Management Principles Of Common Surgical Complications In Surgery

Assessment of the Significance of the Managers in achieving the organizational success of Primark

Describe about the Management principles of common surgical complications in Surgery?

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There is several meaning of the term management. Management as a noun termed as a group of managers in an organization (Georgiev, 2012). Management as a process refers to a group of actives such as the function of the entire organization. The functions of the organization are Planning, Organization, Directing, and controlling (Bhatia, 2011). On the other hand, the term management as a discipline can be explained as to any subject related to the organization.

Management is termed as an individual or a group of individuals that accepts the all the responsibilities of the organization to run the management (Georgiev, 2012). All the management depending upon the nature of the business has some common organizational goals and objectives. There are different people who join the organization coming from different cultural backgrounds (Bhatia, 2011).

Primark is one of the most popular clothing retail brand within United Kingdom. The main features of the Primark’s product are to deliver the high fashionable product in low price. The organizational goal of Primark is to build the brand largely and attain more than 67% consumers in United State. Apart from that, the management of Primark take care about their employees through applying the 630 degree performance measurement activities. Moreover, the company provides rewards according to performance to their potential employees. There are some common organizational goals and objectives in every management (Georgiev, 2012). Depending upon the nature of the business, the managers set the goals and objectives of the organization. The basic plans and procedures of the organization followed by every manager are similar to each other. All the managers of an organization depending upon the nature of the business follow the same plans and procedures, which includes Planning, Organizing, Directing, Motivating, and Controlling (Dinsmore and Cabanis-Brewin, 2011). These are the major organizational steps, which every manager needs to follow in the entire management.


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Features of Management

Continuous Procedure

  • All the managers needs to perform a continuous and never ending procedure of the management

Art and Science

  • The entire concept of the management is getting the jobs of the organization done by all the employees

Result Orientation

  • The entire concept of the management is to get the job done by the employees to achieve the common organizational goals and objectives


  • The concept the entire management both a group and non group activity

Principles and Rules

  • All the employees of the organization follows some basic rules and regulations of the organization


  • All the services of the entire management is intangible in nature


  • All the activities of the entire management are dynamic in nature


  • All the plans and actives are purposive in nature


  • All the actives of the entire management depends upon the situation of the organization

Professional in Approach

  • All the jobs of organization are professional in nature and needs to follow a professional innature

Table 1: Features o Management of Primark

(Source: )

Specialization: According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012), organic organizations are mainly followed the joint specialization. The employees within the workplace of Organic organizations work together. Most of the employees that are working in Organic organizations are doing their task with higher coordination.

On the other hand, in Mechanistic Organizations employees are working separately and they done their task with their specializations.

Communication: In the Organic organizations, employees have authority to control the task delegately. On the other hand, the communication in the mechanistic organizations is vertical. Decision making is highly possible in mechanistic organizational structure.

Comparison and contrast of organic organizations and mechanistic organizations

Apart from that, in Organic organizations, an employee follows the verbal communications. On the contrary, in Mechanistic Structure based organization firmly follows the written communication.

Operational Process:  The trend of the Organic Structure within the organization is unpredictable. Whereas, the operating procedure of Mechanistic Organizations is extensive and with high standard rules. The job of the manager is to translate all the efforts of each in a common direction so that the common organizational goals achieved.  There are different ways of motivations, which followed by the managers depending upon the requirements of the organization (McMenamin, 2011).

Planning: Planning is the primary step of each management that every manager follows to set all the goals and objectives of the organization. Planning bridges the gap between where we are standing and where we want to go (Georgiev, 2012). The concept of planning is futuristic. Without the concept of planning, no managers can implement the plans of procedures of the organization (Haimes, 2012). Planning is an overall basic function of the management, which involves the concept of the formulation of detailed, planned which helps to achieve the optimum balance of needs and demands with the accessible resources of the organization (Minikin, 2012). The steps of the planning process discussed below.

On the other hand, the organization based on Mechanistic structure uses the basic and formal planning procedure. All the effective planning and effective implementation of planning play a greater part in the high performance of the organization (Heizer and Render, 2011). The concept of planning is termed as the primary function of the management as it sets the goals and activities of the entire organization (Minikin, 2012). All the managers depending upon the nature of the business sets the overall goals and objectives of the organization, which will result in the optimum utilization of resources.

