture badges. The management also needs to take decision on the requirements of human resources for running the organization (Selart and Johansen, 2010). Development of effective financial plans is important to ensure uninterrupted flow of resources. The management of Classic Badges requires developing plans for creation of funds in order to establish the company. As the organization is a new entrant in the local market, management requires giving importance on making the potential customers aware about the products and services offered by it. Identification of the potential channels which will be used for delivering products to the end customers is important for increasing demand of products in market. It reflects that Classis Badges management needs to give importance on development of plans regarding the sales and marketing activities.
As stated by Piao and Ni, (2011) management of an organization requires identifying reliable sources for collecting information in order to develop useful decisions. As the management of Classis Badges needs to take decisions on the requirement of infrastructure in the plant, information relating to the equipments and raw material need to be collected. However the management also needs to collect information on operating process of other badges manufacturer to develop decisions on operating process. The information on labor market will be required to develop HR policies (Podrug, 2011). The management also needs to collect information on nature of potential customers, condition of market and possible sales and distribution channels to develop sales and marketing strategies.
Types of information |
Sources |
Method of collection |
Assessment of suitability/ reliability |
Information on required equipments and operational activities |
The information on required equipments can be collected from the industrial magazines and internet. Assistance also can be taken from local authority for collection of information regarding required equipments. |
Analysis of the information collected from internet and journals |
The information collected from Government authority and industrial journals will be reliable. However the management requires analyzing their needs before implementing the information. |
Information on Local labor market |
The information on local labor market can be collected from Government data bases. |
Analysis of the information collected from internet and journals |
The statistics collected from Government databases are highly reliable. |
Information on market condition |
Information on market condition can be collected from business journals, market research reports and internet sources. External agency also can be engaged for conducting market research. |
Data collected from business journals and market research reports can be utilized as the information is reliable (Moosavi Kavkani, Seyedjavadain and Saadeghvaziri, 2011). However the management team requires analyzing efficiency of the market research agency before using data collected by them. |
Identification and examination of the information and knowledge for taking effective decisions
Table 1: Source of information for setting up Classic Badges
Outsourcing market analysis activities: Although owner of the organization is focusing on development of a team which will be responsible for establishment of the company, the activities related with market research can be outsourced. Outsourcing market analysis activities will enable Classic Badges Company to reduce cost of conducting such activities. It will also enable the organization to conduct these activities more efficiently.
Using software for market analysis: Apart from taking help from external organizations, management of Classic Badges should use software such as Question Pro to analyses the data on market condition. The management can also conduct online surveys among potential customers using software.
Involving HR service providers to get information on labour market: Although the management can collect data, regarding local labour market, external HR service providers can also be involved to collect data on availability of local labors. Accuracy of the collected data is dependent on efficiency and reliability of HR service providers but involving external organizations to the process can also reduce cost required for the activities. The management also can take help from external HR service providers to fill vacancies.
Stakeholders |
Contribution in decision making process |
Business owner |
Develops team for establishment of the organization |
Management team developed for establishment of the company |
Potential customers |
The potential customers can assist representatives of organizations for data collection on nature of customers. |
People related with distribution channel |
The potential customers can assist representatives of organizations for collecting data on their nature (Mohammed and Jalal, 2011). However the decision regarding selection of distribution channel will be taken on basis of the negotiations made with them. |
Communication channels |
The decisions regarding selection of communication channel for conducting promotional activities will be taken on basis of the negotiations made with them. |
External organizations |
The external organizations will be responsible for assisting management team for HR recruitment, market research and execution of promotional activities. |
Table 2: Contribution of stakeholders for decision making process
Although management of Classic Badges requires developing corporate relationships with its stakeholders, the management also needs to focus on development of trusted relationship also. Maxwell, Jeffrey and Lévesque (2011) stated that development of trusted relation between two parties enables them to work in collaboration with each other more efficiently. Although in case of business relationships, both parties prefer to communicate formally, use of direct communication methods is effective to develop close relationships between two parties (Mohsen, Ali and Jalal, 2011).
Classic Badges management can use both formal and informal methods for communicating with stakeholders. The formal methods for communicating with stakeholders include- meetings, conference calls and e-mails.
Meetings: Arrangement of meetings will enable the Classic Badges management to communicate directly with the stakeholders.
Conference calls: Use of conference calls will be effective to communicate with those stakeholders who are physically apart. Arrangement of conference calls will also reduce time and cost of the communication.
