Management For Organizational Excellence Completion: Teamwork, Communication, And Ethics
Reviewing of Team Work
Discuss about the Management for Organizational Excellence Completion.
Every organization has to develop several teams for the completion of the tasks and to attain organizational effectiveness. And for the same there is formation of teams. The members of the team are required to work in teamwork so that there can be attainment of organizational goals. The main purpose of this essay is to have an in-depth understanding of the teamwork, communication and ethics. All these three elements are very much necessary to be there in an effective manner in an organization. There are various communication styles and skills which are required to be introduced in an organization for making the employees work in a productive manner and for having utmost productivity as well as organizational growth. There are organizations which have seen the growth and development phase in a very shorter time frame and the most significant factor behind this success is the adequate use of ethical communication and teamwork. With the change in time the importance of ethics is increasing day by day. Being ethical is one of the most essential factors for an organization to attain success and brand building. There are various CSR initiatives which are based over ethical grounds but simultaneous to this there is a need of ethical communication. The concept of ethical communication enhances teamwork, improves team efficiency and team performance. The essay highlights the direct relationship of communication and team effectiveness, association between team work and communication as well as the linkage between ethics, teamwork and communication. There are few recommendations which the essay highlights so that there can be improved teamwork, team performance and team effectiveness as well there can be rapid attainment of organizational goals (Stashevsky and Levy, 2014).
Team work is a process in which number of individuals forms a group and work collaboratively for the attainment of an objective or goal. It is one of the most significant and essential part of any business as it becomes necessary maximum of the times to work together as a group. Teamwork means that the individuals will strive hard to cooperate and adjust to work in a team. Teamwork can be regarded as glue which is essential for keeping the team together as well as it is a connection which promotes support, reliability, unity and strength. Teamwork encourages commitment of the employees towards the organization (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).
Reviewing Communication and Team Work
Team effectiveness is also recognized as group effectiveness. It is the ability and competence of a team to attain the organizational objectives and goals rapidly and in an effective manner. The effective teams comprises of team members who have the competence and the skills which are necessary for the attainment of the goals. There are various stages for achieving team effectiveness such as forming, where there is formation of teams. Second stage is storming where there is setting of objectives and plans. The third stage for achieving team effectiveness is norming where specific job roles are assigned for every team member. The fourth stage is performing in which the execution took place and there is accomplishment of goals. The final step is adjourning in which the team disbands so that every team member can go for individual tasks or for completion of any other project (Salas and Rosen, 2013).
Team performance is the manner in which the team works. The team when works in effective team work there are outcomes of positive team performance. It is the concept of adjusting direction, context and composition of a team so that there can be enhanced team effectiveness. Team performance is the overall result of the team work. There are various strategies to have better team performance management. For improving the team performance there are various performance development plans so that the individual needs and goals of the team mates can be addressed. The results of team performance depict that whether the team is working in an effective manner or not (Maynard, et al., 2012).
Team communication is the major part of teamwork. There is sending and exchange of information between the team members for the purpose of conveying thoughts, ideas and data. There is flow if information for the purpose of discussion, for coordinating the activities, for building understanding and for taking prompt actions. There is a need that the team communication must be effective. Effective communication relates to transmission of a message in a way that the recipient comprehends the intention behind it and its content in a proper manner (DeOrtentiis, et al., 203). When there is proper and adequate flow of information among the team members than there is decrease number of pitfalls such as conflicts, lack f trust and misunderstanding among the team members which directly impacts the team performance. There are various ways in which team communication takes place such as verbal communications, face to face, meetings, emails, memos, texts or conference. There are number of barriers which came as a barricade in the path of effective communication such as the difference in language, culture, thoughts or mental state (Asante, Miike and Yin, 2013).
The above mentioned four major aspects have a direct as well as an indirect connection with each other. Whenever there is formation of a team all these four elements exists. Teamwork, team effectiveness, team performance and team communication are linked with each other from a single chain. The relationship among all the four elements can be understand as when any team is formed and to have attain effectiveness in work there is a need that the individuals must function in team work by taking acknowledging the needs and skills of every teammate. And when team effectiveness is achieved it results into positive team performance and all this happen with the main and the significant element that is team communications. Great communication builds a sense of belonging among the team members witch ultimately result into constructive outcomes and accomplishment of organizational goals (Jordan, et al., 2013).
Teamwork provides a number of benefits such as enhanced productivity, up surged staff efficiency and an increased sense of morale. But to have an effective team there is a need that adequate communication must be in place. For building effective team communication it is necessary to comprehend that in what manner communication impacts the teamwork. The impact can be either positive or negative. Whenever there is effective and positive communication within the team it results into elimination of confusion and there facilitates a happy and healthy workplace. The effective communication results into rapid working with high efficiency. It is majorly the responsibility of the higher authorities, the business owners and the managers to rectify and resolve any kind of communication issues prevailing at the workplace and as soon the lines of communication are clear and open with the teams, there will be smooth functioning and completion of the projects (Mikesell, Bromley and Khodyakov, 2013).
There is a direct relationship between teamwork and communication as there are number of various positive outcomes when effective communication combines with team work. There is an increased interaction between the employees and the employers when there are proper and established communication channels in the organizational teams. The flow of the information tends to be increase among the teammates and this enhances the capability of the individuals to have a robust interaction. By these adequate communication channels, the weaknesses and the strengths of every individual are easy to understand and thus appropriate job roles are defined for the teammates as per their individual capabilities and competence (Nancarrow, et al., 2013).
