Literature Review On IoT: Technology, Challenges, And Advancements

Overview of IoT Technology

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The following assignment is a literature review on the topic of IoT or internet of things and it would help in evaluating the development of the functions for all commercial functions. The study had resulted for the development of the analysis of the factors for forming the alignment of the activities favouring the utilization of the improved operation development. The utilization of the processes would also be helpful for the critical evaluation of the functions favouring the utilizations of the support and development. The following assignment would provide an overview of the IoT technology and the alignment of the activities for forming the utilization of the study of relevant technologies and the alignment of the improved operation development. The review of the literature would be aligned for the utilization of the effective system integration for utilizing the development management of the functions.

The IoT is an integrated technology of making all the devices work comprehensively in a more solid structure and it would also form the system utilization of the activities (Farooq et al., 2015). The IoT is an advanced technology for the implication of the improved successive development. The IoT works successively for the implication of the improved alignment of the functions for the implication of the alignment of the functions. The development of the activities would also result in forming the alignment of the functions. The technology innovation had resulted in forming the utilization of the functions for using the development of the functions. The IoT allows the implication of the technology innovation for the management of the activities listing the alignment of Internet of Technologies for the implication of the effective alignment of the functions and the utilization of the alignment of the effective utilization of the activities (Zhang et al., 2014). The improvement of the activities would align with the development of the successive implication of the activities. The deployment of the functions had formed the utilization of the activities favouring the utilization of the improved functions development. The utilization of the processes would also be helpful for the critical evaluation of the functions favouring the utilizations of the support and development (Sivaraman et al., 2015). The review of the literature would be aligned for the utilization of the effective system integration for utilizing the development management of the functions.

The implication of the IoT devices would be helpful for the implication of the activities and formation of the functions for listing the development of the improved activity alignment. The IoT works successfully for connecting inanimate and living things to a specific alignment of the activities (Mahmoud et al., 2015). The use of the successive utilization of the improved technology would be helpful for the implication of the functions and it would also be helpful in forming the utilization of the functions. The implementation of the relevant technologies and applications had formed the utilization of the activities and forming the analysis of the improved functions. The technology innovation had resulted in forming the utilization of the functions for using the development of the functions (Xu, Wendt & Potkonjak, 2014). The IoT allows the implication of the technology innovation for the management of the activities listing the alignment of Internet of Technologies for the implication of the effective alignment of the functions and the utilization of the alignment of the effective utilization of the activities. The improvement of the activities would align with the development of the successive implication of the activities. The deployment of the functions had formed the utilization of the activities favouring the utilization of the improved functions development. The 3Cs of communication would involve the alignment of the successive implementation development. The first C of the IoT is communication, second C is control, and automation, and cost savings. The analysis of the functions would be aligned for the utilization of the operation development (Wurm et al., 2016). The analysis would also allow the utilization of the functions for forming the implication of the activities. 

Alignment of Activities for Formation of Improved Operational Development

The implication of the IoT devices would result in forming the development of the activities forming the utilization of the operations. The various challenges and problems that IoT device might face are the Issues in Implementation, Technological Errors, and Privacy Issues (Zhang, Cho & Shieh, 2015). The lack of the privacy development had tended for forming the implication problems of the activities. The IoT has been facing several issues and the alignment of the operations was not favourable for the alignment of the activities. The privacy issues would result in misuse of the activities favouring the alignment of the improved operational development. The various challenges and problems of using the IoT can be explained as the operational and security issues. The implication of the activities had not been helpful for the security of the data and information. The problems of implementing the activities had tended for forming the major issues for the utilization of the IoT.

