Loan Application Cover Sheet Checklist – FNS40815 Certificate IV In Finance And Mortgage Broking Assessment Tasks
Loan Application Cover Sheet for Trainees with Existing Company/Employer
The following list can be used as your Checklist of necessary documentation. Brokers may care to develop a simpler form from some of the headings below to fax or email to their clients to collect information. Other documentation may be required by some lenders, based on unusual circumstances by the applicant. Continued Overleaf … Yes No N/A 1. This Loan Summary Checklist 2. Loan Submission (commission breakdown etc.) 3. NSR Serviceability worksheet
4. Loan Application Form 5. Privacy Act Consent Form 6. Declaration of Purpose 7. Joint Nomination Form 8. Loan Interview Diary Note 9. 100 Point ID Checklist 10. Acknowledgement and Disclosure Form 11. Evidence of Income A. PAYG Income Documentation (minimum 2 forms) EITHER 3 Pay Slips covering the 3 preceding months, with one being within the past four weeks preferably confirming at least three months YTD (consistent with annual income), OR ? Last 2 years’ Tax Return accompanied by an ATO Assessment Notice, OR ? Group Certificates / PAYG Payment Summary (not handwritten),
OR ? PAYG Payment Summary (if handwritten) accompanied by an ATO assessment Notice Signed and dated letter from employer on employer’s letterhead with ACN/ABN confirming full or part-time employment and annual gross income B. Self Employed Proof of ABN where required for the minimum term Applicant’s last 2 years personal tax returns and ATO Assessment Notice Business’ last 2 years Tax return and Full Financial Statements (when required) FNS40815 CERTIFICATE IV IN FINANCE AND MORTGAGE BROKING – ASSESSMENT TASKS © Copyright 2015, The National Finance Institute V.010715 Supplementary documentation Yes No NA 12. Are TFNs removed from all financial documentation? 13. Copy of valuation / valuation request LVR % 14.
Copy of front page of contract of sale 15. Copy of Offer & Acceptance – purchase / sale 16. Title details (lot/folio/etc.), plans/specs and/or building contract for construction 17 Evidence of funds to complete (deposit / genuine savings / equity) 18 Proof of genuine savings (as above) evidenced by bank statements over the last 6 months (minimum) 19. Is the FHOG forming part of this loan application? 20. Copies of most recent 6 months bank statements of all loans refinanced 21. Copies of insurance policies ie. current house and contents insurance policy and any life insurance policies 22. Copies of proof of other investments ie. Superannuation statements, share certificates and/or managed investment statements 23. Is suitable documentation held on file to support other income? (eg. Centrelink/Child support/Dividends/Family Trust disbursements) 24.
Necessary Documentation Checklist
Has sufficient proof of current rental income been provided by way of Rental Statements, Valuation, Current Lease Agreements, Tax Returns? 25. Council Rates and Water Rates Notices for the property being offered as security on a refinance 27. Declaration The correctness of these documents is the responsibility of the person signing this Lending Checklist Submitted by: Signature: Date 26. Additional supporting comments.
