Management Of Communication, Knowledge And Information In Organizations: A Case Study Of TESCO

Range of decisions to be taken in an organisation

Describe about Management of Communication, Knowledge and Information?

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Information and knowledge do not seemed to be static, but instead make a move by organizations in a number of different ways. It is obvious that modern organizations highly rely upon dependable sources of knowledge and information in order to make strategic decisions for the business organizations (Timothy, 2010). However, it is a general belief that stakeholders are considered as the key sources of obtaining veritable knowledge and information that helps in the improvement and enhancement of effective communication as highly differentiated decisions are taken up at a number of different levels as well.

This report will be assessing needs of knowledge and information within an organization. The organization that has been chosen for the purpose of this assignment is TESCO.

There are a number of different decision that are unstructured as well as varied. Systems of clear cut to make the decision have not been established yet. There is a huge possibility that decision making is contrasted in accordance with the availability of time for making the decisions that are operational based on short term for having to be frequently developed and related to the supervision and management of activities, like placing orders for new stock, creating the schedule of production, and organization of the work rota (Alexander, 2008).

Decisions are supposed to be taken at three different levels that are operational, tactical and strategic. The strategic decision are the ones affecting and shaping the directions being taken in the entire business. Strategic decisions are known to be involving the decisions related to forecasts made and the possible conditions of the market. Tactical decisions are the ones that help in the implementation of strategy. These decision are related to the working hours of the organization and for the attraction of new customers. Operational decisions are the ones taken related to the daily business activities of the organization. This also involves decisions regarding the distribution of tasks and responsibilities.

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The leadership of art is considered as managing the attention and leadership at each and every level is relevantly that meaning being managed for the others. This helps in making the decision actionable as the stakeholders end up seeing that this helps in making sense. Knowing why helps in the creation of relevant condition for buy- in that is a sense of belonging or fit, where individuals know what is being done by them and it matters. This has been considered as vital and motivational in the organizations driven by values (Dorothy, 2009). This helps in bringing clarity in the roadmap that is on the basis of decision making that is autonomous, then the stakeholders end up knowing where the contributions being made by them helps in making a difference in the achievement of the outcome or the result. In addition to this, there is a need for explicit and implicit knowledge for taking up effective decisions. Explicit decisions are the ones taken within the authority of administration in accordance with the cost and the sources available. On the other hand, implicit decision is referred as taking up discretionary decision in accordance with a fixed allowance of budget.

Information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision

Within the business of TESCO, a metric is utilized for gauging certain components that are quantifiable within the performance of the organization like revenue or return on investment. In the workforce reporting and analysis of strategies, a metric utilized for gauging certain quantifiable measures related to the activity of workforce or an aspect related to the profile, and the implications with high possibility for the performance of the organization. For being effective, the decisions should be taken up by the utilization of internal and external sources. Internal sources include report of the organization, financial sources of the organization, and systems of attendance and flex sheet (Robert, 2009). The external sources include the plans of strategic workforce, scanning the environment, plans of corporate and many more.

Stakeholders can be considered as the significant external and internal sources of information. Stakeholders include everyone present within the organization or some way or the other related to the organization. These include employees and workers and shareholders at the internal level and customers at the external level. Employees help in the enhancement of organizational activities whereas customers contribute in enhancing the level of their satisfaction and hence, the amount of profit.

Tesco, like any other organizations, are units of decision making made up of a number of decision makers such as employees, managers, and directors. Majority of the classifications of different categories if decisions are on the basis of the ways in which decisions are predicted. Decisions of programming are routine, repetitive and straightforward (Timothy, 2010). These can be dealt with by the creation of procedures and routines like systems of ordering stock.


The five competencies have been working as a suite, in no specific order. However, knowing why has been centralized as a point of reference. This has been identified as the base to make decisions that are meaningful. Meaning helps in releasing energy as action helps in the development of appropriate sense. In addition to this, the decisions of periodic control are developed less frequently (Thomas, 2008). These are the decisions that are involved for keeping the company right on track.

Network events are being held for the students for showcasing the business organizations and selling seasonal goods. There is an expectation that students will be making garlands, seasonal door wreaths, and decorations for table which will be sold by them, encouraging creativity and ideas. In this report, strategies will be created for increasing personal networking for widely involving the particular events.

For fostering collaboration amongst the stakeholder, a perspective for the management of network is required for helping them in an effective manner for the integration of their actions, and this, in an efficient manner for meeting the current goals and objectives. For fostering trust and reciprocity within the portfolio networks of the event, however, the approach of management should be making a move ahead, in order to seek for leveraging the interdependence amongst the stakeholder for optimizing to create the mutual synergies of beneficiaries (Guericke, 2008). There is a need for focusing to build new linkages or varieties of relationships between the stakeholders that can result in the development of capacity for working together in a number of new ways. In this context, the stakeholders that have been identified are the students, WLCBMS, and the jamboree for HNDB 2014 cohorts.

Sources of information and understanding

Considering the students, they will be highly interested in setting up the stalls with high creativity and use their skills appropriately. The students are interested in making wreaths of seasonal door, table decorations, and garland which they are willing to sell from the traditional form of stalls; welcoming each and every form of creativity and idea as well. The main aim is focused on raising funds for the children that are in need at the same point of time, and to run as a tombola, raffle and competition (Thomas, 2008). Raising funds is the main interest of WLCBMS as well. However, they are also interested in building up a festive season for the organization. Apart from the initiation of creativity, the students are interested in obtaining marks and not end up failing within their unit.

