Luxurious Boutique Hotel In Singapore – Hotel Adonis
About Hotel Adonis
Discuss about the Investigation of Non Functional Requirements.
The selected organization is Hotel Adonis. This hotel is located at Purvis Street, Singapore. The hotel is built over a restored heritage building. The hotel not only provides heritage feeling to the customers but also equips modernized infrastructure. The hotel offers luxurious and high quality accommodation to customers. Hotel Adonis boutique hotel provides the perfect experience to both the business and casual travelers. The hotel has six types of rooms. The room types are Quaint Queen, Deluxe King, Premier King, Artist Suite, Explorer Suite and Photographer Suite. Public parking is available in nearby location. For parking their vehicles, the customers have to pay hourly charges.
The hotel is using manual processes to operate the business operations. The receptionists accept booking through mail, calls or at hotel reception. The hotel uses a small database system. Customers fill-up a form before check in. The receptionist records the details of the customer in the database.
The primary business goal of the information system to enhance the business process efficiency. The other goals are as following.
- Enhanced CRM: The new system is designed with the purpose of improving the customer relationship management of Hotel Adonis. The system will allow the organization to communicate with the customer in a more effective way. The customers can easily access the details of the services Hotel Adonis offers. Submitting queries and getting solutions of the queries will require less time.
- Better Communication Medium: The system will include an intranet infrastructure. The internal staff of Hotel Adonis will have an interface to communicate with each other. The staff can send files through the interface. All this messages will be stored in the system. These messages are used later for various business purposes.
- Reporting and Decision Making: The management of Hotel Adonis will get properly generated reports. These reports will present accurate information. The management will take various business related decisions based on these reports.
The flow chart shows the customer of Hotel Adonis as an external entity. The customer initiates the process through requesting a hotel room. The receptionist looks for the availability of the room as mentioned by the customer. The customer must provide the room type, check in and check out date and personal information. The receptionist searches the room availability based on this information. The receptionist informs the customer if the rooms are not available. The receptionist then calculates the charges of accommodation. All the information is shared with the customer and if he/she agrees only then the booking will be confirmed.
Customer: This class will store the information of the customer. The customer_ID attribute is for individually identifying each customer. The customer name may be same in some cases. The customer_id will come handy for identifying the customers with same name.
Room: This class will create objects of room class. The room_charge attribute will change based on seasons. The management can set rules for changing the charges or can do this manually.
Booking: Each time a customer books a room an object of this class will be generated.
Payment: The amount attribute in this class differ from the cost attribute in booking class. The amount is calculated based on the taxes are applied on a booking.
There are three system acquisition choices for Hotel Adonis. These acquisition choices are as following.
- Commercial Off-the-shelf Software: this acquisition satisfies the requirements of the client organization. Usually a third party software vendor develops the software for client organization. The client organization can purchase, license or lease the system. In case of Hotel Adonis, the common issue, unknown software development process, in COTS will not occur. The hotel management system is a widely used ICT approach and all the methodologies are clear to the vendors.
- Software Development Life Cycle: The SDLC methodology is a widely used system acquisition. The SDLC model is categorized into various system development approaches. Hotel Adonis can choose any of the methodology related to SDLC. The organization will require identifying the complexity of the project to determine which SDLC methodology is best for Hotel Adonis. The SDLC model consist of various activities that are controlled by a project manager. The client organization has an important part in this system development methodology.
- Open Source Model: It is a decentralized system-development approach. Peer production is considered to be the main principle of open source software development approach. In an open source system, the system code is published and made available to the public. Anyone can download the code and make changes. This system acquisition approach is not suitable for an organization as revealing the codes in the system will make it extremely vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
The Commercial Off-the-shelf Software is the best choice for Hotel Adonis. The hotel will not be responsible for any project management activities. They can concentrate on their business while system development will be under process. The organization must purchase the system to have proper control over the system.
The objectives of this project are as following.