Bargaining Power of the customers: In United Kingdom, the organization in retail clothing sector faces higher competition. Brimson (2011) cited that customer in the clothing sector in UK has wide range of choice. Majority of consumer demands for the alternative options. Therefore, Mark & Spencer, H&M, Zara, etc are provided several fashionable products with higher quality. Bargaining power of the customer is high in UK.

Bargaining power of suppliers: In the clothing retail sector, there are not any single big suppliers. Therefore, bargaining power of the suppliers is comparatively low rather than other sector.

Threats from competitive Rivalry: In the clothing sector, there are several low price retailers with the similar product range. However, the price of the Primark’s products is low. Therefore, the company faces less challenges from their competitors. Organizing is the second step of the entire managerial functions. It is a very important and crucial step of the entire managerial function.  It is one of the most important steps that the entire manager’s follows in order allocate jobs for the employees (Kubátová, 2012). To increase the efficiency level and to maintain the concept of the optimum utilization of resources, the theory of the correct job for the accurate employees must applied. . The job of the manager is to translate all the efforts of each in a common direction so that the common organizational goals achieved.  There are different ways of motivations, which followed by the managers depending upon the requirements of the organization (McMenamin, 2011).

Planning and Organizing processes at Primark

Threats from New Entrants: In the clothing retail sector, there are low threats from the new entrants. The set up cost for starting a new business in clothing sector at UK is high. Therefore, it makes hard to startup a new business in clothing sector. Primark faces low challenges from the new entrants.

Threats from Substitute: Primark faces high challenges from the substitute products in clothing sector. There are several substitute product providers such as Zara, Manchester United, Top Shop, etc that provided various types of products and fulfill the requirements of consumers. However, Primark charges reasonable prices rather than their competitors. Apart from that, Primark provided several types of discount offers to their customers in different season as well as different festivals (Bohlander and Snell, 2013). Therefore, recent technological development such as internet allows Primark for providing facilitation to their customers. 

Organizational Culture is considered as that environment where the behavior of individuals and values are shared for the betterment of the overall Primark in the competitive or complex environment. On the other hand, it can also be discussed that organizational culture can bring positive change in the attitude and belief of the workers working in a particular firm (Green, 2012).. Apart from that, one firm could be segmented easily from other firms based on organizational culture as each firm follows different internal procedures and policies.

For the purpose of incorporating innovative culture within the Primark, the management has to engage qualified and experienced workforces on the board. The workers can help to build a positive change in the behavior and performance of other workers. The workers should be provided equal opportunities and chances of taking initiative should be given as it can help the organization to receive best and workable ideas. As a result, it could be useful in terms of productivity and minimization of wastage (Huhtala et al. 2013). Apart from that, the management of the company would develop innovative culture by collaborating with other groups or making alliance. It will help in the gaining new ideas and perspective that can deliver benefit to the workers and business.

On the other hand, the performance of the employees needs to be measured. It will help in knowing the best and worst performing employees. Therefore, the employees that are showing low progress can be provided training that will help in the development of their skills and behavior (Carlström and Ekman, 2012). Furthermore, the recognition should be given to the workers that would help in gaining the input from the workers regarding developing cultural innovation. The workers can then be able to make the working environment a feasible place to work. Moreover, they will be sharing their experiences and knowledge in performing the tasks. Apart from that, in order to create innovative culture, the management should control on the employees productivity (Stensaker and Vabø, 2013). 

Description of the process that helps Primark to promulgate corporate strategy


This particular assignment deals with the entire managerial performance of the organization. The basic four steps of the management discussed in a diversified manner in this particular assignment. The basic four managerial functions such as planning, organizing, motivating and controlling elaborated in this assignment. To become successful managers these are the basic requirements of the organization that every manager needs to organize and follow in the management. If all the employees of the organization try to follow their way of working and communication there will be confusion in the entire organization. Depending upon the nature of the business, all the managers translate all the efforts of each in a common direction to achieve the common organizational goals and objectives.  All the managers try to follow the same organizational procedure to achieve the common organization goals and objectives.

Reference List

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