Management Perspectives For Reliable Association

Naturally Occurring Data

Natural occurring realistic information is a key tool to assess the performance of Apple Inc. I have worked in a different company where I was responsible to acquire relevant data with respect to the financial performance of Apple Inc. This report demonstrates different features of managers that can aid to improve the performance of Apple Inc. It is assessed that the management approach can be used by the corporation for making the reliable association with their targeted investors. Finally, it recommends different strategies in order to enhance the personality of investors.   

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According to assignment 1, it is assessed that a feasible company structure can enable the employees in order to develop suitable judgment. Consequently, Apple Inc will be competent for gaining productivity in a specified duration. In addition, it is assessed that my company can use feasible communication technique for gaining their growth by involving the hierarchy structure. This strategy will make competent to the employee to use feasible attitude within Apple Inc (Hacker, 2017). The different department of a company can aid each other and avoids the chances of conflict concerns from the organization. It can be beneficial to arrive at the valid conclusion. I also assessed that the manager of every department is required to enhance the financial objectives of the company. Moreover, it is assessed that Henry Feyol theory has executed by the management department of the company in order to encourage their workforces for attaining the target and allocated task in less cost and time. Henry Feyol theory helps a manager of Apple Inc to keep their workforces for a longer time and accomplishes valid outcome (Oldham, & Da Silva, 2015). Managers of the company keep a favorable and sociable atmosphere within an organization by utilizing this theory and also support to motivate the employees for attaining their job within an organization.  

Naturally occurring data is gathered from the existing sources in order to arrive at the legal conclusion. This information can be effective to attain the target of Apple Inc. As a part of Apple Inc, I pointed that accurate information could be gathered by three kinds of naturally occurring information such as conversations, emails, and corporate are facts. I would be competent to directly interact with their managers and accomplishes a valid result through conversation technique.

Informal communication is a significant technique to conduct interacts on any particular issue (Xie, Huang, Wang, & Shen, 2018). This conversation technique helps me to talk regarding my beliefs and opinions with respect to any specified issue to others. In addition, two kinds of communication can be practiced among individuals such as indirect and direct communication. In this, messages are exchanged amid receivers and senders and it facilitates to arrive at lawful decisions (Jarle Gressgård, Amundsen, Merethe Aasen, & Hansen, 2014).  

Moreover, it is evaluated that informal communication enables both senders and receivers to provide similar significance to each other in order to accumulate the feasible information with regards to existing issues. In the context of this, it is assessed that a single individual will be competent to generate the financial objectives of the corporation at the targeted cost and time (Avgerou, & Walsham, 2017). Moreover, email technique is an effective that I practiced for directly interact with the targeted consumers of Apple Inc. and increases knowledge regarding the current issues. This technique can be beneficial for reducing the existing issue by developing a feasible way (Daft, & Marcic, 2016). It can be beneficial to save the money and cost of the company. Apple Inc has the strong capabilities that help to sustain in the business.    

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Assessment of Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Carl Jung has established the Myers-Brigs type indicator (MBTI) tool. There are some elements entailed in this approach like feeling, thoughts, sensation, and intuition. This tool enables a company for developing views with respect to others and uses the attitude as per the opinion and views (Cornelissen, & Werner, 2014). 

In the given table 1 to 5 indicates the following:

(1= not at all part of my personality; 2= slightly part of my personality; 3= somewhat part of my personality; 4= very much part of my personality; 5= completely a part of my personality)

Personal value







Wisdom and Knowledge

Thinking things through and assessing them from all sides are significant aspects of who I am. I do not jump to conclusions, and I rely only on solid evidence to make my decisions. I am able to change my mind. (open-mindedness)



I am aware of the motives and feelings of other people. I know what to do fit into different social situations and I know what to do to put others at ease. (Social intelligence)



I am an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living my life in a genuine and authentic manner. I am down to earth and without pretense, I am a “real” person. (Authenticity)



I excel at the task of leadership (Leadership)



I am a caring person and my choices are consistently prudent ones



I like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people important to me. I try to see the light sides of all circumstances.


The strengths and weaknesses are evaluated by me through the use of SWOT assessment technique. It is described in the given table:

Effective or Helpful


Analyzed by me


ü Creativity

ü Open-mindedness

ü Kindness

ü Capacity to love and be loved

ü Social intelligence

ü Authenticity

ü Fairness

ü Modesty and Humility

ü Appreciation of beauty and excellence

ü Humour


ü Perspectives

ü Bravery

ü Zest

ü Forgiveness and mercy

ü Love of learning

Analyzed by my colleagues and friends


ü Gratitude

ü Teamwork (citizenship, social responsibility, and loyalty)


ü Hope

ü Religiousness and spirituality

ü Self-regulation

ü Prudence

As per the given above table, I felt that I have essential capabilities that can instruct me for contributing my all efforts to an organization in terms of attaining the specified objectives. This certain strength could be related to creativity, open-mindedness, kindness and capacity to love and be loved, social intelligence, authenticity, fairness, modesty and humility, appreciation of beauty and excellence and humor. Another Strength that was assessed by my colleagues and friends are gratitude, and teamwork (citizenship, social responsibility, and loyalty). I used creativity to attain my targeted goals and objectives in the workplace.  

