Link Between Strategic Objectives And Team Performance

Task 1

The fundamental aim of strategic management is to generate the capabilities of the business by assuring that the organization has enough skilled, committed and well motivated employees that are required in the business to achieve the competitive advantage of the business. It is the main objective of the business to offer a direction and way in the business environment so that the needs and demand of the business could be met and the individuals and team of the business get successful to meet the common goals, individual goals and collective goal of the business (Robson, 2015). These needs and demand could be evaluated through studying the different department of the business and implement the human resource program in the business.

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team performance management practices contains the accurate hiring (recruitment and selection process), extensive and proper training program, employee and management development policies, performance management process and the incentive pay system of the business. The main goal of the business is to assure that the performance of the business could be improved and the business becomes able to meet the common goal. the strategic objectives of the business defines that what is the main requirement of the business and then it becomes the duty of the management to define that what is required in the business to sharp the improvement in the performance and meet the goal of the business.

HRM department of an organization is among the most crucial department of the business. the main activity of the department is to hire the best people and allot the right people at right place so that it become easier for the employees to get the perfect job and in the perspective of the organization, it becomes easier to get the job done in right time with better efficiency and quality (Schlichting, 2013). The strategies and proper management of the HR policies makes it simple for the business to meet the goal and improve the overall performance level of the business. Team performance of an organization involves the employees and interrelated process of the business which works together to meet the common goal and improve the performance of the company. The commitment and correlation among the team and employees of the business are built by the human resource of the business so that the overall objective of the business could be met.

Development of the business strategies and capabilities of the business through identifying and studying all the level of the business along with emphasise over the team capabilities and the self management is one of the important factors of the business. It enables a supports the business to improve the overall performance and potential of the organization. The performance of a business is directly related to the organizational objectives, strategies and the business and the employees of the business. If all of these factors are working efficiently than it becomes easier for the business to meet the goal and reach over a conclusion. The strategies of the business help the employees and the management to build the trust, enthusiasm and commitment in order to direct the performance of the organization. Fair treatment is done in the organization to each of the employees so that the team performance and the organizational performance of the business could be improved.

Assess the link between strategic objective and team performance

Being a team leader, the main role is to set the expectation, collect the data and offer the feedback to the team member so that their skills could be used in proper way and they could be able to improve their expertise in the business. In order to offer the feedback and set the performance target of the employees, it becomes important to monitor the current process and performance of the employees and offer the new task to them in order to perform it in better way.

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The annual performance evaluation process must be applied in the business. The comparisons among the actual job and expectation must be done so that the performance standards of the employee could be evaluated and the next job is offered to the employee accordingly. The annual performance evaluation in a business improved the structured and periodic communication among the employees and the team leader about the job, process, policies and the activities which should taken place (Radebaugh, Gray and Black, 2006).

Feedback is among the few processes which improve the effective performance and less than desired performance on an organization is corrected. Feedback by the team leader should involve information which highlights and focuses on the relation among the expected work and the accomplished work by the team and the team member. It evaluates the overall performance and the quality of the work (Salas, Cooke and Rosen, 2008).

In order to get organize, the main step of the business is to set the performance measurement team. The measurement team should include the:

  • People who actually do the measurement work
  • people who are enough familiar to the nature of work
  • It is quite important for each of the member of the team to understand the role and the capabilities to accomplish the task.

In order to improve the performance of the business, development planning process must be applied in the business in order to create the experiences for the team members who promote the knowledge and skills related the particular position of the employee such as the professional growth of the employees.

After measuring the performance of each of the employee of the team, it becomes important to offer them new duties and work on the basis of their past performance (Ellis, 2006). The below points must be considered by the team to offer the new work and the duties to the employees:

  • the main focus must be done on the appropriate level and system of internal control
  • maintain a relationship among the outcome and the process measure of the business
  • Develop the measurement criteria to represent the overall performance of the organization.
  • Incorporate the “best practices” and reflect about the management judgement to improve and meet the key element of the business.
  • The value adding criteria would also help the business to meet the common goal of the business (Madura, 2014).

The performance of team could be measured on the basis of various tools. It is required for the business to keep the minimum number of performance measurement tools so that the performance could be measured in better way. Management should focus on the quality rather than the quantity of measurement tools. Below are few team performance tools which could help the management to measure the overall performance:

  • Develop clear and understandable objective to measure the performance so that the understand-ability and objective of performance measure could be met.
  • Consider the total cost of meeting the objective and reach over the next level of improvement.
  • Establish a measure tool which improves the reach over a new and higher level in order to improve the overall performance of the company (Weaver, Weston and Weaver, 2001).
  • Consider to perform a risk evaluation task which would help the business to evaluate the better performance and measurement over the quality of the employees.
  • Consider the weight of performance measurement which is conflicted to each other.

