Legal Issues In Information Security: Understanding The Laws And Regulations

Project Overview

Usage of digital platform for transaction of information has been increasing in a very fast rate. With the increase in usage of the digital platform the main issue that is present is data breaching. This leads to the fact that the management of the data security needs to be performed in a better manner. This report will discuss about the legal issues that are present in the course of management of the framework of the information security. Laws and regulations that are set will help in protecting the data base from the imposters. This report will also provide literature review regarding the processing of the system. This report will also provide the purpose for which the project must be performed. This report also provides methodology in the completion of the project. Performance of Sampling of the entire scenario will be performed. Measure and data analytic plan will also be performed in this report     

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Aim of the project: Aim of the project is to understand the legal issues that are present in the completion of the information security. This is the main reason that the completion of the project will get performed in better manner. Understanding the laws that are present in the commencing of the security related issues is one of the main aim of this research.

H1 : Laws that are set up by the government regarding information security are helpful

H0 : Legal issues are present in the laws that are set up by the government regarding information security

According to Pullin (2015), Cyber laws that are being formulated are still in the initial stages. With a drastic rate of change in technology, laws and legislations has not been improving in the similar rate. This leads to issues that cause problems in investigation. This problem in investigation of the information security leads to the fact that the glitches in the framework of the information system stays. The framework that is used or the detection of cybercrime is dependent on the investigation, collection of roper information and the providing evidence. This is considered to be one of the main reason that the CISSP certified officers are considered to be very knowledgeable regarding the issues that are present in the commencement of the information security issues.

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Again according to Nakamura (2017), there are several laws that are undertaken in the processing of the understanding of the entire system. Transborder has laws that are concerned with the internal and external flow of data. This diversification of the management of the security system includes the aspect that the security of information stays protected and the data that are stored in the data be stays protected from the imposters. Implementation of the computer fraud and abuse act, computer security act 1989 helps in protecting the data that are stored in the data base of the business Enterprise. In the year 1990, federal sentencing guidelines were discussed and tis led to the fact that the overall framework of the security system got better.

Justification of the Hypothesis

According to Hairston (2017), privacy has been acting as one of the major issue that has been gaining importance in today’s society. Many organizations has been selling their own personal data in order to collect revenue. Tis ensures he fact that the data that are transacted are not private in nature but in case data breaching is done the main dis advantage that is present is that the data are transacted without proper knowledge of the business organization and data that are private in nature are also transacted. This s the main reason that the proficiency of the project gets hampered. United States legal institution has come up with a law stating that any kind of information that is related to their client base will be acting to be an offensive crime ad this will lead to punishment of an individual. The only way of exposing the personal data is when the client himself agrees to validate the law is ready to exploit their own data. This legal glitch has been acting as a major flaw in the legislation section. In case the imposters want to get access to their personal data they can get into the account of the client in an unauthentic manner and provide the license to the business organization and the business organization will be bound to reveal the personal data of that individual. This affects the main processing of the information security system.

According to Eadie, McLernon & Patton (2015), data regarding health issues also gets distributed without the want of the patients. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 states that any information regarding the insurance and health issue of a patient must not get disclosed in any circumstances. In case of disclosing of this law, a minimum of 10 years of jail or a fine of $250,000 will be imposed. Despite all the strictness the main issue that it has is that in case the patient forgets the password of their portal, t will be impossible for them to fetch their own data until they complete a complex process. This is one of the main reason that the projection of management of the project gets performed in a negative manner. In case the patient could not provide proper data it gets difficult for the doctors to understand their case history and this affects the treatment procedure.

According to Cherry & Jacob (2016), Electronic communication privacy act 1986, the main information that was posted on the website of the parliament included the fact that the communication plan that was included in the legislation must be followed. In case the methodologies are not followed in a proper manner penalty will get imposed to the offender of law. This law states that every data that is of global interest must be having a backup or copy that needs to be produced in order to get the better circumstance. The aspect of keeping backup has been acting beneficial. Despite the advantage that is provided by the business organizations, the main issue that is present includes the fact that the imposters gain access to the data that are kept as back up. In case the imposters gain access to the data that are stored in the data base, they can distort the data that are stored in the data base of the organization     

Supporting evidence: Literature Review

Main purpose of the report is to understand the legal issues that are present in the commencing of the information security. This research also discusses about the laws and regulations that are used in regular day to day information security purpose. This research will help to understand the techniques that must be implemented in order to understand the ways that will be required for keeping the business enterprise protected from the legal barriers. This report will also help in understanding the loopholes that are present in business organizations.

