Manage Business Document Design And Development: Documentation Standards And Capability Assessment
Assessment Task 1: Identify and establish documentation standards
Adept Owl in Australia is a manufacturing company of high quality entertaining boards, puzzles and card games (Pohl, 2010). The Company aims to establish itself as being the most innovative game developer in its business. In its efforts to do so, the Company is trying to devise its documents in an appropriate manner as conducted in the below activities.
Adept Owl’s vision and mission highlighted reflects various necessitates for its businesses (Tehranchi, Harutunian & Parsee, 2013). As a new individual in the company, the following organisational requirements need to be established.
Question 1
Information Entry:
The organisation has already set goals, which it aims at achieving over the next 5 years. In order to achieve the goal, the Company will need to enhance its organisational performance. In order to keep pace with such performance the organisation needs management software and programs, which can handle huge tasks. In its mail-outs and other reporting formats it needs adoption of standard. The software will provide various fields for entry, which can be entered from information sheets, keyboard and mouse. In the current organisation there can be various requirements for which information has to be entered, such as five allowable expense codes, food, transportation, communication, training and so on. Amongst all requirements, information entry for training need to ensure that the slides are shown on the display, while training. Training regarding various new procedure will take place in a large space where visual representations will be used, for the same information need to be entered into the power point slides. The computer or a pen drive connected to visual aid or projector need to contain the information entered.
File Naming and Storage:
Most organisations’ file storage and naming has been transformed immensely with introduction of cloud computing systems. The Company needs to have separate storage locations within hard disk designated for specific file storage such as Accounting in C drive, marketing in D drive and so on. For storage the Company cannot fully rely upon its hard disk and can either use Google Drive or Amazon cloud based storage. For ease of retrieving files name initials can be added to each filename. Moreover, the company data will be not stored on any personal computer unless there is an emergency. The Company data will be stored in an appropriate server drive. In case the server takes a backup for the data automatically on personal computers for ease of working, then such data can easily be retrieved in case of a system crash. Where in case personal computer requires access to files offsite, then an offsite remote access file away from the office in the server file will be created.
Output or quality of document design and production:
In order for quality out, the organisation need to possess high quality laser jet or ink jet printers. The company can also make use of plotters for the purpose of document design and production. From the KPI and targets provided in Appendix 1, it can be ascertained that data entry error rate is 3%, documents conforming to style guide is 100%, average time per mail-out to edit the letter being sent is 30 minutes and average labour cost per edited page is $50 per page.
Question 1
Compliance requirement:
Compliances are critical within organisations. Hence for Adept Owl legislation for documentation needs to be checking all documents and keeping back-up for all documents entered. A set of code of practice includes input of all documents using certain code format. Such code will allow easy withdrawal of document and ease of reference as well. The Privacy Act 1988 provides privacy procedures along with document storage processes for protecting against unauthorized access to customer or staff related information.
Code of Practice
A code of practice or standard for possible improvement of processes which can be applied in the organisation are AS ISO 15489 – 2002 Record Management, AS 3806 – 2006 Compliance programs and managing work environment along with facilities Code of Practice.
Question 2
Human Resource Capability Skills Gaps:
Adept Owl needs to evaluate present and future capability where the skill gaps exist such that it could effectively meet its document design and production needs. Human resource capability in the administration team that exists in the organisation currently is not compatible with the organisation’s environed goals. It does not have highly skilled IT professionals, who can effectively design and manage document procedures. Skills that are needed within the department includes Microsoft Word skills and Microsoft Excel skills.
The skill gap existing in its human resource department can either be closed by means of training existing individuals or by means of recruitment. Through professional training and outsourcing of IT expertise such gaps in skills can be bridged.
IT Capability Needs (Physical and Human):
Future IT capabilities of the organisation need more computers, cloud storage space and more printers, scanners and plotters. Future human resource capabilities that needs to be present in the organisation includes IT administrative personnel. Internal future IT capability needs such as physical and human for document design and production in the next 2-5 years, includes digital publishing software. Other requirements include social media strategies for engaging customers and management workflow, centralized document management and communications technology expertise.