From the above evaluation, I also observed that I have some weak point that includes the perspectives, bravery, zest, forgiveness and mercy and love of learning. Some weaknesses are analyzed by my colleagues and friends such as hope, religiousness, spirituality, self-regulation, and prudence. They felt that prudence can create at the time of communication because of the lack of understanding regarding the perception of people. In addition, lack of self-regulation skills can destroy my good picture in the mind of employees. I can also be terminated from Apple Inc because of other weaknesses points that I had mentioned as above.

With regards to the above table, it is pointed out that I am competent to develop a prompt and feasible decision as this proficiency instructs me for attaining my task within an organization in less time with cost. Moreover, my colleagues and friends making efforts to share their feedback to me that I have Teamwork skills that aid me for encouraging the employees of Apple Inc. In addition to this, they had also shared their feedback regarding the persuading behavior that I have gratitude competency that helps to provide a positive atmosphere for the employees.

Apart from this, my friends gave their feedback regarding my weaknesses of self-regulation skills that low factor in me as it may adversely impact on business growth. My colleague that was part of Apple Inc provides me their feedback that I have lack of prudence and hope. This weak point cannot encourage the employees with regards to the attainment of targeted objectives (Cornelissen, & Werner, 2014). In addition, my colleagues and friends assessed that I have the competency to perform social responsibility that helps to build loyalty among employees. Consequently, it would support to improve the performance of Apple Inc.    

SWOT Analysis

There is a different motivational tool that could be implemented by managers of the company for encouraging their employees and retaining them at the longer time period. Along with this, the hierarchy of needs theory could be applied by the executive because this theory provides support to the manager for addressing the realistic requirements of employees and develops the strategy and policies for influencing the need of employees (Miller, McAdam, & McAdam, 2018). Hence, Apple Inc is competent to enhance their productivity and growth of the corporation without consuming more cost in time. High level of social competencies of manager can help them for developing a stronger link with workforces. Managers can attain valid and consistent results through this skills and it also supports for creating a better picture of the brand in the market.  As per the required circumstance, a decision maker can be hired by the executive as it can be significant to accomplish the desired objective of the company (Busch, et. al., 2018).

This approach is significant because it makes competent to the executive for retaining the employees of the company at the longer time period. Moreover, it is assessed that executives should focus on different factors in order to develop a reliable association with the workforces and acquires a suitable result. These factors can be relationship making proficiency, interpersonal skills, as well as communication skills (Mäntymäki, & Riemer, 2016). It is also a significant component to complete the financial objectives of Apple Inc.

Diversity is an essential element that can favorably affect the business growth and organizes the processing of business in an effective manner. Moreover, it is assessed that diversity is a key issue where, different culture of the workforce works within the same organization (Le Bas, Mothe, & Nguyen-Thi, 2015). There are some specific strategies that can be practiced by Apple Inc for getting the benefits at the larger extent. These strategies could be related to enhancing communication, assessment of investors and clearness (Botha, Kourie, & Snyman, 2014). Executives should always be an active listener for significant communication with diverse cultured investors. In addition to this, managers of Apple Inc can eliminate the conflict in order to mitigate the communication barriers in a diverse culture (Reyt, & Wiesenfeld, 2015).

Along with this, communication issue from different cultural stakeholders can be declined by another approach such as diverse culture. In this approach, managers of Apple Inc can provide the guidance with regards to the diverse culture of people to retain them for the longer time period. Moreover, it can help to make a friendly atmosphere within an organization (Ozcelik, 2015). As a result, it would be beneficial for improving the revenue of the company and also aids to avoid the communication issues in different cultural backgrounds from the organization. This technique will be effective to develop the liaison with the stakeholders of diverse culture at the workplace. Managers of Apple Inc can increase the understanding associated with the cultural environment of stakeholders as it would instruct for an effective communication with them. Managers of Apple Inc can sustain a personal touch with them in order to work mutually with the stakeholders (Ianeva, et. al., 2015). It can also support for eliminating the concerns about the diverse cultures from the company.


From the above discussion, it can be summarised that workforces are a significant component to grow the business at the marketplace. It can also be concluded that SWOT assessment and Myers-Brigs Type Indicator (MBTI) techniques aid to assess the individual behavior. In addition, it can be concluded that certain tool can be implemented with regards to relationship making, motivation, leadership, and communication to develop a significant liaison with their employees and sustain for a longer time period at the workplace. It can be summarised that managers of Apple Inc can endorse the position of the company and can attain reliable results by implementing techniques of cultural diversity management.


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