- Develop a system
- Connecting all the departments of Hotel Adonis
- Implementing a database to store the organization data
- Taking input from customer
- Provide a better customer relationship management framework
- Eliminating the manual process at Hotel Adonis
- Make the back process of Hotel Adonis automatic
- Providing a better communication framework
- Supporting the needs of Hotel Adonis stakeholders
- Increasing profit through decreasing the cost of operations
- Making the staff and management of Hotel Adonis understand the system usage
Budget: The organization has allocated US $100k for the implementation of this project. Commercial Off-the-shelf Software development is costly approach. Hotel Adonis will purchase the software from the third-party vendor which will cost more. The budget will not feasible for the project. The project does not only include a normal system that will collect and process customer information. The system will have an internal mail and chatting application. The intranet communication approach will also cost more than open internet connection.
Technology: The hardware taken for this project are computers, magnet disks, servers, LAN wires, printers, card reader and many more. The client computer will show the system interface to the staff and customer of Hotel Adonis. The system will collect input from the client computers and store it into the magnetic disks. The invoices will be printed and provided to the customers at the time of check out. The card reader will be used for accepting payment through debit or credit card. The software that will be used are testing software, risk management system, MS project, Visio, code development interface and many more. The project manager will create schedule and allocate resources to project activities through the MS project software. The Visio will be used by the designers to create the system designs. The testing software will be used for test the developed unit.
Accommodation at Hotel Adonis
Project Team: The project team will have business analyst, system analyst, designers, developers and testers. The business analyst will gather business and end user requirements. The system analyst will convert the business requirements into system requirements. The requirements are categorized into functional and non-functional requirements. The project designers will use these requirements to design various aspects of the system. Based on these designs, the system is developed. The testers will test the functionality of the system. If any issue found in the developed unit then the coding will be improved. This process will continue until fully functional system is developed.
The system requirements are divided into two categories such as functional and non-functional. the functional requirements of the system are as following.
Authentication: The system will authenticate the end user every time login process is initiated. The system will input the login id and password of the user. The login data will be matched with the existing data in the system. If the data matched the user will be logged in otherwise login process will end.
Authorization: The user will be authorized to access a function or data based on the rules implemented in the system. The system will check the authorization level of the user to determine which functions are assigned to him/her.
Data Recording: The system will collect data from various end user and input devices are store it into the database. The database will store individual data against a process or end user. Such as payments will be stored against check out process. The booking will be stored against a user and room.
Reporting: The system will generate reports for the management of Hotel Adonis. The reports will present data stored in the database. Various data present in the report will be created after processing the existing data. These reports will be generated weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. The management can request for a report at any time to understand the status of business processes.
Room Booking: The room process will be done through taking input from the customers and checking room availability. The customer will provide the details of check in, check out date and room type. The system will find available rooms of selected type from the desired check in and check out date.
Payment: The customer can make payment at hotel through card or cash. The website will also have a payment gateway. The customers can also make full payment through the gateway. The customer will require to make advance payment through the site in order to confirm booking.
The non-functional requirements of the system are as following.
Security: The system shave to be secured against most of the cyber-attacks. The client computers at Hotel Adonis will not support any external devices. This approach will reduce the potentiality of internal threat significantly. The database and the system will be hosted through different servers. This will prevent the attacker to access the database even if the system is compromised.
Scalability: The scalability will ensure that the system will be performing as per business needs. The system resources will be allocated based on the business requirement. This will result in more profit in the months when less booking are done.
Booking and Payment
The conceptual model for the hotel management system is created after analysis of the requirement of the hotel. It is used as a reference of the models that is formed after generalization and conceptualization of a process. The preparation if the conceptual model is a reliable methodology and it is used for the processing of the information for the representation of the domain entities, functionality and relationship between the data. It is also known as the conceptual level schema and represents a part of the database for the identification of the user needs. The accuracy of the data can be improved and it can also represent the domain completely aligning the needs of the users for the development of the hotel management system. The interaction between the different classes and the roles of each of the modules can be evaluated for starting the design of the database of the hotel management system.
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