External IT consultants will need to be appointed in order to make evaluation of the current state at Adept Owl. External capability includes technology consultants, business communications specialists and business communication literatures including relevant books, online articles, journal articles and so on.
Changes in Style guide and Procedures:
Adept Owl will need to transform its processes from physical to hardware processes. This style guide and procedures will help the organisation to take account of the anticipated changes. Changes include amendments of allowed software lists, addition of procedures for social media communication, procedures for using new software systems, adding procedures for digital publishing and digital rights management and additional style requirements, such as, for using on social media platforms or use of new software.
Question 3
According to the Adept Owl style guide and procedures, the three types of documents used and required by the organisation includes, employee skill evaluation document, KPI measures document, sales document. These three documents help the organisation keep up with the daily work procedures (Izu & Takenaka, 2010). There are three types of documents used and required by the organisation includes letters, minutes, memos and expense forms.
Question 2
Question 4
- Short Procedure for Mass letter mail-out
The following procedures will be used for mass letter mail-out of Adept Owl by use of general style requirements of the style guide. In the first step a mail-out list of the various names of mass mail-out needs to be created from Mailings in Microsoft Word from Select Recipients, then Type New list. Once the lists has been generated, then the letter is typed including all relevant details such as sent from, date, purpose of the letter and so on. After finishing off with the letter typing, its spellings, grammars, indent and other factors needs to be sent prior to sending across to recipients. Then in using Microsoft Outlook feature the mass mail out can be sent. Two general style requirements of the Adept Owl style guide includes front families, address formatting and storage.
- Information, Budget and Technology
Adhering to information, budget and technology requirements as highlighted in the scenario are procedures meeting information needs of the organisation by means of facilitating sharing of correct and consisted formatted addressee information for mail-outs. This is undertaken by restricting data entry to allowable expense code. Completion of expense form processes or mail merge which should not take longer than 5 minutes to complete. This can contribute to achieving of time and cost performance metrics. Procedures that require Microsoft Office software and specifying average time of 30 minutes for editing a letter.
- Draft and Final Templates for Letter: Attached
- Expense Report: Attached
- Testing Schedule:
Task |
Responsibility |
Time Line |
1. Developing Letter Template |
Adam Roger-Administration Head |
1 week |
2. Testing for Macros |
Ferrel Hardy-Administration Team |
2 weeks |
3. Developing Expense Report |
Robert Johnson- Accounts Team |
1 month |
4. Getting Feedback |
All teams |
3 months |
Copies of Feedback: Attached in Letter Template
Reflection is a crucial process that allows understanding level of understanding. In order to develop and manage the various business documents functionality regarding Microsoft Word has to be known well. In order to develop a letter for communication to customers, macros had to be enabled. In the letter customers had to be communicated regarding production delay at the organisation that delayed the shipment to the customer. Extensive check for spelling and grammar was made, and care was taken to ensure that professional language is followed. It is a necessity that standard procedure of the organisation is followed which took a lot of time to be written. The format for letter had to be designed and kept as much as professional as possible. In order to make the Macros for the letter template, the Macro had to be recorded with the name MyMacros. The Macro was stated to be used for the letter template document only and was designed to replace multiple spaces within a document with a single space. The Macro helped a lot in overcoming problems of formatting in the text. For reviewing, evaluating and selecting technology for complex technical functions in automating documents with software functions, a matching need for automating editing functions with macro functionality in Word has to be devised. A matching need for limiting data entry to drop-down list functionality in Excel needs to be designed.
At the first instance, it was rather difficult to include macros and I made several errors in doing so. After trying two times, I finally succeeded in developing and including macros. The letter format and content was developed using several references from letters regarding production delays that was available on the internet. I had no knowledge regarding ways such letters need to be developed. Undertaking feedback on the letter template was another crucial task that had to be undertaken by me and I show the task to multiple people regarding its appropriateness. After I received feedback from them, I included the feedback as comments in the letter template. This helped me complete my letter template appropriately after which I saved it as Macro Enabled Template in word document. There was a formal procedure for the purpose of testing of macros, testing mail merge suitability and making improvements according to feedback.