The methodology used in this research is mixed methodology. This research has been performed with the help of the quantitative research methodology as well as analytic research methodology. In case of the quantitative research is made the man concern that is taken into consideration is that the authenticated literary article is taken for research regarding information security. After researching the topic that are present in the projection of the management of the system. In case the research is performed with proper system management, the main advantage that is present in the commencement of the project the data that are received are much efficient in nature. In case the projecting of the research is performed with higher efficiency, the data that are generated are accurate in nature. For programing the quantitative analysis, scholarly articles are chosen that will help in initiating the study process. This is a sole reason that the management of the entire project is dependent on the quantitative research methodology regarding information security. After the analysis of the data that are generated with the help of the quantitative method, the main advantage that is enjoyed with this methodology is that the after generation data this data can be used for the projection of other methodologies as well. Other methodologies includes the terminology of analytic research methodology regarding information security. This incurs the aspect that the data that are generated will help in analyzing of the data that are already generated. With the help of the generation of the data that are gained by the analysis pf the quantitative data helps in better understanding of the entire project. Sampling is also done in this research report. Sampling provides a better understanding of the data that can be received as per the mass. With the implementation of the Sampling technology the annual data can be estimated for better understanding of system regarding information security. In case the system that is present will incur the fact that the commencement of the project will be performed with the help of the proper analysis of the data that are generated by the sampling of the entire mass. With the help of the prosecution of management of the project regarding information security.

With the help of the sampling deciding of the sample size is very important. The main aspect that is taken into consideration includes better understanding of the sample size. With an increase in sample size the main instance that is taken into consideration is that the result that is generated can be used for analysis of data. With the help of the data that is collected after performing of Sampling, the main instance that is taken into consideration includes the aspect that the information regarding total population is not required. The man disadvantage of this is that the entire amount of mass is not taken into consideration. In this case a total number of population that is taken into consideration is 50. After deciding the sample population the survey is conducted. After completing the survey, the data that will be generated will help in estimating the outcome of the project. After completion of the sample system the outcome that is received, the main advantage that is received includes the fact that the output might act as an advantage for the completion of the project.

Purpose of the report

The process that has been used in the selection of data collection method of sampling is as follows: –

  1. Identifying the population
  2. Specifying the sample frame
  3. Specifying a sample method
  4. Determining the size of the sample
  5. Implementation of the plan that was created

Proper investigation of the mass is required for better understanding of the process. In case the projection of the data management is done as per the requirement of the project it can be stated that the data that are estimated will be providing efficiency in management of the entire system. In case the process is performed with higher efficiency of data collection, completion of the project will get easier

Regression analysis can be used for better data analysis. With the help of regression analysis we can estimate the change that one variable will be having in case another variable s changed. This helps in understanding the fact that commencement of the project will be performed with highest efficiency

Usage of the hypothesis testing is also a technique that can be used in an efficient manner in order to complete the business management as the hypothesis that are stated will get compared and this will ensure the fact better analysis of the data will be provided


From the above report it can be concluded that the main barrier that is present in the completion of the projects in IT security is the International laws. The fact that the transaction is made globally so it is obvious that the processing laws that are established world-wide will be implemented in the project. This implementation of the international laws are treated as the main hindrance in the management of the project. This is considered to be one of the main issue in the completion of the projects. In case a laws that is present in one country might not be applicable for the product of other country. In case the implementation of the laws that are internationally acclaimed varies this affects the functioning of the project this is considered to be one of the main reason that the innovation that are legit to be introduced gets banned and this acts to be one of the main reason that the implementation of the international law acts as a main issue in the commencement of the projects in IT organizations. With days passing by the business enterprises have been focusing more in the framework of the digital platform. Despite the fact that increasing robustness of the digital platform does not yield direct profit but still improvement are brought in.


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