FNS40815 CERTIFICATE IV IN FINANCE AND MORTGAGE BROKING – ASSESSMENT TASKS © Copyright 2015, The National Finance Institute V.010715 Summary of Product Choice Detail any comments regarding the home loan products discussed: The selecting of the .product is done by react to changes in your life or circumstances. It could be especially useful if an individual is trying to pay off your loan early or need to access the extra repayments. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. PRODUCT SELECTED Lender: ANZ Loan Product: ANZ Standard Variable home loan Loan Amount $ 180,000 Loan Term 30 Years If Line of Credit Cap $…………………………….. Interest Type ? Fixed ………..% ..….. yrs Repayment Type ? Interest only Repayment choice ? Variable 5.5 % ? Principle and Interest ? Monthly $……..……………… ? F/nightly $……………… Redraw Facility ? Yes ? No Maximum $……………… Minimum $..……………… Extra Repayments ? Yes ? No Comment . …………………………………………………… FEES: Establishment Fee $ 685,000 Discharge Fee ………………………………………………………………………………….. Redraw Fee ………………………………………………………………………………….. Monthly Fees ………………………………………………………………………………….. Switching Fee ………………………………………………………………………………….. Early Repayment Fee ………………………………………………………………………………….. Other Fees ………………………………………………………………………………….. This information is indicative only, given in good faith and believed to be correct and the time of discussion. All information is subject to change and we recommend that the borrower confirm all details with their chosen lender. I Mary Jane Dowell (client name) acknowledge receipt of this schedule. ……………………………………………………………. (client signature) ……………………………………………………………. (date) FNS40815 CERTIFICATE IV IN FINANCE AND MORTGAGE BROKING – ASSESSMENT TASKS © Copyright 2015, The National Finance Institute V.010715 Privacy Act, Disclosure and Consent Consent and Acknowledgement by Applicant(s) for Credit and Guarantors APPLICANT (S): Mary Jane Dowell and John James Dowell GUARANTOR (S): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MORTGAGE SERVICER: Henderson & Partners CREDIT PROVIDER: ANZ Bank MORTGAGE INSURER: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
The above organisations collect personal information from or about the Applicant(s) and Guarantor(s) (“the personal information”) to: ? access an application for credit by the Applicant(s) or a proposal by the Guarantor(s) to guarantee or provide security; and ? if an application is successful to provide and administer the provision of credit to the Applicant(s) and obtain a guarantee.
Supplementary Documentation Checklist
In the case of the Mortgage Insurer: ? Assess the risk of providing lenders’ mortgage insurance in respect of credit which may be provided by PLC to the Applicant(s) (including the risk of the Guarantor(s) being unable to meet a liability that might arise under a guarantee); and ? If insurance is provided, to administer or vary any lender’s mortgage cover provided; and ? risk assessment and management, involving credit scoring and portfolio analysis; and ? comply with legislative and regulatory requirement. In order to do those things the Mortgage Servicer and/or the Mortgage Insurer may need to disclose the personal information to:
? the organisations and persons described in paragraphs 1 to 9 below; ? each other and to the related companies of each; ? organisations that carry out functions (on behalf of each and any of them) (such as trust managers, introducers, mailing houses, IT service providers, valuers, lawyers and other external advisers, conveyancers and collection agents); re-insurers; credit reporting agencies; referees, including Applicant(s) and Guarantor(s) employer or legal and financial advisers; government and other regulatory bodies, including government agencies which administer land titles or revenue collection; ratings agencies; payment system operators; and other financial institutions, sercuriters and credit providers).
Collection of some of the personal information is required under the Financial Transaction Reports Act. If any part of the personal information is not provided, it may not be possible to assess an application for credit by the applicant(s) or an application for lender’s mortgage insurance, and as a consequence the finance requested by the Applicant may not be provided. From 21 December 2001, in most cases, individuals can gain access to personal information about them held by the Mortgage Servicer or the Mortgage Insurer on request. All enquiries concerning access to personal information should be directed in the first instance to the Mortgage Servicer. TYPE OF CREDIT (tick which box applies).
The type of credit I/we have applied for is: ? wholly or primarily for a domestic, family or household purpose (“consumer credit”); or ? for other purposes (“commercial credit”) I/we agree that the Mortgage Servicer and the Mortgage Insurer can do any of the following: 1. Application for commercial credit If my/our application is for commercial credit, obtain and use consumer credit information about me/us from a creditreporting agency to assess my/our application for commercial credit. 2. Application for consumer credit If my/our application is for consumer credit, obtain and use commercial credit information about me/us from a creditreporting agency to assess my/our application for consumer credit.
Summary of Product Choice
3. Collection of overdue payments Obtain and use a credit report about me/us provided by a credit-reporting agency to collect overdue payments from me/us, 4. Exchange of information between credit providers. Obtain from and use or give to another credit provider (including any other credit provider who has lent money on the same security) any information about my/our credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity. a. I/We understand this information may be used for any of the following purposes: FNS40815 CERTIFICATE IV IN FINANCE AND MORTGAGE BROKING – ASSESSMENT TASKS © Copyright 2015, The National Finance Institute V.010715 b. To assess my/our credit worthiness c. To assess an application by me/us for credit d.