The needs and interests of the stakeholders can be considered by the methods of mapping the stakeholder. The stakeholders should be classified on the basis of the power they hold on influencing the event, the relationship of each and every stakeholder with the event, and the urgency of claiming the stakeholders over the organizations (Robert, 2009). The expectations of the stakeholders should be mapped in an appropriate manner on the basis of the key performance areas and hierarchies of value. The stakeholders should be ranked on the basis of their importance within the event.

For making this particular event interesting and appropriate, the stakeholders will be motivated for following a mantra. This mantra is “individuals buy from individuals they trust, like and know. The first step is to win the trust of the customers at the first point of time. The main idea is focused on meeting the people, sharing the ideas, and in a way for selling themselves. At the event of networking, one should showcase the stakeholders, expertise, and finally the personal brand (Timothy, 2010). There a lot of advices that can be looked upon for the purpose of networking. The first step is focused on listening and then asking the most appropriate question. In addition to this, the next step is partnering up with the scope of competition. With respect to the terms of practicality, it can be stated that once the circuit or event of networking is started, there is an increased probability of meeting a failure in understanding the needs and interests of the stakeholders.


There is a need for focusing to build new linkages or varieties of relationships between the stakeholders that can result in the development of capacity for working together in a number of new ways. In this context, the stakeholders that have been identified are the students, WLCBMS, and the jamboree for HNDB 2014 cohorts.

Communication plays a significant role in the success of each and every organization. Effective system of communication is extremely important for the smooth functioning of the business. These systems should not only be developed for the smooth functioning of the business and bringing alignment in the corporate strategies of the organization.


The main aim of having effective communication is having the ability of conveying the information and to understand this information being conveyed from individual to another, from one group to the other, and from one authority to the other. The division of this existing process of communication can be done into three main components. These components are sender, channel and receiver. A message is transmitted by the sender with the help of a channel to the receiver (McInerney, 2012). The sender has the responsibility of developing an idea, the composition of which can be done into a message and then transmission being done into the other party. This party has the responsibility of interpreting the message and hence, receiving the meaning.

The roles being played by the stakeholders is the first relevant stage in the process of communication. Exact identification of the message should be done that is being communicated and how this message should be delivered is the next appropriate strategy (Robert, 2009). There is an increased need for the development of an increased realistic diagram or chart of the organization for visualizing these types of connection. This appropriate system will help in the identification of spots that have high potential barriers in initiating the flow of the communication. In addition to this, this will help in isolating the relationships where there is absence of existing sources of communication for cementing these types of communication.

For ensuring integrity within the system of communication, it can be stated that one can introduce the optical system of communication. This systems is known for utilizing light as the medium of transmission. There is consistency of a transmitter within the equipment that helps in encoding a particular message into the optical signal that acts as a channel, carrying the signal to the point of destination, and the receiver that helps in the reproduction of the message from the optical signal that is received (Robbins, 2006). This optic communication system can also be fibre- optic that helps in the transmission of information from one spot to the other, when light is sent by an optical fibre.

The documentation groups, public relations, advertising and training at the organization of Tesco have been coordinating their efforts for the provision of information regarding the 20000 salespeople of the organization. The database through online mode plays a significant role in the integration of communication.

Communication requires certain skills that need to be present in an individual for effectively communicating in the general as well as the business context. However, from the perspective of the business, it is important to ensure that these skills of communication need to be considered with more importance being given. At the personal level, these skills of communication can be enhanced and improved for maintenance of integrity in the business and for ensuring that the business is able to meet its personal goals. These skills are useful for maintaining healthy relationships at work as well (Thomas, 2008). At the personal level, while improving the skills of communication, one should be improving the participatory skills in order to create and nurture the healthy relationships at work. These can be improved by attending more social functions related to work, listening with higher interest in what is being said, engaging more readily in informal or formal experiences of communication. Following are the SMART objectives for the purpose of this plan:

  • Enhancing the skills of communication in the professional front within the duration of 1 month


For improving the appropriate system of communication, flows of communication should be mapped onto the arrangements of organization and the connections of the stakeholder. There must be clarity in the picture being developed of who is, and who are needed for being involved in the work being performed by the organization (Timothy, 2010). The skills of organization can be used as well to assist a group for being effective and efficient, while there is recognition of the needs of the groups for having time in the activities of maintenance. In addition to this, one should be acknowledging their own individual success, aligning them with the success of the organization.


Alexander, R. (2008). The relevance of knowledge management and intellectual capital research. Knowledge and Process Management, 15 (4), pp. 235–246.

Dorothy, E. (2009). Knowledge management systems: issues, challenges, and benefits. Communications of the AIS, 1 (2).

Guericke, O. (2008). “From natural language documents to sharable product knowledge: a knowledge engineering approach”. In Borghoff, Uwe M.; Pareschi, Remo. Information technology for knowledge management. pp. 35–51.

McInerney, C. (2012). “Knowledge Management and the Dynamic Nature of Knowledge. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53 (12), 1009–1018.

Robert, K. (2009). Empirical research in information systems: The practice of relevance. MIS Quarterly, 23 (1), pp. 3–16.

Robbins, N. S. (2006). “Organizational Behaviour,” 4th Canadian Edition, Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Thomas, A. (2008). “Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations,” Crown Business Publishers.

Timothy, K. (2010). A scientometric analysis of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic literature (1994–2008). Journal of Knowledge Management, 14 (1), pp. 13–23.

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