Management And Organization In A Global Environment
The Impact of Globalization on Organizational Culture
Write an essay on “Management and Organization in a Global Environment”.
The most predominant factor in the organizational culture is that mangers need to interconnect and they need to collaborate. The effect of globalization in the organization impacts varies with the function that is provided in each organization. The globalization of the organization affects and its impacts will differ from the function of the organization. The basis of the organization is to globalized the technology, product specification, design, marketing mix, promotion and through customer support. Organizational culture is not determined by its structure rather its employees and staffs determine it. The role of management in the organizational structure is the key structure (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015).
The organizational culture involves the vision, values, norms and the behaviors of the organization. In most places the culture of the organization has shown evolution over years. It is highly influenced by the leaders who formed in the organization in its critical moments. It involves that culture cannot be replaced with simple upgrade or through major efforts. Neither can it be swapped out. The culture of the organization should represent the advantage of the company through its components. The culture need to be persistent and consistent. It should include the types of conditions that these trains dominant. The companies need to involve programs through which employees can acknowledge and reward the employees this in return helps to support customers (Shafritz et al., 2015).
Change behavior and mind-sets will follow- The change in behavioral change which follows with the shifts in the mentality. The change in the behavior involves the change in the behavior of the individual through initiating a new service to the customers this in returns helps to gain the customers reputation and confidence (Reilly et al., 2014).
The authentic informal leaders are not recognized widely in an organization, they are often overlooked. The identification of such leaders are overlooked and in deriving the culture of the organization. The identification of such individuals is necessary through survey, interviews, and some tools like network analysis of the organization (Chatman et al., 2013).
Figure 1 profile of organizational culture
Culture is the collective program, which is used as to distinguish the two members of the category. In national culture the category here is the nation. On the other hand in organizational culture depends on the organization comparing with other organizations. Organizational culture depends upon the employees of the organization and their relation with each other. Organization culture differentiates the difference between the works of one organization with the outside world. The change in the culture of the organization deals with the environment in the sake of survival. Business has exceeded the limit in respect of the complexity and the speed. On the other hand the challenge is the bringing of new economy in the market for the managers. It can call as new business approach and the change in the organization and adoption of the market demand globally (Pieterse, 2015).
The Role of Managers in Establishing and Maintaining Organizational Culture
Every organization has different organizational culture and management along with its unique personality. The values strongly influence the people of the organization along with the organizational culture. It is the system which elaborates the values, assumptions and beliefs which has strong influence on the employees of the organization and observe the performance of their job. Every organization maintains and provides guidelines about its unique culture which has give boundaries for the members of the culture of the organization. Culture of the organization evolves over time to establish the different patterns of the behavior and belief in helping it interpret and interact with the world. The culture of the organization is dynamic which changes the circumstances which can lead to a new pattern in the behavior and the ideologies to give a rise of new belief and values for different languages and consumptions (Alvesson, 2016).
Figure2 Global Leadership can create innovation and change for organization
Organizational Culture defines by the parameters of the group in terms of language, boundaries, concepts and ideologies. It provides the basis of allocation through power, status, respect rewards and punishments, which monitors the external environment and responds accordingly to the environment. The culture of the organization represents the personality influencing on the satisfaction f the employee and the organizational success. If the organization has weak culture employees waste time in their findings of what they need to do and what not. Managers are the one who make the employee understand about the importance of the organizational culture. However, few of them fail to make them understand about its importance (Ostroff, 2014).
Culture of the organization is the personality of the organization. Culture of a corporation with high profit will be different from that of a hospital. Culture of corporate highly depends upon the management, which in return comes as when the culture of the organization is strong then manager’s takes the lead in enabling the shape and support of it. The managers who spend much of their time in thinking about values, rituals and major job lies in managing the value of the conflict and the flow of the daily events are often called as symbolic managers (Büschgens et al., 2013).
