Management Skills And Leadership Qualities For Business Success

The Importance of Management Skills

In today’s ever evolving and fast changing world of business, management skills are greatly relevant. People and organization are interdependent on each other. Management skills are the cornerstone for business effectiveness (Divleli and Ergun 2015). These skills are crucial as it provides great support to the organization in the form of organizing, planning and directing the activities. While preparing for the business development plan, I improved my management and leadership skills. Through the learning process I have been able to identify my development needs as well as my leadership strengths. The project helped me to know my style of management and further ascertain such areas that are useful to emerge as a versatile leader. With the help of Gibb’s reflective cycle, my strength and weaknesses has been identified and actions have been taken to address them. The reflective model follows six steps that informs about the other next statement.

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Gibbs Reflective Model

Management skills are usually referred to all such characteristics and attributes in a person that makes them the available scare resources (Asah, Fatoki and Rungani 2015). There are various skills that I learned while making the project and they are the ultimate game changer to maximize success. Effective management by an individual is completely dependent on their leadership skills. Without a good leader any project cannot be successfully done. A successful individual would always have various soft skills to interact with their employees and team members (Kearns et al. 2015). Therefore, to become successful in future, it is highly crucial to possess all such positive skills that would increase the level of competence. I learned that the most primary step to achieve a desired plan is to having a positive attitude.

Prior to the experience, I was not very positive about my feelings as result my confidence level was very low. Positive attitude helps in creating a healthy and positive work environment. This leads to achieve the goal more easily and within the specified time period. In the world of fierce competition, having a positive attitude is the main key to success. I learned that having appositive attitude does not only raise my efficiency level but also increased the productivity rate. This creates conflicts and chaos in the large business firms but with positive outlook such issues can be easily handle (Costa, Passos and Bakker 2014).  Previously I made my plan in a very unsystematic manner that resulted in chaos and confusion. Planning is the primary function of a management, which starts with the determination of objective. Planning is required at every level of the management and hence is continuous in nature. During my experience I learned to make proper plan for achieving my goals.

Developing a Positive Attitude

Goal setting is important for an individual before making any changes and setting up the target. It is important to have clear mission and vision for the organization. If goal setting is done with proper introspection and high care then anything is easily achievable. Moreover, to achieve such goal it is important to have a clear knowledge and being aware about the team, organization, market place and moreover myself. The product or services that are to be launched for the business should also be thoroughly known.

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Accountability and integrity are few of the most important relevant values that are exercised within an organization. I learned to responsible and answerable for my actions. On the other hand, integrity is also necessary to make effective choices while selecting between right and wrong. Without these values, the workplace culture would be ineffective and lead to poor result. When the workers are mutually accountable to each of the, the employees feels a sense of belonging and empowerment (Robinson and Stubberud 2014). Through practicing accountability and integrity, and individual tend to feel a sense of pride and ownership for the firm.

Time management is another major skill that I learnt while making the business project. Time management is the ability of an individual to effectively plan the set time and organize the activities on a daily basis. The result of good time management has increased my productivity and efficiency. Adequate time management is the vital aspect of the management (Howard et al. 2016). This involves planning, prioritizing for better performances and setting goals for the organization. Time management is often related with the business but the skill is beneficial in every aspect of life. It is important to have effective time management skills to become successful.

Lack or absence of effective management creates negative consequences on the project in the long-run. This skilled helped me to learn that it is not about working more but working more efficiently. In today’s scenario, the world offers a lot of distractions in the form of instant messages, emails, videos and many more. Therefore managing time effectively would lead to get the task completed more efficiently.

Planning is the key element for achieving the desired objective. Proper and effective planning method is ascertaining and identifying all the tasks that are needed to be done for completing an assigned task (Costa, Passos and Bakker 2014). Planning can be done by making a task or to-do list. The major next step is to prioritize these tasks so that goal can be effectively achieved. All assigned tasks are not always equal, therefore methods is to be implemented to identify the most important tasks and the tasks that takes very less time is to be sorted first of all. Planning helps in thinking beforehand or in advance what and how it is to be done to achieve the goal. Proper planning helps to bridge the gap between where an individual is currently standing and where they want to reach in future. The experience that I gained was completely positive that would be helpful in balancing both my personal and professional life.