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According to Dorri et al. (2017), the IoT works effectively to connect lifeless and living things to a particular arrangement of the exercises. The utilization of the progressive usage of the enhanced innovation would be useful for the formation of the capacities and it would likewise be useful in shaping the use of the capacities. The usage of the significant advancements and applications had framed the use of the exercises and shaping the investigation of the enhanced capacities. The innovation advancement had brought about framing the usage of the capacities for utilizing the improvement of the capacities (Rahman, Daud & Mohamad 2016). Although, IoT permits the evaluation of the innovation development for the administration of the exercises posting the arrangement of Internet of Technologies yet it results in formation of a number of issues related to the activities of organization by forming the issues in operations, finance, and security. Hwang (2015) has stated that the different difficulties and issues that IoT gadget may confront are the issues in usage, mechanical mistakes, and protection issues. The absence of the security improvement had tended for shaping the suggestion issues of the exercises. The IoT has been confronting a few issues and the arrangement of the tasks was not ideal for the arrangement of the exercises. Wurm et al. (2016) have further stated that the security issues would bring about abuse of the exercises supporting the arrangement of the enhanced operational advancement. The different difficulties and issues of utilizing the IoT can be clarified as the operational and security issues. The organization of the activities had not been useful for the security of the information and data.

Challenges and Problems Related to IoT Devices

The IoT is a remarkable innovation for the formation of the enhanced progressive improvement. The IoT works progressively for the formation of the enhanced arrangement of the capacities for the formation of the arrangement of the capacities. The improvement of the exercises would likewise bring about shaping the arrangement of the capacities. The innovation advancement had brought about shaping the usage of the capacities for utilizing the improvement of the capacities. The IoT permits the formation of the innovation advancement for the administration of the exercises posting the arrangement of Internet of Technologies for the formation of the successful arrangement of the capacities and the use of the arrangement of the viable usage of the exercises.


It can be concluded from the study that IoT had been helpful in assessing the improvement of the capacities for every single business work. The investigation had come about for the advancement of the examination of the variables for shaping the arrangement of the exercises supporting the usage of the enhanced task improvement. The usage of the procedures would likewise be useful for the basic assessment of the capacities supporting the uses of the help and advancement. The accompanying task had given a review of the IoT innovation and the arrangement of the exercises for framing the usage of the investigation of important advances and the arrangement of the enhanced activity improvement. The literature review was critically evaluated for the usage of the compelling framework reconciliation in the implementation of IoT.  


Dorri, A., Kanhere, S. S., Jurdak, R., & Gauravaram, P. (2017, March). Blockchain for IoT security and privacy: The case study of a smart home. In Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), 2017 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 618-623). IEEE.

Farooq, M. U., Waseem, M., Khairi, A., & Mazhar, S. (2015). A critical analysis on the security concerns of internet of things (IoT). International Journal of Computer Applications, 111(7).

Hwang, Y. H. (2015, April). Iot security & privacy: threats and challenges. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security (pp. 1-1). ACM.

Mahmoud, R., Yousuf, T., Aloul, F., & Zualkernan, I. (2015, December). Internet of things (IoT) security: Current status, challenges and prospective measures. In Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2015 10th International Conference for (pp. 336-341). IEEE.

Rahman, A. F. A., Daud, M., & Mohamad, M. Z. (2016, March). Securing sensor to cloud ecosystem using internet of things (iot) security framework. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing (p. 79). ACM.

Sivaraman, V., Gharakheili, H. H., Vishwanath, A., Boreli, R., & Mehani, O. (2015, October). Network-level security and privacy control for smart-home IoT devices. In Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on (pp. 163-167). IEEE.

Wurm, J., Hoang, K., Arias, O., Sadeghi, A. R., & Jin, Y. (2016, January). Security analysis on consumer and industrial iot devices. In Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2016 21st Asia and South Pacific (pp. 519-524). IEEE.

Xu, T., Wendt, J. B., & Potkonjak, M. (2014, November). Security of IoT systems: Design challenges and opportunities. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (pp. 417-423). IEEE Press.

Zhang, Z. K., Cho, M. C. Y., & Shieh, S. (2015, April). Emerging security threats and countermeasures in IoT. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (pp. 1-6). ACM.

Zhang, Z. K., Cho, M. C. Y., Wang, C. W., Hsu, C. W., Chen, C. K., & Shieh, S. (2014, November). IoT security: ongoing challenges and research opportunities. In Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on (pp. 230-234). IEEE.

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