The organization culture does not consist of a define culture. It can vary from year to year. Mangers are the one who takes care of the organization and has the responsibility of all levels of management. Mangers value the trust and employment along with delegation which makes constant and mentorship approach. The efficiency of the managers depends upon the culture that they establish in an organization. Management acts as in important part in initiating the culture. The culture of every organization has different approach in different countries. The adoption of the culture depends upon the countries and its norms and regulation. Management need to adopt culture according to the country. Employees of each country have different belief in religion, community, organization they need to act upon that. But the goal of the management in all the organizational culture should be same. It is difficult for every management to establish the disciplinary role which could be difficult in the establishment of the interpersonal relationship with other employee. It is because of the fact that employees see the managers as a figure of authority as the primary concern and coworker as the secondary one. Though, the approach more depends on the size of the organization in different culture. For example, a owner of a small-business main focus is on the team bonding among the employees and that organization need a manger who can work directly with the employee and makes the ambience more adoptable for team bonding. The mangers need to be versatile as well as adaptable with the required changes. Culture is the most important feature in the practice and performance of the public sectors in the organizations. But, the role of managements creates the shape and influence in the organizational culture (Reisyan, 2016).
Identifying Informal Leaders
Figure3 organizational creation and the maintenance
A manger of a developing country needs to adopt a culture where they can reward the employees who need to display the qualities of the company. Rewarding of the employees ensures a proper structure of the organization as the value that the management gives to the employees as it enables to maintain standards. Managers need to value the trust, empowerment and consistency of the organization (Hu et al., 2012).
Management need to have honest approach with their staff, stakeholders and suppliers. Though, that depend upon the management of different organization for example if the organization consist of management which are incompetent then it won’t be considered as trustworthy. Trust of an organization includes the ability to take the risk as trust would make an individual vulnerable in the action of others. The establishment of trust can occur once that manager keeps all his words in actions. When the opportunities in the field of empowerment improve then automatically the attitude of the employee along with the organization becomes more effective in their approach. The management irrespective of all organization needs to adopt more effective system of the support and the opportunity to learn more (Kramer & Elsbach, 2014).
Figure 4 Building the organization trust
The approach of the management system which is considered as important criteria in organizational culture is the delegation. Employees need to understand the behavior as well the rules that are expected to origin within an organization. Management should involve the guidelines in the indication of the steps in the process of disciplinary. Employees need to provide with the reactions like hard work rather than making the feeling at any partiality. The management can involve the culture of rewarding the employee according to their full attendance on a month. Management should make that a point that rewards should be provided to employees who are fair and equitable. If the trust of the employee diminishes then employee satisfaction would also diminish (Nica, 2013).
Figure 5 Rewards that employees need to take
The organization culture should consist of the efficiency of the management regarding its mentorship. Management’s mentorship would highly depend upon the effectiveness of the management. It is the responsibility of the management to provide with the information about the good and bad related with it. They need to provide them guidelines for the same. The organization’s culture can become effective with the active participation of the management providing with effective and efficient culture within employees (Hu et al., 2014). They need to give them knowledge about all the necessary actions and train them so that they become effective with time. The role of the management is the most important part in making the employees get accustomed with the culture. The more the employees get adopted with the organization the more productivity they provide in terms of their work.
Figure 6 the role of Mentors
Empowerment deals with the process of others, which enables to do something. An effective management enables the employees to actively participate in the process. It helps to ignite a sense of problem solving among the employees. The organization should have same approach for different employees. A successful management can involve tp provide a sense of pride among employees through enabling their efficiency. The culture of the organization depends upon the decisions that they make on different approach. Culture of the organization can best establish from the management. The effectiveness of the management deals with the enabled of the people to complete their work (Choi et al., 2014).
The Dynamic Nature of Organizational Culture
Figure 7 Stages of Employee Empowerment
The organizational culture need to adopt the importance of consistency. The maintaining of consistency includes structure, shared values, mission, management philosophies and other aspects. Flexibilities need to include the culture of organization through management. The flexibility is needed when the structure, shared values, mission need to be revised. To manage the organization management needs to be consistent in their decisions and plans. An inconsistent management can lead to build unnecessary coalition, tension and distrust to the employees for management and the organization (Wang & Choi, 2013).
Figure 8 Consistency in Direct Support of the Managers
The theme of the globalization is widely argued for both the supporters as well as opponents each of the group try to give support on the arguments. The advantage and the drawbacks of globalization attached with the organization depend on the economic and the political situation of the society. Globalization can be defined as the free activities of the capital which is convoyed through the increasing supremacy of the global market of finance. The organization culture has different approach in the global environment. Organizational culture depends on the efficiency of the management. Management on the other hand enables the adaptability of various organizations but that depends upon each global environment (Pieterse, 2015).
