Lessons Learned And Negative Effects Of Ghostwriting

The Interview Experience and Lessons Learned

Discuss about the Plagiarism and Ghostwriting Internship.

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I once faced a number of problems in an interview and learned a lot of lessons as well. It was in January 2017 when I was called for a summer internship which I had applied in one of a prestige company dealing with manufacturing and distributions of office equipment. It was my dream job to be working as an Assistant Administrator. I was punctual on the interview day. I arrived earlier than anyone. Other invited interviewees arrived thirty minutes later.

Finally, the session for our interview started and we handled over our resumes. It followed that we were to be interviewed one by one. I entered the interview room with confidence and greeted the interviewers. All went well as usual by illustrating more about myself till they formulated real-life scenario questions regarding handling complaints. I started trembling as they asked me to produce a handwritten complaint letter to the power company in case of loss of electricity and customer’s needs delayed. I was confused. I remember I lost my focus, concentration and the theme. I held a pen without writing nor speaking. The last thing I heard them saying is that the interview is over and we will contact you later for more information the following week. I just walked out ashamed, shocked and silent. I deeply knew I had failed for that interview.

  1. 1. I came to note that it better to have some background information by finding out about the company before the interview (Henry, 2015).
  2. It is mandatory to prepare your questions in advance that enables you to appear ready, full of enthusiasm and commitment.
  3. It is essential to practice your interview techniques in order to play your cards well.
  4. 4. It is crucial to plan your journey well and aim to avoid time wastage.
  5. It is critical to be focused so as to effectively concentrate on the interview and avoid by all means to be preoccupied with other destructive things.
  1. Each one of us should practice eating a healthy breakfast in order to boost you with enough energy during the interview process (Roberts et al, 2014).
  2. Practice to stay calm and confident in order to maintain the focus
  3. Ensure that you make printouts of your important documents such as your resume and other academic and non-academic qualifications to avoid embarrassing yourself.
  4. The dressing for the interview should be according to the instructions given or appropriately in official wear if otherwise stated. One should maintain a high level of professionalism in dressing (Roberts et al, 2014).
  5. 11. Wait professionally without checking social media websites
  6. Present a personable professional who is guided by ethics, integrity, and courtesy if and when the interviewer meets you on a one to one level (Henry, 2015).

Ghostwriting seems to work perfectly well for students who do not want to complete their assignments by themselves (Knapp & Hulbert, 2017). Some of the friends at Central Queensland University have been paying ghostwriters to do their assignments. This habit has a lot of negative effects to the students and the society in general, most of which will be experienced in the future such as having incompetent workers who will be charged with technical issues such as treating the sick and teaching the future generations. There will be a reduction in quality in the fields where people who sought ghostwriters to do their assignments for them since their skills are likely to be poorly-developed following wrong assessments caused by the hiring of writers.

The professional development of most of the friends who seek the services of ghostwriters is poor since they can always pass their exams regardless of whether or not they have learned the concepts outlined in a particular module (Singh & Remenyi, 2016). Hiring writes provides a room for failure to revisit issues that were poorly-understood or were not understood at all. The consequence of this incompetence leads to problems in the future such as the receiving of poor services by the society and the lack of professional satisfaction by the workers who cheated their way into the positions that they hold. The reduction in the number of competent workers will lead to lower standards of living. All sectors would go down in this case and the long-term effect of this would be the influx of expatriates into our country at the expense of our local professionals. The workers who lack some or all of the required skills are also likely to engage in more dishonest methods in rendering the services entrusted to them.

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Ghostwriting and Its Negative Effects on Professional Development

It is my responsibility to protect my friends from the poor professional development that they are subjecting themselves to and the general society as well. I have to find a creative way of ensuring that I do not hurt them and that I bring the habit of hiring ghostwriters to an end. I would rather lose my friends but protect them from harming their careers and lowering the standards of living in our great country. I will talk to them about the dangers of dishonest achievements and the consequences that they stand to face should they become successful by cheating such as by the use of ghostwriters. I will help them come up with effective methods of study that will enable them to perform well in their careers and this is expected to boost their grasping of concepts and the confidence to take exams honestly. I will only report the matter to the lecturer if they do not stop the habit.

The unit has been a success and I have learned a lot of lessons that I will apply in my life. I have found the approaches to interpersonal communication to be very useful and have a wide application in my life. I have understood how to deal with people with different personalities in negotiating and solving conflicts. The art of maintaining a good relationship after negotiations and the need to effectively solve disputes are some of the most valuable lessons that I have adopted and I have gotten a lot of benefits from them as well. Initially, I had problems listening to instructions but now I have learned how to effectively take part in talks and understand the message passed by a particular speaker and this has made me to enjoy talks more and to learn new principles in various aspects of life. The lessons on reading for meaning have enabled me to perform better in my examinations since I have been able to distinguish the main points for the supporting information and I have helped a  few of my friends to improve in their studies too.

Cooperative development is also another important lesson that I have learned. The importance of harnessing all the skills and abilities of the people that I relate with at a personal and professional level is very vital in professional development. I have learned the art of using the strengths possessed by members of my team to yield results that benefit all the members of the society. I have also found out that individual weaknesses can always be reinforced by the strengths of other members of the team. The use of appropriate language and effective communication are also some other crucial aspects of a successful social and professional journey. I have learned how to create and deliver presentations. I was initially nervous every time I had to pass a message to an audience but this course has helped me to overcome the fear and become a good speaker as a consequence.

Honesty is one of the lessons that I have found most important from the lesson on ethics. Ethics have proven to be the basis of a life characterized by perfect systems where the standards of living are as high as they should be (Singh & Remenyi, 2016). Lack of ethics and unprofessionalism leads to low-quality services that lead to the decline of the societal standards of living. The Australian workplaces have proven to rely heavily on the lessons that I have learned in this course and the experience that I have acquired will surely be very helpful in my future career life. The course has taught me the code of ethics and shown me their significance and the way to stick to them religiously. ICT has also proven to boost efficiency and effectiveness at workplaces. The organization of data and the speed at which data is processed with the use of ICT has rendered the emulation of information technology absolutely necessary in all organizations. Emerging technologies, however, need to be approached with care and applied with careful assessment of the cost and benefits that come along with their emulation.


Henry, A. (2015). The dynamics of L3 motivation: A longitudinal interview/observation-based study. Motivational dynamics in language learning, 315-342.

Knapp, J. C., & Hulbert, A. M. (2017). Academic Dishonesty. In Ghostwriting and the Ethics of Authenticity (pp. 85-105). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Roberts, C., Clark, T., Burgess, A., Frommer, M., Grant, M., & Mossman, K. (2014). The validity of a behavioural multiple-mini-interview within an assessment centre for selection into specialty training. BMC medical education, 14(1), 169.

Singh, S., & Remenyi, D. (2016). Plagiarism and ghostwriting: The rise in academic misconduct. South African Journal of Science, 112(5-6), 1-7.

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