Literature Review On Intercultural Psychology For Multiculturalism
Concept of psychology
Discuss about the Literature Review on Intercultural Psychology for Multiculturalism.
Culture is an important parameter in the society. Preservation of the cultural values is crucial for respecting the individual sentiments of the people. This includes the behaviour of the persons in terms of enhancing the cultural diversity or spoiling the culture in which they have received their upbringing. Herein lays the appropriateness of psychology, which determines the mentality of the people towards maintaining the customs and traditions (Matsumoto & Juang, 2016). This paper attempts to produce a literature review regarding the intercultural psychology. As a matter of specification, the focus is on multiculturalism, acculturation, cultural identity and cross-cultural communication. Within this, the aim would be to focus on psychological effects of interculturalism.
Psychology deals with the study of behaviour and mind. As a matter of specification, the feelings, thoughts and emotions of the people are studied. The basic functions of psychologists are exploring the effects of the circumstances on the people and discovering cures. Counselling is the major form of interaction, where ethical approach is crucial in terms of respecting the culture (Leung, Ang & Tan, 2014). Unconscious mind is an important parameter in psychology. Most of the behaviours exposed by the people are under the influence of the unconscious mind. If adequate motivation is provided, the people get the confidence to move on in their life, overcoming the negative psychological challenges. This reflects their physical and mental growth and development.
In some cases, it is seen that people find it difficult to accept the harsh realities of life. In such a case, their psyche is adversely affected. This affectation is an obstacle in the basic performances for survival. Under such circumstances, the humans are in need of therapies and counselling for getting the needed support (Schwarzenthal et al., 2017).
Intercultural or cross-cultural psychology deals with excavation of the behaviours under different and diversified cultural conditions. This excavation is mainly related with the psyche of the individuals. The focus of this psychology is on the extent to which the mental behaviours of the people vary according to the intensity of the situations. In this case, the etic approach is appropriate in terms of studying the behaviour of the people when they are placed amidst the people of other cultures (Triandis, 1999). One of the major applications of intercultural psychology is Hofstede’s dimension of culture. According to Hofstede, cultures can be differentiated according to power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity and individualism-collectivism. One of the other factors was indulgence and restraint, which is directly related with the psychology of the people to mingle with the people with other cultures or restrain from such act. This essay would deal with the impact of intercultural psychology on multiculturalism.
Concept of intercultural psychology
Multiculturalism is the co-existence of people from different ethnic groups in a society. Here, interactions are not an everyday aspect. However, individuals need companion in order to execute the basic activities. Here, interactions are a necessity in terms of adding meaning to the existence of the people. These interactions consist of preservatory measures towards respecting the cultures of the fellow beings in terms of maintaining the cultural diversity (Koester & Lustig, 2015). Maturity and understanding towards respecting the cultures reflects the ability to maintain the psychological balance.
Multiculturalism tends to give rise to conflicts, which destroys the cultural diversity. Delving deep into aspect, multi-culturalism cannot be placed besides conflicts. For example, in a workplace, the employees belong to different socio-cultural background. When they face taunts and mocking from the colleagues of different cultures, they are psychologically affected. This heavily influences the workplace performance. When they are asked to adopt change, the resistance power is strong. This is because they fear the adjustment, which they have to make for adopting foreign culture (Sandage et al., 2015). Here, the psychological effect is high, as mocking contradicts the true essence of multiculturalism.
One of the main components of multiculturalism is acculturation, which reflects the psychological effect of the individuals. Acculturation is defined as the transitions in the psychology, which comes with the cultural changes. The intensity of these transitions brings noticeable changes within the expression of the individuals. These behavioural changes results in the reciprocation of the cultural transitions, which reflects the advancement in civilization. Sociologist Simons consider acculturation as a two way process, as it occurs between people from two different cultures (Liu & Gallois, 2014). From the perspective of group discussion, “two way communication process” mostly generates conflicts. However, this is not the story always. Some people are eager to mingle with the people of other cultures. This eagerness reflects their mentality to mix with many people.
