Management Issues And Its Impacts On An Organisation
Employee Performance and Confrontation
1.There are several management issues which have come to the fore in the particular case study which has been provided. The marketing director Frank Davis had several management issues in managing the matters of the company and in dealing with Tom who was appointed as a new member who was in charge of marketing section. Tom took up the offer of senior marketing specialist and established as rapport with the divisional vice president, Shannon Mc Donald. Shannon took up the responsibility of appointing Tom despite the knowledge that he would not appeal to the marketing director Frank Davis.
The first issue is that of employee performance and its confrontation. In case a managing director engages in the constructive feedback there should be sufficient speed in the confrontation of the employee. In this connection it can be said that Frank did not deal with the matter of Tom’s performance in a proper manner.
The second significant issue is that of employee termination. The way in which a mail was made to the vice president highlighting the performance issues of Tom was rather insensitive. It was needed for Frank to tackle the decision of the performance of Tom subtly.
The third issue is that of making the right hiring decision. In this case it can be said that Mc Donald needed to consult her hiring decision of choosing Tom with Frank. This could have avoided any sort of clashes within themselves.
The fourth issue is the risk of looking a high potential employee. This is due to the reason that, the behaviour and the negative attitude of the boss Frank and his inclination towards removing Tom would bound to lead to the loss of a potential employee which the organisation might not afford.
The fifth issue is that of being unethical or wrong. The boss Frank was not entirely correct in his approach towards Tom, His decision of subtly threatening him by mails and confrontations was wrong as it was putting undue pressure on Tom (Avey et al. 2012).
2.There are several impacts of the management issues and problems in an organisation. In case the managers wrongly challenge employees and do not allow them to deal with situations correctly it is bound to have detrimental effects on the employees and lower their morale.
It is necessary for the managers to be representative of all that they wish their employees to be. The employees are bound to mimic the amount of dedication which the Managers exhibit. The work ethics of the managers are subconsciously imbibed into the work patterns of the employees. In case the employees find that the head Frank is being unethical towards Tom, they are bound to assume that bad ethics work in the organisation. It also is bound to negatively impact the work of Tom and his vision for the organisation (Manzoor 2012).
Employee Termination
The morale of the employees are also affected by the way the managers deal with them. In case the managers treat the employees badly they are bound to be de-motivated and might not achieve the goals which the managers have thought and the objectives which they have set for themselves. In case of Frank, the way he publicly dealt with Tom at the meeting, did not leave a positive impact on the people working under him. They would be bound to feel that their performances would also not be properly evaluated by the boss. They would lose the zeal of performing for the organisation.
The attitude of the employees is also bound to reflect the attitude of the superiors. In case the managers have negative attitude, the employees might become cynical about their work and it also leads to carelessness. The managers should be such that their employees feel motivated towards their work of their organisation. Frank needed to understand the importance of the communication to Tom in the context of the organisation (Swaminathan and Rajkumar 2013).
3.Tom was an extremely valuable employee for the organisation. There is no doubt that his absence would impact the organisation. It would be desirable for Frank to tackle the issue related to Tom effectively. Instead of threatening him or mailing him to schedule his work plans properly, ideally Frank could have motivate him to perform better. Frank needs to make Tom understand that the company has far more important tasks to look into in comparison to the Kiosk project. The difference between the work which was urgent and which was important needed was to be explained clearly to Tom.
It needed to be explained clearly to Tom that he needed to take care of the airline, hotel and car rental projects in the total international market. The first theory that could be used was the Mc Gregor’s Theory. The Mc Gregor’s Theory needed to be applied to the situation where it needed to be explained that Tom should not be averse to working, instead should focus on the projects which are crucial for the organisation (Pinder 2014).
Another way in which Frank could motivate Tom was by linking the job compensation with the performance goals or objectives. It needed to be made clear what percentage of compensation would be added to Tom’s salary in case he achieved the goals which had been set for him.
The third theory of motivation which could be considered in this scenario is the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. According to the theory, the motivation stems from several sets of needs of an individual. The physiological, safety, social and esteem and self-actualization needs to be kept in mind. Frank needs to explain clearly to Tom that his aims of getting to the top, the esteem issues, social issues with respect to the social recognition all would be actualised soon enough in case he concentrated on performing tasks which were more important for the company (Miner 2015).
4.The concept of Job satisfaction needs to be implemented in the concept of human resource management. It should be the responsibility of the managers, to ensure that all the workers need to be satisfied in their work. It is obvious that when employees have proper amount of control and self direction they are freely able to use their creativity, experience and the insight. They also are bound to be more productive. It is necessary for all the employees to remain motivated in their job to give high level of productivity. In this connection the worker theories need to be implemented (Bratton and Gold 2012).
Making the Right Hiring Decision
The Harvard model needs to be implemented in order to increase the overall performance of the company. The different dimensions which are inclusive in the model are the stakeholders, interests, situational factors, HRM policy choices the outcomes of the HR, the long term consequences and also a feedback loop. The outputs flow directly from the organisation and the stakeholders. The situations which Tom has been facing in the department needs to be looked into by the management (Jiang et al. 2012).
The Guest Model, also can be applied in order to improve the performance of the management. This model claims that the HR manager has certain strategies to begin with which demand that certain practices will result in outcomes. The six possible outcomes are the HR strategy, the HR practices, outcomes, behavioural outcomes, performance results and the employee behaviours. These outcomes also include the behavioural, performance related and the rewards of financial rewards. This model also captures the people management comprehensively. These models can be utilized to help in improving the overall performance of the organisation. The management should keep in mind both the issues of Frank and Tom and take suitable decisions for the benefit of the organisation (Daley 2012).
5.The two theories of leadership which can be applied in case of Frank to help him become a better leader are that of behavioural and transformational leadership. According to the concept of behavioural leadership Frank should establish a behaviour which lead to the success of their goals in connection to the organisation. The leaders need to take decisions using authoritative styles or even democratic styles. In this case is was necessary for Frank to ensure that the job and vision which he had for his company and for Tom to fulfil would be done suitably. He needed to behave tactfully in the situation (Northouse 2015).
Another theory that could have been applied by Frank was that of transformational leadership. The leaders need to utilize the concept of intellectual stimulation, consideration for the individuals, inspirational motivation as well as idealized influence. In accordance with this concept, Frank should embody the characteristics of motivational leaders. Rather than threatening Tom, he needed to motivate him to work better (Goleman 2017). In case Frank embodied the characteristics of a transformational leader, he could effectively influence Tom to work according to his vision and more so in a way that would enable him to fulfil the goals for the benefit of the organisation (Avolio and Yammarino 2013).
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