Luxury Doors – Global Star Enterprise

Product/Service characteristics

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Competitor offering

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Strengths/ Limitations

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LUXURY DOORS. Door designing is one of the key strength area of Global Star Enterprise. The designs are research based, ergonomic and customisable.

The main competitor of the company is “Exclusive Doors” which manufactures similar products like Global Star Enterprise, they offer a whole range of doors including  Luxury doors.

Strength- Global Star Enterprise does better research

Weakness- Competitor has more designs.

Model/ make

There are three kinds of doors that are offered by the company- Luxury doors, residential doors and commercial doors. Here specifically the Spanish styled luxury doors are taken for discussion.

The models which are main competitors in the category are “Imperial Decape” and “Clavos Securis”.

Strength- Spanish architectural design

Weakness- People may not like Spanish design

Primary purpose/s of the products

Luxury doors are mainly designed to give the space a royal look with advanced features and customisation options according to the interiors of the space. The main purpose is aesthetics and luxury.

The models mentioned are of same purpose.

Strength- Better customisation

Weakness- Not very much superior than competitor

Three (3) key features

1. The wood used is antique oak wood inspired by Spanish architecture.

2. The glasses that are used within the frames are high performance and break resistant.

3. The door supports advanced technological features like electric automation.

1. Door leaves galvanised

2. Adjustable hinges

3. High quality wood

Strength- Break resistant glasses

Weakness- Door leaves are not galvanised

How it works

The door can be operated manually as well as mechanically. If it is wired and automated, pressing the button can open the door.

The doors gives option for electronic automation, hence they can be manually pushed or automatically opened.


Ranges of colours, shapes and sizes available

The doors are available in wood finished colour and textures. The colour is of high quality and water resistant and range from bright woody to dark timber. The shapes are mainly of antique styles inspired by Spanish architecture. The sizes are standard home doors of 6 to 7 feet height (200 cm to 215 cm).

Colors- White, Deep brown, Black

Shapes- Square

Sizes- height 180 cm to 210 cm, width 100 cm to 130 cm.

Strength- High quality colors

Weakness- Black not available


$4500 to $10000

$3500 to $12000

Strength- Lower end price than competitor

Weakness- Higher starting price

Safety requirements

The doors are compliant of all safety standards that are required including break resistant, earth quake resistant, perfect fittings with the door frame, break resistant glasses and electric safety in cases of automated doors. The doors come with panoramic peep hole when glass fittings are not taken.

· Windbreak

· Night latch

· Safety Lock

· Heavy duty hinges

Strength- Earthquake resistant

Weakness- Heavy duty hinges not present.

Additional accessories

Additional accessories with the door includes metal golden door knobs and golden metal door rims across the frames.

Automatic lock, peep hole, ball-knob, and hardware colour change option,

Strength- Metal golden door knobs.

Weakness- hardware color change option not available.


The doors come with a warranty of 5 years and are durable for more than 30 years if used properly in the right environment. The doors are treated with pest control chemicals and are termite resistant.

The company provides 3 years of warranty.

Strength- Greater warranty period

Weakness- No

Technical specifications

The doors offered by the company are from 6 feet to 7 feet in height (200 cm to 215 cm) and 3 feet to 5 (100 cm to 130cm) feet in breadth.

The doors are normal push open doors with option for automation if required by the client.

Door height 180 cm to 210 cm. Door width is 100 cm to 130 cm. Adjustable hinges.


Operating procedures

The doors can be pushed open or automatically opened by pressing button if they are automated. The locks are automatic and the lock panels have the option of fitting with finger print scanner for security.

The doors can be manually operated or automatically operated through electricity.


Compatibility with other products

The doors are made in sync with other products range from the company like windows, shower screens, stand curtains and interiors. The door is compatible with home electrical fittings and can be automated.

The company produces only doors hence they may not fit with other furniture in the interior.

Strength- Compatibility option present.

Weakness- No

Three (3) benefits that relate to specific customer issues

1. Durable

2. Automatic

3. Safety standards

1. Safety standards

2. Heavy duty hinges

3. Durable

Strength- Better Automation

Weakness- Hinges

Three (3) sources of information used to research this product/ service

1. (2018). Product Range – Global Star Enterprises. [online]

2. Wenker, J.L., Achenbach, H., Diederichs, S.K. and Rüter, S., 2016. Life Cycle Assessment of Wooden Interior Doors in Germany: A Sector?Representative Approach for a Complex Wooden Product According to EN 15804 Methodology. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20(4), pp.730-742.