The global environment plays a vital role in changing the company and the results need to be positive. The involvement of globalization in the organizational culture enables to increase the performance, higher the moral of the employee of the business and ensure greater profit. The changes of the global environment depend on the survival and the success of the business. Globalization on the organizational culture adopts some measures of the corporation to understand it in a better way (Markovic, 2012).
Figure 9 Globalization for more effective organizational culture
The business or the organization takes the attitudes and mentality involved in the leaderships. Transitions can be smooth only if the organization changes adopted through calm focused along with clear goals and commitments. Management of transitioning in the global venture should be flexible and consistent they need to adopt policies so that they can calm under pressure. The culture of the organization at the time of global expansion needs to possess a vision which would be long term. They need to communicate with the employees so that they can able to put changes in terms of actions (Camilleri, 2015).
Figure 10 increasing of employee communication in corporate
Market advanced in the fields of transportation, technology and trade agreements and initiates a new world for the opportunities of the products and the service. The organizational culture need to adopt the demand of the marketplace globally and need to open the office premises and assign the managers in various locations accordingly. The expansion through globally can make to develop the strategies and the resources so that they could exploit the opportunities of opening the stores, creation of ad campaigns and the utilization of the local resource to remain competitive. Departments can diversify the needs of diverse cultures, demands of the market, languages and the resource available (Karyotakis, & Moustakis, 2016).
The Importance of Organizational Culture on Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Success
The organization need to consider the mergers and alliance with other global companies. The company needs to expand the global network to guide the company through the new channels and we will trade it. Acquisitions and joint ventures help to initiate a strong position in global environment. For example the working with the employees can accustomed only with the daytime working hours. The organization need to initiate a culture of flexibility, which can be maintained through maintaining the relationships with the different zones of time (Awadh & Alyahya, 2013).
Figure 11 Different analysis that managers need to implement
Management of the global workforce need to develop a new skills and maintain a communication which is clear in a new division. Resources need to mange in a different manner which requires new sets of skills in different departments. The shifts of the priorities can enable to reduce the selection of the staff, which are in-house. Human resource needs to initiate mangers that are efficient in the development of skills through enabling new technology in hiring and benefits of the employees and pay scales (Karyotakis & Moustakis, 2016).
The change in the culture of the organization is one the most difficult challenge in the program of leadership. It is mainly because of the fact that organization’s culture mainly comprise of goals, process, values and the communication process, practices and attitude. The function of change in the system would reinforce to involve the attempt of change. The changes in the single-fix such as the involvement of the team or the knowledge management can make the process for a while but at the end the interlocking elements of the organization take over nd change the present culture of the organization. Modify of the culture is a large-scale responsibility which at the end the managerial tools for the varying mind need to be put in the play. The given study discussed that the most important strategy is the involvement fo the leadership tools which includes a story and vision of the near future which would take place in the management tool. The change would include in the definitions of the role and measurements and the control system (Senge, 2014).
Globalization refers to the procedure for the international involvement in diverse fields of economic, technological and cultural. The presence of globalization in the organizational culture enables to initiate a number of challenges and opportunities in the organizations. Globalization can be formed through the socio-economic involvement of several countries in the movement human resource, commodities, capital and ideas. The globalization has made an impact in various aspect of the organizational culture through the changes in structure, leadership and planning strategy. The culture depends on several factors, which are associated with it such as cross cultural differences and developing of global management. There are many challenges which an organizational culture faces in global environment (Paré et al., 2014).
The first challenge that organization face on culture threatens the corporate culture increasingly. Organizations need to face the challenge in establishing the corporate culture along with the demands of global culture. It enables to impose challenges in several domains of the organization such as in the strategies of human resource and the increase the sensitivity in diverse culture. It is one of the significance in the challenge of the organizations as they align with the organizational culture with the global trends; this in return threatens the unification in the corporate culture, which is an important factor in the success of the organization. The challenges lie in the fact to balance the demands of the culture of the corporate with the organizational level and the culture of global trends. Therefore, it shows that globalization threatens the fundamental values of the organization along with the norms and the disposition that makes the existence of the firm (Wiewiora et al., 2013).