It is the main goal of an organization to hire the high performing individuals and team so that the performance target of the organization could be met easily. The main debate in the organizations are about to create the high performance targets and sustain them for the long time in the business (Guimera, Uzzi, Spiro and Amaral, 2005). The below process must be followed by the business in order to determine the required performance target of the business:

Strategy and HR

It is impossible for the organization to identify when the business has reached on the high performance target because they do not know that how it looks like. in the perspective of an organization, high performance targets are not only limited to the financially sound business but it also evaluated the policies, demands of the product, understanding level and capabilities of the employee in order to deliver the high performance in the business. In the perspective of the employees, the high performance target is to complete the quality job in lesser time period (Lord, 2007).

The leader and managers of the business are required to commit the strong and active commitment and offer the continuous learning in the business which is quite crucial in order to maintain and build the high performance culture and targets in the business. Commitment involves the understanding about the job and gets it done in efficient way. It focuses on the trusting pelvis, people, stakeholders and the human resource department of the business (Bell, 2007).

The current position of the organization makes it bit easier for the managers to decide he vision and strategies of the business. The most effective strategy of the business is to assure the performance and quality of the business. The defining the starting point to the employees is one the strategy to deliver the high performance targets because it made it easier for the people to understand the position and their targets (Madura, 2014).

Once the employees and the managers have agreed on the high performance behaviours of the company than through observing the current state of the business, the targets could be implemented in the business.

Individual always try to understand that how their job helps the business to meet their objectives. The team goals and achievements are directly aligned to the corporate values and the mission. The ground rules for the team and the organizations are set for betterment of both. In case of any conflict, the team uses the support of mission, values and goals to set the criteria and accept the solution of the business.

There are various factors in the business which motivates the individuals to meet their gaols so that the overall performance of the business could be met. The main role is played by the team members and the incentive plans to motivate the people. The understanding about the corporate goal and main mission of the business to employee also motivate them to work hard so that along with the organizational objectives, the individual objective of the business could also be met (Lumby & Jones,.2007).

In order to improve the team commitment, team leaders should come together for different department so that the team mission, values and visions statement could be prepared in order to reflect the team and individual goal along with the organizational goal of the business. This motivates the employees more to motivate and work hard in the corporate to meet the objectives.

Reward is among the most motivated factors for an employee. An employee work hard to get compensation accordingly. If the perfect rewards and monitory benefits would be given to the employee then he would be attracted more and work hard to get and earn more money from the organization. But along with the rewards, the non monitory reward such as promotions, position etc also motives the employee to performance efficiently in the business (Lord, 2007).

HRM goals

Coaching could take carious firms like business coaching, performance coaching and life coaching. The main aim of the coaching is to mentor and counsel the individuals to improve the self awareness, focus towards the goals and do the action which is required to move forward. The main component of the coaching is skill development and psychological development.

Creating coaching culture:

It is important for the business to create a culture which helps the employees to get train to be focuses and meet the common individual goal so that the organisational goal could be met directly. In order to create the culture, leaders and managers have to come together and set an environment where individual get to learn new tactics and activities to improve the individual performance (Kaplan and Norton, 2007).

Developing the skills and knowledge of an on job employee is the main function of H department.  The HR department has to set a schedule which train and coach the employee of the company periodically so that the overall individual and organizational goal of the business could be met.

After setting the culture and assign the duty of training to Hr department, it is also important to set the proper development strategy which is focuses towards the internal process and the employees of the business (Stacey, 2007).

As a team leader, it is important to ensure the performance plan which is created for the team and the members of the team. It is also important to assure that in the performance plan, the involvement of the leader is also higher. The performance plan must ensure that the management performance and the level of leadership are clear which would help the business to develop the new skills. The planning of the performance plan should include:

  • Initial performance plan
  • desired performance level
  • proper direction
  • specific gaols
  • team orientation plan
  • key performance indicators
  • team building goals (Wheelen and Hunger, 2011)

After it, the performance improvement plan is prepared in the business.

Develop the performance improvement plan

After, a performance improvement plan should clearly convey the below things:

  • the actions which must be taken
  • any parties which are required to be add in the action plan
  • Timeframe for achieving the action plan (Choi, Lee and Yoo, 2010)

It is important in the business to evaluate the below factor in order to assess the tools and technology in team performance:

How do we initiate change?