Effective Planning and Prioritization

It is always important to do the more complex and urgent tasks at first. Later on doing the easier task is more helpful as this will cause very less delay. After identification and prioritization the work, the time to complete the overall work should be properly estimated. Creating a planning schedule is helpful after all the major estimating and planning (Howard, Turban and Hurley 2016). With the help of Gantt charts, the estimate for making the overall project can be easily determined. For more complex projects, critical path is also helpful to visualize which task is to be completed first. I learned that an individual who manages his time well are the ones achieving their goals on time with much better success rate.

Leadership skills are highly significant to achieve the desired goals (Kodish 2017). While doing the project I learned that any business achieve success only because of an effective and true leader behind it.  It is the foremost duty of a leader to initiate actions. Leader is generally a person who helps in starting the work by accordingly communicating the plans and policies with the management. My personal view of leadership is to be transformational leader. The communication skills of a leader are required to very smooth with its subordinates. It is important to posses all forms of communication. This includes departmental, one-on-one and full staff communication besides communication via email, phones and social media. Communication between the team members was not smooth at the beginning and it lead to obtaining poor result.

An effective communication skill also involves proper listening to the other person. I should establish a steady flow of communication within the team members. Good leaders make themselves regularly available by discussing concerns and issues with the employees (Manning 2017). Motivation is highly necessary for the long-term growth of the business. Leaders should be inspiring and encourage their team members to go extra mile for achieving maximum success. Fair salary given to staff is not enough for the workers in the present times. Through rewards and recognition schemes employees’ self-esteem are built.

Proper communication is significant for the people working in an organization to perform the basic functions of management very effectively (Verma and Pande 2016). These functions include planning, leading, controlling and organizing. Through smooth communication mangers effectively perform their overall jobs and responsibilities. I learned that communication serves as the major foundation required planning. It acts as source of information to the team members for making vital decisions. This further helps in ascertaining and assessing the alternatives course of actions. Proper communication also guides in the controlling the behavior of team members in various ways (Jackson 2014). This helps in socializing and plays a major role in altering the attitudes of the team members. My team member reactions were slightly different from mine but overall it was a great experience and helped to learnt positive things in my life.

Accountability and Integrity


In the current scenario, teamwork is highly essential in the corporate world for better bonding among the employees and also for creating better output. It is important for the firms to meet the target besides creating revenue. Teamwork helps in accomplishing the desired tasks more efficiently and at a much faster pace (Häfner, Stock and Oberst 2015). Any person will definitely would take more time to perform the work, if he or she is single handedly responsible to perform each and every job. When employees work together, they start sharing the responsibilities and helping each other. This further reduces the work pressure and workloads. From the experience I learnt various positive aspect of myself that helped me in meeting required competencies.  

These management qualities or skills are highly significant to run a management successfully. Each skill enables the individuals to effectively manage resources at their disposal. These qualities are essential for each individual to gain success in the long-run. Apart from achieving success in the professional arena, the qualities or skills that I learned also helped me to improve myself in becoming a better human being. I learned that by sharing the vision, motivating the entire team along with gaining commitment encourages the people to perform more nicely. As a leader, I must be able to succinctly and clearly explain my team everything about the established goals to a particular task.

In existing work environment, proper teamwork is required by the firm to gain long-term success. In order to be more efficient in future I need to focus mostly on improving my leadership skill, team work and communication strategies. Team work is the fuel, which allows the people to achieve the uncommon result more easily (Butler, Chamornmarn and Ko 2016). Moreover, behind every great work is a great team. Teamwork at workplace has proved to increase efficiency, expedite idea generation, improve communication and distribute workload. This helps in establishing a culture that the employees feel and therefore bring a sense of empowerment and belonging. I observed that the end result comes out to be better when people work in a team rather than individually. If people have same interest and specialization, moreover comes from a common platform they form a great team.

I need to attend seminar and conferences for learning coordination and effective communication. I also need to undergo a training program for learning all the leadership abilities to enhance proper teamwork within the management. Moreover I need each and every team member in the group is assigned tasks according to their specialization and therefore responsible for the assigned task. There is always a healthy competition that is good for the employees. This further helps to motivate each member so that they can perform better than their employees (Kumar and James 2015). level of bonding among the team members rapidly increases. Teamwork also reduces major chances of unnecessary chaos and conflicts among the members. Effective teamwork within in an organization boosts performances and drives company’s growth by tapping each individual’s unique strength and attributes.


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