E-mails: Use of e-mails is effective to provide the stakeholders with updated information regarding different organizational activities.
Apart from the formal communication methods, management of Classic Badge can also use informal communication methods such as lunch meetings, sport events and voice mails to strengthen the relationship with stakeholders.
Tasks |
Plans |
Identification of Resources |
Identification of potential opportunities |
Identification and analysis of potential options |
The management team can develop primary decisions for setting up the plant. Feasibility of the decisions can be analyzed to identify alternatives. |
Selection of solution |
Best alternative can be selected on basis of the feasibility analysis |
Implementation of decision |
The management team can implement decisions by taking help from external organizations. |
Monitoring impact of the decisions |
Performance of the new organization requires being analyzed for assessing the effectiveness of decisions. The decisions can be modified on basis of the findings. |
Listing internal and external sources of information
Table 3: Decision making action plan
Management of Classic Badges Company decided to manufacture badges for supplying in local market. Management of the organization also decided to manufacture badges for the local schools, authority, youth organizations, dental surgeons and other health services. As Classic Badges is a new organization in market, the management require developing suitable plans so that the organization can acquire significant share in market. The decisions are required for ensuring both long term and short term profitability of the organization (Mancini, Vaassen and Dameri, 2013).
Strategies for improving personal networking skill:
Social interaction should be increased for improving personal networking skills. Regular following up the stakeholders will be effective to improve personal networking skills. However some strategies can be used in order to improve personal networking skills.
Taking preparation before any meeting- Preparation before any business meetings will enable me to communicate effectively with other members. I should also conduct research on the issues discussed in business meetings.
Connecting others in social networking sites:
I should connect other members in social networking sites. It will enable me to increase informal communication with others and it will also be effective to strengthen relationship with other members.
The previous company where I used to work was a small fmcg company.
Legal status- the company inspite of being small used to follow 2 laws very efficiently. The ACTs are:
Environment protection act, 1986- this law was implemented mainly for the protection of the environment where the humans are surviving and the prevention of the hazards.
Consumer protection act, 1986- this law was implemented for the settlement of the disputes of the consumers.
Mission statement- the mission of the company was adding value in the lives of the consumers and also creating delightness through the delivery of consumable products which are of good quality.
General information- the company was started in the year 2009. Since inception it has always maintained its reputation. The competitors of the company are other local companies who are specialized in making pickles and ketchups.
Products/services- they specialize in food products that are of daily use in the households like pickles and ketchups.
As the company is not that advanced the use of technology is quite less. Most of the communication is done verbally. There are meeting taking place within the subordinates and the superiors’ holds weekly meetings to discuss over the work processes and the strategies that they are being using. Apart from the verbal communication they also use written communication that is writing of letters in hand. Because of small firm it mostly use of informal communication rather than formal communication. There exists one to one meeting with the manager and the other junior and the other staffs.
Recommendation for improvement
The advantages of using such types of communication are as follows:
- There is no use of technology so there is save of the money
- The understanding of the conversation becomes much easier as it is a face to face conversation instead of communication over any technology or other electronic media.
- Long conversation can be done as it is face to face and there is no repetition needed either.
- The gesture that is being used is understandable and they do not create any misinterpretation.
- It beneficial while handling fewer amounts of data.
- Less complexity in business processes.
- Less cost overhead.
- Less amount process dependency.
- White choler jobs are in demand.
- Less maintenance cost.
- Various level of management to handle different task, as there is no system that can integrate different task form different department.
3.2 The pitfalls in the existing communication processes:
- It is very quickly forgotten.
- There can be no legal evidence which can be provided.
- Each and every message which is being given becomes very difficult to remember after a later stage (Jamaluddin and Dickie, 2011).
- As they are maintain written files it can happen that they are getting misplaced in a very short time.
- They are unable to perform business with other states due to that lack of using technology as the business in most of the places uses advance technology.
- It was not possible to integrate all the business processes across the organization as a whole.
- On the other hand, it was not possible to monitor the entire business processes from the remote location.
- It was not possible to understand the market trend and to analyze the entire business requirement within less amount of time due to lack of the effective system and manual calculation.
- It was not possible to expand the business without its online presence and being not able to let the customers compare quality of the product with respect to other organization’s substitute product.