Adopting Culture According to the Country
The next challenge attached with the globalization individualism. It shows that in global approach the organization culture in some places can appear as relatively individualistic with greater emphasis on the personal requirements and the welfare. Though, we know that in the organizational culture the most important aspect is to develop the unity and mangers should develop teamwork among the members. Therefore, the approach of individualism effects the working culture of the organization to the great extends (Tong et al., 2015).
The third challenge, which comes, is on the parochialism. The international operations in an organization depend on the environment, which is different from the organization where it originally based. This affects the overall employees working for the organization. The employees involved into a culture of citizen and country, which is different from their own. It could make the employees to forget the difference between their own culture and that of others. Even if they don’t then they make an conclusion that impact of the difference is significant (Leal-Rodríguez et al., 2014).
The challenge, which comes next, is on ethnocentrism. It becomes a significant barrier in the adaption of organization culture through globalization. It occurs when the employees starts to think that the culture of their homeland conditions are the best. However, type of self reference criterion is natural and it interferes with the understanding of the human behavior in the culture of others and obtains productivity from the employees who are local. The globalization in organizational culture, need to understand the social systems which are local, international workforce along with the cultural understanding of the local conditions (Ngwenyama & Nielsen, 2014).
The next comes is on the cultural differences in the organization which comes because of globalization. It helps for an organizational culture to adopt differences through globalization. The difference of organizational culture in global environment can range from minimal to substantial. The amount of distance, which creates in the organizational culture, does not affect the responses of the people to the business. The problems enlarge as the cultural differences gets more (Hu et al., 2012)
Another cultural difference that an organization needs to face is to suffer from the cultural shock. It creates insecurity and disorientation through the encountering of diverse culture. The employees because of the globalization in the culture of the organization can fear to lose face and lowers the self Confidence or can have emotional effect. Some employees sometimes can isolate themselves or leave the organization (Engelen et al., 2014).
The strong evidence need to move on the foreign assignments to recognize the foreign assignments in understanding the organizational culture and adaptable. The selection of the employees needs to adopt the performance of the cultures of the organization in their home country. The concern of the parochial, ethnocentric belief, and individualistic which might not concern about the fact of doing business with the people of traditional beliefs are different from their own. In organizational culture, the global approach will enable to know of the regional languages and the employees could have little interest in becoming the part of the community. There are a number of steps, which an organization can undertake in preventing the cultural shock and it also reduce the impact of other barriers (Bartsch et al., 2013).
Employees need to get selected who are low in ethnocentrism. The employees can adopt with the global organizational culture if they have the desire to experience the culture of other countries or they grow up in another organization (Townley, 2014).
The adjustment in the other organizational culture can be adopted if the adjustments of the new country becomes to easy for the employees if they send to countries which are similar to their native country (Fullan, 2014).
The organizations need to include in the foreign country through encouraging the employees to learn the local languages. Training should be included before the start of the assignment. That should include orientation in the geography, culture, customs and political environment where employees are going to live (Wick et al., 2015).
Figure 12 Employee Training
The management should involve the policy through the encouragement of global organizational culture is to for the arrival of the new country. The effort should involve helping the employees and families to get settled. It could involve through the organization’s assistance in terms of housing, shopping or transportation (Nembhard & Tucker, 2016).
Another problem which arise because of the adaptability of another culture is intensifies with the need of the deficiencies. It enables that need for satisfaction is not same with the employees who stay in their home country. Managements need to involve motivations for the employees along with the extra pay and benefits to compensate for the troubles that they experience. Management need to involve with better position in the organization that would create relieve from their tension in job insecurities (Nembhard & Tucker, 2016).
The organization needs to adopt the culture so that they qualify all the needs of the environment. The concept of the culture of the organization can better understood with more clear understanding with the global environment. Here, the analysis of the organizational culture will be based on various countries. It will help us to understand the different culture that exist globally. The three countries of Australia, Canada and United Kingdom has taken fopr the analysis of the developments in their culture.
The management of the public sectors in Australia prefers to operate in the organizational culture of private sectors. They prefer the external orientation rather than an internal approach. A research is taken for this approach for the mangers in the public sector of Australia state of Queensland. The public sector of Australia has gone through an ample number of changes over the last twenty years. The reason behind such reconstructing is due to number of factors which includes the overall broad process of the reform of public sectors in Australia. A major change appeared in the Queensland in terms of change of the Government as the previous political party ruled the country for about thirty-two consecutive years. The changed government brought changes that have been achieved in the federal level. The mangers were encouraged to make a change of the organizational culture adopting similar policies from the private sector organizations which are successful (Harrison & Baird, 2014).
