Literature Review On Sustainable Olympic Games

Sustainable Modern Olympic Games

Economic Sustainability and benefits

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Modern Olympics were introduced in year 1894. It was brought in by a French educationist named Baron Pierre de Coubertin. He intended to endorse harmony as well as understanding via sporting events and thereby wanted to develop the nation economically as well as socially through promoting big event specially ones who were related to sports. He introduced the concept that enemies could be effortlessly united within all sporting competitions. Later there was several effects of Olympics that were observed within nations undertaking such events. Olympic Games in reality were seen to leave a vast stamp upon the host city as well as this effect has even enhanced since the year 1984 as Games have by then become greater involving and have indulged extra athletes plus sports as well as a bigger media and even sponsor attendance (2008 Beijing Olympic Games Action Plan: Construction of Olympic Games Competition Venues and Related Facilities, 2008). There also are currently greater expectations regarding delivery of Games. After International Olympic Committee also called IOC decided to make environment as third filament of Olympics in the year 1994, cities also have been probable to convey cleaner as well as greener Games. For attaining a better knowledge and understanding of economic effects of the mega events, plus more especially of Olympic Games, such impacts should be separated in accord to actually whether they take place before, or during otherwise after the real event. Such an analysis would also follow and will clearly explain different stages regarding Olympics and all relevant economic effects plus policies that government could adopt to bring in maximum positive results from such event (Altemose et al., 2015).

Economists are unimpressed about economic advantages of actually hosting the “mega-events” like Olympic Games, since alike activities also have substantial cost as well as they even seem to give way few touchable benefits. Such doubts are also rarely discussed by the real policy-makers and even by the populace, who are characteristically quite enthusiastic regarding all such spectacles. Within this essay such positions will be reconciled by examining economic effects of really hosting the mega-events such as Olympics (Billings and Holladay, n.d.). Also focus will be upon the trade and even the economic, social and cultural as well as environmental effect of Olympics upon the host nation or the city. Using varied trade models, it is shown that the hosting of any mega-event such as Olympics actually has a very positive impact upon the national exports and trade that takes place within the nation. This impact is statistically healthy, permanent, as well as large; trade also is approximately 30% greater for nations who have hosted Olympics (Borne, 2013). Fascinatingly moreover, it is also found that ineffective bids towards hosting Olympics even have an alike positive effect upon the exports. It also is observed that Olympic effect upon trade even is attributable towards signal that a nation sends while bidding to the host nation’s games, more willingly than act of really holding the mega-event. A model for political economy also has been developed which helps to formalize such idea, as well as derives situations beneath which a sign like this also is worn by nations willing to liberalize. It even is generally argued that nation hosting Olympics is helped in a way that the Olympics promote the hosting nation’s identity and thereby enhances its knowhow in the world. For example, IOC thinks that the potential visitors would be drawn towards Olympic venues only after being uncovered to them via games. People are dubious about practical significance of the argument, and therefore begin through investigating it empirically, and using a count of different replicas for the trade (Davies, 2012). Astonishingly, it is also found that strong there is a very large optimistic effect of Olympics upon both the exports as well as the overall trade.  To begin with, a great characteristic of Olympic Games actually is amount of the fund needed and money spent behind the event. Olympics attracts vast fund and they are all subsequently invested within them at the time of pre-game phase. This money also arrives from public as well as private sector plus even are spent upon construction of the sport venues and many amenities for tourists and also infrastructure for attracting more people (Sakai, 2006). All these funds also are diverse from organizational costs that any Olympic Organizing group has. Organizational costs also relate to the items that are not usable just after Games whereas investments that are mentioned above would also continue to dish up the city within the coming future (Douglas, 2011). For instance Barcelona Olympics in the year 1992 had summed up organizational costs of about $1.364 billion as well as investment also amounted to some $8.012 billion. Additionally, construction endeavor that was being funded also brought in enhanced employment within the city, lessening unemployment plus as an outcome increasing actual standard of the living of all the local citizens. Within Barcelona, rates of unemployment actually fell right from 18.4% within the year 1986 to some 9.6% within the year 1992. If standard of the living is in reality raised, there would be vast social effects. These consecutively bring better economic effects because the tourists visiting city are actually made capable to observe change as well as difference plus probability of practicing an enjoyable visit would increase the substantially. This also might affect the people to believe visiting about visit to the city again, at the time of games or even after the finish of the games, and they might even spread word of mouth through which would result to an indirect advertising for the city (Godfrey et al., 2009).

