Making Recruitment Decisions For Fly Scoot Airline
Managerial Duties
Discuss About The Makiing Reqruitment Decision For University?
Fly scot airline is a commercial airline operating in Singapore and internationally and is owned by the Singapore Airlines which has 62 destinations that it flies to. This airplane has five classes in which its clients can travel into; suites, first class, business, economy, and premium. It operates other airlines and is owned majorly by the government of Singapore. It has many employees working under it and have even come up with girl’s empowerment programs called Scoot Girls that ensures equal rights is given to both genders.
Employees are assets to fly scoot without whom; no business can be conducted (Bohlander, 2009). It is therefore important for a fly scoot to have a human resource manager to ensure that the welfare of the employees is catered for and that they fulfill their duties and obligations to the company (Collings, 2009). The human resource has different managerial and operational functions he performs in the management of the company, i.e.,
- Administrative duties
- Planning
- Organizing
- Directing
- controlling
- procurement services
- development
- maintenance
- compensation
The human resource manager (HRM) help an organization to achieve its goals and is also involved in the employment of employees. The HRM organizes the recruitment and selection of these employees based on their qualifications on the job description the company is looking for. For this process to be a success, there is a process to be followed (Bohlander, 2009).
The HRM is required to define all the requirements needed for the position that new employees are required, the nature of the job, skills need, duties and responsibilities of the employee (Collings, 2009). It is important to identify all these elements before hiring to find the fittest candidate to occupy the position. It will also help determine the type of training to be offered to employees should need to arise. Candidates are also able to understand what is required of them before applying for the position (Ash, 1980).
Job analysis is significant for assisting people in building their professions and to help associations develop their employees to maximize their talents (Hall, 2005). The result of job analysis are the impacts in outlining in getting the hang of, creating performance and enhancing processes. The utilization of job analysis methods makes the implicit assumption that information about a given occupation as it may be used to create programs to enlist, prepare, and select individuals that meet their criteria.
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Abilities
- Duties
- Qualifications
- Impact of position
- Salary consideration
- Physical requirements
- Task-oriented
This technique concentrates on the actual activity engaged in performing work. This system takes into consideration work, obligations and duties. The HRM the creates task statements that unmistakably express the workloads to be executed with precision.
- Work-oriented
Operational Functions
This technique aims at the attributes that an individual need to carry out his duties successfully. These attributes are skills, knowledge and other different attributes that the person portrays. This information acquired by the HRM are evaluated according to the importance of frequency.
In Fly scoot, should the company need a financial accountant(FA), the HRM will prepare a job description that states the requirement needed. For an instant, the FA is required to make a financial statement every year, budgets and tax payment. He is also expected to meet deadlines on time, be a quick decision maker and familiarize himself with all rules and requirements in the company (Collings, 2009).
This is a statement that describes a particular job after findings by the job analyst. It has the duties, obligations, scope and the working state, job title, name of the executive that the employee reports back to (Collings, 2009).
Fly scoot Airline is searching for an experienced financial accountant to oversee financials and participate in the preparation of financial and other statements. He should have a degree in accounting and other significant work understanding; you will guarantee that all of our bookkeeping agree to the law and our company’s ventures.
- Tax management and payment
- Predict and forecast expenses and incomes
- Oversee internal audits
- Budget for the company
- Participate in the monthly, quietly and yearly financial activities
- Prepare financial statements
- Make stocktaking processes to determine the business’s assets
- Degree in accounting and other business course certificates will be an added advantage
- Familiar with all final requirements and regulations
- Meet deadlines
- Is time oriented
- Confidentiality
- Teamwork skills
- Desire to learn from others
- Excellent in solving math problems
- knowledge and expertise in Microsoft, especially excel.
However, job analysis may be vied as a block to some circumstance;
- Expectations may not be suitable for senior directors as they ought to have the flexibility to step up and find new directions
- Set of responsibilities might be excessively inflexible in a quick evolving organization
- Different changes in work may prompt the expected set of responsibilities to be outdated
- The process that a business uses to create the job descriptions may not be ideal.
This are skills, ability, knowledge and education that an individualneeds to perform specific jobs. It is created once the job analysis is done and a detailed job description has been written. Its, main objective is to describe in extreme details the type of skills an individual should have in order to perform tasks and job required by a firm.
Job specification often known by; knowledge, skills, ability and other characteristics, also known as KSAO. For a FA accountant to be hired in Fly Scoot, he must show the following KSAO skills,
- Knowledge-a financial account must have knowledge in accounting theories, rules and regulations. He must have a degree in accounting and other business certifications are an additional plus.
- Skills-an accountant must have skills in performing accounting tasks, have skills in Microsoft excel and other systems that the company uses and have the skills in book and record keeping
- Ability-FA should be able to make sound decisions even when under pressure, he should be patient and meet deadlines.
- Other characteristics-FA should be friendly with other employees and should have good communication skills, he should maintain a healthy relationship with everyone in the company and be mature while solving conflicts in the workplace.
Accountants are regulated by laws like International Accounting Standards, International Accounting Standards Boards, FAAB and ISA among others. For an individual to be a recognized FA, he must be registered with CPA bodies so as to work as a recognized and legal FA.