There are two levels of acculturation theory- individual and group level. In the group level, the changes come in the societal structure whereas in the individual level, the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of the people undergo transformations. One of the dimensions of this theory is the consciousness towards preserving the cultural heritage and identity. Preference towards indulging in contact with people of other cultures is one of the other dimensions of this theory (Hui et al., 2015). This preference is a psychological aspect reflecting the socio-cultural background of the people.
Impact of intercultural psychology on multiculturalism
Multiculturalism enhances the identity of the individuals, as their perspectives is enhanced. The individuals form a perception towards their identity according to the culture, customs and traditions in which they have received their upbringing. Herein lays the appropriateness of the relationship between the self and society. The way in which the society perceives the individuals also forms the identity of the individuals. The presence of taunts and mocking in these conceptions fills the individuals with the feelings of negligence, isolation and marginalization. These feelings adversely affect the psyche of the individuals. This affectation makes the existence of the individuals meaningless. This feeling generates negative feeling in the minds of the individuals regarding the existence (Earnest et al., 2016). Herein lays the appropriateness of motivation, which helps the individuals to cope up with the psychological disturbances. Sometimes therapies and counselling proves beneficial in excavating the real self of the individuals, which have been subdued under the influence of psychological disturbances.
Multiculturalism involves the communication between the people of different cultures. Here, psychological affectation is an inevitable issue. Group discussions are the major examples of cross-cultural communication. This is because the group discussions results in the conglomeration of people from different socio-cultural backgrounds. Here, psychology plays an important aspect in terms of mixing with the people from other cultures (Gustafsson, Blanchin & Li, 2016). Eagerness and willingness towards intercultural communication enhances the personality of the individuals. Here, cognitive theory can be brought into the discussion. Mixing with the people from other cultures broadens the horizons of knowledge. Observation is a psychological aspect here, as people tend to learn by observing others. Here, the humans can be grouped into a class. This is in terms of the same fate, search for meaningful existence with consciousness towards preservation of the culture, customs and traditions.
Challenges are part of one’s life. These challenges adversely affect the psychology of the individuals. One of the main challenges is language barrier, which hampers intercultural communication. Communication gaps broaden the distance between the people from different cultures, nullifying the aspect of learning (Bun?ia?u & Strung?, 2016). These gaps fill the minds of the individuals with the feeling of seclusion, which affects the psyche. This affectation entraps the minds of the people, compelling them to face difficulties in executing the basic activities in an efficient and effective manner.
One of the other challenges is the taunts and mocking, which compels the individuals to undergo inferiority complex. This is a psychological disturbance, which aggravates the complexities of the individuals in terms of identity formation. Lack of motivation and encouragement generates the feeling of uselessness within the individuals, which can generate the feeling of self-harm or harm to others (Ellemers, Spears and Doosje, 2002).
Challenges to intercultural psychology
Lack of adequate knowledge about the other cultures is also a challenge in terms of cross-culturalism. In terms of this lack, the intensity of individualism is high as compared to collectivism. The immediate outcome of this is seclusion, which generates depression within the individuals. This is a psychological disorder. Restraining from mixing with the people of other culture is also a challenge. This obstructs the mental growth regarding enhancing the cognitive learning process (Hui et al., 2015).
Rationality in the multiculturalism is effective in terms of dealing with the issues in multiculturalism. Typical example of this is the Data Protection Act (1998), which assists in protecting the individual sentiments of the people from the other cultures. Herein lays the appropriateness of the Conduct Code of Conduct, which regulates the behaviour of the individuals towards catering to the individual sentiments of the people.
Maintenance of culture is vital in terms of adopting an ethical approach. Ethical approach tends to enhance the personality of the individuals. Indulgence in communications with the people from other cultures, enhance the skills, knowledge and expertise of the people. Eagerness and willingness has to be there in these communications for gaining an insight into the culture, customs and traditions of the neighbours. Lack of consciousness in this direction compels the individuals to encounter psychological challenges, which obstructs their mental growth. This lack adds a negative shade to the culture, customers and traditions. Moreover, this lack is also a negation towards cultural diversity, nullifying the aspects of multiculturalism. This nullification, in turn, is a negation towards the relation between the self and the society.
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