Literature Review On Healthcare Networks: Architecture, Recent Developments And Importance Of Security
Literature Review
With the growing use of the network technology in healthcare sector, it is noticed that the industry has been able to grow certain network-based applications in an effective manner. There are different network scenarios which are making use of the wireless, wired and the mobile communication techniques. It helps in providing the effective solutions to properly access the electronic medical records with imaging, and biomedical information and patient accounting [1]. The healthcare systems then combine the tools to a single network-based infrastructure which tends to communicate and collaborate with reduced errors and improved patient car and efficiency.
The report will highlight about the factors related to healthcare network architecture where the discussion will be based on routers, switches, firewalls and the servers. The development is based on the healthcare network and the security which is important for it. The sections help in determining the issues and the threats which are identified through proposing the solutions for security issue.
The architecture and components of healthcare system needs to focus on centralized resource distribution system which aims to be implemented at a national level. The architecture is based on handling the concepts which relates to the Service Oriented Network Architectures. It focus on how one can work on improving of client levels, server farm levels to design the network capabilities into an infrastructure [2]. The architecture of healthcare system includes the server data where the token-based authentication system is needed for implementing the central security with properly accessing the rights to define the user hierarchy. The need is to setup the database of information that could lead to accessing or inserting the data as well. The consideration is about the possibilities which are based on using SUSE Linux Enterprise Service that uses Crypto Server for proper management. The server structure includes Certificate authority where the entity manages the digital certificates throughout the domain [3].
The firewalls are important for the healthcare networks as it helps in handling the traffic and adjusting it in a manner so that it can allow the remote access as per the need. It includes the mobility and virtualization solutions as well. The organization need to work on focusing over the host-based firewalls where there are software appliances on the server to control the network traffic which is coming from a single point. The firewalls can also lead to the problem of productivity delay and the data is missed by the end-user. The healthcare organizations have more than computer and smartphones for accessing the data and so the routers and switches are also important [4]. They are able to manage the wireless infrastructure that helps in keeping the operating cost down and increases the efficiency. The active data center is based on handling the internet links, WAN elements and MPLS which are effectively able to provide the doctors and other employees, complete access from any device.
Recent Development in Healthcare Networks
With the growth of technology, there have been development in healthcare network. Some of them are:
- Healthcare Education: Augmented Reality: This technique has been effectively able to pore over the scans, thereby, trying to make a proper sense with 3D problems on a flat screens. It takes the data from CT and MRI scans and then transforms the 3D holographic images so that it is easy to view and interact the tissues of the patient which are real physical objects. The Medical 3D imaging is not new but there are certain manipulations which have been done it them [4].
- Clinical Patient Access Solutions: The healthcare patients are facing the problem of accessing the results for the scheduled appointments which is mainly due to the complexities between the health systems or the lack. The focus is on the ability to get the ability for the appointment, and the platform on the market helps the providers to work on the high-quality clinic in in a community through use of SMARTWATCH technology from Referral MD.
- Human Head Transplants: They are important with the intention that it can work on the improvement of the system by allowing surgeons to reattach all the nerves and the blood vessels to the new body [5].
The security is important for the healthcare network that will help in protecting the patient information. The argument is about focusing over the cost reduction with satisfying the information through cyber security services. The hackers have been increasingly seen to be hijacking the data of the hospitals and the healthcare facilities in the cyber crime and this does not let one to allow the access of the data till you pay the money. Hence, the third part stakeholders work on handling the increased risks with operations that are set through contractual obligations with third parties. The critical factor is to provide the access to share certain healthcare data [6]. The insecure mobile applications and the emails are another major reason due to which the healthcare sector has to be secured. The apps and email are considered to be competitive with changing healthcare industry and they also tend to present the information security risks. Hence, it is important to focus on protecting the data from breach of security.
The hacking is a major issue where the data is being lost and bringing a major harm to the patients. The medical identity theft can cause the problems like the loss in the insurance coverage, mixing of the details and the medical harms or the false diagnosis. One the data is hacked, then the hackers try to generate the cash by selling access to the identity thieves. The hospitals with the lower levels of security are generally seen to be hacked easily where there are larger amount of personal data that is changed by hackers [7].
There are certain unintended disclosure incidents which are considered to be persistent threat with exposure of organization to greater risks of the regulatory sanctions and the financial penalties. It is seen that there are unintended disclosures which are easily controlled and mitigated than the external threats that are underscored. The healthcare organizations need to be aware of the breach where investigation is about HIPAA compliance that can lead to corrective plans and settlements. The focus is on handling the agreements with workforce education and training and updating the policies and procedures with proper risks management and mitigation plans [7].
It is seen that the employees are considered to be a major threat to the organization at times, where the greediness compels them to do this work. The employee gathers the information to assist the financial crimes like identifying the theft. There are cases where the internal employees are leaving the company and they make use of the remaining access to steal data, delete or then steal the software as well. The malicious insider is of the most difficult person to catch as they know their way around the network and then they also attempt to hide their tracking systems. The threats are not ignoring the potential for the careless employees where there is an accidental deletion or the modification of critical information.
Importance of Security
There is a need to focus on the compliance which require new employees to sign the non-disclosure agreements, thereby, preventing them from any of the intellectual property or the customer data at the time when employee leaves the company [8]. Apart from this, it is important to make sure that their responsibility is to keep the data of company completely confidential. The company needs to be diligent in creating the safeguards and then training of the employees to prevent the unintended disclosures of any confidential information. The careless of the employees can only be limited through the training in handling material and then making use of the monitoring tools. The severity is based on the type of data breach which can be lessened when the company devices are properly encrypted. Hence, the monitoring system will make sure by keeping the keys to ensure the compliance and then manage the employee accounts who have direct access to the sensitive data [9]. The effective monitoring systems tend to allow the tracking and then logging or setting the records for the account activities with creating alerts that will allow for a quicker response for any type of the suspicious activity which has been detected.
It is important for the healthcare network to work on handling the data where the employees also require focusing on handling the risks of data. It is also important that the employees show some loyalty to their work. In addition, the analysis and the monitoring of the data is important for keeping the healthcare network secured.
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