Social sustainability and benefits

It is commonly agreed that the hosting of a global organization upon a grand scale also has several advantages. Most obvious is all amenities plus facilities that are supplied for games that later advantage locals of location. Stadiums are also built otherwise revamped and the infrastructure is also updated as well as any issues are also ironed out, lodging is arranged and in a nutshell there exist a universal clean up ahead of guests (Herstein and Berger, 2013). All global organization of this type means the tourists, which also refer to potential customers, and local businesses that can look towards making a neat profit. It also is a magnificent opportunity towards advertising the nation in its total glory, which in return also means the future advantages. In brief, at the first look, it also seems to be brilliant business chances so why the Brazilians are out in streets protesting all together the reality that the nation is organized to host a comparable global event like Olympics. If people feel the mega-sporting occasion exclusively as the sporting festivity, it could even be argued that any such event would supply socio cultural advantages for host location. For instance, for the sporting events size of Olympics could increase local interest as well as participation within sporting actions, they can even strengthen the regional traditions plus values, as well as increase regional pride plus society spirit. People from several nations and different cities and locations arrive to the city where Olympics are hosted and with themselves bring in many differing cultures and beliefs as well as thinking. Such thinking and culture also affect the host nation and people belonging to the host nation also try to adopt the same within their nation, this even brings in integrity and cooperation amongst the whole globe and makes the world united (Holden, MacKenzie and VanWynsberghe, 2008). There are several impacts on the society like the society gets changed as their standard of living enhances, people in the community also adopt to several different culture and dissimilar beliefs which tends to change their own culture at times and also alters their own path towards living. The arrangement of Olympics make people of the host nation feel proud of and even inculcates a feeling of being host and treating the guests in appropriate manner. Also people of the host nation get a chance to deliver their culture and demonstrate their own feelings to the guests visiting the nation (In Focus: Olympics, 2012).

Olympic Games also are over and above all regarding sport as well as athletes, yet they can also bring many important ecological results if they get planned, managed as well as conducted within a path through which it minimizes adverse ecological impacts plus effects. Olympics also are about the competition as well as heroics plus national pride. But the Olympics also relate to the big business. The host cities even invest intensely in games that are organized in their nation and so many things are kept at stake while conducting the Olympic Games. This is the reason that city as well as the nation which is the host one needs to properly and keenly look after each and every fact and detail and tend to look its best within the time period when Olympics are held (Liu and Hong, 2010). The performance of the Olympic Games could also lead towards corrosion of the human rights intended for citizens of the host city as well as nation. There also arrives a demand of better security and the host nation is under pressure to provide justification for the organizing committee otherwise government towards introducing the laws to limit individual freedom particularly. The organizers even claim that host city requires to make sure that safety of public, athletes and also visitors, media as well as dignitaries are maintained and for this security several cameras and other tools and techniques are used. All these tools indulge machines that affect the ecology as well. Also arrangements that are made for the guests include the increase in level of water supplied by the government to different cities within the nation and also all time availability of electricity (Ma and Yang, 2009). All such amenities also impact the environment and even add up to the global warming which is a vital issue today. The city arranging for the Olympics even tend to rise the investment upon the making of buildings and hotels and malls as well as stadiums which hampers the surroundings and also fills up the left over land within the city which even hampers the level of oxygen within the city’s environment. The hosting of the mega- event might also pose some additional environmental issues, especially while temporary buildings are made for fulfilling the needs of event. At Atlanta Games, for example, four sports in reality were hosted within temporary amenities which were demolished just after Games got over because of the city’s limited usefulness towards local community. In case of hosting Olympics, there is a practice of properly disposing of materials that cannot be actually recycled, otherwise fail to meet the criteria of ecologically perfect good (Olympics watch, 2009). Finally, at the time when the infrastructure projects properly speed up, some other works of public can also be delayed otherwise displaced. However, when any large portion of the state funds gets channeled into a single metropolitan location, this generally results in less infrastructure projects within the suburban locations and in some other areas as well. Yet there are some suggestions that can be supplied to host nations which might help them smoothly carry the Olympics within their boundary (Pain, 2014).