3. Izydorczyk, D., S?d?ak, B., Papis, B. and Turkowski, P., 2017. Doors with specific fire resistance class. Procedia Engineering, 172, pp.417-425.

1. (2018). ENTRY DOORS – Exclusive Doors. [online] Exclusive Doors.

2. Clarke, C., Forrest, S., Herbst, B. and Bell, L., 2015, November. Failure Analysis and Testing of an Overhead Door Design. In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. V014T08A002-V014T08A002). American Society of Mechanical Engineers..

3. Nishida, D., Tsuzura, K., Kudoh, S., Takai, K., Momodori, T., Asada, N., Mori, T., Suehiro, T. and Tomizawa, T., 2014, May. Development of intelligent automatic door system. In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 6368-6374). IEEE.

Three (3) pieces of verifiable evidence to support the claims listed above









Column A

Product/Service characteristics

Column B

Your organisation’s offering

Column C

Competitor offering

Column D

Strengths/ Limitations

Name of product/ service

Slider Commercial Window

Company- Trend Windows

Model- 350 Casement window

Model/ make

Commercial windows with sliding option and locking at various angles and customisable size.

Robust frame of aluminium, slider or fixed option available.

Strength- Customisable size

Limitation- Less robust in comparison with competitor. 

Primary purpose/s of the products

Use in commercial spaces. Can be fitted in big homes.

Commercial usage.

Strength- Usagge both in homes and commercial spaces.

Limitation- Diversified target audience.

Three (3) key features

1. Two folding frames

2. Glass double glazing and water resistant

3. Locking at various angles

1. Aluminium frame

2. Glazed frames

3. Commercial look

Strength- Double glazing.

Limitation- No

How it works

Sliding open. Can be locked at various levels and angles.



Ranges of colours, shapes and sizes available

Aluminium panel of sliver color. Glazed glass with options in the tint color.

Aluminium Panel of silver or blackish colour.

Strength- Options in tint colour.

Limitations- Black colour panel not available.


$250 to $400

$216 to $320

Strength- Target customers are affluent section.

Weakness- Higher price cannot be afforded by many.

Safety requirements

Break Resistant.

Safety Lock.

Fire Resistant.


Break Resistant.

Fire Resistant.

Strength- Galvanised.

Weakness- No

Additional accessories

Easy glide roller system.

Safety lock system with latch.

Night lock.

Easy glide roller system.

Safety lock system with latch.

Strength- Night lock.

Limitation- No.


Warranty of 3 years

Warranty of 2 years

Strength- Greater period of warranty.

Limitation- No.

Technical specifications

67 mm height.

45 mm breadth.

Multi Lock.

Easy glide rollers.

72 mm height.

55 mm breadth.

Easy glide.

Strength- Multi lock.

Weakness- Smaller size.

.Operating procedures

The windows can be manually pushed and glided. They can be locked at multi level and required amount of exposure can be set.



Compatibility with other products

Factory configuration can be customised according to the target space.

Mainly targeted for bigger spaces.

Strength- Customisable for smaller space.

Weakness- Large offices or factories may not prefer.

Three (3) benefits that relate to specific customer issues

1. Locking at various angles

2. Double glazed glass with options in the tint colour.

3. Night lock.

1. Easy glide roller system.

2. Aluminium Panel of silver or blackish color.

3. Robust frame

Strength- Double glazed glassand night lock.

Limitation- Frame is not as robust.

Three (3) sources of information used to research this product/ service

1. (2018). Product Range – Global Star Enterprises. [online]

2. (2018). Sliding Windows – Commercial Style Frame -. [online]

3. Tutton, M., Hirst, E., Louw, H. and Pearce, J., 2015. Windows: History, repair and conservation. Routledge.

1. (2018). Crestlite. [online] Trend Windows & Doors.

2. Van Den Bossche, N. and Janssens, A., 2016. Airtightness and watertightness of window frames: Comparison of performance and requirements. Building and Environment, 110, pp.129-139.

3. Carlisle, S. and Friedlander, E., 2016. The influence of durability and recycling on life cycle impacts of window frame assemblies. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21(11), pp.1645-1657.


Three (3) pieces of verifiable evidence to support the claims listed above








  1. Choice of media—The possible media outlets that can be included in the process of promotional activity for the company are television advertisements, social media promotion, search engine optimisation, newspaper advertisements and hoardings at strategic locations.
  2. Target Market—The target market for the luxury doors are mainly affluent working class people who have their own earning and well settled households. The target market for the commercial windows comprises of the offices and commercial spaces.
  3. Three benefits—To increase sales. To increase goodwill. To increase investors faith.
  4. Budget—The budget for the combined marketing campaign in the first phase has been kept at 50 lakh Australian dollars.
  5. Product information to be used—The positive features of the product including the features that sets the company above its competitors and its strengths will be highlighted in the promotional campaign.
  6. Time—The promotional campaign will be designed for 3 months in the first phase.
  7. Promotional materials— Audio Visual clippings for television and digital advertising. Written and oriented material for the newspaper and hoarding advertisements.