It is therefore important for HRM at Fly Scoot to ensure an individual has the above skills and abilities, and is legally permitted to work as a financial accountant before hiring them. Also this helps the HRM in deciding the best candidate for the position in FA since some may not have qualified for that position.
Job Analysis
This is the process of looking for qualified employees and encourage them to apply for positions in a company. Recruitment may also take place when a corporation is taking in workers that are not paid, egg, attached, interns or volunteers (Frankilin, 2005). It gives a company with a pool of candidates that they can pick from. Before recruitment takes place, the organization should decide on what number of employees are needed.
- Planned needs- this is an organized plan and decides to hire new employees due to arising issues, egg, retirement of some employees
- Anticipated need-arises when a company hires because they anticipate future changes in the business world trends.
- Unexpected needs arise when unplanned happening occur, death, and may affect the company if there is no immediate replacement.
- Search for qualified people e to work for the company
- Attract qualified candidates to the company
- Introduce “fresh” blood to the company
- To add outsiders to new perspectives about the organization.
There are different strategies and policies that Fly Scoot may apply to ensure that they attract only qualified candidates to fill the position in the firm.
- Direct method
This approach includes scouting, and it involves promotion of existing employees to higher positions instead of hiring new people. This method is cost effective since the candidates are already familiar with the organization’s routines and no training will be needed (Schneider, 1989). However, it limits Fly scoot from introducing new ideas in which may slow down its development
- External sourcing
This occurs when the company requires people from outside the enterprise. It is more suitable for Fly scoot since only the best will qualify for the FA position (Hall, 2005). The recruit will also come up with new ideas that may be beneficial to the company since they are more than willing to show off their skills. This also an advantage to the country since the level of unemployment is reduced. However, it is expensive since these recruits will require being trained and the process of hiring also incurs a lot of expenses and time.
- Third party sourcing
This is the ‘poaching’ of employees from other organizations they are working in (Darling, 2007). The employees are offered better pay and other benefits for them to move from their current jobs to other. This method is an advantage to the company because only qualified employees are hired, and they introduce their ideas to the enterprise (Greiner, 1998). However, these employees cannot be trusted since, should they find a better paying job, they will leave the company. They cannot be relied upon to work in the organization for long also.
For Fly scoot, the best approach to use is the external sourcing method. This will ensure only qualified candidates are employed and that new ideas may be introduced to the company. The company will also participate in the reduction of unemployment rates in the country with benefits both the state and company whole nations as well (Collings, 2009). The HRM will also be able to interact with the candidate before hiring them beforehand, during the selection period. This creates a rapport between the two which the HRM may utilize during his decision-making about the candidate.
Job Specification
Once recruitment process is completed, selection takes place (Greiner, 1998). This is the actual choosing of the most qualified candidate to work for the organization and weed out the unqualified candidates. The major objectives of selection are
- Verifying of information needed by the candidate
- Establishing a mutual understanding with the candidate
- Introduce the employee to facts about the organization and the job.
There are different techniques that the HRM may use to select the best candidate. These techniques are:
- Interviews
This is a method where the employer interrogates and questions the candidate face-to-face, listens to every answer, observe the candidate while he answers those questions and finally making his decisions based on the interview (Bohlander, 2009)w
- Referencing
In this case, the employer contacts the candidates’ references and asks a question about the candidate. Depending on the responses given by these referees, the company may choose, whether or not to hire the candidate (Hartley, 1999).
- Evaluation
An employer may decide to hire a candidate just by looking at his paper qualifications and whether he meets the requirements set. (Greiner, 1998)
- Selection testing
An employer may choose to test a candidate by presenting them with skills and tasks that they need to perform. If the work is done to the company’s satisfaction level, he may decide to hire the candidate (Collings, 2009).
The best technique an HRM at Fly scoot may utilize is the interview technique. Different types of interviews may be used (Mohammed. H. Z., 2004):
- Informal
This is not a planned interview and may take place anywhere. It is used when there is no time for planning one.
- Formal
This is a pre-planned interview where the employee is notified beforehand. The employer also prepares a set of questions that he will be asking the candidate.
- Structured
This is an interview where questions are preparing beforehand, and the employer may ask them following a certain procedure or cycle.
- Unstructured
Questions are asked randomly, and the candidate can answer each question freely
- Panel
More than one member conducts this type of interview, and questions can be asked randomly by different interviewers.
- Stress
In this interview, the candidate is placed under pressure. This is mainly used when the work involved may cause one to be stressed or, may require the employee to experience horrible experiences.
For a compelling interview to be conducted, the following process is to undertake:
- Preparation of interview
- Preparation of place of doing interview
- Conduction of the interview
- Closing of interview
- Evaluation of results
An organization is required to follow the employment legislation also when employing employees (Ash, 1980). These laws protect employees from discrimination of race, age or even nationality. HRM should monitor the overall performance of employees and find solutions to conflicts that may arise. HRM should also implement guidance and policies that the employee is required to follow during the employment period (Huffcut, 1994). Fly scoot should utilize the recruitment and selection approaches and strategies to ensure that only the most qualified candidate is selected to occupy a position in their company. HRM should also introduce factors that he may use to motivate working employees without supervision (Hartley, 1999). Activities like reward giving should be used to encourage the hired employees to work efficiently and be innovative in their workstations. They should, however, follow laws and regulations to avoid penalties by the law.
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