It becomes easier to carry out a job in an efficient way if a proper plan is to be followed. In order to implement the major change, planning and preparation becomes required (Freeman, 2010).

Create a climate in order to change:

How the employees of the business react to the changes influence over the climate of the particular department and the business.

Evaluation on right climate:

The supervisors and leaders have to identify the needs of the employees and set better climate so that the employees could be encouraged to perform their duty efficiently.

Seeking the suggestions:

Managers are required to ask for the suggestions so that the exciting and dynamic culture and climate could be created (Hill, Jones and Schilling, 2014).

Get ready to sell:

After measuring and following all the above steps, it becomes easier for the team leader to implement the changes and improve the team performance.

Implementing the action plan and take the correct action in the business in order to assure that the periodically objectives of the business could be met against the overall objectives of the business. In order to evaluate this, a business could implement various methods such as:

  • appraise the overall performance
  • Reinforce the behaviour
  • Strengthen the motivation
  • Begin the cycle gain to improve the appraisal process
  • MBO rating should be given to employees to identify the performance
  • Categories of performance which includes inadequate performance, distinguished performance, competent performance, provisional performance etc. (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2012)
  • accountability and measurement approached etc,

Perspectives on performance management

On the basis of these factors, the performance is forecasted and evaluated in the business to reach over a conclusion about the overall performance of the business.

In order to meet the overall strategy of the business, it is important for the business to assure that all the below points have been met:

Clear expectation:

The expectation from the team must be clear so that the members do not get confuse among the goals and make efforts to meet the team performance.


It is important for the members to understand that mission of the team is important so that they make efforts and become committed towards the goal of the team (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, 2006).


The employees should know that they have the capabilities and skill on the basis if which team would be able to meet the goal of the business.


Assigned area of responsibility must be assigned to the employees so that they make efforts to meet the mission, vision and the strategic goal of the business (Van Der Vegt and Bunderson, 2005).


The members have enough freedom to communicate their thoughts and ideas to the leader so that the better ideas could be implemented in the business.


Team members must be clear about their task and the priorities, proper feedback must be given to them periodically.


Coordination among the team members must be strong in order to address all the issues of the team and meet the goal of the business.

Along with that, the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model could also be applied in the business to measure the impact of strategy on meeting the goal of the business:

(Srivastava, Bartol and Locke, 2006)

This defines that what the main root of the issues is so that it could be identified in the business and proper treatment is done in order to improve the performance of the individual and team as whole.

This is among the unique approaches of the business which mainly aim to orient the overall performance of the business and improve the future leadership approaches of the business. Being a leader, it becomes important to determine the methodologies and policies which could influence and persuade the individuals and the stakeholders of the business. Below are few methodologies for the essential parties and members of the business (Espinosa, Slaughter, Kraut and Herbsleb, 2007).

In order to manage the position of the stakeholders in the team, it is important for the team members to have enough skills, values and knowledge. The main aim of the business must be “right skills, right job, right place” which would help the team to meet the objectives and along with the team, the stakeholders would also be able to meet their expectations. The team must be enough committed towards their work so that the stakeholders could feel attracted towards the business and the overall aim of the business could be met. The employees of the business must also be committed enough towards their work. The commitment and correlation among the team and employees of the business are built by the human resource of the business so that the overall objective of the business could be met.

Evaluate the tools and techniques to set the performance targets

Reward is among the most motivated factors for an employee. An employee work hard to get compensation accordingly. If the perfect rewards and monitory benefits would be given to the employee then he would be attracted more and work hard to get and earn more money from the organization. But along with the rewards, the non monitory reward such as promotions, position etc also motives the employee to performance efficiently in the business (Reader, Flin, Mearns and Cuthbertson, 2009).

Delegation and empowerment is among the main steps of a team. After deciding all the strategies, it is also important to set the proper development strategy which is focuses towards the internal process and the employees of the business.

Crafting strategy explains that the main area of the business in individual behaviour, group behaviour, organizational process and the organizational structure. if all of these have been studied properly in the business than it becomes important for the business to apply them in the business and set better strategies in the business to important for the job satisfaction and the motivation among the team members (Schaubroeck, Lam and Cha, 2007).

The stakeholders are the main parties which have direct or indirect influence in the business. It is also required for the stakeholders to be enough committed in the business so that the better strategies could be created and it help the team to meet the common goal of the business (Rummler and Brache, 2012).

Group of individual comes together to meet the common goal of the business, so it is important for the leaders and managers to take the consent from all the parties to meet the goal of the business and improve the overall performance of the business.


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