The primary organisational requirement needed for supporting the promotional campaign is a separate department that will work for advertisement and public relationship. The department needs to hire professional ad and pr people who can handle a gigantic promotional and marketing campaign at ease.

The advertisement materials that will be used for the promotional plan will be passing through rigorous scrutiny by the R&D department of the company. The researchers will delve deep into the materials and understand the truthfulness of the promotional information.

If the product information that goes into the media is wrong there will be severe consequences on the company including legal cases of misleading advertisements.

The budget for the total advertisement campaign will be set with due consultation among all the departments and will be finally passed by the top management. The financial department of the company who exactly knows the present financial status of the company will be giving their agreement to the budget only then the budget will be passed. Apart from that the dedicated advertisement and PR department would research on the possible audience reach of the campaign and predict the increased sales as a result of the campaign.

Three ways to collect feedback of the customers about the promotion are as follows:-

  1. Survey Research—There will be on ground survey about the promotional campaign and changed perception about the products in the customer’s mind. The Survey would be mainly qualitative where the customers will be asked questions about what was their product perception before the campaign and what is their changed perception after the survey.
  2. Online feedback—In the digital promotion of the product there will be scope for the people reading or viewing the promotional material to comment and share their views about the products, these will be monitored and recorded.
  • Telephonic survey— Telephone numbers of people who can be potential customers will be collected from various sources. These people will be called and feedback can be taken from them about their product perception.

Taking feedback from the customers and potential customers is very important for a company to design their promotional strategy and bring changes in the product according to the market need. It can be understood whether a promotional strategy is successful or not by post promotional feedback.

Two ways of measuring financial benefits due to promotional strategy are:-

  1. The sales before the promotional campaign will be compared with the sales after the promotional plan. More sales naturally means more income. The graph of the sales will be analysed, whether it is moving upwards or downwards.
  2. Another way a company gains financially is by increasing the number of shareholders and investors. The promotional campaign will have elements to lure the investors as well. Higher number of people investing in the country will automatically increase the financial position of the company.

Four strict rules needed to be followed for promotional strategy are:-

  1. First rule is never to lie to the customers about the product specification. One has to be truthful and ethical while promoting the product.
  2. The second rule is to not force the customer to buy a product. Let them just know about the features of the product and buying or not is their choice.
  • The third rule is to not overfeed the customer with excessive information about the product they do not want to know or they do not need to know.
  1. The fourth rule is being realistic about the promotional plan and not target the customers who cannot even afford the product.


Carlisle, S. and Friedlander, E., 2016. The influence of durability and recycling on life cycle impacts of window frame assemblies. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21(11), pp.1645-1657.

Clarke, C., Forrest, S., Herbst, B. and Bell, L., 2015, November. Failure Analysis and Testing of an Overhead Door Design. In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. V014T08A002-V014T08A002). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ., 2018. ENTRY DOORS – Exclusive Doors. [online] Exclusive Doors. Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018]., 2018. Product Range – Global Star Enterprises. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018].

Izydorczyk, D., S?d?ak, B., Papis, B. and Turkowski, P., 2017. Doors with specific fire resistance class. Procedia Engineering, 172, pp.417-425.

Nishida, D., Tsuzura, K., Kudoh, S., Takai, K., Momodori, T., Asada, N., Mori, T., Suehiro, T. and Tomizawa, T., 2014, May. Development of intelligent automatic door system. In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 6368-6374). IEEE. .,2018. Crestlite. [online] Trend Windows & Doors. Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018].

Tutton, M., Hirst, E., Louw, H. and Pearce, J., 2015. Windows: History, repair and conservation. Routledge.

Van Den Bossche, N. and Janssens, A., 2016. Airtightness and watertightness of window frames: Comparison of performance and requirements. Building and Environment, 110, pp.129-139.

Wenker, J.L., Achenbach, H., Diederichs, S.K. and Rüter, S., 2016. Life Cycle Assessment of Wooden Interior Doors in Germany: A Sector?Representative Approach for a Complex Wooden Product According to EN 15804 Methodology. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20(4), pp.730-742., 2018. Sliding Windows – Commercial Style Frame -. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018].

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