To help me/us avoid defaulting on my/our credit obligations e. To notify a default by me/us f. To assist in the collection of overdue payments from me/us g. To exchange information with credit providers who are involved in a mortgage securitisation scheme h. To exchange information with credit providers as to the status of this loan 5.
Exchange of information with advisers and other persons Obtain from and use or give away any personal information or commercial credit information about me/us to any broker, financial consultant, accountant, lawyer, or other adviser acting in connection with the loan to be provided to me/us pursuant to this application. 6. Provide information to credit reporting agencies Give to a credit reporting agency personal information or commercial credit information about me/us to obtain a consumer credit report about me/us or to allow the credit-reporting agency to create or maintain a credit information file containing information about me/us.
The information which may be given before during or after the provision of credit to me/us is limited to: Identity particulars a) The fact that consumer credit or commercial credit has been applied for and the amount b) The fact that XYZ is a current credit provider to me/us c) Payments that become overdue more than 60 days and for which collection action has commenced .
d) Advice that payments are no longer overdue in respect of any default that has been listed e) Advice that cheques drawn by me/us for more than $100 have been dishonoured more than once f) In specific circumstances, where in the opinion of Mortgage Servicer, I/we have committed a serious credit infringement g) That the loan provided to me/us by XYZ has been paid or otherwise discharged h) Or otherwise in connection with arrangements relating to lenders’ mortgage insurance 7
. Provide information for securitisation Disclose any report or personal information about me/us to another person in connection with funding financial accommodation by means of an arrangement involving securitisation 8. Provide information to Guarantors Provide any report or personal information about my/our credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity that credit providers are allowed to disclose under the Privacy Act (including a credit report) to any person who proposes to guarantee or provide security for, or has guaranteed or provided security for, the repayment of a loan provided to me/us to enable them to decide whether to act as a guarantor or provide security or to keep them informed about any guarantee or security they may provide.
9. Provide information to trade insurer If my/our application is for commercial credit, I/we consent to a trade insurer obtaining a credit report about me/us containing consumer credit information, in order to assess whether to insure XYZ for the loan given to me/us, or the risk of providing insurance or to assess my/our risk of defaulting under the loan 10. Authority to obtain, exchange and disclose personal information concerning a Guarantor Obtain and use a credit report from a credit reporting agency containing.
personal information about me/us to assess whether to accept me/us as a guarantor for the commercial credit or consumer credit for which the Applicant has applied or otherwise in connection with arrangements relating to lenders’ mortgage insurance I/We consent to such personal information and/or credit information about me/us being used or disclosed to the organisations or persons for the purposes described in this consent and acknowledgement (even though some organisations may be overseas), including (without limitations) I/We also understand and agree that the Originator may be paid and retain fees, margins and commission in respect of the credit arranged by the Originator. Applicant(s) Signature
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Applicant (s) Name Mary Jane Dowell and John James Dowell Date ……………………………………………………………… FNS40815 CERTIFICATE IV IN FINANCE AND MORTGAGE BROKING – ASSESSMENT TASKS © Copyright 2015, The National Finance Institute V.010715 LOAN APPLICATION COVER SHEET Date: ……………………………………………………… No. of Pages (if faxing): ………………………. Broker Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Broker contact:
……………………………………………………………………………………(phone/fax) ………………………………………………………………………………………..(mobile) ………………………………………………………………………………………….(email) ———————————————————————————————————— Borrowers: MaryJaneDowell JohnJamesDowell Loan Type: Standard Variable Loan Loan Amount: 180,000 Loan Term: 30 Years Interest Rate: 5.5% Loan Purpose: Refinance the present current loan and purchase an investment property. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Deposit:
……………………………………………….. Equity: ………………………………….. Security Details: Own Home Valued at $ 995,000, 2014 Ford Falcon worth $18,000 2015LandCruiserWorth$30,000SubjectoFinanceof$20,000 Estimated LVR: 18.09% Names on Title: MaryJaneDowell and JohnJamesDowell Valuation Details: Own Home Valued at $ 995,000 Income/Employment Details: Mr Dowell is seen to be working at Parramatta Council Position:TourismManager TotalDurationofEmployment:8Years Background/Comments: Rental Income of $650 per week is expected Corporateexpenswillbejust$35perweek.