The reformation of the culture made the management to pursue the culture, which is different from the bureaucratic model of the culture, as such culture was associated previously. The research further found that the public sector of Queensland dominates the culture, which reflects more on rules and regulations with lesser amount of flexibility. The leaders are engaged in providing empowerment and demonstrate the positive behavior, which support the value as well the contribution of the staff. Staff is also confident in leaders and the employer has delivered pride in their service. It contributes that all the employees of the organization need to treat each other with respect (Shafritz et al., 2015).
The organizational culture of Canada focuses more on the values and behavior along with the tendency to gain trust and confidence of the public. Canada initiated a number of repots to reinforce the values and ethics attached with the organizational culture. Organizations which can expect and respond to the challenges modifications of the key functions, coordination and alignment of the effort, learning from the experience through the inside and the outside of the institution through reformation (Paulin et al., 2015).
The organization culture of public sectors in the public sectors involves different approaches, traditions and capabilities of every function. It also establishes different balance and the trade-offs associated with the functions. The given study suggests that the country need to develop some common norms. The complexity in the public sectors of the Canada increases the demand for institutional leader who seeks for the identity, corporate initiatives, coordination and higher values. Skillful leadership helps to take an advantage from the risk and they can indulge new values for the organization and can move the institution in the new planned instructions. The inclusion of such leadership into the country’s organizational culture can create a sense of the mission and represent the institution for the external as well as the internal audiences and could defend the integrity to key stakeholders (Barbera, 2014).
Figure 13 Organizational change
The change of the culture in the UK forms through the civil service culture which took place in the year of 1980s. The election of the government of Thatcher in UK has made an attempt to change the perception for the inward as well as the inefficient culture of the administration (Wang & Rafiq, 2014). The four stage need to describe for the better understanding of the process:
Satge1: Unfreeze/destroy of the old culture– It is one of the significant degree for the new government to the civil service. Attempts were made to make things clear that traditional way in organizational culture is no longer acceptable. New culture defines the way in the de-privilege of the civil service and the cutting of the staffs was introduced.
Stage2: Introduction of the new ideas- The theory of public choice was influential in the initial stages for the introduction of the new theory. It elaborates the justification of the changes and ensures how the culture of the organization would be organized and run. To involve it they introduce market-oriented as well as managerial approach. Ownership was involved in the departments rather than involving in the centre.
Stage3: Systematic apply of the new ideas- The stage involves the involvement of the model through the formation of the basis in the new culture. For example Accountable management is expressed as Financial A management initiative which provide the model for the new organizational culture.
Stage4: Re-freeze the new culture- The involvement of the new culture of the organization ensures the culture which becomes the normal pattern of the working life. The Thatcher government connected with the re-freezing with the fewer amounts of new initiatives. Again, in the same way the change in the part of the ministers which becomes the value in more traditional skills of the civil servants. So, the culture has a change in two-way process.
In USA to detect the organizational culture the OCAI or the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument is used by the organizations. The programs includes in OCAI which requires the individuals to respond on several dimensions. The steps which included in OCAI are firstly on diagnosis and consensus for the present. Secondly it includes the steps for diagnosis and consensus for the future the third steps includes the meaning of it and in forth it illustrates the stories. In the fifth steps strategic actions and steps are mentioned while in the sixth an implementation plan has indulged in it. It includes various theory, practice and research which indicate the effectiveness of the organization. The assessment could be use for any organizations which strives to improve the outcomes which includes the financial performance and the customer satisfaction (Barbera, 2014).
8. Conclusions
Organizational cultures revolve around all the values and beliefs that need to follow. Organization culture plays a very vital role in establishing the corporate functions. In order to grow the organization need to develop an identity and internal behavior. The mangers act as an important role in facing the change which mange the team of the workers in the difficult conditions for the uncertainty and the adaptation in a permanent way. Management can make the organizational culture more effective through implementing the policies and programs. The organizational culture need to face vivid amount of challenges in their culture. Effective actions and the decisions of the mangers are necessary to overcome from such obstacles. Different country has different organizational culture. Countries like UK; Canada has adopted a change in their organizational culture as whole so to make more effective ideas.
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