The ineffective and improper communication can lead to conflict in the teams which can directly impacts the success of team work. There are various internal conflicts which are the result of poor communication. Any team which is busy in misinterpreting the information results into organizational conflicts. And thus by developing a robust system of communication eliminates the chances of occurrence of conflicts and flow of misinformation. For the success of a team there is a need that every team member must understand the individual responsibilities in a proper manner as well as there is a need that the duties must help the organization and the team as a whole to succeed. The effective and good communication supports in providing adequate information to each team mate in regards with their wok role and organizational progress. If the communication system is broke off then it result in confused and unmotivated workforce as they do not have the knowledge that in what manner organization is experiencing because of their efforts (Mäkikangas, et al., 2016).
A team which possesses effective communication is very easy to get trained by the team manger or by the organization. And it has been seen that if there is no proper communication channels than the constructive information is not been distributed among all the teammates. The effective team communication results into employee growth as well as development of the company. It has been also reviewed that there is a direct relation between communication and team effectiveness. Communication is that factor which has received enormous amount of research attention in every literature regarding team and steam performance. There are number of factors which can show the relationship between communicative and team performance such as team cohesion, teamwork, team efficiency and team goal achievement. If there is increased team cohesion, than more are the chances of having effective communication. The cohesive group shares mutual objectives, thoughts and ideas which help in effective flow of communication. When the team goals are achieved in a shorter timeframe then it is also an indicator that there is constructive flow of information which helps the teammates to work in an improved and better way (Costa, Passos and Bakker, 2015).
‘To have an effective team, there requires efforts of teamwork
To have teamwork, there requires effective communication
And to have effective communication, there requires ethics in the communication’
Ethics and communication in team work are the two factors which work simultaneously at any workplace. If any of the three is missing in an organization, there will be conflicts and issues which will take place. Being ethical in communication results into a number if positive outcomes such as being ethical, honest and fair are one of the major need every employee needs from the organization and the higher authorities. The organizations which are high in ethicality are regarded as credible in nature which empowers the employees and hold good corporate governance. The managerial decision making are also improved when there is ethical communication (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 2015).
There is a significant need of ethics in the business communication. In present scenario the brand building and the image recognition of any company is majorly because of the ethical grounds on which the company stands. The bushiness communication is regarded as the heart of the organizational functions and activities. Communication takes place in a company when any single message is passed in an organization among the workers of any hierarchy. And it is very much essential that the message conveyed must have a sense of ethicality in it. Ethical communication means that the message should not be non-offensive and neutral in nature. It is unquestionable that the ethical business communication is one of the most important factors in the success of a company. Whether it is the grass-root level or the superior level employees there is a requisite that the communication should fulfill the ethical norms (Liu, et al., 2013).
There are various ethical standards and ethical policies which are there in every company and these ethical policies and standards are the foundation of an ethical communication. The strong and firm the policies and standards are the higher the level of ethical communication is there in the organization. To provide a sense of belonging to the workforce and to retain the employees for a longer period of time in the company there is a need that the organization must incorporate ethical business communication. Being transparent in the staff dealings is a major outcome of ethical communication. The transparency and positive way of communication motivates and inspires the employees to retain as they have a sense of belonging that they are at a right place (Raluca and Romulus, 2015).
For developing a positive environment at the workplace ethical business communication exercises an instrumental role. And this directly encourages the employees to give higher productivity. This gives a positive impact over the team performance. There are various ethical communication issues in context with favoritism, religion, fairness, gender and respect. These issues take place when there are prevailing inequalities in the organization on various grounds. The gender inequality is a major ethical issue as the women are still being demoralized and are not given the positions which they are capable of. This discrimination creates unethical communication. Other issues such as religion as the organization give opportunities to those people who are of similar religion or culture and people from distinctive religion are side-lined and cant avail the same opportunities. These unethical standards results into unethical communication. And to avoid and eliminate such issues there is an utmost need of ethical communication and ethical business practices at workplace (Jayanthi and Rajandran, 2014).
Teamwork is an essential element which impacts the overall performance of the organization. In present scenario where there is a need of strong and clear communication channels so that there can be flow of information. Then adequate and proper flow of information brings team effectiveness as the opinions, data and information is conveyed in a correct manner. To improve the team effectiveness and team performance there must be development of strategies and plans which can help the team members to improve their communication and performance. With the development plans three will be elimination of the conflicts and issues which arise at the time of teamwork. And there is a need of ethical behavior in communication. The ethicality brings equality and fairness in the organization. There are various benefits of ethical communication such as ethicality in communication brings trust among different parties. It also improves the process of decision making and enhances credibility of an organization. The ethical communication makes clear that what type of behavior is applicable and what is in-applicable in an organization. Teamwork, team effectiveness, team performance and team communication are linked with each other from a single chain. And when the ethics are incorporates among these elements there is successful incorporation of the team work. The effective communication results into rapid working with high efficiency. And thus to have better teamwork there is a need that communication channels should be strong as well there should be ethicality in the organization and communication channeled (West, 2012).
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