Question 3
While developing the expense report according to the template, several challenges were faced. One most integral challenge was regarding the designing of the document. As after printing the document needed to look perfect, it was crucial that the document looked perfect from all possible angles. While the fields for the varied expenses were available, it became rather difficult to ascertain values for the same. Thus, all efforts were made to undertake as much as appropriate values as possible for the document. Then the print preview for the document was viewed which came out to be appropriate. This is my first experience with designing of official document and I was really satisfied with the outcome, I was rather happy with whatever learning I assimilated from it. As there was huge transfer of learning that took place.
Assessment Task 3: Develop strategies for use and improvement of standard documentation
In order to achieve Adept Owl’s stated vision, it needs to undertake code of practices. Most importantly the organisation needs to initiate the path for its improvisation through training and monitoring sessions (Britt & Rouet, 2012).
Explanatory Notes:
Adept Owl has set an ambitious vision for becoming the most innovative company within the cardboard games sector. In order to accomplish its ambitious targets, its staff needs to be aware of the document template that is used by staffs as a job aids. Developing of a letter template for the organisation needs adhering to the professional template guide. The organisation’s code for creating such documents is focused onto doing it in a professional manner with use of contents written in appropriate paragraphs. The letter was written using macros in the template, where usage of multiple spaces was replaced with a single space using the (i) symbol. The letter was address to customers and has to be done in a courteous and friendly manner. The letter has to be typed in Microsoft Word and saved by creating File Type by Enabling Macros in Word Document. The Macros is recorded for the View section in the Taskbar panel. The information for the macro was recorded using the specific key button.
In the first paragraph of the letter, the topic of discussion, which here is production delays, is introduced. Then in the body, the reason for delays is explained and it ended in stating regarding when the customer can anticipate the products finally reaching the customer. The mail merge feature is added in this word document such that mass mail-outs can be sent across to various staffs and employees of the organisation. The word document is saved using .docm format.
- Information on performance, current skills:
Adept Owl’s team has high skill levels that are capable to generate performance. The administration department of the organisation needs to perform a wide range of documentation tasks, which have been subdivided into various activities. Evaluation of current performance reveals capabilities on being Customer focus. Though the Target set is at 100%, the team is able to achieve only 80% which is a fair value. In regards to productivity, the average time of editing letter is almost double. The staffs need to learn skills such that they are able to send out letters fast. The time taken for average mail merge is also particularly high. Moreover, the most lagging factor is the Data entry error rate which is particularly high amongst the organisation’s staffs.
The time dedicated to employee development is not sufficient at the organisation which is revealed in rising expense to send out mail-outs. Though the staff possesses skills relative to compliance, there has been one incident relative to Privacy related complaints.
- Recommendations for Continuous Improvement and closing performance and skills gap
The staffs need to overcome the current lag in skills such that the skill gap can be bridged effectively. There needs to be provided extensive training to staffs such that they can send faster mail merge and documents that conform to the organisation style guide. The organisation can also incorporate several feedback sessions where staffs can questions regarding any doubt that they possess. Staffs can be provided hand-outs such that they can effectively refer to the same at the time of need. The three recommendations that can enable continuous improvement and closing of performance and skills gaps on monitoring of actual performance are highlighted as below;
- Technical needs are necessary for closing gaps and in improving operations for the purpose of template use.
- Training needs inclusion with respect to technical functions.
- Changes inclusion in policies, procedures, style guides for supporting implementation of recommendations.
Analysing the managing business document need at the current organisation various findings has been arrived at. While the organisation is aiming to achieve its vision of becoming the most innovative firm, there are various aspects that it needs to conform to. Most importantly the organisation needs to provide adequate training to its staffs and develop feedback sessions to test their levels of understanding.
Britt, M. A., & Rouet, J. F. (2012). Learning with multiple documents. The quality of learning, 276-314. Accessed from
Izu, T., & Takenaka, M. (2010). U.S. Patent Application No. 12/170,231. Accessed from
Pohl, K. (2010). Requirements engineering: fundamentals, principles, and techniques. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated. Accessed from
Tehranchi, M., Harutunian, H., & Parsee, K. (2013). U.S. Patent Application No. 13/843,652. Accessed from