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Developing nations must attempt to host sporting events because this might help them to analyze the level of their actual development and work accordingly to fulfill the needs towards the path of development (Tong, 2009). Such nations also must make statements regarding the way in which developed areas can be used to conduct the events and the funds can be spent optimistically towards development of several buildings and amenities and can also conduct event and thereby will be capable of endorsing the nation and its cities as well. This might help the nation to develop tourism and thus earn profits. With doing this they might be capable of demonstrating an extremely wicked disregard intended for interest of all of its vast poor populace (Pappas, 2014). There also is a great need for the cities hosting such events to change their policies as if the policies do not change, cost of the events would constantly rise and people will definitely get negatively affected by the events thereby resulting in oppositions from people in organization of such events.  Olympics can be tried to be held in not only in one state or city or nation but actually can be divided into many nations so that the burden and the fund gets equally divided amongst the nations. The opportunity coming from Games could also be utilized to supply a good sustainable ecological legacy, like the rehabilitated as well as revitalized locations and sites, enhanced environmental awareness, as well as improved ecological policies plus practices. It also is vital to know that such positive legacies could even occur whether otherwise not a proposal is victorious (Raco, 2013). For instance, a proposal might include rehabilitation as well as regeneration of any degraded location of any city for the Olympic Games hosting venue and the public unwrapped space which also goes ahead while bid as well as is finished even if city is never awarded for the Games. Money which is spent behind building of stadiums, buildings, malls and hotels actually struggle to come back and the nation generally plunges into vast debt. Government must try to have some control over the amount of money spent behind such action. This might help the nation to work smartly and be on the safer side (Tomlinson, 2010).  The nations can be recommended on decreasing costs for the bidding which includes cutting count of presentations which are permitted by the bidding cities as well as providing an important financial help from IOC. Such events enhance tourism and cities hosting Olympics must try to endorse itself as much as possible for attainment of good customers later after wrapping up of the event so that the nation can earn good amount from its tourism (RADFORD, 2012). Governments of the nations deciding to host Olympics must consider both the pros as well as cons of the events and thereby considering both the facts decide and bid upon hosting the event.


There exists enhancing modern awareness about events like Olympics. It is said that such Games have both positive as well as negative impacts upon a city hosting them. There are many ecological, social and even cultural impacts. Such events also affect the nation’s economy, so a nation deciding to host Olympics must be very careful and think twice about all its assets and liabilities and thereby decide on what and how to do and whether to actually host the event or not (Shipway, 2007). It is also argued that Committee for International Olympic named as IOC, together with the local organizers of Olympic and also the public relations professionals, have mainly succeeded in carrying along the illusion that, when negative impacts plus the tensions might manifest themselves within malpractices otherwise boycotts, world of sport is clearly supportive of Olympic venture. Thus, despite of the widespread disapprovals surrounding institution of Olympics, which chiefly challenge links amid ideas of the Olympics and modern nature of event, Games incessantly grow within the magnitude as well as significance. Effectively, contemporary Olympics even sustain status of the mega-event, plus economic benefits also are major motive intended for all interests that are involved in hosting of such Games. In a nutshell here are all the details about the advantages and disadvantages for the nation attempting to host Olympics (Silva, 2013).


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