Within the organization the use of telephones and more of computer should be enabled. There should be improvement in the use of advance technology so that they are able to expand their business. The use of internet and emails should be made in daily use rather the written; this will help to store the information for longer period of time where there would be less chances of misplacement. With the growth of organizational data and with the expansion of market, the organization is achieving more customers along with the growth of the revenue and also with the retention of the potential customers. Incorporation of Big data can allow the advance use of storage application that may have the use of OLAP system that can analyze the current data as well as the historical data across the organization. There are numbers of analytics tools those have been invented so forth that can analyze the historical and present data across the organization can present the data as per the user query. Generally retailers and stock market representatives use this kind of tools. With help of Big data and analytics tools is can be possible to incorporate different strategies that can help to find the buying pattern of the customers ad helps to find the present market trend across the market. Numbers of organizations are there who are using several of IT solutions in order to provide desk based assistance to the employees across the organization. For instance, there are some organizations (DBA bank) those are using the iTE based ISTM solution that helps to address different organizational level issues and helps to get rid of those problems by prioritizing them and addressing them to the specific level of management. On the other hand the desk based solution gives the utmost opportunity to capture the entire event related to the issues within the organization. With the help of AI tools associated with this desk based solution, it became possible to have system generated solution or suggestion for a particular problem.
- Verbal communication in the business which will be conducted through telephones and video conferencing (INSEAD Knowledge, 2014).
- There should be upward as well as downward communication which would motivate the workers so that they get a feeling of belongingness in the company.
- For maintain co-ordination and team management in the groups the leader should communicate properly what are the objectives that is needed to be met.
- It is recommended for the higher level employees to conduct some sessions to give training on how to keep patience and to act in a proper way when a person is different with respect to the culture and skills.
- Higher level employees should arrange some performance management plan along with some reward giving ceremony to motive employees to be more productive.
- It is required to arrange some of meeting and conferences to listen and consider the requirement of employees in the work front and required plan or revised strategies for the benefit of the organization.
The management of Classic Badges requires information regarding behavior of consumers in market. The management can conduct qualitative and quantitative study for data collection.
The management can use primary and secondary data collection techniques. Data required for setting business can be collected from internet sources and business journals (Casali, 2011). Use of business journals can enable the management to maintain accuracy of collected data. Market research can also be conducted by an organization to collect data according to their specific requirements. Data analysis tools can be used for processing the information. Management of an organization can create their own data base for storing data (Fassin and Buelens, 2011). The networking system of an organization can be used for disseminating the collected data (Guy, KaÃŒÂrnyÌ and Wolpert, 2013).
Creation of strategies to increase personal networking to widen involvement in the decision making process
Although management of Classic Badges mostly focuses on collection and storing of data using manual methods, the data collection approaches can be improved by utilizing advanced techniques. Currently the management conducts personal interviews with potential consumers for collecting data on market condition. The management can conduct online surveys among the potential customers for data collection (Ahmadpour, 2011). Analysis on recent data collection methods indicates that the management analyses data manually for making decisions. However in future data mining techniques can be applied for collecting and analysis data. Advanced data base can be created for storing data efficiently (Begicevic, Divjak and Hunjak, 2011). Employees of the organization can be facilitated with the opportunities of accessing the database whenever required (Buell, 2015). However the management may not allow all employees for accessing the whole database. It will enable the management to ensure that the confidentiality of data is maintained. Recent practices of decision making in Classic badges indicates that the management focuses on utilization of manual efforts for development of strategies. However the management can use applications of decision system for making more effective decisions.
The management of classic Badges can use database for improving access of among employees use of data base is not only effective to make data easily accessible , but it is also useful for keeping the data secured (Adair, 2013). The management may implement selective access policies to maintain data security. However knowledge management system can also be implemented to improve access of information.
Implementation of selective access policies: The management of classic badges should ensure that the whole database is not accessed by the employees. Use of selective access policies will reduce chances of security loss of data.
Implementation of knowledge management system: Use of knowledge management system enables different departments of the organization to enhance collaboration among them. Use of such systems reduces complexity for storage and retrieval of information. As it allows use of IT shared services, all departments can get information regarding activities of other business units. It is evident that use of knowledge management system will be effective for reducing the time required for accessing information.
Discussion made in the report indicates that the management of Classic Badge can focus on utilization of modern technology for developing decisions. However the efficiency of management team will also influence the effectiveness of decisions.
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Contribution of stakeholders for decision making process
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